/** Histogram functions. * * @author Steffen Vogel <stvogel@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de> * @copyright 2016, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC *********************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <float.h> #include <math.h> #include <time.h> #include "utils.h" #include "hist.h" #define VAL(h, i) ((h)->low + (i) * (h)->resolution) #define INDEX(h, v) round((v - (h)->low) / (h)->resolution) int hist_create(struct hist *h, double low, double high, double resolution) { h->low = low; h->high = high; h->resolution = resolution; if (resolution > 0) { h->length = (high - low) / resolution; h->data = alloc(h->length * sizeof(hist_cnt_t)); } else { h->length = 0; h->data = NULL; } hist_reset(h); return 0; } void hist_destroy(struct hist *h) { if (h->data) { free(h->data); h->data = NULL; } } void hist_put(struct hist *h, double value) { int idx = INDEX(h, value); h->last = value; /* Update min/max */ if (value > h->highest) h->highest = value; if (value < h->lowest) h->lowest = value; /* Check bounds and increment */ if (idx >= h->length) h->higher++; else if (idx < 0) h->lower++; else if (h->data != NULL) h->data[idx]++; h->total++; /* Online / running calculation of variance and mean * by Donald Knuthâs Art of Computer Programming, Vol 2, page 232, 3rd edition */ if (h->total == 1) { h->_m[1] = h->_m[0] = value; h->_s[1] = 0.0; } else { h->_m[0] = h->_m[1] + (value - h->_m[1]) / h->total; h->_s[0] = h->_s[1] + (value - h->_m[1]) * (value - h->_m[0]); // set up for next iteration h->_m[1] = h->_m[0]; h->_s[1] = h->_s[0]; } } void hist_reset(struct hist *h) { h->total = 0; h->higher = 0; h->lower = 0; h->highest = DBL_MIN; h->lowest = DBL_MAX; if (h->data) memset(h->data, 0, h->length * sizeof(unsigned)); } double hist_mean(struct hist *h) { return (h->total > 0) ? h->_m[0] : 0.0; } double hist_var(struct hist *h) { return (h->total > 1) ? h->_s[0] / (h->total - 1) : 0.0; } double hist_stddev(struct hist *h) { return sqrt(hist_var(h)); } void hist_print(struct hist *h, int details) { INDENT stats("Counted values: %ju (%ju between %f and %f)", h->total, h->total-h->higher-h->lower, h->high, h->low); stats("Highest: %f Lowest: %f", h->highest, h->lowest); stats("Mu: %f Sigma2: %f Sigma: %f", hist_mean(h), hist_var(h), hist_stddev(h)); if (details > 0 && h->total - h->higher - h->lower > 0) { char *buf = hist_dump(h); stats("Matlab: %s", buf); free(buf); hist_plot(h); } } void hist_plot(struct hist *h) { char buf[HIST_HEIGHT]; memset(buf, '#', sizeof(buf)); hist_cnt_t max = 1; /* Get highest bar */ for (int i = 0; i < h->length; i++) { if (h->data[i] > max) max = h->data[i]; } /* Print plot */ stats("%9s | %5s | %s", "Value", "Count", "Plot"); line(); for (int i = 0; i < h->length; i++) { double value = VAL(h, i); hist_cnt_t cnt = h->data[i]; int bar = HIST_HEIGHT * ((double) cnt / max); if (value > h->lowest || value < h->highest) stats("%+9g | %5ju | %.*s", value, cnt, bar, buf); } } char * hist_dump(struct hist *h) { char *buf = alloc(128); strcatf(&buf, "[ "); for (int i = 0; i < h->length; i++) strcatf(&buf, "%ju ", h->data[i]); strcatf(&buf, "]"); return buf; } #ifdef WITH_JANSSON json_t * hist_json(struct hist *h) { json_t *b = json_array(); for (int i = 0; i < h->length; i++) json_array_append(b, json_integer(h->data[i])); return json_pack("{ s: f, s: f, s: i, s: i, s: i, s: f, s: f, s: f, s: f, s: f, s: o }", "low", h->low, "high", h->high, "total", h->total, "higher", h->higher, "lower", h->lower, "highest", h->highest, "lowest", h->lowest, "mean", hist_mean(h), "variance", hist_var(h), "stddev", hist_stddev(h), "buckets", b ); } int hist_dump_json(struct hist *h, FILE *f) { json_t *j = hist_json(h); int ret = json_dumpf(j, f, 0); json_decref(j); return ret; } #endif /* WITH_JANNSON */ int hist_dump_matlab(struct hist *h, FILE *f) { char *buf = hist_dump(h); fprintf(f, "%lu = struct( ", time(NULL)); fprintf(f, "'low', %f, ", h->low); fprintf(f, "'high', %f, ", h->high); fprintf(f, "'total', %ju, ", h->total); fprintf(f, "'higher', %ju, ", h->higher); fprintf(f, "'lower', %ju, ", h->lower); fprintf(f, "'highest', %f, ", h->highest); fprintf(f, "'lowest', %f, ", h->lowest); fprintf(f, "'mean', %f, ", hist_mean(h)); fprintf(f, "'variance', %f, ", hist_var(h)); fprintf(f, "'stddev', %f, ", hist_stddev(h)); fprintf(f, "'buckets', %s ", buf); fprintf(f, "),\n"); free(buf); return 0; }