/* Node type: Real-time Protocol (RTP).
 * Author: Steffen Vogel <post@steffenvogel.de>
 * Author: Marvin Klimke <marvin.klimke@rwth-aachen.de>
 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>

#include <villas/nodes/rtp.hpp>

extern "C" {
// clang-format off
#include <re/re_main.h>
#include <re/re_mbuf.h>
#include <re/re_mem.h>
// clang-format on

#include <villas/hook.hpp>
#include <villas/node_compat.hpp>
#include <villas/nodes/socket.hpp>
#include <villas/stats.hpp>
#include <villas/super_node.hpp>
#include <villas/utils.hpp>

#include <villas/kernel/if.hpp>
#endif // WITH_NETEM

static pthread_t re_pthread;

using namespace villas;
using namespace villas::utils;
using namespace villas::node;
using namespace villas::kernel;

static NodeCompatType p;
static NodeCompatFactory ncp(&p);

static int rtp_aimd(NodeCompat *n, double loss_frac) {
  auto *r = n->getData<struct rtp>();

  double rate;

  if (!r->rtcp.enabled)
    return -1;

  if (loss_frac < 0.01)
    rate = r->aimd.rate + r->aimd.a;
    rate = r->aimd.rate * r->aimd.b;

  r->aimd.rate = r->aimd.rate_pid.calculate(rate, r->aimd.rate);

  if (r->aimd.rate_hook) {
    n->logger->debug("AIMD: Set rate limit to: {}", r->aimd.rate);

  if (r->aimd.log)
    *(r->aimd.log) << r->rtcp.num_rrs << "\t" << loss_frac << "\t"
                   << r->aimd.rate << std::endl;

  n->logger->debug("AIMD: {}\t{}\t{}", r->rtcp.num_rrs, loss_frac,

  return 0;

int villas::node::rtp_init(NodeCompat *n) {
  auto *r = n->getData<struct rtp>();

  n->logger = villas::Log::get("node:rtp");

  // Default values
  r->aimd.a = 10;
  r->aimd.b = 0.5;
  r->aimd.Kp = 1;
  r->aimd.Ki = 0;
  r->aimd.Kd = 0;

  r->aimd.rate = 1;
  r->aimd.rate_min = 1;
  r->aimd.rate_source = 2000;

  r->aimd.log_filename = nullptr;
  r->aimd.log = nullptr;

  r->rtcp.enabled = false;
  r->aimd.rate_hook_type = RTPHookType::DISABLED;

  r->formatter = nullptr;

  return 0;

int villas::node::rtp_reverse(NodeCompat *n) {
  auto *r = n->getData<struct rtp>();

  SWAP(r->in.saddr_rtp, r->out.saddr_rtp);
  SWAP(r->in.saddr_rtcp, r->out.saddr_rtcp);

  return 0;

int villas::node::rtp_parse(NodeCompat *n, json_t *json) {
  int ret = 0;
  auto *r = n->getData<struct rtp>();

  const char *local, *remote;
  const char *log = nullptr;
  const char *hook_type = nullptr;
  uint16_t port;

  json_error_t err;
  json_t *json_aimd = nullptr;
  json_t *json_format = nullptr;

  ret = json_unpack_ex(
      json, &err, 0, "{ s?: o, s?: b, s?: o, s: { s: s }, s: { s: s } }",
      "format", &json_format, "rtcp", &r->rtcp.enabled, "aimd", &json_aimd,
      "out", "address", &remote, "in", "address", &local);
  if (ret)
    throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-node-rtp");

  // AIMD
  if (json_aimd) {
    ret = json_unpack_ex(json_aimd, &err, 0,
                         "{ s?: F, s?: F, s?: F, s?: F, s?: F, s?: F, s?: F, "
                         "s?: F, s?: s, s?: s }",
                         "a", &r->aimd.a, "b", &r->aimd.b, "Kp", &r->aimd.Kp,
                         "Ki", &r->aimd.Ki, "Kd", &r->aimd.Kd, "rate_min",
                         &r->aimd.rate_min, "rate_source", &r->aimd.rate_source,
                         "rate_init", &r->aimd.rate, "log", &log, "hook_type",
    if (ret)
      throw ConfigError(json_aimd, err, "node-config-node-rtp-aimd");

    // AIMD Hook type
    if (!r->rtcp.enabled)
      r->aimd.rate_hook_type = RTPHookType::DISABLED;
    else if (hook_type) {
      if (!strcmp(hook_type, "decimate"))
        r->aimd.rate_hook_type = RTPHookType::DECIMATE;
      else if (!strcmp(hook_type, "limit_rate"))
        r->aimd.rate_hook_type = RTPHookType::LIMIT_RATE;
      else if (!strcmp(hook_type, "disabled"))
        r->aimd.rate_hook_type = RTPHookType::DISABLED;
        throw RuntimeError("Unknown RTCP hook_type: {}", hook_type);

  if (log)
    r->aimd.log_filename = strdup(log);

  // Format
  if (r->formatter)
    delete r->formatter;
  r->formatter = json_format ? FormatFactory::make(json_format)
                             : FormatFactory::make("villas.binary");
  if (!r->formatter)
    throw ConfigError(json_format, "node-config-node-rtp-format",
                      "Invalid format configuration");

  // Remote address
  ret = sa_decode(&r->out.saddr_rtp, remote, strlen(remote));
  if (ret)
    throw RuntimeError("Failed to resolve remote address '{}': {}", remote,

  // Assign even port number to RTP socket, next odd number to RTCP socket
  port = sa_port(&r->out.saddr_rtp) & ~1;
  sa_set_sa(&r->out.saddr_rtcp, &r->out.saddr_rtp.u.sa);
  sa_set_port(&r->out.saddr_rtp, port);
  sa_set_port(&r->out.saddr_rtcp, port + 1);

  // Local address
  ret = sa_decode(&r->in.saddr_rtp, local, strlen(local));
  if (ret)
    throw RuntimeError("Failed to resolve local address '{}': {}", local,

  // Assign even port number to RTP socket, next odd number to RTCP socket
  port = sa_port(&r->in.saddr_rtp) & ~1;
  sa_set_sa(&r->in.saddr_rtcp, &r->in.saddr_rtp.u.sa);
  sa_set_port(&r->in.saddr_rtp, port);
  sa_set_port(&r->in.saddr_rtcp, port + 1);

  // TODO: parse * in addresses

  return 0;

char *villas::node::rtp_print(NodeCompat *n) {
  auto *r = n->getData<struct rtp>();
  char *buf;

  char *local = socket_print_addr((struct sockaddr *)&r->in.saddr_rtp.u);
  char *remote = socket_print_addr((struct sockaddr *)&r->out.saddr_rtp.u);

  buf = strf("in.address=%s, out.address=%s, rtcp.enabled=%s", local, remote,
             r->rtcp.enabled ? "yes" : "no");

  if (r->rtcp.enabled) {
    const char *hook_type;

    switch (r->aimd.rate_hook_type) {
    case RTPHookType::DECIMATE:
      hook_type = "decimate";

    case RTPHookType::LIMIT_RATE:
      hook_type = "limit_rate";

    case RTPHookType::DISABLED:
      hook_type = "disabled";

      hook_type = "unknown";

    strcatf(&buf, ", aimd.hook_type=%s", hook_type);
    strcatf(&buf, ", aimd.a=%f, aimd.b=%f, aimd.start_rate=%f", r->aimd.a,
            r->aimd.b, r->aimd.rate);


  return buf;

static void rtp_handler(const struct sa *src, const struct rtp_header *hdr,
                        struct mbuf *mb, void *arg) {
  int ret;
  auto *n = (NodeCompat *)arg;
  auto *r = n->getData<struct rtp>();

  // source, header not used

  void *d = mem_ref((void *)mb);

  ret = queue_signalled_push(&r->recv_queue, d);
  if (ret != 1) {
    n->logger->warn("Failed to push to queue");

static void rtcp_handler(const struct sa *src, struct rtcp_msg *msg,
                         void *arg) {
  auto *n = (NodeCompat *)arg;
  auto *r = n->getData<struct rtp>();

  // source not used

  n->logger->debug("RTCP: recv {}",
                   rtcp_type_name((enum rtcp_type)msg->hdr.pt));

  if (msg->hdr.pt == RTCP_SR) {
    if (msg->hdr.count > 0) {
      const struct rtcp_rr *rr = &msg->r.sr.rrv[0];

      double loss_frac = (double)rr->fraction / 256;

      rtp_aimd(n, loss_frac);

      auto stats = n->getStats();
      if (stats) {
        stats->update(Stats::Metric::RTP_PKTS_LOST, rr->lost);
        stats->update(Stats::Metric::RTP_LOSS_FRACTION, loss_frac);
        stats->update(Stats::Metric::RTP_JITTER, rr->jitter);

          "RTCP: rr: num_rrs={}, loss_frac={}, pkts_lost={}, jitter={}",
          r->rtcp.num_rrs, loss_frac, rr->lost, rr->jitter);
    } else
          "RTCP: Received sender report with zero reception reports");


int villas::node::rtp_start(NodeCompat *n) {
  int ret;
  auto *r = n->getData<struct rtp>();

  // Initialize queue
  ret = queue_signalled_init(&r->recv_queue, 1024, &memory::heap);
  if (ret)
    return ret;

  // Initialize IO
  r->formatter->start(n->getInputSignals(false), ~(int)SampleFlags::HAS_OFFSET);

  // Initialize memory buffer for sending
  r->send_mb = mbuf_alloc(RTP_INITIAL_BUFFER_LEN);
  if (!r->send_mb)
    return -1;

  ret = mbuf_fill(r->send_mb, 0, RTP_HEADER_SIZE);
  if (ret)
    return -1;

  // Initialize AIMD hook
  if (r->aimd.rate_hook_type != RTPHookType::DISABLED) {
    switch (r->aimd.rate_hook_type) {
    case RTPHookType::DECIMATE:
      r->aimd.rate_hook = std::make_shared<DecimateHook>(nullptr, n, 0, 0);

    case RTPHookType::LIMIT_RATE:
      r->aimd.rate_hook = std::make_shared<LimitRateHook>(nullptr, n, 0, 0);

      return -1;

    if (!r->aimd.rate_hook)
      throw MemoryAllocationError();



    r->aimd.rate_hook->setRate(r->aimd.rate, r->aimd.rate_source);
    throw RuntimeError("Rate limiting is not supported");

    return -1;

  double dt = 5.0; // TODO

  r->aimd.rate_pid = villas::dsp::PID(dt, r->aimd.rate_source, r->aimd.rate_min,
                                      r->aimd.Kp, r->aimd.Ki, r->aimd.Kd);

  // Initialize RTP socket
  uint16_t port = sa_port(&r->in.saddr_rtp) & ~1;
  ret = rtp_listen(&r->rs, IPPROTO_UDP, &r->in.saddr_rtp, port, port + 1,
                   r->rtcp.enabled, rtp_handler, rtcp_handler, n);

  // Start RTCP session
  if (r->rtcp.enabled) {
    r->rtcp.num_rrs = 0;

    rtcp_start(r->rs, n->getNameShort().c_str(), &r->out.saddr_rtcp);

    if (r->aimd.log_filename) {
      char fn[128];

      time_t ts = time(nullptr);
      struct tm tm;

      // Convert time
      gmtime_r(&ts, &tm);
      strftime(fn, sizeof(fn), r->aimd.log_filename, &tm);

      r->aimd.log = new std::ofstream(fn, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
      if (!r->aimd.log)
        throw MemoryAllocationError();

      *(r->aimd.log) << "# cnt\tfrac_loss\trate" << std::endl;
    } else
      r->aimd.log = nullptr;

  return ret;

int villas::node::rtp_stop(NodeCompat *n) {
  int ret;
  auto *r = n->getData<struct rtp>();


  ret = queue_signalled_close(&r->recv_queue);
  if (ret)
    throw RuntimeError("Problem closing queue");

  ret = queue_signalled_destroy(&r->recv_queue);
  if (ret)
    throw RuntimeError("Problem destroying queue");


  if (r->aimd.log)

  return 0;

int villas::node::rtp_destroy(NodeCompat *n) {
  auto *r = n->getData<struct rtp>();

  if (r->aimd.log)
    delete r->aimd.log;

  if (r->aimd.log_filename)

  if (r->formatter)
    delete r->formatter;

  return 0;

static void stop_handler(int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *ctx) { re_cancel(); }

typedef void *(*pthread_start_routine)(void *);

int villas::node::rtp_type_start(villas::node::SuperNode *sn) {
  int ret;

  // Initialize library
  ret = libre_init();
  if (ret)
    throw RuntimeError("Error initializing libre");

  // Add worker thread
  ret = pthread_create(&re_pthread, nullptr, (pthread_start_routine)re_main,
  if (ret)
    throw RuntimeError("Error creating rtp node type pthread");

  struct sigaction sa;
  sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
  sa.sa_sigaction = stop_handler;

  ret = sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, nullptr);
  if (ret)
    return ret;

  if (sn != nullptr) {
    // Gather list of used network interfaces
    for (auto *n : ncp.instances) {
      auto *nc = dynamic_cast<NodeCompat *>(n);
      auto *r = nc->getData<struct rtp>();
      Interface *j = Interface::getEgress(&r->out.saddr_rtp.u.sa, sn);

      if (!j)
        throw RuntimeError("Failed to find egress interface");

#endif // WITH_NETEM

  return 0;

int villas::node::rtp_type_stop() {
  int ret;

  // Join worker thread
  pthread_kill(re_pthread, SIGUSR1);
  ret = pthread_join(re_pthread, nullptr);
  if (ret)
    throw RuntimeError("Error joining rtp node type pthread");


  return 0;

int villas::node::rtp_read(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[],
                           unsigned cnt) {
  int ret;
  auto *r = n->getData<struct rtp>();
  struct mbuf *mb;

  // Get data from queue
  ret = queue_signalled_pull(&r->recv_queue, (void **)&mb);
  if (ret < 0)
    throw RuntimeError("Failed to pull from queue");

  // Unpack data
  ret = r->formatter->sscan((char *)mb->buf + mb->pos, mbuf_get_left(mb),
                            nullptr, smps, cnt);


  return ret;

int villas::node::rtp_write(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[],
                            unsigned cnt) {
  int ret;
  auto *r = n->getData<struct rtp>();

  size_t wbytes;
  size_t avail;

  uint32_t ts = (uint32_t)time(nullptr);

  mbuf_set_pos(r->send_mb, RTP_HEADER_SIZE);
  avail = mbuf_get_space(r->send_mb);
  cnt = r->formatter->sprint((char *)r->send_mb->buf + r->send_mb->pos, avail,
                             &wbytes, smps, cnt);
  if (cnt < 0)
    return -1;

  if (wbytes > avail) {
    ret = mbuf_resize(r->send_mb, wbytes + RTP_HEADER_SIZE);
    if (!ret)
      return -1;

    goto retry;
  } else
    mbuf_set_end(r->send_mb, r->send_mb->pos + wbytes);

  mbuf_set_pos(r->send_mb, RTP_HEADER_SIZE);

  // Send dataset
  ret = rtp_send(r->rs, &r->out.saddr_rtp, false, false, RTP_PACKET_TYPE, ts, 0,
  if (ret)
    throw RuntimeError("Error from rtp_send, reason: {}", ret);

  return cnt;

int villas::node::rtp_poll_fds(NodeCompat *n, int fds[]) {
  auto *r = n->getData<struct rtp>();

  fds[0] = queue_signalled_fd(&r->recv_queue);

  return 1;

__attribute__((constructor(110))) static void register_plugin() {
  p.name = "rtp";
  p.description = "real-time transport protocol (libre, libnl3 netem support)";
  p.description = "real-time transport protocol (libre)";
  p.vectorize = 0;
  p.size = sizeof(struct rtp);
  p.type.start = rtp_type_start;
  p.type.stop = rtp_type_stop;
  p.init = rtp_init;
  p.destroy = rtp_destroy;
  p.parse = rtp_parse;
  p.print = rtp_print;
  p.start = rtp_start;
  p.stop = rtp_stop;
  p.read = rtp_read;
  p.write = rtp_write;
  p.reverse = rtp_reverse;
  p.poll_fds = rtp_poll_fds;