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* This file is part of VILLASweb-backend-go
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package configuration
import (
// Global configuration
var GlobalConfig *config.Config = nil
type GroupedScenario struct {
Scenario int `yaml:"scenario"`
Duplicate bool `default:"false" yaml:"duplicate"`
var ScenarioGroupMap = map[string][]GroupedScenario{}
func InitConfig() error {
if GlobalConfig != nil {
return nil
var (
dbHost = flag.String("db-host", "/var/run/postgresql", "Host of the PostgreSQL database (default is /var/run/postgresql for localhost DB on Ubuntu systems)")
dbPort = flag.Int("db-port", -1, "Port of the PostgreSQL server")
dbName = flag.String("db-name", "villasdb", "Name of the database to use (default is villasdb)")
dbUser = flag.String("db-user", "", "Username of database connection (default is <empty>)")
dbPass = flag.String("db-pass", "", "Password of database connection (default is <empty>)")
dbSSLMode = flag.String("db-ssl-mode", "disable", "SSL mode of DB (default is disable)") // TODO: change default for production
dbClear = flag.Bool("db-clear", false, "Set to true if you want to clear all DB tables upon startup. This parameter has to be used with great care, its effects cannot be reverted.")
amqpHost = flag.String("amqp-host", "", "If set, use this as host for AMQP broker (default is disabled)")
amqpUser = flag.String("amqp-user", "", "Username for AMQP broker")
amqpPass = flag.String("amqp-pass", "", "Password for AMQP broker")
configFile = flag.String("config", "", "Path to YAML configuration file")
port = flag.String("port", "4000", "Port of the backend (default is 4000)")
adminUser = flag.String("admin-user", "", "Initial admin username")
adminPass = flag.String("admin-pass", "", "Initial admin password")
adminMail = flag.String("admin-mail", "", "Initial admin mail address")
s3Bucket = flag.String("s3-bucket", "", "S3 Bucket for uploading files")
s3Endpoint = flag.String("s3-endpoint", "", "Endpoint of S3 API for file uploads")
s3EndpointPublic = flag.String("s3-endpoint-public", "", "Public endpoint address of S3 API for file uploads")
s3Region = flag.String("s3-region", "default", "S3 Region for file uploads")
s3NoSSL = flag.Bool("s3-nossl", false, "Use encrypted connections to the S3 API")
s3PathStyle = flag.Bool("s3-pathstyle", false, "Use path-style S3 API")
jwtSecret = flag.String("jwt-secret", "This should NOT be here!!@33$8&", "The JSON Web Token secret")
jwtExpiresAfter = flag.String("jwt-expires-after", "168h" /* 1 week */, "The time after which the JSON Web Token expires")
authExternal = flag.Bool("auth-external", false, "Use external authentication via X-Forwarded-User header (e.g. OAuth2 Proxy)")
authExternalLoginURL = flag.String("auth-external-login-url", "/oauth2/start", "A URL to initiate external login procedure")
authExternalProviderName = flag.String("auth-external-provider-name", "JupyterHub", "A name of the external authentication provider")
authLogoutURL = flag.String("auth-logout-url", "/oauth2/sign_out?rd=https%3A%2F%2Fjupyter.k8s.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de%2Fhub%2Flogout", "The URL to redirect the user to log out")
title = flag.String("title", "VILLASweb", "Title shown in the frontend")
subTitle = flag.String("sub-title", "", "Sub-title shown in the frontend")
contactName = flag.String("contact-name", "Steffen Vogel", "Name of the administrative contact")
contactMail = flag.String("contact-mail", "svogel2@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de", "EMail of the administrative contact")
testDataPath = flag.String("test-data-path", "", "The path to a test data json file")
groupsPath = flag.String("groups-path", "", "The path to a YAML file that maps user groups to scenario IDs")
apiUpdateInterval = flag.String("api-update-interval", "10s" /* 10 sec */, "Interval in which API URL is queried for status updates of ICs")
k8sRancherURL = flag.String("k8s-rancher-url", "https://rancher.k8s.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de", "URL of Rancher instance that is used to deploy the backend")
k8sClusterName = flag.String("k8s-cluster-name", "local", "Name of the Kubernetes cluster where the backend is deployed")
staleICTime = flag.String("stale-ic-time", "1h" /* 1 hour */, "Time after which an IC is considered stale")
webRTCiceUrls = flag.String("webrtc-ice-urls",
"WebRTC ICE URLs (comma-separated list, use username:password@url style for non-anonymous URLs)")
static := map[string]string{
"db.host": *dbHost,
"db.port": fmt.Sprint(*dbPort),
"db.name": *dbName,
"db.user": *dbUser,
"db.pass": *dbPass,
"db.ssl": *dbSSLMode,
"amqp.host": *amqpHost,
"amqp.user": *amqpUser,
"amqp.pass": *amqpPass,
"port": *port,
"admin.user": *adminUser,
"admin.pass": *adminPass,
"admin.mail": *adminMail,
"s3.bucket": *s3Bucket,
"s3.endpoint": *s3Endpoint,
"s3.endpoint-public": *s3EndpointPublic,
"s3.region": *s3Region,
"jwt.secret": *jwtSecret,
"jwt.expires-after": *jwtExpiresAfter,
"auth.external.login-url": *authExternalLoginURL,
"auth.external.provider-name": *authExternalProviderName,
"auth.logout-url": *authLogoutURL,
"title": *title,
"sub-title": *subTitle,
"contact.name": *contactName,
"contact.mail": *contactMail,
"test.datapath": *testDataPath,
"groups.path": *groupsPath,
"config.file": *configFile,
"apiupdateinterval": *apiUpdateInterval,
"k8s.rancher-url": *k8sRancherURL,
"k8s.cluster-name": *k8sClusterName,
"staleictime": *staleICTime,
"webrtc.ice-urls": *webRTCiceUrls,
if *dbClear {
static["db.clear"] = "true"
} else {
static["db.clear"] = "false"
if *s3NoSSL {
static["s3.nossl"] = "true"
} else {
static["s3.nossl"] = "false"
if *s3PathStyle {
static["s3.pathstyle"] = "true"
} else {
static["s3.pathstyle"] = "false"
if *authExternal {
static["auth.external.enabled"] = "true"
} else {
static["auth.external.enabled"] = "false"
mappings := map[string]string{}
for name := range static {
envName := strings.ReplaceAll(name, ".", "_")
envName = strings.ReplaceAll(envName, "-", "_")
envName = strings.ToUpper(envName)
mappings[envName] = name
defaults := config.NewStatic(static)
env := config.NewEnvironment(mappings)
if _, err := os.Stat(*configFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
GlobalConfig = config.NewConfig([]config.Provider{defaults, env})
} else {
yamlFile := config.NewYAMLFile(*configFile)
GlobalConfig = config.NewConfig([]config.Provider{defaults, yamlFile, env})
err := GlobalConfig.Load()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("failed to parse config")
return err
settings, _ := GlobalConfig.Settings()
keys := make([]string, 0, len(settings))
for k := range settings {
keys = append(keys, k)
log.Print("All settings (except for PW and secrets):")
for _, k := range keys {
if !strings.Contains(k, "pass") && !strings.Contains(k, "secret") {
log.Printf(" %s = %s \n", k, settings[k])
return nil
func remove(arr []GroupedScenario, index int) []GroupedScenario {
arr[index] = arr[len(arr)-1]
return arr[:len(arr)-1]
func ReadGroupsFile(path string) error {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return err
yamlFile, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error opening yaml file for groups: %v", err)
log.Println("Successfully opened yaml groups file", path)
defer yamlFile.Close()
byteValue, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(yamlFile)
err = yaml.Unmarshal(byteValue, &ScenarioGroupMap)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling yaml into ScenarioGroupMap: %v", err)
for _, group := range ScenarioGroupMap {
for i, scenario := range group {
// remove invalid values that might have been introduced by typos
// (Unmarshal sets default values when it doesn't find a field)
if scenario.Scenario == 0 {
log.Println("Removing entry from ScenarioGroupMap, check for typos in the yaml!")
remove(group, i)
log.Println("ScenarioGroupMap", ScenarioGroupMap)
return nil