/** Node type: Websockets (libwebsockets) * * @author Steffen Vogel * @copyright 2014-2016, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * This file is part of VILLASnode. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and confidential. * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. *********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "nodes/websocket.h" #include "webmsg_format.h" #include "timing.h" #include "utils.h" #include "msg.h" #include "cfg.h" #include "config.h" /* Internal datastructures */ struct connection { enum { WEBSOCKET_ESTABLISHED, WEBSOCKET_ACTIVE, WEBSOCKET_SHUTDOWN, WEBSOCKET_CLOSED } state; struct node *node; struct path *path; struct queue queue; /**< For samples which are sent to the WebSocket */ struct lws *wsi; struct { char name[64]; char ip[64]; } peer; char *_name; }; struct destination { char *uri; struct lws_client_connect_info info; }; /* Private static storage */ static config_setting_t *cfg_root; /**< Root config */ static pthread_t thread; /**< All nodes are served by a single websocket server. This server is running in a dedicated thread. */ static struct lws_context *context; /**< The libwebsockets server context. */ static int port; /**< Port of the build in HTTP / WebSocket server */ static const char *ssl_cert; /**< Path to the SSL certitifcate for HTTPS / WSS */ static const char *ssl_private_key; /**< Path to the SSL private key for HTTPS / WSS */ static const char *htdocs; /**< Path to the directory which should be served by build in HTTP server */ static int id = 0; struct list connections; /**< List of active libwebsocket connections which receive samples from all nodes (catch all) */ /* Forward declarations */ static struct node_type vt; static int protocol_cb_http(struct lws *, enum lws_callback_reasons, void *, void *, size_t); static int protocol_cb_live(struct lws *, enum lws_callback_reasons, void *, void *, size_t); static struct lws_protocols protocols[] = { { "http-only", protocol_cb_http, 0, 0 }, { "live", protocol_cb_live, sizeof(struct connection), 0 }, { NULL } }; __attribute__((unused)) static int connection_init(struct connection *c) { /** @todo */ return -1; } __attribute__((unused)) static void connection_destroy(struct connection *c) { if (c->_name) free(c->_name); } static char * connection_name(struct connection *c) { if (!c->_name) { if (c->node) asprintf(&c->_name, "%s (%s) for node %s", c->peer.name, c->peer.ip, node_name(c->node)); else asprintf(&c->_name, "%s (%s) for all nodes", c->peer.name, c->peer.ip); } return c->_name; } static void destination_destroy(struct destination *d) { free(d->uri); } static int connection_write(struct connection *c, struct sample *smps[], unsigned cnt) { int blocks, enqueued; char *bufs[cnt]; struct websocket *w = c->node->_vd; switch (c->state) { case WEBSOCKET_SHUTDOWN: return -1; case WEBSOCKET_CLOSED: if (c->node) { struct websocket *w = (struct websocket *) c->node->_vd; list_remove(&w->connections, c); } else list_remove(&connections, c); break; case WEBSOCKET_ESTABLISHED: c->state = WEBSOCKET_ACTIVE; /* fall through */ case WEBSOCKET_ACTIVE: blocks = pool_get_many(&w->pool, (void **) bufs, cnt); if (blocks != cnt) warn("Pool underrun in websocket connection: %s", connection_name(c)); for (int i = 0; i < blocks; i++) { struct webmsg *msg = (struct webmsg *) (bufs[i] + LWS_PRE); msg->version = WEBMSG_VERSION; msg->type = WEBMSG_TYPE_DATA; msg->endian = WEBMSG_ENDIAN_HOST; msg->length = smps[i]->length; msg->sequence = smps[i]->sequence; msg->id = w->id; msg->ts.sec = smps[i]->ts.origin.tv_sec; msg->ts.nsec = smps[i]->ts.origin.tv_nsec; memcpy(&msg->data, &smps[i]->data, smps[i]->length * 4); } enqueued = queue_push_many(&c->queue, (void **) bufs, cnt); if (enqueued != blocks) warn("Queue overrun in websocket connection: %s", connection_name(c)); lws_callback_on_writable(c->wsi); break; } return 0; } static void logger(int level, const char *msg) { int len = strlen(msg); if (strchr(msg, '\n')) len -= 1; /* Decrease severity for some errors. */ if (strstr(msg, "Unable to open") == msg) level = LLL_WARN; switch (level) { case LLL_ERR: warn("LWS: %.*s", len, msg); break; case LLL_WARN: warn("LWS: %.*s", len, msg); break; case LLL_INFO: info("LWS: %.*s", len, msg); break; default: debug(DBG_WEBSOCKET | 1, "LWS: %.*s", len, msg); break; } } static void * server_thread(void *ctx) { debug(DBG_WEBSOCKET | 3, "WebSocket: Started server thread"); while (lws_service(context, 10) >= 0); debug(DBG_WEBSOCKET | 3, "WebSocket: shutdown voluntarily"); return NULL; } /* Choose mime type based on the file extension */ static char * get_mimetype(const char *resource_path) { char *extension = strrchr(resource_path, '.'); if (extension == NULL) return "text/plain"; else if (!strcmp(extension, ".png")) return "image/png"; else if (!strcmp(extension, ".svg")) return "image/svg+xml"; else if (!strcmp(extension, ".jpg")) return "image/jpg"; else if (!strcmp(extension, ".gif")) return "image/gif"; else if (!strcmp(extension, ".html")) return "text/html"; else if (!strcmp(extension, ".css")) return "text/css"; else if (!strcmp(extension, ".js")) return "application/javascript"; else return "text/plain"; } static int protocol_cb_http(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_callback_reasons reason, void *user, void *in, size_t len) { switch (reason) { case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP: if (!htdocs) { lws_return_http_status(wsi, HTTP_STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, NULL); goto try_to_reuse; } if (len < 1) { lws_return_http_status(wsi, HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, NULL); goto try_to_reuse; } char *requested_uri = (char *) in; debug(DBG_WEBSOCKET | 3, "LWS: New HTTP request: %s", requested_uri); /* Handle default path */ if (!strcmp(requested_uri, "/")) { char *response = "HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "Location: /index.html\r\n" "\r\n"; lws_write(wsi, (void *) response, strlen(response), LWS_WRITE_HTTP); goto try_to_reuse; } #ifdef WITH_JANSSON /* Return list of websocket nodes */ else if (!strcmp(requested_uri, "/nodes.json")) { json_t *json_body = json_array(); list_foreach(struct node *n, &vt.instances) { struct websocket *w = n->_vd; json_t *json_node = json_pack("{ s: s, s: i, s: i, s: i, s: i, s: i }", "name", node_name_short(n), "id", w->id, "connections", list_length(&w->connections), "state", n->state, "vectorize", n->vectorize, "affinity", n->affinity ); /* Add all additional fields of node here. * This can be used for metadata */ json_object_update(json_node, config_to_json(n->cfg)); json_array_append_new(json_body, json_node); } char *body = json_dumps(json_body, JSON_INDENT(4)); char *header = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" "\r\n"; lws_write(wsi, (void *) header, strlen(header), LWS_WRITE_HTTP); lws_write(wsi, (void *) body, strlen(body), LWS_WRITE_HTTP); free(body); json_decref(json_body); return -1; } else if (!strcmp(requested_uri, "/config.json")) { char *body = json_dumps(config_to_json(cfg_root), JSON_INDENT(4)); char *header = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" "\r\n"; lws_write(wsi, (void *) header, strlen(header), LWS_WRITE_HTTP); lws_write(wsi, (void *) body, strlen(body), LWS_WRITE_HTTP); free(body); return -1; } #endif else { char path[4069]; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", htdocs, requested_uri); /* refuse to serve files we don't understand */ char *mimetype = get_mimetype(path); if (!mimetype) { warn("HTTP: Unknown mimetype for %s", path); lws_return_http_status(wsi, HTTP_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, NULL); return -1; } int n = lws_serve_http_file(wsi, path, mimetype, NULL, 0); if (n < 0) return -1; else if (n == 0) break; else goto try_to_reuse; } default: return 0; } return 0; try_to_reuse: if (lws_http_transaction_completed(wsi)) return -1; return 0; } static int protocol_cb_live(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_callback_reasons reason, void *user, void *in, size_t len) { int ret; struct connection *c = user; struct websocket *w; switch (reason) { case LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_ESTABLISHED: case LWS_CALLBACK_ESTABLISHED: { /* Get path of incoming request */ char uri[64]; lws_hdr_copy(wsi, uri, sizeof(uri), WSI_TOKEN_GET_URI); /* The path component of the*/ if (strlen(uri) <= 0) { warn("LWS: Closing connection with invalid URL: %s", uri); return -1; } if ((uri[0] == '/' && uri[1] == 0) || uri[0] == 0){ /* Catch all connection */ c->node = NULL; } else { char *node = uri + 1; /* Search for node whose name matches the URI. */ c->node = list_lookup(&vt.instances, node); if (c->node == NULL) { warn("LWS: Closing Connection for non-existent node: %s", uri + 1); return -1; } /* Check if node is running */ if (c->node->state != NODE_RUNNING) return -1; } c->state = WEBSOCKET_ESTABLISHED; c->wsi = wsi; ret = queue_init(&c->queue, DEFAULT_QUEUELEN, &memtype_hugepage); if (ret) { warn("Failed to create queue for incoming websocket connection. Closing.."); return -1; } /* Lookup peer address for debug output */ lws_get_peer_addresses(wsi, lws_get_socket_fd(wsi), c->peer.name, sizeof(c->peer.name), c->peer.ip, sizeof(c->peer.ip)); info("LWS: New connection %s", connection_name(c)); if (c->node != NULL) { struct websocket *w = (struct websocket *) c->node->_vd; list_push(&w->connections, c); } else { list_push(&connections, c); } return 0; } case LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED: info("LWS: Connection %s closed", connection_name(c)); c->state = WEBSOCKET_CLOSED; c->wsi = NULL; queue_destroy(&c->queue); return 0; case LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_WRITEABLE: case LWS_CALLBACK_SERVER_WRITEABLE: { w = (struct websocket *) c->node->_vd; if (c->node && c->node->state != NODE_RUNNING) return -1; if (c->state == WEBSOCKET_SHUTDOWN) { lws_close_reason(wsi, LWS_CLOSE_STATUS_GOINGAWAY, (unsigned char *) "Node stopped", 4); return -1; } char *buf; int cnt; while ((cnt = queue_pull(&c->queue, (void **) &buf))) { struct webmsg *msg = (struct webmsg *) (buf + LWS_PRE); pool_put(&w->pool, (void *) buf); ret = lws_write(wsi, (unsigned char *) msg, WEBMSG_LEN(msg->length), LWS_WRITE_BINARY); if (ret < WEBMSG_LEN(msg->length)) error("Failed lws_write()"); if (lws_send_pipe_choked(wsi)) break; } if (queue_available(&c->queue) > 0) lws_callback_on_writable(wsi); return 0; } case LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_RECEIVE: case LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE: { w = (struct websocket *) c->node->_vd; if (c->node->state != NODE_RUNNING) return -1; if (!lws_frame_is_binary(wsi) || len < WEBMSG_LEN(0)) warn("LWS: Received invalid packet for connection %s", connection_name(c)); struct webmsg *msg = (struct webmsg *) in; while ((char *) msg + WEBMSG_LEN(msg->length) <= (char *) in + len) { struct webmsg *msg2 = pool_get(&w->pool); if (!msg2) { warn("Pool underrun for connection %s", connection_name(c)); break; } memcpy(msg2, msg, WEBMSG_LEN(msg->length)); ret = queue_push(&w->queue, msg2); if (ret != 1) { warn("Queue overrun for connection %s", connection_name(c)); break; } /* Next message */ msg = (struct webmsg *) ((char *) msg + WEBMSG_LEN(msg->length)); } return 0; } default: return 0; } } int websocket_init(int argc, char * argv[], config_setting_t *cfg) { config_setting_t *cfg_http; lws_set_log_level((1 << LLL_COUNT) - 1, logger); /* Parse global config */ cfg_http = config_setting_lookup(cfg, "http"); if (cfg_http) { config_setting_lookup_string(cfg_http, "ssl_cert", &ssl_cert); config_setting_lookup_string(cfg_http, "ssl_private_key", &ssl_private_key); config_setting_lookup_string(cfg_http, "htdocs", &htdocs); config_setting_lookup_int(cfg_http, "port", &port); } /* Default settings */ if (!port) port = 80; if (!htdocs) htdocs = "/villas/contrib/websocket"; /* Start server */ struct lws_context_creation_info info = { .port = port, .protocols = protocols, .extensions = NULL, //exts, .ssl_cert_filepath = ssl_cert, .ssl_private_key_filepath = ssl_private_key, .gid = -1, .uid = -1 }; context = lws_create_context(&info); if (context == NULL) error("WebSocket: failed to initialize server"); /* Save root config for GET /config.json request */ cfg_root = cfg; pthread_create(&thread, NULL, server_thread, NULL); return 0; } int websocket_deinit() { lws_cancel_service(context); lws_context_destroy(context); pthread_cancel(thread); pthread_join(thread, NULL); return 0; } int websocket_open(struct node *n) { int ret; struct websocket *w = n->_vd; w->id = id++; list_init(&w->connections); list_init(&w->destinations); size_t blocklen = LWS_PRE + WEBMSG_LEN(DEFAULT_VALUES); ret = pool_init(&w->pool, 64 * DEFAULT_QUEUELEN, blocklen, &memtype_hugepage); if (ret) return ret; ret = queue_init(&w->queue, DEFAULT_QUEUELEN, &memtype_hugepage); if (ret) return ret; return 0; } int websocket_close(struct node *n) { struct websocket *w = n->_vd; list_foreach(struct connection *c, &w->connections) { c->state = WEBSOCKET_SHUTDOWN; lws_callback_on_writable(c->wsi); } pool_destroy(&w->pool); queue_destroy(&w->queue); list_destroy(&w->connections, NULL, false); return 0; } int websocket_destroy(struct node *n) { struct websocket *w = n->_vd; list_destroy(&w->destinations, (dtor_cb_t) destination_destroy, true); return 0; } int websocket_read(struct node *n, struct sample *smps[], unsigned cnt) { struct websocket *w = n->_vd; struct webmsg *msgs[cnt]; int got; do { got = queue_pull_many(&w->queue, (void **) msgs, cnt); pthread_yield(); } while (got == 0); for (int i = 0; i < got; i++) { smps[i]->sequence = msgs[i]->sequence; smps[i]->length = msgs[i]->length; smps[i]->ts.origin = WEBMSG_TS(msgs[i]); memcpy(&smps[i]->data, &msgs[i]->data, WEBMSG_DATA_LEN(msgs[i]->length)); } pool_put_many(&w->pool, (void **) msgs, got); return got; } int websocket_write(struct node *n, struct sample *smps[], unsigned cnt) { struct websocket *w = n->_vd; list_foreach(struct connection *c, &w->connections) { connection_write(c, smps, cnt); } list_foreach(struct connection *c, &connections) { connection_write(c, smps, cnt); } return cnt; } int websocket_parse(struct node *n, config_setting_t *cfg) { struct websocket *w = n->_vd; config_setting_t *cfg_dests; int ret; cfg_dests = config_setting_get_member(cfg, "destinations"); if (!config_setting_is_array(cfg_dests)) cerror(cfg_dests, "The 'destinations' setting must be an array of URLs"); for (int i = 0; i < config_setting_length(cfg_dests); i++) { struct destination *d; const char *uri, *prot, *ads, *path; uri = config_setting_get_string_elem(cfg_dests, i); if (!uri) cerror(cfg_dests, "The 'destinations' setting must be an array of URLs"); d = alloc(sizeof(struct destination)); d->uri = strdup(uri); if (!d->uri) serror("Failed to allocate memory"); ret = lws_parse_uri(d->uri, &prot, &ads, &d->info.port, &path); if (ret) cerror(cfg_dests, "Failed to parse websocket URI: '%s'", uri); d->info.ssl_connection = !strcmp(prot, "https"); d->info.address = ads; d->info.path = path; d->info.protocol = prot; d->info.ietf_version_or_minus_one = -1; list_push(&w->destinations, d); } return 0; } char * websocket_print(struct node *n) { struct websocket *w = n->_vd; char *buf = NULL; list_foreach(struct lws_client_connect_info *in, &w->destinations) { buf = strcatf(&buf, "%s://%s:%d/%s", in->ssl_connection ? "https" : "http", in->address, in->port, in->path ); } return buf; } static struct node_type vt = { .name = "websocket", .description = "Send and receive samples of a WebSocket connection (libwebsockets)", .vectorize = 0, /* unlimited */ .size = sizeof(struct websocket), .open = websocket_open, .close = websocket_close, .destroy = websocket_destroy, .read = websocket_read, .write = websocket_write, .init = websocket_init, .deinit = websocket_deinit, .print = websocket_print, .parse = websocket_parse }; REGISTER_NODE_TYPE(&vt)