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==Phrack Inc.==
Volume One, Issue Four, Phile #10 of 11
Metal Shop PRIVATE\\\ Phrack World News Issue 3 Part 2 ///_ _ ________
Metal Shop AE \\\ ///| \/ | / ______/
Metal Shop Brewery \\\ Compiled by /// |_||_|etal/ /hop
\\\ /// _________/ /
Present PWN III \\\///\\ Knight Lightning //\\\/// /__________/
--------------- \-^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^-/ Triad
TAP Revival
The TAP meetings in New York hadn't been going well, every week less people
would show and it was becoming pointless to attend. Chesire Catalyst makes
roughly $1000 a month without printing TAP, and really he sees no reason to
restart. Now TAP is being taken over by The W(hack)o Cracko Brothers, INC.
Chesire Catalyst has officially given the TAP name over to TWCB Inc. or has he?
These answers still remain a mystery. TWCB plans to change the name of the mag
but not until after issue one is out.
Supposedly, Chesire had over 500 articles that never saw print that he has been
holding until the re-opening of TAP. It is unknown if TWCB and the new TAP
Staff will acquire these articles. Also it is unknown as too if some of those
articles were the ones in issue 91 of TAP that was recently distributed at
TelePub'86 in New York City.
This new TAP has announced its editors as follows:
West Coast Editors: The Bootleg (Chief), The Cracker, and TUC
East Coast Editor: Susan Thunder & Scan Man
Central Editors: Knight Lightning and Taran King
TWCB, has stated that on the day the first issue of TAP sees print, they will
quit phreaking, as they will undoubtedly be watched very closely from then on.
The status of Whackoland bbs is uncertain. However TWCB has announced plans
for a UNIX or Motorola system.
The Staff members include: TWCB Inc., Knight Lightning, Taran King, Scan Man,
The Firelord, Final Impulse, Ninja NYC, Sigmund
Fraud, Silver Spy, The Bootleg, The Cracker, Surfer
Bill, and The Marauder. Also unconfirmed reports
state that the LOD will be taking an active part in
this new magazine.
Subscription rates are as follows:
$4.00 Singular issue
$20.00 Half year/6 month subscription
$35.00 Year subscription
$100.00 Corporate year subscription, for businesses or government agencies
The $35/One year subscription includes:
o A years subscription to Tap Magazine (12, 30+ Page Issues).
o A free account to TWCB's Unix system (Limited offer).
o A free account to TWCB's Watson Message Center (Limited offer).
The magazine will consist of 30-40 color pages and will be using the same type
of paper as most common everyday magazines (ie. TIME, Newsweek etc). TAP will
be published every month.
Tele-Pub meetings will be held once a month at TAP offices in St.Louis, MO.
TWCB is supposedly in the process of organizing a TAP-Tele-Pub Convention to be
held in St. Louis at the Marriot Hotel (most likely). TWCB says it will be THE
Largest Phreak/Hackers convention EVER held! They are planning it for the
Summer of 1986.
For more information on how to become a staff member to to subscribe to TAP
call 314-527-TWCB.
TAP Offices are located at 12072 Manchester Road, Suite 21, Des Peres, MO
63131. Send all subscriptions there in money, checks, or money orders made out
to Tap Magazine. (Editor's note: It is uncertain as to the true existence of
this office. There is always the possibility of it being a mail forwarding
Some of the articles to expect in the first issue are interviews with The
Bootleg, Scan Man, Surfer Bill (concerning the Teltec Busts), files from
Bootlegger Magazine Issues (including those from issue #7 which has not yet
been released, this includes articles from MCI World Magazine, such as the MCI
World/MCI Security Interview), and NRK 01. TWCB claims to have received over a
100 articles from TOP Hack/Phreakers.
As to the reasons concerning TWCB not appearing at the TAP-TelePub'86, Tim
posted the following on the Phrack/TAP subboard on Metal Shop PRIVATE:
"Well the meeting totally got screwed I couldn't make it, mainly because
Cheshire sorta fucked TAP over. I think he was just in it for the money. He
was supposed to set up a PRIVATE meeting for TAP and it was going to be before
the big meeting, well I called some people at the Days in at about 4:00 AM in
the morning from the airport, the morning of the meeting, and they say well
Cheshire says that the Private meeting is going to be after the Big Meeting
and everyone already knows where were going."
"Anyway I couldn't make it cause my plane landed at Laguardi and I was to take
the plane back at 11:30 AM, well it takes 45 minutes to get to the Days Inn
and didn't want to go to the big meeting because of serious LEGAL troubles."
(Editor's note: The way I heard it directly from Tim, is that they called from
St. Louis International to NYC and heard about the changes and knew about
their late plane situation and decided to blow it off.)
The following is the story of how TWCB got started with TAP:
At first, there it was... Metal Shop standing proud, the home of Phrack
Newsletter. TWCB saw this and put up Whackoland, which many of you may notice
was made specifically to look like MS. Furthermore, TWCB was gonna have a
magazine originally called "Whackoland Gazette" until TWCB realized that with
Metal Shop and P-80 backing it and not just Whackoland, they would have to
change the name. Phrack was supposed to be reprinted in this mag. The list of
boards backing it grew quickly. Still however it was a magazine without a
name. Then TWCB started hearing about the revival of TAP and how the meetings
were not going very well. They called Chesire Catalyst and started working out
the preliminary details, which brings us to where we are today.
There are those however who would NOT like to see TAP restarted. Among them,
2600 Magazine and Project Inform. Who could blame them? No one likes
competition. This was okay however until, TWCB got a call from TUC, Lex Luthor,
Susan Thunder, and Mark Tabas (the staff members of Project Educate). They
claimed they want TWCB to publish for them, TWCB refused. Later they received
a threatening call from TUC, in which they were informed that TUC would have
security people watching TWCB all the time and when they slipped up...*BOOM*
Now TWCB says that TUC later called and now is fully behind TAP and has
accepted editorship with TAP.
ALL information in this article, excluding the short history and investigative
sections, was provided by TWCB Inc. Especially the parts about Project Inform,
TUC, Lex, etc.
TAP's Motto: Help US fight Your fight! - Join Tap's WAR!
Phrack/Tap Status Report
Regardless of the TAP situation, Phrack will remain in publication. TWCB is
not very happy about this but, we really don't care.
The reasons that the Teltec Bust story did not appear in this issue of PWN is
that most of the info we have on it was supplied by Surfer Bill in an interview
he did with TWCB. I have the taped interview, but as it was done by TWCB it
therefore was TAP property. However, should TAP issue #1 not be in print by
the time Phrack V is ready, the Teltec story WILL appear in Phrack World News
Issue Number IV.
:Knight Lightning
Monty Python Retires
The following message appeared on Stronghold East Elite on Sunday, February 9,
1986, 4:50:53 PM.
I have formally retired from the phreaking world, permanently. I have *NOT*
been busted or been given any heat by anyone or any corporation. I just have
no time what-so-ever to devote myself to give phreaking the appropriate time it
deserves. Schoolwork is bringing me down, and I have a big research paper
coming up, plus lots of other work.
Honestly, phreaking doesn't seem much fun anymore. I especially hate the
attitudes of some phreaks (who shall remain nameless) who have their head in
the clouds, and put down everyone else. It is quite a pain in the ass, and
these people look like fools, cause they are usually nothing quite like what
they think they are.
My "retirement" entails the ceasing of myself of calling phreak boards,
hacking, and trashing. If you want to call me up on a conference, don't bother
(some of you have done so in the past). I don't have the time and I am not
Later on and be seeing you from time to time...
Monty Python
Editor's Note: Monty Python did ask for his account to be kept active at
Stronghold East, so that he may see what's new, from time to
time. Also Monty Python has further stated that he may return
to the phreak world this summer.
Demise of The Sprinter
On the front page of the Wednesday, February 12, 1986 edition of the Seattle
P-I were the headlines COMPUTER INVASION CHARGED. Kirkland youth accused of
snooping. Some of the articles highlights were:
One Michael P. Wilkerson (The Sprinter) was so successful in bypassing four
companies computer security. He could copy or destroy data even the sysops
couldn't touch. The 18 year old most notably tapped into MicroSoft's
mainframe, along with 3 other companies, Kenworth Truck, Sunstrand Data
Control, and Resource Conservation companies.
Looks like the district attorney is asking for a 90 day sentence and will get
it due to the cooperation (read plea bargaining) given by Sprinter. During the
search, the police discovered a list of TRW dial-ups and passwords and a
handwritten list of Visa, Mastercard, and Amex credit card numbers.
It turns out that Sprinter is also under investigation for illegal credit card
purchases in his home state of California. Most notably a $1400 bicycle.
A real nice point made by the district attorney is that possession of the list
of card numbers is NOT a crime. Only the use of them is illegal.
Now that was the Seattle P-I's interpretation of those events, this is
everything else we at Phrack Inc. have been able to uncover.
Sprinter got busted for hacking on a large VAX/VMS system, and since it was
local to him, he didn't bother to go through an extender. He didn't feel there
was any danger considering he wasn't using a lead number.
Sprinter was well known for his "bible" of Sprint codes that was always kept
filled. His bible and all computer equipment were confiscated.
Sprinter has 4 charges of hacking. One nice part about this is that since his
bust, Sprinter has received several job offers for computer security, including
an offer from MicroSoft Inc. (Editor's note: I wonder if MicroSoft will drop
its charges against Sprinter as a part of the contract should he sign with
The one interesting twist to this story is that Sprinter's bosses got into
some deep shit. While people were going through Sprinter's computer things
(which was in his bosses' office) they found some evidence that led them to
believe that Sprinter's bosses were large cocaine dealers. Sprinter's bosses
haven't been heard from since. Later reports did however tell that 1 of them
is now serving a 7 year prison sentence and the other is presumed dead. This
part is very unspecific because it doesn't say what their basis for this
judgement are. Did they find the body? Or is he just missing?
Much of this information has been provided by
Sally Ride (Space Cadet),
The Guardian Demon,
Jester Sluggo
Some Quick Notes
The Matrix, formally at 415-922-1370, is down due to the hard drive being
broken. Dr. Strangelove says that as soon as he can get another hard drive,
the Matrix will return.
Spectre III, run by the Overlord of 815, is back up. Overlord requests that
all former users of his system please call it back again. The number is
Unconfirmed reports say that OSUNY, in New York, will soon be returning.
GTE Sprint and U.S. Telecom have merged in order to become a stronger
competitor against MCI and AT&T.
Compuserve is now linked with MCI Mail.
Pit Fiend of NESSUS was busted for trying to obtain $3500 dollars in gold bars
by way of credit card fraud.
The Missing Link BBS is back. It is now a public board (or so it is believed).
The number is 806-799-0016. Sysop: Egyptian Lover.
Because of problems dealing with Phoenix Phortress as well as a growing number
of rodents, Metal Shop PRIVATE has changed its general password. It is no
longer "REQUIRED". Contact Taran King, Knight Lightning, or Cheap Shades for
the new general password, if you haven't been contacted yet (and you were/are a
member). See story on Phoenix Phortress in this issues PWN.
The phreaks in Massachusetts and many other nearby areas are in quite a frenzy
right now due to a possible bust of Dr. Who 413. It appears that while at
school, his parents were showed a search warrant by the Secret Service, who
then searched through his computer equipment as well as his notes etc. He
eventually went home and is currently waiting for results. There is a very
high probability that he has by now been busted. Look for a future story on
his bust and its after-effects in the next Phrack World News.
Phreak Klass 2600 originally died because Red Devil became bored of phreaking.
Now Crimson Death (Sysop of Hell Phrozen Over) and Videosmith are looking for
someone to run Phreak Klass 2600 II.
Feyd Rautha was NOT busted but did retire from the phreak world. In his own
words, he is "phazed out" or bored of phreaking. A word to all, especially
sysops, there is another Feyd Rautha now. He is in the 612 (Minneapolis) area.
Do not confuse him with the old elite mentioned here.