/** Example configuration file for VILLASnode. * * This example includes all valid configuration options for the server. * Please note, that using all options at the same time does not really * makes sense. The purpose of this example is to serve as a reference. * * The syntax of this file is similar to JSON. * A detailed description of the format can be found here: * http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/libconfig_manual.html#Configuration-Files * * @author Steffen Vogel * @copyright 2017, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * @license GNU General Public License (version 3) * * VILLASnode * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************************/ # Some global settings are used by multiple configuration files # and therefore defined in separate files @include "global.conf" @include "plugins.conf" ############ Dictionary of nodes ############ nodes = { udp_node = { # The dictionary is indexed by the name of the node. type = "socket", # Type can be one of: socket, opal, file, gtfpga, ngsi # Start the server without arguments for a list of supported node types. ### The following settings are specific to the socket node-type!! ### layer = "udp", # Layer can be one of: # udp Send / receive UDP packets # ip Send / receive IP packets # eth Send / receive raw Ethernet frames (IEEE802.3) header = "gtnet-skt:fake", # Header can be one of: # default | villas Use VILLASnode protocol (see struct msg) (default) # none | gtnet-skt Use no header, send raw data as used by RTDS GTNETv2-SKT # fake | gtnet-skt:fake Same as 'none', but use first three data values as # sequence, seconds & nanoseconds timestamp # In this mode values are uint32_t not floats! endian = "network", # Endianess of header and data: # big | network Use big endianess. Also know as network byte order (default) # little Use little endianess. verify_source = true, # Check if source address of incoming packets matches the remote address. local = "", # This node only received messages on this IP:Port pair remote = "", # This node sents outgoing messages to this IP:Port pair vectorize = 30, # Receive and sent 30 samples per message (combining). netem = { # Network emulation settings enabled = true, # Those settings can be specified for each node invidually! delay = 100000, # Additional latency in microseconds jitter = 30000, # Jitter in uS distribution = "normal", # Distribution of delay: uniform, normal, pareto, paretonormal loss = 10 # Packet loss in percent duplicate = 10, # Duplication in percent corrupt = 10 # Corruption in percent }, multicast = { # IGMP multicast is only support for layer = (ip|udp) enabled = true, group = "", # The multicast group. Must be within interface = "", # The IP address of the interface which should receive multicast packets. ttl = 128, # The time to live for outgoing multicast packets. loop = false, # Whether or not to loopback outgoing multicast packets to the local host. } }, ethernet_node = { type = "socket", # See above. ### The following settings are specific to the socket node-type!! ### layer = "eth", local = "12:34:56:78:90:AB%eth0:12002", remote = "12:34:56:78:90:AB%eth0:12002" }, opal_node = { # The server can be started as an Asynchronous process type = "opal", # from within an OPAL-RT model. ### The following settings are specific to the opal node-type!! ### send_id = 1, # It's possible to have multiple send / recv Icons per model recv_id = 1, # Specify the ID here. reply = true }, file_node = { type = "file", ### The following settings are specific to the file node-type!! ### in = { uri = "logs/input.log", # These options specify the path prefix where the the files are stored mode = "r", # The mode in which files should be opened (see open(2)) epoch_mode = "direct" # One of: direct (default), wait, relative, absolute epoch = 10 # The interpretation of this value depends on epoch_mode (default is 0). # Consult the documentation of a full explanation rate = 2.0 # A constant rate at which the lines of the input files should be read # A missing or zero value will use the timestamp in the first column # of the file to determine the pause between consecutive lines. }, out = { uri = "logs/output_%F_%T.log" # The output path accepts all format tokens of (see strftime(3)) mode = "a+" # You might want to use "a+" to append to a file } }, gtfpga_node = { type = "gtfpga", ### The following settings are specific to the gtfpga node-type!! ### slot = "01:00.0", # The PCIe slot location (see first column in 'lspci' output) id = "1ab8:4005", # The PCIe vendor:device ID (see third column in 'lspci -n' output) rate = 1 }, ngsi_node = { type = "ngsi", ### The following settings are specific to the ngsi node-type!! ### endpoint = "",# The HTTP REST API endpoint of the FIRWARE context broker entity_id = "S3_ElectricalGrid", entity_type = "ElectricalGridMonitoring", timeout = 5, # Timeout of HTTP request in seconds (default is 1) verify_ssl = false, # Verification of SSL server certificates (default is true) mapping = [ # Format: "AttributeName(AttributeType)" "PTotalLosses(MW)", "QTotalLosses(Mvar)" ] }, websocket_node = { type = "websocket", destinations = [ "http://example.com/node-name1", "https://example.com/another-node" ] }, nanomsg_node = { type = "nanomsg", publish = [ "tcp://*:12000", # TCP socket "ipc:///tmp/test.ipc", # Interprocess communication "inproc://test" # Inprocess communication ], subscribe = [ "tcp://", "ipc:///tmp/test.ipc", "inproc://test" ] }, zeromq_node = { type = "zeromq", pattern = "pubsub", # The ZeroMQ pattern. One of: 'pubsub', 'radiodish' ipv6 = false, # Enable IPv6 support filter = "ab184", # A filter which is prefix matched curve = { # Z85 encoded Curve25519 keys enabled = true, public_key = "Veg+Q.V-c&1k>yVh663gQ^7fL($y47gybE-nZP1L", secret_key = "HPY.+mFuB[jGs@(zZr6$IZ1H1dZ7Ji*j>oi@O?Pc" } subscribe = "tcp://*:1234" # The subscribe endpoint. See http://api.zeromq.org/2-1:zmq-bind for details. publish = [ # The publish endpoints. See http://api.zeromq.org/2-1:zmq-connect for details. "tcp://localhost:1235", "tcp://localhost:12444" ], } }; ############ List of paths ############ paths = ( { enabled = true, # Enable this path (default: true) reverse = true, # Setup a path in the reverse direction as well (default: false) in = "acs", # Name of the node we receive messages from (see node dictionary) out = "sintef", # Name of the node we send messages to. rate = 100, # Send message over this path with a fixed (constant) rate (default: 0). # Setting this value to 0 will disable this feature. queuelen = 128, samplelen = 64 }, { enabled = false, reverse = false, in = "opal_node", # There's only a single source node allowed! out = [ "udp_node", "tcp_node" ], # Multiple destination nodes are supported too. }, { in = "socket_node", out = "file_node", # This path includes all available example hooks. # A complete list of supported hooks hooks = ( { type = "print" output = "stdout" priority = 0 }, { type = "ts" priority = 1 }, { type = "decimate" ratio = 2 # Only forward every 2nd message }, { type = "convert" mask = 0x1 # only convert the first value mode = "fixed" # Convert all values to fixed precission. Use 'float' to convert to floating point. scale = 1.0 }, { type = "skip_first" seconds = 10 # Skip the first 10 seconds of this path # samples = 1000 # Skip the first 1000 samples }, { type = "shift" mode = "origin", # Shift origin timestam of samples by +10 seconds offset = 10 # Seconds } ) } );