/* Node-type: CAN bus.
 * Author: Niklas Eiling <niklas.eiling@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de>
 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <net/if.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#include <linux/can.h>
#include <linux/can/raw.h>
#include <linux/sockios.h>

#include <villas/exceptions.hpp>
#include <villas/node_compat.hpp>
#include <villas/nodes/can.hpp>
#include <villas/sample.hpp>
#include <villas/signal.hpp>
#include <villas/utils.hpp>

using namespace villas;
using namespace villas::node;
using namespace villas::utils;

// Forward declarations
static NodeCompatType p;

int villas::node::can_init(NodeCompat *n) {
  auto *c = n->getData<struct can>();

  c->interface_name = nullptr;
  c->socket = 0;
  c->sample_buf = nullptr;
  c->sample_buf_num = 0;
  c->in = nullptr;
  c->out = nullptr;

  return 0;

int villas::node::can_destroy(NodeCompat *n) {
  auto *c = n->getData<struct can>();

  if (c->socket != 0)


  if (c->in)

  if (c->out)

  return 0;

static int can_parse_signal(json_t *json, SignalList::Ptr node_signals,
                            struct can_signal *can_signals,
                            size_t signal_index) {
  const char *name = nullptr;
  uint64_t can_id = 0;
  int can_size = 8;
  int can_offset = 0;
  int ret = 1;
  json_error_t err;

  ret = json_unpack_ex(json, &err, 0, "{ s?: s, s?: i, s?: i, s?: i }", "name",
                       &name, "can_id", &can_id, "can_size", &can_size,
                       "can_offset", &can_offset);
  if (ret)
    throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-node-can-signals");

  if (can_size > 8 || can_size <= 0)
    throw ConfigError(json, "node-config-node-can-can-size",
                      "can_size of {} for signal '{}' is invalid. You must "
                      "satisfy 0 < can_size <= 8.",
                      can_size, name);

  if (can_offset > 8 || can_offset < 0)
    throw ConfigError(json, "node-config-node-can-can-offset",
                      "can_offset of {} for signal '{}' is invalid. You must "
                      "satisfy 0 <= can_offset <= 8.",
                      can_offset, name);

  auto sig = node_signals->getByIndex(signal_index);
  if ((!name && sig->name.empty()) || (name && sig->name == name)) {
    can_signals[signal_index].id = can_id;
    can_signals[signal_index].size = can_size;
    can_signals[signal_index].offset = can_offset;
    ret = 0;
    goto out;
  } else
    throw ConfigError(json, "node-config-node-can-signa;s",
                      "Signal configuration inconsistency detected: Signal "
                      "with index {} '{}' does not match can_signal '{}'",
                      signal_index, sig->name, name);

  return ret;

int villas::node::can_parse(NodeCompat *n, json_t *json) {
  int ret = 1;
  auto *c = n->getData<struct can>();
  size_t i;
  json_t *json_in_signals;
  json_t *json_out_signals;
  json_t *json_signal;
  json_error_t err;

  c->in = nullptr;
  c->out = nullptr;

  ret = json_unpack_ex(json, &err, 0, "{ s: s, s?: { s?: o }, s?: { s?: o } }",
                       "interface_name", &c->interface_name, "in", "signals",
                       &json_in_signals, "out", "signals", &json_out_signals);
  if (ret)
    throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-node-can");

  c->in = (struct can_signal *)calloc(json_array_size(json_in_signals),
                                      sizeof(struct can_signal));
  if (!c->in)
    throw MemoryAllocationError();

  c->out = (struct can_signal *)calloc(json_array_size(json_out_signals),
                                       sizeof(struct can_signal));
  if (!c->out)
    throw MemoryAllocationError();

  json_array_foreach(json_in_signals, i, json_signal) {
    ret = can_parse_signal(json_signal, n->in.signals, c->in, i);
    if (ret)
      throw RuntimeError("at signal {}.", i);

  json_array_foreach(json_out_signals, i, json_signal) {
    ret = can_parse_signal(json_signal, n->out.signals, c->out, i);
    if (ret)
      throw RuntimeError("at signal {}.", i);

  ret = 0;

  return ret;

char *villas::node::can_print(NodeCompat *n) {
  auto *c = n->getData<struct can>();

  return strf("interface_name={}", c->interface_name);

int villas::node::can_check(NodeCompat *n) {
  auto *c = n->getData<struct can>();

  if (c->interface_name == nullptr || strlen(c->interface_name) == 0)
    throw RuntimeError(
        "Empty interface_name. Please specify the name of the CAN interface!");

  return 0;

int villas::node::can_prepare(NodeCompat *n) {
  auto *c = n->getData<struct can>();

  c->sample_buf = (union SignalData *)calloc(n->getInputSignals(false)->size(),
                                             sizeof(union SignalData));

  return (c->sample_buf != 0 ? 0 : 1);

int villas::node::can_start(NodeCompat *n) {
  int ret = 1;
  struct sockaddr_can addr = {0};
  struct ifreq ifr;

  auto *c = n->getData<struct can>();
  c->start_time = time_now();

  c->socket = socket(PF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW);
  if (c->socket < 0)
    throw SystemError("Error while opening CAN socket");

  strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, c->interface_name);

  ret = ioctl(c->socket, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr);
  if (ret != 0)
    throw SystemError("Could not find interface with name '{}'.",

  addr.can_family = AF_CAN;
  addr.can_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;

  ret = bind(c->socket, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr));
  if (ret < 0)
    throw SystemError("Could not bind to interface with name '{}' ({}).",
                      c->interface_name, ifr.ifr_ifindex);

  return 0;

int villas::node::can_stop(NodeCompat *n) {
  auto *c = n->getData<struct can>();

  if (c->socket != 0) {
    c->socket = 0;

  return 0;

static int can_convert_to_raw(const union SignalData *sig,
                              const Signal::Ptr from, void *to, int size) {
  if (size <= 0 || size > 8)
    throw RuntimeError("Signal size cannot be larger than 8!");

  switch (from->type) {
  case SignalType::BOOLEAN:
    *(uint8_t *)to = sig->b;
    return 0;

  case SignalType::INTEGER:
    switch (size) {
    case 1:
      *(int8_t *)to = (int8_t)sig->i;
      return 0;

    case 2:
      *(int16_t *)to = (int16_t)sig->i;
      return 0;

    case 3:
      *(int16_t *)to = (int16_t)sig->i;
      *((int8_t *)to + 2) = (int8_t)(sig->i >> 16);
      return 0;

    case 4:
      *(int32_t *)to = (int32_t)sig->i;
      return 0;

    case 8:
      *(int64_t *)to = sig->i;
      return 0;

      goto fail;
  case SignalType::FLOAT:
    switch (size) {
    case 4:
      assert(sizeof(float) == 4);
      *(float *)to = (float)sig->f;
      return 0;

    case 8:
      *(double *)to = sig->f;
      return 0;

      goto fail;
  case SignalType::COMPLEX:
    if (size != 8)
      goto fail;

    *(float *)to = sig->z.real();
    *((float *)to + 1) = sig->z.imag();
    return 0;

    goto fail;

  throw RuntimeError("Unsupported conversion to {} from raw ({}, {})",
                     signalTypeToString(from->type), to, size);

  return 1;

static int can_conv_from_raw(union SignalData *sig, void *from, int size,
                             Signal::Ptr to) {
  if (size <= 0 || size > 8)
    throw RuntimeError("Signal size cannot be larger than 8!");

  switch (to->type) {
  case SignalType::BOOLEAN:
    sig->b = (bool)*(uint8_t *)from;
    return 0;
  case SignalType::INTEGER:
    switch (size) {
    case 1:
      sig->i = (int64_t) * (int8_t *)from;
      return 0;

    case 2:
      sig->i = (int64_t) * (int16_t *)from;
      return 0;

    case 3:
      sig->i = (int64_t) * (int16_t *)from;
      sig->i += ((int64_t) * ((int8_t *)(from) + 2)) << 16;
      return 0;

    case 4:
      sig->i = (int64_t) * (int32_t *)from;
      return 0;

    case 8:
      sig->i = *(uint64_t *)from;
      return 0;

      goto fail;
  case SignalType::FLOAT:
    switch (size) {
    case 4:
      assert(sizeof(float) == 4);
      sig->f = (double)*(float *)from;
      return 0;

    case 8:
      sig->f = *(double *)from;
      return 0;

      goto fail;
  case SignalType::COMPLEX:
    if (size != 8)
      goto fail;

    sig->z = std::complex<float>(*(float *)from, *((float *)from + 1));
    return 0;

    goto fail;
  throw RuntimeError("Unsupported conversion from {} to raw ({}, {})",
                     signalTypeToString(to->type), from, size);

  return 1;

int villas::node::can_read(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[],
                           unsigned cnt) {
  int ret = 0;
  int nbytes;
  unsigned nread = 0;
  struct can_frame frame;
  struct timeval tv;
  bool found_id = false;

  auto *c = n->getData<struct can>();

  assert(cnt >= 1 && smps[0]->capacity >= 1);

  nbytes = read(c->socket, &frame, sizeof(struct can_frame));
  if (nbytes == -1)
    throw RuntimeError("CAN read() returned -1. Is the CAN interface up?");

  if ((unsigned)nbytes != sizeof(struct can_frame))
    throw RuntimeError("CAN read() error. Returned {} bytes but expected {}",
                       nbytes, sizeof(struct can_frame));

  n->logger->debug("Received can message: (id={}, len={}, data={:#x}:{:#x})",
                   frame.can_id, frame.can_dlc, ((uint32_t *)&frame.data)[0],
                   ((uint32_t *)&frame.data)[1]);

  if (ioctl(c->socket, SIOCGSTAMP, &tv) == 0) {
    TIMEVAL_TO_TIMESPEC(&tv, &smps[nread]->ts.received);
    smps[nread]->flags |= (int)SampleFlags::HAS_TS_RECEIVED;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < n->getInputSignals(false)->size(); i++) {
    if (c->in[i].id == frame.can_id) {
      if (can_conv_from_raw(
              &c->sample_buf[i], ((uint8_t *)&frame.data) + c->in[i].offset,
              c->in[i].size, n->getInputSignals(false)->getByIndex(i)) != 0) {
        goto out;

      found_id = true;

  if (!found_id)
    throw RuntimeError("Did not find signal for can id {}", frame.can_id);

  n->logger->debug("Received {} signals", c->sample_buf_num);

  // Copy signal data to sample only when all signals have been received
  if (c->sample_buf_num == n->getInputSignals(false)->size()) {
    smps[nread]->length = c->sample_buf_num;
    memcpy(smps[nread]->data, c->sample_buf,
           c->sample_buf_num * sizeof(union SignalData));
    c->sample_buf_num = 0;
    smps[nread]->flags |= (int)SampleFlags::HAS_DATA;
    ret = 1;
  } else {
    smps[nread]->length = 0;
    ret = 0;

out: // Set signals, because other VILLASnode parts expect us to
  smps[nread]->signals = n->getInputSignals(false);

  return ret;

int villas::node::can_write(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[],
                            unsigned cnt) {
  int nbytes;
  unsigned nwrite;
  struct can_frame *frame;
  size_t fsize = 0; // number of frames in use

  auto *c = n->getData<struct can>();

  assert(cnt >= 1 && smps[0]->capacity >= 1);

  frame = (struct can_frame *)calloc(sizeof(struct can_frame),

  for (nwrite = 0; nwrite < cnt; nwrite++) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n->getOutputSignals()->size(); i++) {
      if (c->out[i].offset != 0) // frame is shared

      frame[fsize].can_dlc = c->out[i].size;
      frame[fsize].can_id = c->out[i].id;

                         &frame[fsize].data, c->out[i].size);


    for (size_t i = 0; i < n->getOutputSignals(false)->size(); i++) {
      if (c->out[i].offset == 0) { // frame already stored

      for (size_t j = 0; j < fsize; j++) {
        if (c->out[i].id != frame[j].can_id)

        frame[j].can_dlc += c->out[i].size;
            &smps[nwrite]->data[i], n->getOutputSignals(false)->getByIndex(i),
            (uint8_t *)&frame[j].data + c->out[i].offset, c->out[i].size);

    for (size_t j = 0; j < fsize; j++) {
      n->logger->debug("Writing CAN message: (id={}, dlc={}, data={:#x}:{:#x})",
                       frame[j].can_id, frame[j].can_dlc,
                       ((uint32_t *)&frame[j].data)[0],
                       ((uint32_t *)&frame[j].data)[1]);

      if ((nbytes = write(c->socket, &frame[j], sizeof(struct can_frame))) ==
        throw RuntimeError("CAN write() returned -1. Is the CAN interface up?");

      if ((unsigned)nbytes != sizeof(struct can_frame))
        throw RuntimeError("CAN write() returned {} bytes but expected {}",
                           nbytes, sizeof(struct can_frame));

  return nwrite;

int villas::node::can_poll_fds(NodeCompat *n, int fds[]) {
  auto *c = n->getData<struct can>();

  fds[0] = c->socket;

  return 1; // The number of file descriptors which have been set in fds

__attribute__((constructor(110))) static void register_plugin() {
  p.name = "can";
  p.description = "Receive CAN messages using the socketCAN driver";
  p.vectorize = 0;
  p.flags = 0;
  p.size = sizeof(struct can);
  p.init = can_init;
  p.destroy = can_destroy;
  p.prepare = can_prepare;
  p.parse = can_parse;
  p.print = can_print;
  p.check = can_check;
  p.start = can_start;
  p.stop = can_stop;
  p.read = can_read;
  p.write = can_write;
  p.poll_fds = can_poll_fds;

  static NodeCompatFactory ncp(&p);