nodes = { udp_node = { # The dictionary is indexed by the name of the node. type = "socket", # For a list of available node-types run: 'villas-node -h' ### The following settings are specific to the socket node-type!! ### format = "gtnet", # For a list of available node-types run: 'villas-node -h' in = { address = "" # This node only received messages on this IP:Port pair }, out = { address = "", # This node sents outgoing messages to this IP:Port pair netem = { # Network emulation settings enabled = true, # Those settings can be specified for each node invidually! delay = 100000, # Additional latency in microseconds jitter = 30000, # Jitter in uS distribution = "normal", # Distribution of delay: uniform, normal, pareto, paretonormal loss = 10 # Packet loss in percent duplicate = 10, # Duplication in percent corrupt = 10 # Corruption in percent } } } }