# Usage {#usage}

The core of VILLASnode is the `villas-node` server.
The folling usage information is provided when called like `villas-node --help`;

	Usage: villas-node [CONFIG]
	  CONFIG is the path to an optional configuration file
	         if omitted, VILLASnode will start without a configuration
	         and wait for provisioning over the web interface.

	Supported node types:
	 - file        : support for file log / replay node type
	 - cbuilder    : RTDS CBuilder model
	 - socket      : BSD network sockets
	 - fpga        : VILLASfpga PCIe card (libxil)
	 - ngsi        : OMA Next Generation Services Interface 10 (libcurl, libjansson)
	 - websocket   : Send and receive samples of a WebSocket connection (libwebsockets)

	Supported hooks:
	 - restart     : Call restart hooks for current path
	 - print       : Print the message to stdout
	 - decimate    : Downsamping by integer factor
	 - fix_ts      : Update timestamps of sample if not set
	 - skip_first  : Skip the first samples
	 - drop        : Drop messages with reordered sequence numbers
	 - convert     : Convert message from / to floating-point / integer
	 - shift       : Shift the origin timestamp of samples
	 - ts          : Update timestamp of message with current time
	 - stats       : Collect statistics for the current path
	 - stats_send  : Send path statistics to another node

	Supported API commands:
	 - nodes       : retrieve list of all known nodes
	 - config      : retrieve current VILLASnode configuration
	 - reload      : restart VILLASnode with new configuration

	VILLASnode v0.7-0.2-646-g59756e7-dirty-debug (built on Mar 12 2017 21:37:40)
	 copyright 2014-2016, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
	 Steffen Vogel <StVogel@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de>

The server requires root privileges for:

 - Enable the realtime FIFO scheduler
 - Increase the task priority
 - Configure the network emulator (netem)
 - Change the SMP affinity of threads and network interrupts

## Step-by-step

1. Start putty.exe (SSH client for Windows)

  - Should be already installed on most systems
  - Or load .exe from this website (no installation required)

2. Connect to VILLASnode

| Setting  | Value           |
| :------- | :-------------- |
| IP       |  |
| Port     | 22              |
| Protocol | SSH             |
| User     | root            |
| Password | *please ask msv |

3. Go to VILLASnode directory

    $ cd /villas/

4. Edit configuration file

    $ nano etc/loopback.conf

 - Take a look at the examples and documentation for a detailed description
 - Move with: cursor keys
 - Save with: Ctrl+X => y => Enter

5. Start server

    $ villas node etc/loopback.conf

6. Terminate server by pressing Ctrl+C

7. Logout

    $ exit