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==Phrack Magazine==
Volume Four, Issue Forty-Three, File 21 of 27
+ +
+ +
+ The Telephony Acronyms and Abbreviations List from Hell +
+ +
+ +
+ by +
+ Crisp GRASP +
+ +
Well, here it is, the list from hell. Sure beats the old lists of 100
or so three letter acronyms. The whole reason for this list is so that
you can crack almost ANY bell document. This list came from a few
lists (one in Phrack a while back) and a few other Telephony lists
here and there. Though it must be noted (and i want to take credit for
it) that well over half of the acronyms and abbreviations were typed
in by me, inputed into my database (of course I am not about to give
out my database).
It is always a good idea to start a database, one will learn a lot
faster. It is doing things scientific like, and for someone as
compulsive as I, solving the puzzle of the telephone company was easy
as pie. I must say that all the hackers I have meet, and talked to are
all compulsive as hell <G>. I think it is just what it comes down to,
who is willing to learn. Any ways here is two fields in my database,
one small part, but worth it. Though i do not think it will be able
to help most of you out, just gets into too much, and understanding
which acronym goes where, and understanding what goes where is hard.
Well good luck!
Greets to Bell Northern Labs, never see too much from you press wise!
and to SRI, should have come to Cal. hah (Don knows what I am talking
about, his funding is short)
15M Fifteen minutes
15S Fifteen seconds
1CF Singal party coing first pay phone
1FAC Interface packs
1FB One party flat business rate
1OF One party official (telco) business line
2SPDT Partial dial timeout in the second stage of a traditional
2-stage international
2SPST Permanent signal timeout in the second stage of a traditional
2-stage international
2SVCA Vacant code in the second stage of a traditional 2-stage
international outbound
2W Two wire (pair) (circuit)
2WAY Two-way trunk groups
300 Log command menu (SARTS command)
376 Log clear (SARTS command)
384 Write log (SARTS command)
385 Read log (SARTS command)
399 Log print (SARTS command)
3KHZ Three kilohertz
3RNGR Three ringer
3WO Third wire open
4W Four wire (pair) (circuit)
600 Test menu (SARTS command)
600B 600-ohm briged connection
611 Detail tests (SARTS command)
621 Macro command menu (SARTS command)
631 Automatic test command (SARTS command)
735T 735-ohm compromise termination
?A Action field contains an error
?D Data field contains an error
?E Error exist in the message but can ot be resolved to the
proper field
?I Identification field contains an error
?T Time-out has occured on channel
?W Warning message
A A side (lead) (pair)
A Area
A Telephone number or trunk group and member number from trouble
A/B Two wire phone connection (T&R)
AA Automatic answer
AA Packet analog access line INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
AABS Automatic alternate billing service
AAE Auxiliary access equipment
AAR Automatic alternate routing
AAX Automated attendant exchange
AB Packet switch trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
ABATS Automatic bit access test system
ABATS Automatic bit access test system (DDS service)
ABC Automatic bill calling (TSPS)
ABF Abandon failure
ABF Abandon failure (MDII)
ABHC Average busy hour calls
ABL Auxiliary Buffer oder word Left half
ABM Asynchronous balanced mode ( -> SABME)
ABME ABM extended
ABR Auxiliary Buffer order word Right half
ABS Alternate billing service
ABS Alternative billing service
ABSBH Average busy season busy hour
ABT Abort
ABV Above
AC Administrative computer
AC Alternating current
AC Assembly code
ACA Asynchronous communication adapter
ACB Annoyance call bureau
ACB Automatic call-back
ACC Audio communications controller
ACCS Automated calling card service
ACD Automatic call distribution
ACD Automatic call distributor
ACDA Automatic call disposition analyzer
ACDN Access Directory Number
ACDN Access directory number
ACE Assignment change establish
ACE Automatic calling equipment
ACES Aris cabs entry system
ACF Advanced communications functions
ACFA Advanced CMOS frame aligner peb2030
ACG Automatic call gap
ACH Attempt per circuit per hour
ACI Answer controller interface (IOM2 monitor command)
ACIA Asynchronous communications interface adapter
ACK Acknowledge
ACK No acknowledgement wink
ACK No acknowledgement wink (MDII)
ACKDB Acknowledgement database
ACM Address complete msg. (SS7: in ISUP)
ACOF Attendant control of facilities
ACP Action point
ACSE Association control service element
ACSNET Acedemic computing services network
ACSR Automatic customer station rearrangement
ACSU Advanced T-1 channel service unit
ACT AC Testing definition
ACT AC testing definition
ACT Activate
ACT Active
ACT Auto or automatic circuit transactions
ACTS Automated coin toll service
ACTV Acticated
ACTVD Activated
ACU Alarm control unit
ACU Automatic calling unit
AD Attendant INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
ADAP Audix data acquisition package
ADAS Advanced directory assistance system
ADC American digital cellular
ADC Analog to digital converter
ADCCP Advanced data communication controll procedure
ADCCP Advanced data communications control procedure
ADCI Automatic display call indicator
ADD EXP Address expander
ADDL Additional
ADDR Address translations
ADJ Ajust
ADM Add-drop multiplex
ADMA Advanced DMA controller SAB82258
ADN Abbreviated dialing number
ADP Automatic diagnostic process.
ADPCM Adaptive PCM
ADS Administration of designed services
ADS Administration of designed services review
ADS Advanced digital system
ADS Audio distribution system
ADS Auxilary data system
ADSL Asymmetrical digital subscriber line
ADTS Automated digital terminal system
ADTS Automatic data test system
ADTS Automatic digital terminal system
ADU Automatic dialing unit
AERM Alignment error rate monitor
AF Commercial audio fulltime INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
AFACTS Automatic facilities test system
AFADS Automatic force adjustment data system
AFE Analog front end
AFI Authority and format identifier (ISO 7498)
AFSC Advanced features service center
AFSK Automatic frequency shift keying
AG/EEE Above ground electronic equipment enclosures
AGC Automatic gain control
AGM Normal aging months
AGND Analog ground
AGT Accelerated aging type
AI Activate indication (C/I channel code)
AI Artificial intelligence
AI Assigner's initials
AI Automatic identified outward dialing INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
AIC Automatic intercept center
AICC Automatic intercept communications controller
AIN Advanced intelligent network
AIOD Automatic id of outward dialing
AIOD Automatic identifaction of outward dialing
AIS Alarm indication signal
AIS Alarm indication signals
AIS Automatic intercept system
AIT Analit initialization of tables
AIU AI upstream
AL Alternate services INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
ALATS Automatic loop access system system (DDS service)
ALBO Automatic line buildout
ALE Address latch enable
ALE Automatic line evaluation
ALFE Analog line front end
ALGOL Algorhythmic computer language
ALI Automatic location indentification
ALIT Automatic line insulation testing
ALL All events
ALL All module controller maintenance interrupts
ALL Turns on all IDs
ALPT Alarm scan points
ALRM Alarms
ALRU Automatic line record update
ALS Automated list service
AM Administrative module
AM Amplitude modulation
AM Asynchronous multiplexer
AM Packet
AMA Automatic Message Accounting
AMA Automatic message accounting
AMACS AMA collection system
AMAIRR Automatic message accounting irregularity
AMALOST Lost automatic message accounting
AMARC AMA recent change
AMARC AMA recording center
AMASE AMA standard entry
AMAT Automatic message accounting transmitter
AMATPS Automatic message accounting teleprocessing system
AMATPS Automatic message accounting transmitter teleprocessing system
AMC Add-on module connector (-> sipb)
AMERITECH American information technologies
AMI Alternate mark inversion code
AML Automatic maintenance limit.
AMP Advance measurement processor
AMP Amplifier
AMPS Advanced mobile phone service
AMR Automatic meter reading
AMWI Active message waiting indicator
AN Announcement service INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
AN Associated number
ANA Automatic number announcement
ANC All number calling
ANCT Analysis control table
ANI Automatic number identification
ANIF Automatic number identification failure
ANM Answer msg. (SS7: in ISUP)
ANS Answer
ANS Answer On Bus
ANS Answer msg.
ANSER AT&T Network Servicing System (i.e. via EADAS link )
ANSI American national standards institute
AO Allocation order
AO International/overseas audio (full time) INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
AOC Advice of charge (i.256 B)
AOSS Auxilliary operator service system
AP Access point
AP Application (OSI layer 7)
AP Application processor
AP Attached processor
AP Auciliary processor
AP Automatic position
AP Commercial audio (part time) INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
AP-PG Access point page
APC Alarm processor circuit
APC Amarc protocol converter
APD Access point data
APD Avalanche photo diode
APDB Access point data base
APDL Application processor data link
APH Application protocol handler
API Application interface
APM Application processor modules
APPC Advanced program to program communication (IBM)
APPL1-APPL5 Reserved for application handlers
APS Automatic position system
APS Automatic protection switch
APS Automatic protection switching system
AQ Autoquote problem.
AR Activation request (C/I channel code)
AR Alarm report
AR01 Office alarm - 1AESS alarm message -
AR02 Alarm retired or transferred - 1AESS alarm message -
AR03 Fuse blown - 1AESS alarm message -
AR04 Unknown alarm scan point activated - 1AESS alarm message -
AR05 Commercial power failure - 1AESS alarm message -
AR06 Switchroom alarm via alarm grid - 1AESS alarm message -
AR07 Power plant alarm - 1AESS alarm message -
AR08 Alarm circuit battery loss - 1AESS alarm message -
AR09 AMA bus fuse blown - 1AESS alarm message -
AR10 Alarm configuration has been changed (retired inhibited) - 1AESS
AR11 Power converter trouble - 1AESS alarm message -
AR13 Carrier group alarm - 1AESS alarm message -
AR15 Hourly report on building and power alarms - 1AESS alarm message
ARA Automatic reservation adjustment
ARC Administrative responsibility code
ARC Alternate route cancellation
ARC Alternate route cancellation control
ARC Audio response controller
ARCOFI Audio ringing codec filter
ARCOFI-SP ARCOFI + speakerphone function
ARCOS ARCOFI coefficient support program
ARCOTI SIPB telephone module
ARD AR downstream
ARG Alarm reference guide
ARG Assemble and run a given master file
ARIS Audichron recorded information system
ARL Activation request local loop (C/I channel code)
ARM Activation request maintenance (C/I channel code)
ARM Asynchronous response mode
ARM Automatic R(emote test system) maintance
ARMAR Automatic request for manual assistance resolution
ARN Activation request
ARQ Automatic repeat request
ARR Automatic ring recovery.
ARS Alternate route selection
ARS Automatic route selection
ARSB Automated repair service bureau
ARSB Automatic repair service bureau
ARSSI Automatic rought selection screening index
ART Audible ringing tone
ARU Activation request upstream
ARU Audio response unit
ASAP As soon as possible
ASC Alarm and status circuit
ASC Alarm and status circuit .
ASC Alarm surveillance and control
ASCC2 Advanced serial communication controller
ASCII American standard code for information interchange
ASCII American standard code for information interexchange
ASD Automated SMAS diagnostics
ASDPE Synchronous data link controller (SDLC) A reset
ASE Application service element
ASEC Assignment section
ASGN Assign
ASGNMTS Assignments
ASIC Application specific integrated circuit
ASM Analog subscriber module
ASOC Administrative service oversight center
ASP Advanced service platform
ASP Arcofi signal processor
ASPACGCOMP ASP SCP response message with an ACG component received at the
ASPBADRESP ASP SCP response message received with invalid data
ASPEN Automatic system for performance evaluation of the network
ASPNORTEMSG ASP reject message ret err and a play announc recei at the
switch from the SCP
ASPSNCOMP ASP SCP response message with a send notifi component received
at the switch
ASPTNMSG ASP termination notification message sent from the switch to
the SCP
ASR Access service request
ASSN Assignment
AST Position acknowledge seizure signal time-out (MDII)
ASYNC Asynchronous
AT Access tandem
AT International/overseas audio (part time) INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
AT&T American telephone and telegraph
AT-1 Auto test-1
AT-2 Auto test-2
AT01 Results of trunk test - 1AESS automatic trunk test
ATA Automatic trunk analysis
ATAB Area trunk assignment bureau
ATAI Automatic troubler analysis interface
ATB All Trunks Busy
ATB All trunks busy
ATC Automated testing control
ATC Automatic transmission control
ATD Accept date
ATD Async. TDM
ATH Abbreviated trouble history
ATI Automatic test inhibit
ATI Awake TI
ATICS Automated toll integrity checking system
ATIS Automatic transmitter identification system
ATM Analog trunk module
ATM Asynchronous transfer mode
ATM Automatic teller machine
ATMS Automated trunk measurement system
ATN Assigner's telephone number
ATO Time-out waiting for address complete signal
ATP All tests pass
ATR Alternate trunk routing
ATRS Automated trouble reporting system
ATTC Automatic transmission test and control circuit
ATTCOM AT&T communications
ATTG Attendant group
ATTIS AT&T information system
AU Access unit
AU Autoscript INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
AU Auxiliary
AUD Assignment list audit
AUD Audits
AUDIT Audit detected problem.
AUDIX Audio information exchange
AUP Access unit port
AUTO Automaitc
AUTODIN Automatic digital network
AUTOSEVCOM Automatic secure voice communications
AUTOVON Automatic voice network
AUXF Auxillary frame
AVD Alternate voice data
AVD Alternate voice-data
AWI Awake indication
AZD All zeros data
B B side (pair) (lead)
B Bridged connection
B Equipment number
B6ZS Bipolar with 6 zero subsitution
B8ZS Bipolar eight zero suppression encoding (DS-1)
B8ZS Bipolar with 8 zeros substitution (T1 pri)
B911 Basic 911
BA Basic access
BA Protective alarm (CD) INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
BAF Blocking acknowledgment failure
BAI Bridge lifter assignment inquiry
BAL Balance
BAMAF Bellcore AMA format
BANCS Bell administrative network communications system
BANKS Bell adminastration network systems
BAPCO Bellsouth advertising & publishing company
BAS Basic activity subset
BAT Battery (-48v)
BAx Business address x (x = number of line)
BB Blue box
BBD0/1 Binary 0s or 1s detected in b and d channels
BCC Bellcore client companies
BCC Block check character
BCC Blocked call cleared
BCCP Bearer ccp
BCD Binary coded decimal
BCD Blocked call delayed
BCFE Busy call forwarding extened
BCID Business customer identifier
BCLID Bulk calling line identification
BCMS Basic call management system
BCS Batch change supplement (NTI) (DMS-100)
BDCS Broadband digital cross-connect system
BDS Basic data service
BDT Billing data transmitter
BEF Band elimination filter
BEL Bell
BELLCORE Bell communications research
BER Bit error rate
BERT Bit error rate test
BETRS Basic exchange telecommunications radio service
BG Battery and ground signaling
BG/EEE Below ground electronic equipment enclosures
BHC Busy hour call
BHC Busy hour calls
BIB Backward indicator bit (SS7)
BICU Bus interface control unit
BIFIFO Bidirectional fifo
BIR Bit receiver
BIR Bus interface register
BISDN Broadband ISDN
BISP Business information system program
BISYNC Binary synchronous communications
BIT Bit transmitter
BITNET Because-it's-time network
BITR Bit transceiver
BIX Building internal cross-connects
BK Back
BKUP Backup
BKUP Requests a backup
BL Bell & lights INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
BL Bridge lifter
BL Bridge lifters - COSMOS command
BL/DS Busy line/don't answer
BLA Blocking acknowledgement (SS7: in ISUP)
BLF Busy line field
BLFCA Blocking a fully coded addressed international outbound call
routed to a non-common channel signaling trunk
BLK Block
BLKD Blocked
BLO Blocking (SS7: in ISUP)
BLS Bridge lifter status
BLS Business listing service
BLV Busy line verification
BMC Billing media coverage
BMD Batch mode display
BMI Batch mode input - TIMEREL and DEMAND
BMOSS Building maintance operations service system
BMR Batch mode release
BMU Basic measurement unit (dip)
BND Band number
BNS Billed number screening
BNSDBOV BVA BNS message received indicating data base overload
BNSDBUN BVA BNS message returned because data base unable to process
BNSGMSG BVA BNS message received garbled
BNSNBLK BVA BNS message returned because of network blockage
BNSNCON BVA BNS message returned because of network congestion
BNSNRTE BVA BNS message returned because of no routing data
BNSTOUT BVA BNS message returned because of timeout
BNSUNEQ BVA BNS message returned because of unequipped destination
BNSURPY BVA BNS message received with an unexpected reply
BNx Business name x (x = number of line)
BOC Bell operating companies
BOC Bell operating company
BOCC Building operations control center
BOP Byte oriented protocol
BOR Basic output report
BOS Bit oriented signaling
BOS Business office supervisor
BOSS Billing and order support system
BOSS Business office service system (NYNEX)
BOT Beginning of tape
BOT Bottom
BPI Bits per inch
BPOC Bell point of contact
BPS Bits per second
BPSK Binary psk
BPSS Basic packet-switching service
BPUMP Backup pump
BR Bit robbing (CAS-BR)
BRAT Business residence account tracking system
BRCF Business and residential customer service feature
BRCS Business and residential customer services
BRCS Business residence custom service
BRDCST Broadcase
BRDG Bridge
BRDGD Bridged
BREVC Brevity control
BRG Baud rate generator
BRI Basic rate interface
BRITE Basic rate interface transmission extension (5ESS)
BRK Break
BRM Basic remote module
BRM Bell communications research practice
BRST Bridge signature table
BS Backspace
BS Banded signaling
BS Bias battery (-19.1v)
BS Siren control INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
BSA Basic serving arrangements
BSBH Busy season busy hour
BSC Business service center
BSC/RSC Business/residence service center
BSCM Bisynchronous communications module
BSE Basic service elements
BSF Bell shock force
BSI British standards institution
BSN Backward sequence number (SS7)
BSOC Bell systems operating company
BSP Bell system practice
BSRF Basic standard reference frequency
BSRFS Bell system reference frequency standard
BST Basic services terminal
BSTJ Bell system technical journal
BT British telecom
BTAM Basic telecommunications access message
BTH Both
BTL Bell telephone laboratories
BTN Billing telephone number
BTSR Bootstrapper board
BTU British thermal unit
BUFF System buffers (NTI)
BVA Billing validation application
BVAPP Billing verification and authorization for payment process
BVC Billing validation center
BVS Basic voice service
BWM Broadcast warning message
BWT Broadcast warning twx
BWTS Bandwidth test set
BYF Display the bypass file
BYP Change the contents of the bypass file
C Counting rate
C Current supervision
C Scan point (SP)
C&A Centrifugal and absorption
C-ACD Commercial-automatic call distributor (OSPS)
C-NCH C-notch
C/I Command/indicate
C/S UNIT Combiner and splitter
C1 Circuit system
CA Cable
CA Cable number
CA Collision avoidance
CA SSN access INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CABS Carrier access billing system
CAC Calling-card authorization center
CAC Carrier access code
CAC Circuit administration center
CAC Customer administration center
CACHE Cache errors
CAD Computer-aided dispatch
CAD Critical alarm display
CADN Circuit administration.
CADV Combined alternate data/voice
CAF Circuit reset acknowledgment failure
CAFD Comptrollers' automatic message accounting format description
CAFD Controllers automatic message accounting format description
CAI Address incomplete received
CAI Call assembly index
CAIS Colocated automatic intercept system
CALRS Centralized automatic loop reporting system
CAM Communication access method
CAM Computer aided manufacturing
CAM Content adressable memory
CAM Control administration module
CAMA Central automatic message accounting.
CAMA Centralized auto message accounting
CAMA Centralized automatic message accounting
CAN Cancel
CANC Cancel (i.451)
CANF Clear the cancel from
CANT Clear the cancel to
CAP Capacitance
CARL Computerized administrative route layout
CAROT Centralized automatic reporting on trunks
CAROT Centralized automatic reporting on trunks.
CAS Cannel associated signaling
CAS Circuit associated signaling
CAS Computerized autodial system
CAS Craft access system (SARTS)
CAS Customer account service
CAS7ABM CAS common channel signaling 7 (CCS7) abort message received
CAS7ACG CAS CCS7 ACG invoke component received
CAS7GMG CAS CCS7 received with invalid format reply
CAS7NCG CAS CCS7 message returned because of network congestion
CAS7NFL CAS CCS7 message returned because of network failure
CAS7RCR CAS CCS7 reject component received
CAS7SCG CAS CCS7 message returned because of subsystem congestion
CAS7SFL CAS CCS7 message returned because of subsystem failure
CAS7TAN CAS CCS7 message returned
CAS7TOT CAS CCS7 query which timed out before reply received
CASDBOV CAS message received indicating data base overload
CASDBOV Customer account services (CAS) message received indicating data base overload
CASDBOV Customer account services (CAS) message received indicating database overload
CASDBUN CAS message returned
CASGMSG CAS message received garbled
CASNBLK CAS message returned because of network blockage
CASNCON CAS message returned because of network congestion
CASNRTE CAS message returned because of no routing data
CASTOUT CAS message returned because of timeout
CASUNEQ CAS message returned because of unequipped destination
CASURPY CAS message received with an unexpected reply
CAT Centrex access treatment
CAT Craft access terminal
CATLAS Centralized automatic trouble locating and analysis system
CAY Create an assembly
CB OCC audio facilitys INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CBA Change back acknowledgement (SS7: in mtp)
CBD Change back declaration (SS7: in mtp)
CBEMA Computer and business equipment manufacturers' assc.
CBERR Correctable bit error
CBS Crossbar switching
CBX Computerized branch exchange
CC Call count
CC Central control
CC Central controller
CC Common channel (CAS-CC)
CC Common control
CC Connection confirm
CC Country code
CC Country code (ISO 7498)
CC Initials of person closing report out to catlas.
CC OCC digital facility-medium speed INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CC1 Call control 1 (IOS)
CCA Change customer attributes
CCA Computer content architecture (ISO 8637/2)
CCBS Completion of call to busy subscribers (i.253 c)
CCC Centeral control complex
CCC Central control complex
CCC Clear channel capability
CCC Computer control center
CCD Change due date - COSMOS command
CCDDBOV BVA calling card (CCRD) message received indicating data base
CCDDBUN BVA CCRD message returned because data base unable to process
CCDGMSG BVA CCRD message received garbled
CCDNBLK BVA CCRD message returned because of network blockage
CCDNCON BVA CCRD message returned because of network congestion
CCDNRTE BVA CCRD message returned because of no routing data
CCDR Calling card
CCDTOUT BVA CCRD message returned because of timeout
CCDUNEQ BVA CCRD message returned because of unequipped destination
CCDURPY BVA CCRD message received with an unexpected reply
CCF Custom calling features
CCH Connections per circuit per hour
CCIR Comite' consultatif international des radio communications
CCIR Consultative committee for radiocomunication (international radio
CCIS Common channel interoffice signaling
CCITT Comite' consultatif international telegraphique et telephonique
CCITT Consultative committee for internat. telephone and telegraph
CCM Customer control management
CCNC CCS network control
CCNC Common channel network controller
CCNC Computer/communications network center
CCOA Cabinet control and office alarm
CCP Call control part
CCR Clock configuration register
CCR Continuity check request (SS7: in ISUP)
CCR Customer-controlled reconfiguration
CCRC Corrupt crc (IOM2 monitor command)
CCRD Calling card (5E)
CCRS Centrex customers ... system
CCS Centum Call Seconds
CCS Cluster support system
CCS Common channel signaling
CCS Custom calling services (NTI)
CCS Hundred (C) call seconds
CCS Hundred call seconds
CCSA Common control switching arrangement
CCT Central control terminal
CCT Initialize and update the contractor-transducer file
CCTAC Computer communications trouble analysis center
CCU Colt computer unit
CCU Combined channel units
CCU Communication control unit
CCV Calling card validation
CD Call deflection (i.252 e)
CD Collision detection (->csma/)
CDA Call data accumulator
CDA Change distribution attributes
CDA Coin detection and announcement
CDACS Concentrating DACS
CDAR Customer dialed account recording
CDC Central distrubtion center
CDCF Cumulative discounted cash flow
CDD Change due date
CDF Combined distributing frame
CDF DTF coin
CDFI Communication link digital facilities interface
CDI Circle digit identification
CDI Connected line identification (i.251 C/E)
CDI Control and data interface.
CDI Control data interface
CDIG Circle digit translation (NTI)
CDM Coax data module
CDMA Code division ma
CDO Community dial office
CDPR Customer dial pulse receiver
CDQ1 Custom calling services discount quote
CDR Call detail record
CDR Call dial rerouting
CDR Collision detect input line
CDR Cut thru dip report
CDRR Call detail recording and reporting
CDS Circuit design system
CDS Codes
CDS Craft dispatch system
CE Collision elimination (->CSMA/)
CE Common equipment data (NTI)
CE Conducted emission (EME)
CE SSN station line INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CEF Cable entrance facility
CEI Comparable efficient interconnection
CEI Comparably efficient interconnection
CEN European committee of standards
CENELEC European committee of standards (electrotechnics)
CEP Connection endpoint
CEPT European conference of post/telecom administrations
CES CC error summary
CEU CCS estimated usage
CEV Control environmental vault
CEV Controlled environment vault
CF Coin first
CF OCC special facility INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CFA Carrir failure alarms
CFA Change facility attributes
CFC Cost function code
CFCA Communications fraud control association
CFD Coinless ANI7 charge-a-call
CFGN Configuration
CFI Configurable interface (SIPB)
CFINIT Custom calling feature table
CFN Call forward number
CFND Call forward number don't answer
CFNR Call forwarding no reply (i.252 c)
CFP Call forwarding busy (i.252 b)
CFP Print the class of service/features for an electromechanical
CFR Code of federal regulations
CFT Craft
CFU Call forwarding unconditional (i.252 d)
CFU Change facility usage
CG Control group number
CG OCC telegraph facility INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CG01 Carrier group in alarm - 1AESS carrier group
CG03 Reason for above - 1AESS carrier group
CGA Carrier group alarm
CGA Carrier group assignment
CGAP Call gapping
CGAP Call gapping code controls messages.
CGB Circuit group blocking (SS7: in ISUP)
CGBA CGB acknowledgement
CGM Computer graphics metafile (ISO DIS 8632)
CGN Concentrator group number
CGNC Connector group network controller
CGU Circuit group unblocking (SS7: in ISUP)
CGUA CGU acknowledgement
CH Change
CH OCC digital facility high-speed INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CHAN Channel
CHAPS UNK - a known AT&T System - def. unknown
CHAR Character
CHG LASG Change loop assignment
CHK Check
CHR Chronical
CI Concentrator identifier trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CI0IN Control interface 0 interrupt
CI1IN Control interface 1 interrupt
CIB Centralized intercept bureau
CIC Carrier identification codes
CIC Circuit identification code
CIC Customer Information Center (AT&T)
CICS Customer information control system
CID Connection identification
CIE Company establish company initiated change
CIF Common intermediate format (for ISDN high end video)
CIH Craft interface handler
CII Call identity index
CII Initial address message (IAM) irregularity (incoming)
CIMAP Circuit installation and maintance assistance program
CIMAP/CC Circuit installation and maintenance assistance/control
CIP Control interface port
CIRR C/I receive register
CIS Crimeline information systems
CIS Customized intercept service
CIXR C/I transmit register
CJ OCC control facility INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CK Checkbits
CK OCC overseas connecting facility wide-band INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CKF Continuity check failure (incoming)
CKID Circuit identification
CKL Circuit location
CKS Clock select bit
CKT Circuit
CKT Circuit.
CKTRY Cuicuitry
CL Centrex CO line INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CLASS Centralized local area selective signaling
CLASS Custom local area signaling service
CLC Common language code for an entity
CLCI Common language circuit identification
CLCT Network management control counts
CLDIR Call direction
CLDN Calling line directory number
CLEI Common language equipment identifier
CLF Creating dips upper bound load factor
CLFI Common lang facilities identication
CLI COSMOS processed alit reports
CLI Calling line ident
CLID Calling line identification
CLIP Calling line identification presentation (i.251 c)
CLIR Calling line identification restriction (i.251 d)
CLK Clock
CLL Creating dips lower bound load factor
CLLI Common-language location identification
CLNK Communication link
CLNKs Communication links
CLNORM Communication link normalization
CLR Circuit layout record
CLR Clear
CLRC Circuit layout record card
CLS CLCI in serial number format
CLS Connectless-mode service
CLSD Closed
CLSV Class of service
CLT CLCI telephone number format
CLT Communications line terminal
CLUS Cluster data (NTI)
CM C-message frequency weighting
CM Communication module
CM Connection memory
CM OCC video facility INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CMAC Centralized maintenance and administration center
CMAP Centralized maintance and administration position
CMC Call modification completed (SS7: in ISUP)
CMC Cellular mobile carrier
CMC Cellular modile carrier
CMC Construction maintenance center
CMD Command
CMDF Combined main distributing frame
CMDS Centralized message data system
CMF Capacity main station fill
CMP Communication module processor
CMP Communications module processor
CMP Companion board
CMP Corrective maintenancean practices
CMPR Compares
CMR Call modification request (SS7: in ISUP)
CMR Cellular mobile radio
CMRJ CMR reject (SS7: in ISUP)
CMS Call management system
CMS Circuit maintance system
CMS Circuit maintance system 1C
CMS Circuit maintenance system
CMS Communications management subsystem
CMS Conversational monitoring system
CMT Cellular mobile telephone
CMT Combined miscellaneous trunk frame
CMU CCS measured usage
CMU Colt measurement unit
CN C-notch frequancy weighting
CN Change notice
CN Changel noticee
CN Connection
CN SSN network trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CN/A Customer name/address
CN02 List of pay phones with coin disposal problems - 1AESS coin
CN03 Possible trouble - 1AESS coin phone
CN04 Phone taken out of restored service because of possible coin
CNA Communications network application
CNAB Customer name/address bureau
CNCC Customer network control center
CNI Common network interface
CNMS Cylink network management system
CNS Complimentary network service
CNS Concentrating network system
CNT Count
CNTS Counts
CNVT Converted
CO Central office
CO Continuous (SARTS)
CO OCC overseas connecting facility INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CO UN Central office unit code
COA Change over acknowledgement (SS7 in MTE)
COAM Centralized operation
COAM Customer owned and maintained
COC Circuit order control
COCOT Customer-owned coin-operated telephone
COD Code
CODCF Central office data connecting facility
CODEC Coder/decoder
COE Central office entity
COE Central office equipment
COEES COE engineering system
COEES Central office equipment engineering system
COER Central office equipment record
COEST Central office equipment signature table
COF Confusion received (outgoing)
COFA Change of frame alignment (DS-1)
COG Centralized operations group
COGRDG Central office grounding
COLP Connected line identification presentation
COLR Connected line identification restriction
COLT Central office limit table
COLT Central office line tester
COM Common controller
COM Communication
COM Complement size
COM Computer output microfilm
COM/EXP PCM-compander/expander
COMM Comunication
COMMS Central office maintenance management system
COMMS-PM Central office maintenance management system-preventive
COMP Computed
COMPNY Company
COMPS Central Office Managenment Program (GTE)
COMSAT Communications satellite
CON Concentrator - COSMOS command
COND Conditions
CONF Conference calling (i.254 a)
CONFIG Configutation
CONN Connect msg. (i.451)
CONN Connector
CONN Nailed-up connections
CONT Control
CONTAC Central office network access
CONUS Continental united states
COO Change over order (SS7: in MTP)
COP Call offering procedure
COPY Data copied from one address to another - 1AESS copy
CORC Commands and responses definition and compressing program (IOS)
CORC Customer riginated recent change
CORCs Customer-originated recent changes
CORNET Corperate network
COS Connection-mode service
COSIB Central office platform operator service interface board
COSMIC Common systems main interconnection frame system (frame)
COSMOS Computer system for mainframe operations
COT Centeral office terminal
COT Central office technician
COT Central office terminal
COT Central office terminal (opposite to RT)
COT Continuity (SS7: in ISUP)
COTM Central office overload call timing (NTI)
CP Cable pair
CP Call processing parameters (NTI)
CP Communication processor (SARTS)
CP Concentrator identifier signaling link INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CP Control program
CPA Centralized/bulk power architecture
CPC Cellular phone company
CPC Circuit provision center
CPC Circuit provisioning center
CPC Circuit provisioning center (special services design group)
CPCE Common peripheral controller equipment
CPD Central pulse distributor
CPD Common packet data channels
CPE Customer premise equipment
CPE Customer premises equipment
CPG Call progress (SS7: in ISUP)
CPH Cost per hour
CPI COSMOS-premis interface
CPI Computer private branch exchange interface
CPIE CP or AM intervention interrupt error
CPM COSMOS performance monitor
CPM Citcuit pack module
CPM Cost per minute
CPMP Carrier performance measurement plan
CPS Cycles per second
CPU CCS capacity usage
CPU Call pick up
CPU Call pickup group
CPU Central processing unit
CQM Circuit group query (SS7: in ISUP)
CQR CQM response
CR Carriage return
CR Control Record
CR Control response
CR OCC backup facility INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CRAS Cable repair administrative system
CRC Customer record center
CRC Cyclic redundancy check
CRCOK CRC ok! (C/I channel code)
CRE Create
CRED Credit card calling (i.256 a)
CREF Connection refused
CREG Concentrated range extension with gain
CRF Continuity recheck failure (outgoing)
CRFMP Cable repair force management plan
CRG Creg tag
CRIS Customer records information system
CROT Centralized automatic reporting of trunks (NTI)
CRR Reset received (incoming)
CRS Centralized results system
CRSAB Centralized repair service answering bureau
CRST Specific carrier restricted
CRT Cathode ray tube
CRT Cathode-ray tube
CRTM Central office regular call processing timing (NTI)
CS Cable switching
CS Call Store
CS Channel service INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CS Conducted susceptibility (EMS)
CS Customer class of service
CSA Carrier serving area
CSACC Customer service administration control center
CSAR Centralized system for analysis and reporting
CSAR Centralized system for analysis reporting
CSC Cell site controller
CSD Circuit specific data
CSDC Circuit switched digital capability
CSDN Circuit-switched data network (t.70)
CSF Critical short form
CSMA/ Carrier sense multiple access
CSMCC Complex services maintenance control center
CSNET Computer science network
CSO Central services organization
CSO Cold start only (in eoc)
CSP Coin sent paid
CSP Coin set paid
CSPDN Circuit-switched public data network
CSR Clock shift register
CSR Customer service records
CSS Computer sub-system
CSS Computer subsystem
CSS Customer service system
CSSC Customer service system center
CST Call state or current state or change state (QUASI SDL)
CST Combined services terminal
CSU Channel service unit
CSUS Centralized automatic message accounting suspension (NTI)
CT Call transfer (i.252 a)
CT Control terminal
CT SSN tie trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CT01 Manually requested trace line to line information
follows - 1AESS
CT02 Manually requested trace line to trunk information
follows - 1AESS
CT03 Intraoffice call placed to a number with CLID - 1AESS call trace
CT04 Interoffice call placed to a number with CLID - 1AESS call trace
CT05 Call placed to number on the ci list - 1AESS call trace
CT06 Contents of the CI list - 1AESS call trace
CT07 ACD related trace - 1AESS call trace
CTC Central test center
CTC Centralized test center (DDS)
CTC Centralized testing center
CTC Complete a cable transfer or complete a cable throw
CTD Circuit test data
CTE Cable throw order establishment
CTF Display the contacter-transducer file
CTI Circuit termination identification
CTL Cable throw with line equipment assignment
CTL Central operator control
CTM Cable throw modification
CTM Contac trunk module
CTMC Communications terminal module controller
CTMS Carrier transmission measuring system
CTO Call transfer outside
CTO Continuity timeout (incoming)
CTP Print cable transfer frame work
CTR Cable throw replacement
CTS Cable throw summary
CTS Call through simulator
CTS Clear to send
CTSS Cray time sharing system
CTT Cartridge tape transport
CTT Cut through tag
CTTC Cartridge tape transport controller
CTTN Cable trunk ticket number
CTTU Central trunk testing unit.
CTU Channel test unit
CTW Withdraw a cable transfer or a cable throw
CTX Centrex group number
CTX Various centrix verifies
CU Channel unit
CU Channel unit
CU Control unit
CU Customer unit
CU/EQ Common update/equipment system
CU/TK Common update/trunking system
CUCRIT Capital utilization criteria
CUG Closed user group (i.255 a)
CUP Common update processor
CUSTAT Control unit hardware status
CUT Circuit under test
CUTOVER Cutover (pre-cut) inactive state.
CV OCC voice grade facility INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CVN Vacant national number received (outgoing)
CVR Compass voice response
CW Call waiting (i.253 a)
CW OCC wire pair facility INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CWC City-wide centrex
CWD Call waiting deluxe
CXC Complex service order input checker
CXM Centrex table management
CXT Complex order inquiry for nac review
CZ OCC access facility INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
CorNet Corporate network protocol (ECMA and CCITT q.930/931 oriented)