/** Message related functions. * * @author Steffen Vogel * @copyright 2014-2016, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * This file is part of S2SS. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and confidential. * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. *********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #ifdef __linux__ #include #elif defined(__PPC__) /* Xilinx toolchain */ #include #define bswap_16(x) Xil_EndianSwap16(x) #define bswap_32(x) Xil_EndianSwap32(x) #endif #include "msg.h" #include "node.h" #include "utils.h" struct msg * msg_create(size_t values) { struct msg m = { .version = MSG_VERSION, .type = MSG_TYPE_DATA, .endian = MSG_ENDIAN_HOST, .values = values, .sequence = 0, .rsvd1 = 0, .rsvd2 = 0 }; return memdup(&m, sizeof(struct msg) + sizeof(float) * values); } void msg_destroy(struct msg *m) { free(m); } void msg_swap(struct msg *m) { m->values = bswap_16(m->values); m->sequence = bswap_32(m->sequence); m->ts.sec = bswap_32(m->ts.sec); m->ts.nsec = bswap_32(m->ts.nsec); for (int i = 0; i < m->values; i++) m->data[i].i = bswap_32(m->data[i].i); m->endian ^= 1; } int msg_verify(struct msg *m) { if (m->version != MSG_VERSION) return -1; else if (m->type != MSG_TYPE_DATA) return -2; else if ((m->rsvd1 != 0) || (m->rsvd2 != 0)) return -3; else return 0; } int msg_print(char *buf, size_t len, struct msg *m, int flags, double offset) { size_t off = snprintf(buf, len, "%u", m->ts.sec); if (flags & MSG_PRINT_NANOSECONDS) off += snprintf(buf + off, len - off, ".%09u", m->ts.nsec); if (flags & MSG_PRINT_OFFSET) off += snprintf(buf + off, len - off, "%+g", offset); if (flags & MSG_PRINT_SEQUENCE) off += snprintf(buf + off, len - off, "(%u)", m->sequence); if (flags & MSG_PRINT_VALUES) { for (int i = 0; i < m->values; i++) off += snprintf(buf + off, len - off, "\t%.6f", m->data[i].f); } off += snprintf(buf + off, len - off, "\n"); return off + 1; /* trailing '\0' */ } int msg_scan(const char *line, struct msg *m, int *fl, double *off) { char *end; const char *ptr = line; int flags = 0; double offset; m->version = MSG_VERSION; m->endian = MSG_ENDIAN_HOST; m->rsvd1 = m->rsvd2 = 0; /* Format: Seconds.NanoSeconds+Offset(SequenceNumber) Value1 Value2 ... * RegEx: (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)([-+]\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)?(?:\((\d+)\))? * * Please note that only the seconds and at least one value are mandatory */ /* Mandatory: seconds */ m->ts.sec = (uint32_t) strtoul(ptr, &end, 10); if (ptr == end) return -2; /* Optional: nano seconds */ if (*end == '.') { ptr = end + 1; m->ts.nsec = (uint32_t) strtoul(ptr, &end, 10); if (ptr != end) flags |= MSG_PRINT_NANOSECONDS; else return -3; } else m->ts.nsec = 0; /* Optional: offset / delay */ if (*end == '+' || *end == '-') { ptr = end + 1; offset = strtof(ptr, &end); /* offset is ignored for now */ if (ptr != end) flags |= MSG_PRINT_OFFSET; else return -4; } /* Optional: sequence number */ if (*end == '(') { ptr = end + 1; m->sequence = (uint16_t) strtoul(ptr, &end, 10); if (ptr != end && *end == ')') flags |= MSG_PRINT_SEQUENCE; else return -5; end = end + 1; } else m->sequence = 0; for (m->values = 0, ptr = end; ; m->values++, ptr = end) { /** @todo We only support floating point values at the moment */ m->data[m->values].f = strtod(ptr, &end); if (end == ptr) /* there are no valid FP values anymore */ break; } if (m->values > 0) flags |= MSG_PRINT_VALUES; if (fl) *fl = flags; if (off && (flags & MSG_PRINT_OFFSET)) *off = offset; return m->values; } int msg_fprint(FILE *f, struct msg *m, int flags, double offset) { char line[4096]; int len = msg_print(line, sizeof(line), m, flags, offset); fputs(line, f); return len; } int msg_fscan(FILE *f, struct msg *m, int *fl, double *off) { char *ptr, line[4096]; skip: if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f) == NULL) return -1; /* An error occured */ /* Skip whitespaces, empty and comment lines */ for (ptr = line; isspace(*ptr); ptr++); if (*ptr == '\0' || *ptr == '#') goto skip; return msg_scan(line, m, fl, off); }