/** Driver for AXI Stream wrapper around RTDS_InterfaceModule (rtds_axis ) * * @author Steffen Vogel * @copyright 2015-2016, Steffen Vogel * This file is part of S2SS. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and confidential. * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. **********************************************************************************/ #include #include "log.h" #include "utils.h" #include "fpga/rtds_axis.h" void rtds_axis_dump(char *baseaddr) { /* Check RTDS_Axis registers */ uint32_t *rtds = (uint32_t *) baseaddr; uint32_t sr = rtds[RTDS_AXIS_SR_OFFSET/4]; info("RTDS AXI Stream interface details"); { INDENT info("RTDS status: %#08x", sr); { INDENT info("Card detected: %s", sr & RTDS_AXIS_SR_CARDDETECTED ? GRN("yes") : RED("no")); info("Link up: %s", sr & RTDS_AXIS_SR_LINKUP ? GRN("yes") : RED("no")); info("TX queue full: %s", sr & RTDS_AXIS_SR_TX_FULL ? RED("yes") : GRN("no")); info("TX in progress: %s", sr & RTDS_AXIS_SR_TX_INPROGRESS ? YEL("yes") : "no"); info("Case running: %s", sr & RTDS_AXIS_SR_CASE_RUNNING ? GRN("yes") : RED("no")); } info("RTDS control: %#08x", rtds[RTDS_AXIS_CR_OFFSET/4]); info("RTDS IRQ coalesc: %u", rtds[RTDS_AXIS_COALESC_OFFSET/4]); info("RTDS IRQ version: %#06x", rtds[RTDS_AXIS_VERSION_OFFSET/4]); info("RTDS IRQ multi-rate RTDS2AXIS: %u", rtds[RTDS_AXIS_MRATE_RTDS2AXIS/4]); info("RTDS IRQ multi-rate AXIS2RTDS: %u", rtds[RTDS_AXIS_MRATE_AXIS2RTDS/4]); info("RTDS timestep counter: %lu", (uint64_t) rtds[RTDS_AXIS_TSCNT_LOW_OFFSET/4] | (uint64_t) rtds[RTDS_AXIS_TSCNT_HIGH_OFFSET/4] << 32); info("RTDS timestep period: %.3f uS", rtds_axis_dt(baseaddr) * 1e6); } } double rtds_axis_dt(char *baseaddr) { uint32_t *rtds = (uint32_t *) baseaddr; return (double) rtds[RTDS_AXIS_TS_PERIOD_OFFSET/4] / RTDS_HZ; }