diff --git a/src/common/api/rest-api.js b/src/common/api/rest-api.js
index bb92e10..33c30ac 100644
--- a/src/common/api/rest-api.js
+++ b/src/common/api/rest-api.js
@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ class RestAPI {
- upload(url, data, token, progressCallback) {
+ upload(url, data, token, progressCallback, objectType, objectID) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
- const req = request.post(url).send(data).on('progress', progressCallback);
+ const req = request.post(url + "?objectType=" + objectType + "&objectID=" + objectID).send(data); //.on('progress', progressCallback);
if (token != null) {
req.set('Authorization', "Bearer " + token);
diff --git a/src/file/file-store.js b/src/file/file-store.js
index f2d3a07..4336ebc 100644
--- a/src/file/file-store.js
+++ b/src/file/file-store.js
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class FileStore extends ArrayStore {
reduce(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'files/start-upload':
- FilesDataManager.upload(action.data, action.token, action.progressCallback, action.finishedCallback);
+ FilesDataManager.upload(action.data, action.token, action.progressCallback, action.finishedCallback, action.objectType, action.objectID);
return state;
case 'files/uploaded':
diff --git a/src/file/files-data-manager.js b/src/file/files-data-manager.js
index e92aeff..91fb4a6 100644
--- a/src/file/files-data-manager.js
+++ b/src/file/files-data-manager.js
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ class FilesDataManager extends RestDataManager {
super('file', '/files');
- upload(file, token = null, progressCallback = null, finishedCallback = null) {
- RestAPI.upload(this.makeURL('/upload'), file, token, progressCallback).then(response => {
+ upload(file, token = null, progressCallback = null, finishedCallback = null, objectType, objectID) {
+ RestAPI.upload(this.makeURL(this.url), file, token, progressCallback, objectType, objectID).then(response => {
type: 'files/uploaded',
@@ -38,12 +38,13 @@ class FilesDataManager extends RestDataManager {
// Trigger a files reload
type: 'files/start-load',
- token
+ param: '?objectType=' + objectType + '&objectID=' + objectID,
+ token: token
- if (finishedCallback) {
+ /*if (finishedCallback) {
- }
+ }*/
}).catch(error => {
type: 'files/upload-error',
diff --git a/src/file/select-file.js b/src/file/select-file.js
index 5e273dc..9602f80 100644
--- a/src/file/select-file.js
+++ b/src/file/select-file.js
@@ -27,15 +27,24 @@ import FileStore from './file-store';
import LoginStore from '../user/login-store';
import AppDispatcher from '../common/app-dispatcher';
+import Icon from "../common/icon";
class SelectFile extends React.Component {
static getStores() {
return [ FileStore, LoginStore ];
- static calculateState() {
+ static calculateState(prevState, props) {
+ let files = FileStore.getState().filter((file) => {
+ return (file.simulationModelID === props.objectID)
+ });
+ console.log("props.objectID=", props.objectID)
return {
- files: FileStore.getState(),
+ files: files,
sessionToken: LoginStore.getState().token,
selectedFile: '',
uploadFile: null,
@@ -51,59 +60,47 @@ class SelectFile extends React.Component {
static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state){
- if (props.value === state.selectedSimulator) {
- return null;
- }
- let selectedSimulator = props.value;
- if (selectedSimulator == null) {
- if (state.simulators.length > 0) {
- selectedSimulator = state.simulators[0]._id;
- } else {
- selectedSimulator = '';
- }
- }
- return {selectedSimulator};
- handleChange = event => {
- this.setState({ selectedFile: event.target.value });
+ handleChange(event) {
- // send file to callback
+ // send file ID to callback
if (this.props.onChange != null) {
- const file = this.state.files.find(f => f.id === event.target.value);
- this.props.onChange(file);
+ this.props.onChange(event.target.value);
- selectUploadFile = event => {
+ selectUploadFile(event) {
this.setState({ uploadFile: event.target.files[0] });
- startFileUpload = () => {
+ startFileUpload(){
// upload file
const formData = new FormData();
- formData.append(0, this.state.uploadFile);
+ formData.append("file", this.state.uploadFile);
type: 'files/start-upload',
data: formData,
token: this.state.sessionToken,
- progressCallback: this.updateUploadProgress,
- finishedCallback: this.clearProgress
+ //progressCallback: this.updateUploadProgress,
+ //finishedCallback: this.clearProgress,
+ objectType: this.props.type,
+ objectID: this.props.objectID,
- updateUploadProgress = event => {
+ updateUploadProgress = (event) => {// TODO: this callback does not work properly (access to setState)
this.setState({ uploadProgress: parseInt(event.percent.toFixed(), 10) });
- clearProgress = () => {
- // select uploaded file
- const selectedFile = this.state.files[this.state.files.length - 1]._id;
- this.setState({ selectedFile, uploadProgress: 0 });
+ clearProgress = () => { // TODO this callback does not work properly (access to setState)
+ if (this.props.onChange != null) {
+ this.props.onChange(this.state.files[this.state.files.length - 1].id);
+ }
+ this.setState({ uploadProgress: 0 });
render() {
@@ -129,27 +126,29 @@ class SelectFile extends React.Component {
- this.handleChange(e)}>
+ this.handleChange(event)}>
+ this.selectUploadFile(event)} />
+ {/*
+ */}
let fluxContainerConverter = require('../common/FluxContainerConverter');
-export default Container.create(fluxContainerConverter.convert(SelectFile));
+export default Container.create(fluxContainerConverter.convert(SelectFile), { withProps: true });
diff --git a/src/scenario/scenario.js b/src/scenario/scenario.js
index 048643a..fd6171f 100644
--- a/src/scenario/scenario.js
+++ b/src/scenario/scenario.js
@@ -44,10 +44,11 @@ import SimulatorAction from '../simulator/simulator-action';
import DeleteDialog from '../common/dialogs/delete-dialog';
import EditSimulationModelDialog from "../simulationmodel/edit-simulation-model";
import EditSignalMapping from "../signal/edit-signal-mapping";
+import FileStore from "../file/file-store"
class Scenario extends React.Component {
static getStores() {
- return [ ScenarioStore, SimulationModelStore, DashboardStore, SimulatorStore, LoginStore, SignalStore];
+ return [ ScenarioStore, SimulationModelStore, DashboardStore, SimulatorStore, LoginStore, SignalStore, FileStore];
static calculateState(prevState, props) {
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ class Scenario extends React.Component {
let simulationModels = SimulationModelStore.getState().filter(simmodel => simmodel.scenarioID === parseInt(props.match.params.scenario, 10));
let signals = SignalStore.getState();
+ let files = FileStore.getState();
return {
@@ -78,6 +80,7 @@ class Scenario extends React.Component {
+ files,
simulators: SimulatorStore.getState(),
deleteSimulationModelModal: false,
@@ -129,14 +132,9 @@ class Scenario extends React.Component {
- static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state){
- let simulationModels = SimulationModelStore.getState().filter(simmodel => simmodel.scenarioID === parseInt(props.match.params.scenario, 10));
- return {
- simulationModels: simulationModels
- };
- }
+ /* ##############################################
+ * Simulation Model modification methods
+ ############################################## */
const simulationModel = {
@@ -173,54 +171,6 @@ class Scenario extends React.Component {
- closeDeleteSignalModal(data){
- // data contains the signal to be deleted
- if (data){
- AppDispatcher.dispatch({
- type: 'signals/start-remove',
- data: data,
- token: this.state.sessionToken
- });
- }
- }
- closeNewSignalModal(data){
- //data contains the new signal incl. simulationModelID and direction
- if (data) {
- AppDispatcher.dispatch({
- type: 'signals/start-add',
- data: data,
- token: this.state.sessionToken
- });
- }
- }
- closeEditSignalsModal(data, direction){
- if( direction === "in") {
- this.setState({editInputSignalsModal: false});
- } else if( direction === "out"){
- this.setState({editOutputSignalsModal: false});
- } else {
- return; // no valid direction
- }
- if (data){
- //data is an array of signals
- for (let sig of data) {
- //dispatch changes to signals
- AppDispatcher.dispatch({
- type: 'signals/start-edit',
- data: sig,
- token: this.state.sessionToken,
- });
- }
- }
- }
closeDeleteSimulationModelModal(confirmDelete) {
this.setState({ deleteSimulationModelModal: false });
@@ -259,76 +209,15 @@ class Scenario extends React.Component {
- closeNewDashboardModal(data) {
- this.setState({ newDashboardModal : false });
- if (data) {
- AppDispatcher.dispatch({
- type: 'dashboards/start-add',
- data,
- token: this.state.sessionToken,
- });
- }
- }
- closeDeleteDashboardModal(confirmDelete){
- this.setState({ deleteDashboardModal: false });
- if (confirmDelete === false) {
- return;
- }
- AppDispatcher.dispatch({
- type: 'dashboards/start-remove',
- data: this.state.modalDashboardData,
- token: this.state.sessionToken,
- });
- }
- closeImportDashboardModal(data) {
- this.setState({ importDashboardModal: false });
- if (data) {
- AppDispatcher.dispatch({
- type: 'dashboards/start-add',
- data,
- token: this.state.sessionToken,
- });
- }
- }
- getSimulatorName(simulatorId) {
- for (let simulator of this.state.simulators) {
- if (simulator.id === simulatorId) {
- return _.get(simulator, 'properties.name') || _.get(simulator, 'rawProperties.name') || simulator.uuid;
- }
- }
- }
exportModel(index) {
// filter properties
const model = Object.assign({}, this.state.simulationModels[index]);
- //delete model.simulator;
- //delete model.scenario;
- // TODO get elements recursively
// show save dialog
const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(model, null, 2)], { type: 'application/json' });
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, 'simulation model - ' + model.name + '.json');
- exportDashboard(index) {
- // filter properties
- const dashboard = Object.assign({}, this.state.dashboards[index]);
- // TODO get elements recursively
- // show save dialog
- const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(dashboard, null, 2)], { type: 'application/json' });
- FileSaver.saveAs(blob, 'dashboard - ' + dashboard.name + '.json');
- }
onSimulationModelChecked(index, event) {
const selectedSimulationModels = Object.assign([], this.state.selectedSimulationModels);
for (let key in selectedSimulationModels) {
@@ -379,9 +268,139 @@ class Scenario extends React.Component {
token: this.state.sessionToken
+ };
+ getSimulatorName(simulatorId) {
+ for (let simulator of this.state.simulators) {
+ if (simulator.id === simulatorId) {
+ return _.get(simulator, 'properties.name') || _.get(simulator, 'rawProperties.name') || simulator.uuid;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ##############################################
+ * Dashboard modification methods
+ ############################################## */
+ closeNewDashboardModal(data) {
+ this.setState({ newDashboardModal : false });
+ if (data) {
+ AppDispatcher.dispatch({
+ type: 'dashboards/start-add',
+ data,
+ token: this.state.sessionToken,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ closeDeleteDashboardModal(confirmDelete){
+ this.setState({ deleteDashboardModal: false });
+ if (confirmDelete === false) {
+ return;
+ }
+ AppDispatcher.dispatch({
+ type: 'dashboards/start-remove',
+ data: this.state.modalDashboardData,
+ token: this.state.sessionToken,
+ });
+ }
+ closeImportDashboardModal(data) {
+ this.setState({ importDashboardModal: false });
+ if (data) {
+ AppDispatcher.dispatch({
+ type: 'dashboards/start-add',
+ data,
+ token: this.state.sessionToken,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ exportDashboard(index) {
+ // filter properties
+ const dashboard = Object.assign({}, this.state.dashboards[index]);
+ // TODO get elements recursively
+ // show save dialog
+ const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(dashboard, null, 2)], { type: 'application/json' });
+ FileSaver.saveAs(blob, 'dashboard - ' + dashboard.name + '.json');
+ }
+ /* ##############################################
+ * Signal modification methods
+ ############################################## */
+ closeDeleteSignalModal(data){
+ // data contains the signal to be deleted
+ if (data){
+ AppDispatcher.dispatch({
+ type: 'signals/start-remove',
+ data: data,
+ token: this.state.sessionToken
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ closeNewSignalModal(data){
+ //data contains the new signal incl. simulationModelID and direction
+ if (data) {
+ AppDispatcher.dispatch({
+ type: 'signals/start-add',
+ data: data,
+ token: this.state.sessionToken
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ closeEditSignalsModal(data, direction){
+ if( direction === "in") {
+ this.setState({editInputSignalsModal: false});
+ } else if( direction === "out"){
+ this.setState({editOutputSignalsModal: false});
+ } else {
+ return; // no valid direction
+ }
+ if (data){
+ //data is an array of signals
+ for (let sig of data) {
+ //dispatch changes to signals
+ AppDispatcher.dispatch({
+ type: 'signals/start-edit',
+ data: sig,
+ token: this.state.sessionToken,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* ##############################################
+ * File modification methods
+ ############################################## */
+ getFileName(id){
+ for (let file of this.state.files) {
+ if (file.id === id) {
+ return file.name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* ##############################################
+ * Render method
+ ############################################## */
render() {
const buttonStyle = {
marginLeft: '10px'
@@ -394,6 +413,7 @@ class Scenario extends React.Component {
this.onSimulationModelChecked(index, event)} width='30' />
+ this.getFileName(selectedModelFileID)}/>
- {/*
- this.handleChange(e)}
- value={this.state.selectedFile}/>
- < SelectFile type='configuration' name='Configuration' onChange={(e) => this.handleChange(e)} value={this.state.configuration} />
- */}
+ this.handleSelectedModelFileChange(e)} value={this.state.selectedModelFileID} objectID={this.props.simulationModel.id}/>
+ {/* this.handleChange(e)} value={this.state.configuration} />*/}
diff --git a/src/simulationmodel/simulation-model-store.js b/src/simulationmodel/simulation-model-store.js
index 5ef17a3..fe90662 100644
--- a/src/simulationmodel/simulation-model-store.js
+++ b/src/simulationmodel/simulation-model-store.js
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ class SimulationModelStore extends ArrayStore {
case 'simulationModels/loaded':
SimulationModelsDataManager.loadSignals(action.token, action.data);
+ SimulationModelsDataManager.loadFiles(action.token, action.data);
return super.reduce(state, action);
diff --git a/src/simulationmodel/simulation-models-data-manager.js b/src/simulationmodel/simulation-models-data-manager.js
index b53c0d9..c9554a8 100644
--- a/src/simulationmodel/simulation-models-data-manager.js
+++ b/src/simulationmodel/simulation-models-data-manager.js
@@ -68,6 +68,18 @@ class SimulationModelDataManager extends RestDataManager {
+ loadFiles(token, models){
+ for (let model of models) {
+ // request files of simulation model
+ RestAPI.get(this.makeURL('/files?objectType=model&objectID=' + model.id), token).then(response => {
+ AppDispatcher.dispatch({
+ type: 'files/loaded',
+ data: response.files
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ }
export default new SimulationModelDataManager();