/** Node type: nanomsg
 * @author Steffen Vogel <stvogel@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de>
 * @copyright 2014-2021, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
 * @license GNU General Public License (version 3)
 * VILLASnode
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <nanomsg/nn.h>
#include <nanomsg/pubsub.h>
#include <cstring>

#include <villas/node_compat.hpp>
#include <villas/nodes/nanomsg.hpp>
#include <villas/utils.hpp>
#include <villas/exceptions.hpp>

using namespace villas;
using namespace villas::node;
using namespace villas::utils;

int villas::node::nanomsg_init(NodeCompat *n)
	auto *m = n->getData<struct nanomsg>();

	m->formatter = nullptr;

	return 0;

int villas::node::nanomsg_destroy(NodeCompat *n)
	auto *m = n->getData<struct nanomsg>();

	if (m->formatter)
		delete m->formatter;

	return 0;

int villas::node::nanomsg_reverse(NodeCompat *n)
	auto *m = n->getData<struct nanomsg>();

	if (list_length(&m->out.endpoints)  != 1 ||
	    list_length(&m->in.endpoints) != 1)
		return -1;

	char *subscriber = (char *) list_first(&m->in.endpoints);
	char *publisher = (char *) list_first(&m->out.endpoints);

	list_set(&m->in.endpoints, 0, publisher);
	list_set(&m->out.endpoints, 0, subscriber);

	return 0;

int nanomsg_parse_endpoints(struct List *l, json_t *json)
	const char *ep;

	size_t i;
	json_t *json_val;

	switch (json_typeof(json)) {
		case JSON_ARRAY:
			json_array_foreach(json, i, json_val) {
				ep = json_string_value(json_val);
				if (!ep)
					return -1;

				list_push(l, strdup(ep));

			ep = json_string_value(json);

			list_push(l, strdup(ep));

			return -1;

	return 0;

int villas::node::nanomsg_parse(NodeCompat *n, json_t *json)
	int ret;
	auto *m = n->getData<struct nanomsg>();

	json_error_t err;
	json_t *json_format = nullptr;
	json_t *json_out_endpoints = nullptr;
	json_t *json_in_endpoints = nullptr;

	ret = list_init(&m->out.endpoints);
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	ret = list_init(&m->in.endpoints);
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	ret = json_unpack_ex(json, &err, 0, "{ s?: o, s?: { s?: o }, s?: { s?: o } }",
		"format", &json_format,
			"endpoints", &json_out_endpoints,
			"endpoints", &json_in_endpoints
	if (ret)
		throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-node-nanomsg");

	if (json_out_endpoints) {
		ret = nanomsg_parse_endpoints(&m->out.endpoints, json_out_endpoints);
		if (ret < 0)
			throw RuntimeError("Invalid type for 'publish' setting");

	if (json_in_endpoints) {
		ret = nanomsg_parse_endpoints(&m->in.endpoints, json_in_endpoints);
		if (ret < 0)
			throw RuntimeError("Invalid type for 'subscribe' setting");

	/* Format */
	if (m->formatter)
		delete m->formatter;
	m->formatter = json_format
			? FormatFactory::make(json_format)
			: FormatFactory::make("json");
	if (!m->formatter)
		throw ConfigError(json_format, "node-config-node-nanomsg-format", "Invalid format configuration");

	return 0;

char * villas::node::nanomsg_print(NodeCompat *n)
	auto *m = n->getData<struct nanomsg>();

	char *buf = nullptr;

	strcatf(&buf, "in.endpoints=[ ");

	for (size_t i = 0; i < list_length(&m->in.endpoints); i++) {
		char *ep = (char *) list_at(&m->in.endpoints, i);

		strcatf(&buf, "%s ", ep);

	strcatf(&buf, "], out.endpoints=[ ");

	for (size_t i = 0; i < list_length(&m->out.endpoints); i++) {
		char *ep = (char *) list_at(&m->out.endpoints, i);

		strcatf(&buf, "%s ", ep);

	strcatf(&buf, "]");

	return buf;

int villas::node::nanomsg_start(NodeCompat *n)
	int ret;
	auto *m = n->getData<struct nanomsg>();

	m->formatter->start(n->getInputSignals(false), ~(int) SampleFlags::HAS_OFFSET);

	ret = m->in.socket = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_SUB);
	if (ret < 0)
		throw RuntimeError("Failed to create nanomsg socket: {}", nn_strerror(errno));

	ret = m->out.socket = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PUB);
	if (ret < 0)
		throw RuntimeError("Failed to create nanomsg socket: {}", nn_strerror(errno));

	/* Subscribe to all topics */
	ret = nn_setsockopt(ret = m->in.socket, NN_SUB, NN_SUB_SUBSCRIBE, "", 0);
	if (ret < 0)
		return ret;

	/* Bind publisher to socket */
	for (size_t i = 0; i < list_length(&m->out.endpoints); i++) {
		char *ep = (char *) list_at(&m->out.endpoints, i);

		ret = nn_bind(m->out.socket, ep);
		if (ret < 0)
			throw RuntimeError("Failed to connect nanomsg socket to endpoint {}: {}", ep, nn_strerror(errno));

	/* Connect subscribers socket */
	for (size_t i = 0; i < list_length(&m->in.endpoints); i++) {
		char *ep = (char *) list_at(&m->in.endpoints, i);

		ret = nn_connect(m->in.socket, ep);
		if (ret < 0)
			throw RuntimeError("Failed to connect nanomsg socket to endpoint {}: {}", ep, nn_strerror(errno));

	return 0;

int villas::node::nanomsg_stop(NodeCompat *n)
	int ret;
	auto *m = n->getData<struct nanomsg>();

	ret = nn_close(m->in.socket);
	if (ret < 0)
		return ret;

	ret = nn_close(m->out.socket);
	if (ret < 0)
		return ret;

	return 0;

int villas::node::nanomsg_type_stop()

	return 0;

int villas::node::nanomsg_read(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample * const smps[], unsigned cnt)
	auto *m = n->getData<struct nanomsg>();
	int bytes;

	/* Receive payload */
	bytes = nn_recv(m->in.socket, data, sizeof(data), 0);
	if (bytes < 0)
		return -1;

	return m->formatter->sscan(data, bytes, nullptr, smps, cnt);

int villas::node::nanomsg_write(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample * const smps[], unsigned cnt)
	int ret;
	auto *m = n->getData<struct nanomsg>();

	size_t wbytes;


	ret = m->formatter->sprint(data, sizeof(data), &wbytes, smps, cnt);
	if (ret <= 0)
		return -1;

	ret = nn_send(m->out.socket, data, wbytes, 0);
	if (ret < 0)
		return ret;

	return cnt;

int villas::node::nanomsg_poll_fds(NodeCompat *n, int fds[])
	int ret;
	auto *m = n->getData<struct nanomsg>();

	int fd;
	size_t len = sizeof(fd);

	ret = nn_getsockopt(m->in.socket, NN_SOL_SOCKET, NN_RCVFD, &fd, &len);
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	fds[0] = fd;

	return 1;

int villas::node::nanomsg_netem_fds(NodeCompat *n, int fds[])
	auto *m = n->getData<struct nanomsg>();

	fds[0] = m->out.socket;

	return 1;

static NodeCompatType p;

static void register_plugin() {
	p.name		= "nanomsg";
	p.description	= "scalability protocols library (libnanomsg)";
	p.vectorize	= 0;
	p.size		= sizeof(struct nanomsg);
	p.type.stop	= nanomsg_type_stop;
	p.init		= nanomsg_init;
	p.destroy	= nanomsg_destroy;
	p.parse		= nanomsg_parse;
	p.print		= nanomsg_print;
	p.start		= nanomsg_start;
	p.stop		= nanomsg_stop;
	p.read		= nanomsg_read;
	p.write		= nanomsg_write;
	p.reverse	= nanomsg_reverse;
	p.poll_fds	= nanomsg_poll_fds;
	p.netem_fds	= nanomsg_netem_fds;

	static NodeCompatFactory ncp(&p);