S2SS is a client/server application based on UDP/IP to connect simulation equipment/software such as: - OPAL-RT, - RTDS, - Simulink, - LabView, - custom made equipment, - and FPGA models. It's designed with focus on very low latency to achieve almost realtime communication. S2SS is used in distributed- and co-simulation scenarios and developed for the field of power grid simulation at the EON Energy Research Centre in Aachen, Germany. ## Overview The project consists of a server and several client applications. Both server-to-server and direct client-to-client communication is possible. All communication links use the same message protocol to exchange their measurement values. ### Server For optimal performance the server is implemented in lowlevel C and makes use of several Linux-specific realtime features. ### Clients ## Contact This project is developed at the [Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems](www.acs.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de) (ACS) at the EON Energy Research Center (EONERC) at the [RWTH University](http://www.rwth-aachen.de) in Aachen. - Steffen Vogel - Marija Stevic