# yaml-language-server: $schema=http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema --- allOf: - type: object properties: format: $ref: ../format_spec.yaml uri: type: string format: uri description: | Specifies the URI to a file from which is written to or read from depending in which group (`in`or `out`) is used. This setting allows to add special paceholders for time and date values. See [strftime(3)](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/strftime.3.html) for a list of supported placeholder. **Example**: ``` uri = "logs/measurements_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.log" ``` will create a file called: ``` ./logs/measurements_2015-08-09_22-20-50.log ``` - $ref: ../node.yaml