/** * File: widget-value.js * Author: Markus Grigull * Date: 08.12.2016 * Copyright: 2016, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * This file is part of VILLASweb. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and confidential. * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. **********************************************************************************/ import Ember from 'ember'; import WidgetAbstract from './widget-abstract'; export default WidgetAbstract.extend({ classNames: [ 'widgetPlot' ], plotData: Ember.A([]), plotOptions: { series: { lines: { show: true, lineWidth: 2 }, shadowSize: 0 }, xaxis: { mode: 'time', timeformat: '%M:%S', /*min: firstTimestamp, max: lastTimestamp,*/ axisLabel: 'time [min]', axisLabelUseCanvas: true }/*, yaxis: { tickDecimals: 1, axisLabel: this.data.get('type'), axisLabelUseCanvas: true }*/ }, signals: Ember.A([]), checkedSignals: {}, plotType: "multiple", observeQuery: null, _updateDataObserver: Ember.on('init', Ember.observer('widget.widgetData.simulator', 'widget.widgetData.type', 'widget.widgetData.signals', function() { // get query for observer let simulatorId = this.get('widget.widgetData.simulator'); let query = 'data.' + simulatorId + '.sequence'; // get plot settings let signals = this.get('widget.widgetData.signals'); this.set('signals', signals); let plotType = this.get('widget.widgetData.type'); this.set('plotType', plotType); if (plotType === 'table') { // set simulation model for table with signals var self = this; let simulatorid = this.get('widget.widgetData.simulator'); this.get('widget.visualization').then((visualization) => { visualization.get('project').then((project) => { project.get('simulation').then((simulation) => { simulation.get('models').then((simulationModels) => { // find simulation model by simulatorid simulationModels.forEach(function(simulationModel) { simulationModel.get('simulator').then((simulator) => { if (simulator.get('simulatorid') === simulatorid) { // set simulation model self.set('simulationModel', simulationModel); } }); }); }); }); }); }); } // update observer TODO: Only update when (query) changed let observeQuery = this.get('observeQuery'); if (query !== observeQuery) { if (observeQuery != null) { this.removeObserver(observeQuery, this._updateData); } this.addObserver(query, this._updateData); this.set('observeQuery', query); } })), _updateData() { // get values from array let simulatorId = this.get('widget.widgetData.simulator'); let values = this.get('data.' + simulatorId + '.flotValues'); var updatedValues = Ember.A([]); // update values var index = 0; this.get('signals').forEach(function(signal) { updatedValues.replace(index, 1, Ember.A([ values[signal] ])); index += 1; }); this.set('plotData', updatedValues); }, doubleClick() { if (this.get('editing') === true) { // prepare modal this.set('name', this.get('widget.name')); this.set('plotType', this.get('widget.widgetData.type')); this.set('errorMessage', null); // get signal mapping for simulation model let self = this; let simulatorid = this.get('widget.widgetData.simulator'); this.get('widget.visualization').then((visualization) => { visualization.get('project').then((project) => { project.get('simulation').then((simulation) => { simulation.get('models').then((simulationModels) => { // find simulation model by simulatorid simulationModels.forEach(function(simulationModel) { simulationModel.get('simulator').then((simulator) => { if (simulator.get('simulatorid') === simulatorid) { // set simulation model self.set('simulationModel', simulationModel); self.set('simulationModelName', simulationModel.get('name')); // set signals let mapping = simulationModel.get('mapping'); let checkedSignals = {}; // uncheck all signals mapping.forEach(function(key) { checkedSignals[key] = false; }); self.get('signals').forEach(function(signal) { checkedSignals[mapping[signal]] = true; }); self.set('checkedSignals', checkedSignals); } }); }); }); }); }); }); // show modal this.set('isShowingModal', true); } }, actions: { submitModal() { // verify properties let properties = this.getProperties('name'); if (properties['name'] === null || properties['name'] === "") { this.set('errorMessage', 'Widget name is missing'); return; } // set simulator by simulation model name let simulationModelName = this.get('simulationModelName'); let self = this; this.get('widget.visualization').then((visualization) => { visualization.get('project').then((project) => { project.get('simulation').then((simulation) => { simulation.get('models').then((simulationModels) => { // find simulation model by name simulationModels.forEach(function(simulationModel) { if (simulationModel.get('name') === simulationModelName) { simulationModel.get('simulator').then((simulator) => { // set simulator let widgetData = { type: self.get('plotType') }; widgetData.simulator = simulator.get('simulatorid'); // set signals let mapping = simulationModel.get('mapping'); widgetData.signals = []; // uncheck all signals let checkedSignals = self.get('checkedSignals'); for (var i = 0; i < mapping.length; i++) { if (checkedSignals[mapping[i]]) { widgetData.signals.push(i); } } // save properties properties['widgetData'] = widgetData; self.get('widget').setProperties(properties); self.get('widget').save().then(function() { self.set('isShowingModal', false); }); }); } }); }); }); }); }); }, cancelModal() { this.set('isShowingModal', false); }, deleteModal() { // delete widget this.get('widget').destroyRecord(); this.set('isShowingModal', false); }, selectSimulationModel(simulationModelName) { // save simulation model this.set('simulationModelName', simulationModelName); // get signal mapping for simulation model let self = this; this.get('widget.visualization').then((visualization) => { visualization.get('project').then((project) => { project.get('simulation').then((simulation) => { simulation.get('models').then((simulationModels) => { // find simulation model by name simulationModels.forEach(function(simulationModel) { if (simulationModel.get('name') === simulationModelName) { self.set('simulationModel', simulationModel); } }); }); }); }); }); }, selectType(type) { this.set('plotType', type); }, selectTableSignal(signal) { // display signal let mapping = this.get('simulationModel.mapping'); for (var i = 0; i < mapping.length; i++) { if (mapping[i] === signal) { this.set('widget.widgetData.signals', [ i ]); } } } } });