# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

@include "hook-nodes.conf"

paths = (
        in = "signal_node"
        out = "file_node"

        hooks = (
                type = "pmu_dft",

                signals = (

                # Sample rate of the input signal
                sample_rate = 1000,

                # Number of phasors calculated per second
                dft_rate = 10,

                # Lowest frequency bin
                start_frequency = 49.7,

                # Highest frequency bin
                end_frequency = 50.3,

                # Frequency bin resolution
                frequency_resolution = 0.1,

                # A factor with which the window will be increased
                window_size_factor = 1,

                # One of: flattop, hamming, hann
                window_type = "hamming",

                # One of: signal_repeat, zero
                padding_type = "zero",

                # One of: quadratic
                frequency_estimate_type = "quadratic",

                # Signal index of the PPS signal
                pps_index = 0,

                # One of: rad, degree
                angle_unit = "rad"