/** Node type: File * * This file implements the file type for nodes. * * @author Steffen Vogel * @copyright 2015, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC */ #include #include #include "file.h" #include "utils.h" int file_print(struct node *n, char *buf, int len) { struct file *f = n->file; return snprintf(buf, len, "in=%s, out=%s, mode=%s, rate=%f", f->path_in, f->path_out, f->mode, f->rate); } int file_parse(config_setting_t *cfg, struct node *n) { struct file *f = alloc(sizeof(struct file)); config_setting_lookup_string(cfg, "in", &f->path_in); config_setting_lookup_string(cfg, "out", &f->path_out); if (!config_setting_lookup_string(cfg, "mode", &f->mode)) f->mode = "w+"; if (!config_setting_lookup_float(cfg, "rate", &f->rate)) f->rate = 1; n->file = f; return 0; } int file_open(struct node *n) { struct file *f = n->file; if (f->path_in) { f->in = fopen(f->path_in, "r"); if (!f->in) serror("Failed to open file for reading: '%s'", f->path_in); f->tfd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0); if (f->tfd < 0) serror("Failed to create timer"); struct itimerspec its = { .it_interval = timespec_rate(f->rate), .it_value = { 1, 0 } }; int ret = timerfd_settime(f->tfd, 0, &its, NULL); if (ret) serror("Failed to start timer"); } if (f->path_out) { f->out = fopen(f->path_out, f->mode); if (!f->out) serror("Failed to open file for writing: '%s'", f->path_out); } return 0; } int file_close(struct node *n) { struct file *f = n->file; if (f->tfd) close(f->tfd); if (f->in) fclose(f->in); if (f->out) fclose(f->out); return 0; } int file_read(struct node *n, struct msg *m) { struct file *f = n->file; uint64_t runs; if (!f->in) error("Can't read from file node!"); read(f->tfd, &runs, sizeof(runs)); /* blocking for 1/f->rate seconds */ return msg_fscan(f->in, m); } int file_write(struct node *n, struct msg *m) { struct file *f = n->file; if (!f->out) error("Can't write to file node!"); return msg_fprint(f->out, m); }