/** Node type: File * * @author Steffen Vogel <stvogel@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de> * @copyright 2014-2020, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * @license GNU General Public License (version 3) * * VILLASnode * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *********************************************************************************/ #include <unistd.h> #include <cstring> #include <cinttypes> #include <libgen.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <cerrno> #include <villas/node.h> #include <villas/nodes/file.hpp> #include <villas/utils.hpp> #include <villas/timing.h> #include <villas/queue.h> #include <villas/format.hpp> #include <villas/exceptions.hpp> using namespace villas; using namespace villas::node; using namespace villas::utils; static char * file_format_name(const char *format, struct timespec *ts) { struct tm tm; char *buf = new char[FILE_MAX_PATHLEN]; if (!buf) throw MemoryAllocationError(); /* Convert time */ gmtime_r(&ts->tv_sec, &tm); strftime(buf, FILE_MAX_PATHLEN, format, &tm); return buf; } static struct timespec file_calc_offset(const struct timespec *first, const struct timespec *epoch, enum file::EpochMode mode) { /* Get current time */ struct timespec now = time_now(); struct timespec offset; /* Set offset depending on epoch */ switch (mode) { case file::EpochMode::DIRECT: /* read first value at now + epoch */ offset = time_diff(first, &now); return time_add(&offset, epoch); case file::EpochMode::WAIT: /* read first value at now + first + epoch */ offset = now; return time_add(&now, epoch); case file::EpochMode::RELATIVE: /* read first value at first + epoch */ return *epoch; case file::EpochMode::ABSOLUTE: /* read first value at f->epoch */ return time_diff(first, epoch); default: return (struct timespec) { 0 }; } } int file_parse(struct vnode *n, json_t *json) { struct file *f = (struct file *) n->_vd; int ret; json_error_t err; json_t *json_format = nullptr; const char *uri_tmpl = nullptr; const char *eof = nullptr; const char *epoch = nullptr; double epoch_flt = 0; ret = json_unpack_ex(json, &err, 0, "{ s: s, s?: o, s?: { s?: s, s?: F, s?: s, s?: F, s?: i, s?: i }, s?: { s?: b, s?: i } }", "uri", &uri_tmpl, "format", &json_format, "in", "eof", &eof, "rate", &f->rate, "epoch_mode", &epoch, "epoch", &epoch_flt, "buffer_size", &f->buffer_size_in, "skip", &f->skip_lines, "out", "flush", &f->flush, "buffer_size", &f->buffer_size_out ); if (ret) throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-node-file"); f->epoch = time_from_double(epoch_flt); f->uri_tmpl = uri_tmpl ? strdup(uri_tmpl) : nullptr; /* Format */ f->formatter = json_format ? FormatFactory::make(json_format) : FormatFactory::make("villas.human"); if (!f->formatter) throw ConfigError(json_format, "node-config-node-file-format", "Invalid format configuration"); if (eof) { if (!strcmp(eof, "exit") || !strcmp(eof, "stop")) f->eof_mode = file::EOFBehaviour::STOP; else if (!strcmp(eof, "rewind")) f->eof_mode = file::EOFBehaviour::REWIND; else if (!strcmp(eof, "wait")) f->eof_mode = file::EOFBehaviour::SUSPEND; else throw RuntimeError("Invalid mode '{}' for 'eof' setting", eof); } if (epoch) { if (!strcmp(epoch, "direct")) f->epoch_mode = file::EpochMode::DIRECT; else if (!strcmp(epoch, "wait")) f->epoch_mode = file::EpochMode::WAIT; else if (!strcmp(epoch, "relative")) f->epoch_mode = file::EpochMode::RELATIVE; else if (!strcmp(epoch, "absolute")) f->epoch_mode = file::EpochMode::ABSOLUTE; else if (!strcmp(epoch, "original")) f->epoch_mode = file::EpochMode::ORIGINAL; else throw RuntimeError("Invalid value '{}' for setting 'epoch'", epoch); } n->_vd = f; return 0; } char * file_print(struct vnode *n) { struct file *f = (struct file *) n->_vd; char *buf = nullptr; const char *epoch_str = nullptr; const char *eof_str = nullptr; switch (f->epoch_mode) { case file::EpochMode::DIRECT: epoch_str = "direct"; break; case file::EpochMode::WAIT: epoch_str = "wait"; break; case file::EpochMode::RELATIVE: epoch_str = "relative"; break; case file::EpochMode::ABSOLUTE: epoch_str = "absolute"; break; case file::EpochMode::ORIGINAL: epoch_str = "original"; break; default: epoch_str = ""; break; } switch (f->eof_mode) { case file::EOFBehaviour::STOP: eof_str = "stop"; break; case file::EOFBehaviour::SUSPEND: eof_str = "wait"; break; case file::EOFBehaviour::REWIND: eof_str = "rewind"; break; default: eof_str = ""; break; } strcatf(&buf, "uri=%s, out.flush=%s, in.skip=%d, in.eof=%s, in.epoch=%s, in.epoch=%.2f", f->uri ? f->uri : f->uri_tmpl, f->flush ? "yes" : "no", f->skip_lines, eof_str, epoch_str, time_to_double(&f->epoch) ); if (f->rate) strcatf(&buf, ", in.rate=%.1f", f->rate); if (f->first.tv_sec || f->first.tv_nsec) strcatf(&buf, ", first=%.2f", time_to_double(&f->first)); if (f->offset.tv_sec || f->offset.tv_nsec) strcatf(&buf, ", offset=%.2f", time_to_double(&f->offset)); if ((f->first.tv_sec || f->first.tv_nsec) && (f->offset.tv_sec || f->offset.tv_nsec)) { struct timespec eta, now = time_now(); eta = time_add(&f->first, &f->offset); eta = time_diff(&now, &eta); if (eta.tv_sec || eta.tv_nsec) strcatf(&buf, ", eta=%.2f sec", time_to_double(&eta)); } return buf; } int file_start(struct vnode *n) { struct file *f = (struct file *) n->_vd; struct timespec now = time_now(); int ret; /* Prepare file name */ f->uri = file_format_name(f->uri_tmpl, &now); /* Check if directory exists */ struct stat sb; char *cpy = strdup(f->uri); char *dir = dirname(cpy); ret = stat(dir, &sb); if (ret) { if (errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR) { ret = mkdir(dir, 0644); if (ret) throw SystemError("Failed to create directory"); } else if (errno != EISDIR) throw SystemError("Failed to stat"); } else if (!S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { ret = mkdir(dir, 0644); if (ret) throw SystemError("Failed to create directory"); } free(cpy); f->formatter->start(&n->in.signals); /* Open file */ f->stream_out = fopen(f->uri, "a+"); if (!f->stream_out) return -1; f->stream_in = fopen(f->uri, "r"); if (!f->stream_in) return -1; if (f->buffer_size_in) { ret = setvbuf(f->stream_in, nullptr, _IOFBF, f->buffer_size_in); if (ret) return ret; } if (f->buffer_size_out) { ret = setvbuf(f->stream_out, nullptr, _IOFBF, f->buffer_size_out); if (ret) return ret; } /* Create timer */ f->task.setRate(f->rate); /* Get timestamp of first line */ if (f->epoch_mode != file::EpochMode::ORIGINAL) { rewind(f->stream_in); if (feof(f->stream_in)) { n->logger->warn("Empty file"); } else { struct sample smp; smp.capacity = 0; ret = f->formatter->scan(f->stream_in, &smp); if (ret == 1) { f->first = smp.ts.origin; f->offset = file_calc_offset(&f->first, &f->epoch, f->epoch_mode); } else n->logger->warn("Failed to read first timestamp"); } } rewind(f->stream_in); /* Fast-forward */ struct sample *smp = sample_alloc_mem(vlist_length(&n->in.signals)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < f->skip_lines; i++) f->formatter->scan(f->stream_in, smp); sample_free(smp); return 0; } int file_stop(struct vnode *n) { struct file *f = (struct file *) n->_vd; f->task.stop(); fclose(f->stream_in); fclose(f->stream_out); delete f->formatter; delete f->uri; return 0; } int file_read(struct vnode *n, struct sample * const smps[], unsigned cnt) { struct file *f = (struct file *) n->_vd; int ret; uint64_t steps; assert(cnt == 1); retry: ret = f->formatter->scan(f->stream_in, smps, cnt); if (ret <= 0) { if (feof(f->stream_in)) { switch (f->eof_mode) { case file::EOFBehaviour::REWIND: n->logger->info("Rewind input file"); f->offset = file_calc_offset(&f->first, &f->epoch, f->epoch_mode); rewind(f->stream_in); goto retry; case file::EOFBehaviour::SUSPEND: /* We wait 10ms before fetching again. */ usleep(100000); /* Try to download more data if this is a remote file. */ clearerr(f->stream_in); goto retry; case file::EOFBehaviour::STOP: n->logger->info("Reached end-of-file."); n->state = State::STOPPING; return -1; default: { } } } else n->logger->warn("Failed to read messages: reason={}", ret); return 0; } /* We dont wait in FILE_EPOCH_ORIGINAL mode */ if (f->epoch_mode == file::EpochMode::ORIGINAL) return cnt; if (f->rate) { steps = f->task.wait(); smps[0]->ts.origin = time_now(); } else { smps[0]->ts.origin = time_add(&smps[0]->ts.origin, &f->offset); f->task.setNext(&smps[0]->ts.origin); steps = f->task.wait(); } /* Check for overruns */ if (steps == 0) throw SystemError("Failed to wait for timer"); else if (steps != 1) n->logger->warn("Missed steps: {}", steps - 1); return cnt; } int file_write(struct vnode *n, struct sample * const smps[], unsigned cnt) { int ret; struct file *f = (struct file *) n->_vd; assert(cnt == 1); ret = f->formatter->print(f->stream_out, smps, cnt); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (f->flush) fflush(f->stream_out); return cnt; } int file_poll_fds(struct vnode *n, int fds[]) { struct file *f = (struct file *) n->_vd; if (f->rate) { fds[0] = f->task.getFD(); return 1; } else if (f->epoch_mode == file::EpochMode::ORIGINAL) { fds[0] = fileno(f->stream_in); return 1; } return -1; /** @todo not supported yet */ } int file_init(struct vnode *n) { struct file *f = (struct file *) n->_vd; new (&f->task) Task(CLOCK_REALTIME); /* Default values */ f->rate = 0; f->eof_mode = file::EOFBehaviour::STOP; f->epoch_mode = file::EpochMode::DIRECT; f->flush = 0; f->buffer_size_in = 0; f->buffer_size_out = 0; f->skip_lines = 0; return 0; } int file_destroy(struct vnode *n) { struct file *f = (struct file *) n->_vd; f->task.~Task(); return 0; } static struct vnode_type p; __attribute__((constructor(110))) static void register_plugin() { p.name = "file"; p.description = "support for file log / replay node type"; p.vectorize = 1; p.size = sizeof(struct file); p.init = file_init; p.destroy = file_destroy; p.parse = file_parse; p.print = file_print; p.start = file_start; p.stop = file_stop; p.read = file_read; p.write = file_write; p.poll_fds = file_poll_fds; if (!node_types) node_types = new NodeTypeList(); node_types->push_back(&p); }