Markus Grigull
Make design responsive for mobile
Not all components work with touch input yet. But the most part of the website is working, you can even view visualizations.
2017-08-18 11:08:20 +02:00
Markus Grigull
Add home when on '/' route
2017-08-17 17:35:15 +02:00
Markus Grigull
Update all dependencies to lastest version
Remove prop-types from all components
Updating to react-router v4 needed to restructure the routes
2017-08-01 21:15:18 +02:00
Markus Grigull
Add token to all API calls
2017-07-27 10:32:32 +02:00
Markus Grigull
Change simulator data to node based
2017-07-13 16:56:47 +02:00
Markus Grigull
Change simulator selection in simulator model
Disable simulator detection for testing
2017-07-13 16:56:47 +02:00
Markus Grigull
Start simulator ID fetching
2017-07-13 16:56:47 +02:00
Ricardo Hernandez-Montoya
sidebar menu items no wrap and grow
2017-05-03 15:58:58 +02:00
Ricardo Hernandez-Montoya
hide user management section for non-admins
2017-05-03 12:46:53 +02:00
Markus Grigull
Add GPLv3 License
2017-04-27 14:41:44 +02:00
Markus Grigull
Close simulator connections on logout
2017-03-28 10:47:16 +02:00
Markus Grigull
Add notification system and data managers
Add notification on simulator running state
2017-03-27 21:04:22 +02:00
Markus Grigull
Force logout when backend is offline
2017-03-27 20:52:44 +02:00
Markus Grigull
Fix logout
2017-03-27 20:25:22 +02:00
Markus Grigull
Fix user login
2017-03-27 20:12:58 +02:00
Markus Grigull
Fix detection of simulator running state change
2017-03-21 16:27:30 +01:00
Markus Grigull
Detect close and restart of simulators
Simulator state is requested every 5 seconds if simulator is offline
2017-03-21 16:26:13 +01:00
Markus Grigull
Add authentication
Uses jwt tokens, token is stored locally between refreshes
2017-03-16 10:22:25 +01:00
Markus Grigull
Add unique simulator sockets
Add automatic simulator-data load
Add missing widget-value component
2017-03-08 15:41:53 +01:00
Markus Grigull
Add visualization list and detailed view
Placeholder widgets are displayed, modifable but not updated yet
2017-03-03 13:21:25 +01:00
Markus Grigull
!!! Move complete project to ReactJS !!!
ATTENTION: The complete project is ported to ReactJS.
Motivation: React (with flux) is much more flexible and performant in the
use case of VILLASweb. Ember is a good framework, but it has many tradeoffs
to its easy handling and feature completeness. Many work arounds had to be done
to get ember to work the way needed. Because ReactJS gives the developer much
more flexibility and feature choice, VILLASweb can be build much better.
The aim is to only depends on needed packages and be as performance as possible.
This new version still works with the current backend!
For library usage see package.json.
This first version contains the same base website as the old version but
changed back to legacy color scheme. Simulators are loaded from and can be added
to the backend as a proof-of-concept.
2017-03-02 12:47:52 +01:00