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2016-12-14 22:07:35 +00:00
===== Phrack Magazine presents Phrack 16 =====
===== File 7 of 12 =====
- The Disk Jockey -
- presents: -
- -
- Reading Trans-Union Reports: -
- A lesson in terms used -
- (A 2af presentation) -
This file is dedicated to all the phreaks/hacks that were busted in the summer
of 1987, perhaps one of the most crippling summers ever for us.
Trans-Union is a credit service much like CBI, TRW or Chilton, but offers
more competitive rates, and is being used more and more by many credit
checking agencies.
Logging in:
Call one of the Trans Union dial-ups at 300,E,7,1, Half Duplex. Such a
dial-up is 314-XXX-XXXX. After connecting, hit Ctrl-S. The system will echo
back a 'GO ' and then awaits you to begin the procedure of entering the
account and password, then mode, i.e.: S F1111,111,H,T. The system will
then tell you what database you are logged on to, which is mostly
insignificant for your use. To then pull a report, you would type the
following: P JONES,JIM* 2600,STREET,CHICAGO,IL,60604** <Ctrl-S>. The name
is Jim Jones, 2600 is his street address, street is the street name, Chicago
is the city, IL is the state, 60604 is the zip.
The Report:
The report will come out, and will look rather odd, with all types of
notation. An example of a Visa card would be:
CITIBANK B453411 3/87 $1000 9/87A $0 12111 R01
4128XXXXXXXXX $1500 5/87 $120
Ok, Citibank is the issuing bank. B453411 is their subscriber code. 3/87 is
when the account was opened. HICR is the most that has been spent on that
card. 9/87 is when the report was last updated (usually monthly if active).
$1000 is the credit line. $0 is the current balance. 12111 is the payment
pattern, where 1=pays in 30 days and 2=pays in 60 days. R01 means that it is a
"Revolving" account, meaning that he can make payments rather than pay the
entire bill at once. 4128-etc is his account number (card number). $1500 is
his credit line. 5/87 is when he was late on a payment last. $120 is the
amount that he was late with.
Here is a list of terms that will help you identify and understand the reports
ECOA Inquiry and Account Designators
I Individual account for sole use of applicant
C Joint spousal contractual liability
A Authorized user of shared account
P Participant in use of account that is neither C nor A
S Co-signer, not spouse
M Maker primarily liable for account, co-signer involved
T Relationship with account terminated
U Undesignated
N Non-Applicant spouse inquiry
Remarks and FCBA Dispute Codes
AJP Adjustment pending
BKL Bankruptcy loss
CCA Consumer counseling account
CLA Placed for collection
CLO Closed to further purchases
CTS Contact Subscriber
DIS Dispute following resolution
DRP Dispute resolution pending
FCL Foreclosure
MOV Moved, left no forwarding address
ND No dispute
PRL Profit and loss write-off
RFN Account refinanced
RLD Repossession, paid by dealer
RLP Repossession, proceeds applied towards debt
RPO Repossession
RRE Repossession, redeemed
RS Dispute resolved
RVD Returned voluntarily, paid by dealer
RVN Returned voluntarily
RVP Returned voluntarily, proceeds go towards debt
RVR Returned voluntarily, redeemed
SET Settled for less than full balance
STL Plate (card) stolen or lost
TRF Transferred to another office
Type of Account
O Open account (30 or 90 days)
R Revolving or option account (open-end)
I Installment (fixed number of payments)
M Mortgage
C Check credit (line of credit at a bank)
Usual Manner of Payment
00 Too new to rate; approved, but not used or not rated
01 Pays (or paid) within 30 days of billing, pays accounts as agreed
02 Pays in more than 30 days, but not more than 60 days
03 Pays in more than 60 days, but not more than 90 days
04 Pays in more than 90 days, but not more than 120 days
05 Pays in 120 days or more
07 Makes payments under wage earner plan or similar arrangement
08 Repossession
8A Voluntary repossession
8D Legal repossession
8R Redeemed repossession
09 Bad debt; placed for collection; suit; judgement; skip
9B Placed for collection
UR Unrated
UC Unclassified
Kinds of Business Classification
A Automotive
B Banks
C Clothing
D Department and variety
F Finance
G Groceries
H Home furnishings
I Insurance
J Jewelry and cameras
K Contractors
L Lumber, building materials
M Medical and related health
N National credit card
O Oil and national credit card
P Personal services other than medical
Q Mail order houses
R Real estate and public accommodations
S Sporting goods
T Farm and garden supplies
U Utilities and fuel
V Government
W Wholesale
X Advertising
Y Collection services
Z Miscellaneous
Type of Installment Loan
AF Appliance/Furniture
AP Airplane
AU Automobile
BT Boat
CA Camper
CL Credit line
CM Co-maker
CO Consolidation
EQ Equipment
FH FHA contract loan
FS Finance statement
HI Home improvement
IN Insurance
LE Leases
MB Mobile home
MC Miscellaneous
MT Motor home
PI Property improvement plan
PL Personal loan
RE Real estate
ST Student loan
SV Savings bond, stock, etc.
US Unsecured
VA Veteran loan
Date Codes
A Automated, most current information available
C Closed date
F Repossessed/Written off
M Further updates stopped
P Paid
R Reported data
S Date of last sale
V Verified date
Employment Verification Indicator
D Declined verification
I Indirect
N No record
R Reported, but not verified
S Slow answering
T Terminated
V Verified
X No reply
Hope this helps. Anyone that has used Trans-Union will surely appreciate
this, as the result codes are sometimes hard to decipher.
-The Disk Jockey