/* The "restart" API request. * * Author: Steffen Vogel <post@steffenvogel.de> * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include <villas/api/request.hpp> #include <villas/api/response.hpp> #include <villas/api/session.hpp> #include <villas/log.hpp> #include <villas/node/exceptions.hpp> #include <villas/super_node.hpp> #include <villas/utils.hpp> namespace villas { namespace node { namespace api { class RestartRequest : public Request { protected: static std::string configUri; static void handler() { int ret; const char *cfg = !configUri.empty() ? configUri.c_str() : nullptr; const char *argv[] = {"villas-node", cfg, nullptr}; Logger logger = logging.get("api:restart"); if (cfg) logger->info("Restarting instance: config={}", cfg); else logger->info("Restarting instance"); ret = execvp("/proc/self/exe", (char **)argv); if (ret) throw SystemError("Failed to restart"); } public: using Request::Request; virtual Response *execute() { int ret; json_error_t err; if (method != Session::Method::POST) throw InvalidMethod(this); json_t *json_config = nullptr; if (body) { ret = json_unpack_ex(body, &err, 0, "{ s?: o }", "config", &json_config); if (ret < 0) throw BadRequest("Failed to parse request body"); } if (json_config) { if (json_is_string(json_config)) configUri = json_string_value(json_config); else if (json_is_object(json_config)) { char configUriBuf[] = "villas-node.json.XXXXXX"; int configFd = mkstemp(configUriBuf); FILE *configFile = fdopen(configFd, "w+"); ret = json_dumpf(json_config, configFile, JSON_INDENT(4)); if (ret < 0) throw Error(HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Failed to create temporary config file"); fclose(configFile); configUri = configUriBuf; } else if (json_config != nullptr) throw BadRequest("Parameter 'config' must be either a URL (string) or " "a configuration (object)"); } else // If no config is provided via request, we will use the previous one configUri = session->getSuperNode()->getConfigPath(); logger->info("Restarting to {}", configUri); // Increment API restart counter char *scnt = getenv("VILLAS_API_RESTART_COUNT"); int cnt = scnt ? atoi(scnt) : 0; char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", cnt + 1); // We pass some env variables to the new process setenv("VILLAS_API_RESTART_COUNT", buf, 1); auto *json_response = json_pack( "{ s: i, s: o }", "restarts", cnt, "config", configUri.empty() ? json_null() : json_string(configUri.c_str())); // Register exit handler ret = atexit(handler); if (ret) throw Error(HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Failed to restart VILLASnode instance"); // Properly terminate current instance utils::killme(SIGTERM); return new JsonResponse(session, HTTP_STATUS_OK, json_response); } }; std::string RestartRequest::configUri; // Register API request static char n[] = "restart"; static char r[] = "/restart"; static char d[] = "Restart VILLASnode with new configuration"; static RequestPlugin<RestartRequest, n, r, d> p; } // namespace api } // namespace node } // namespace villas