For development setup instructions see @ref web-development.
The production setup is based on docker.
Clone the [frontend]( and [backend]( repositories on your computer and build the Docker images for both:
The node `sine` is a software signal generator for 5 signals.
The node `web` is the websocket interface to stream the data generated by the `sine` node to the browser.
> Note: If you do not want to use your local system as the destination for the websocket node,
>change the option `destinations` of the `web` node to the destination of your production environment, for example `https://my.production.environment/ws/webdemo`.
### Start the VILLASnode gateway
Run the following command on your system:
villas node webdemo.conf
> Note: Change the path to the configuration file accordingly. The `villas` command will only work if VILLASnode is installed on your system.
### Visualize real-time data in VILLASweb Dashboards
1. Use the VILLASweb frontend to create a new infrastructure component for the VILLASnode gateway from above (Admin user required).
3. Create a new scenario in VILLASweb and within that scenario create a new component configuration that uses the infrastructure component you created under 2.
4. WIP: Use the signal auto-configure function to retrieve the signal configuration of the VILLASnode automatically.
5. Create a new dashboard with widgets of your choice and link these widgets to the signals received from the infrastructure component.