/// Protobuf schema based on msg_format.h
/// @file
/// Author: Steffen Vogel <post@steffenvogel.de>
/// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University
/// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

syntax = "proto2";

package villas.node;

message Message {
  repeated Sample samples = 1;

message Sample {
  enum Type {
    DATA = 1;				            // Message contains float / integer data values
    START = 2;			            // Message marks the beginning of a new simulation case
    STOP = 3;				            // Message marks the end of a simulation case

  required Type type = 1 [default = DATA];
  optional uint64 sequence = 2; // The sequence number is incremented for consecutive samples.
  optional Timestamp ts_origin = 3;
  optional Timestamp ts_received = 4;
  optional bool new_frame = 5;
  repeated Value values = 100;

message Timestamp {
  required uint32 sec = 1;		  // Seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
  required uint32 nsec = 2;		  // Nanoseconds of the current second.

message Value {
  oneof value {
    double f = 1;				        // Floating point values.
    int64 i = 2;				        // Integer values.
    bool b = 3;				          // Boolean values.
    Complex z = 4;			        // Complex values.

message Complex {
  required float real = 1;		  // Real component
  required float imag = 2;		  // Imaginary component