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2016-12-14 22:07:35 +00:00
.oO Phrack 49 Oo.
Volume Seven, Issue Forty-Nine
11 of 16
A listing of South Western Bell Lineman Work Codes
Written by: Icon
Have you ever wanted to bullshit a telco employee but you don't
have the proper acronym or code that would help convince them? Well here
is a nearly complete listing of all of the Disposition Codes that I found
on a trash run. Enjoy...
-= Disposition Codes =-
[The following is an exact word for word type up]
Disposition Code 01XX - Station Set, Business Services:
This code applies to all troules located in TELCO-provided station set
equipment, including the mounting cord and handset cord, when used for OCS
classes of service.
Disposition Code 02XX - Other Station Equipment, OSC Business Services
(or Public Services):
This code applies to all troubles in station equipment (other than station
sets) including switchboards, PBX systems, switching equipment on the
customer premises, etc. and to Public Services (COIN) station equipment.
Disposition Code 03XX - Station Wiring
0310 Premise Termination: Coin/Coinless
0370 Network Termination: Other
0371 Protector: Applies when trouble is located in a protective interface
0373 Network Interface: Applies when trouble is located in network interface
0375 Network Terminating Wire: Applies when trouble is located in the wire
between the protector/cable termination and the network interface of
0378 Side Wall - Jumper missing
0379 Side Wall - Jumper wrong
0380 Drop Other
0381 Aerial-Paired: Applies to trouble located in one-pair aerial drop
service wire
0382 Aerial-Multiple: Applies to trouble located in multiple-paired aerial
drop service wire
0383 Buried Drop - Repaired Initial Dispatch: Applies to trouble located in
buried drop and total repaired on first dispatch
0384 Buried Drop - Temporary Places, No Recon: Applies to trouble located in
buried drop and a subsequent visit is not needed for drop retermination
0385 Buried Drop - Temporary Placed, Recon Required: Applies to trouble
located in buried drop and a subsequent visit is needed for drop
placement and recon.
0386 Drop, Left In: Applies to trouble located in a drop terminated to the
cable pair at a location other than that of the subscriber's
0387 Drop Reversed
0388 Buried Drop - Drop Not Buried: Applies when temporary drop is removed
and newly placed buried drop is reconned
0389 Temporary Drop Not Buried - Repaired: Applies to trouble located in the
temporary drop and it is repaired
0390 Network Miscellaneous Apparatus
Disposition Code 04XX - Outside Plant
0401 Pair Transferred - Defective Pair Left: Applies when service is restored
by transferring the customer's service to a different cable pair and the
original defect is not corrected.
0402 Pair Cut Dead To The Field: Applies when service is restored by removing
faulted conductor bridge tap which has affected the customer's service
and the original defect is not corrected
0403 Pair Transposed: Applies when conductors are transposed between two or
more points to restore customer service and the original defect is not
0404 Defective Section/Temporary Drop Placed: Applies when trouble is located
and a drop is placed as a temporary cable between terminals.
0405 Defective Pair - Encapsulated Plant: Applies when trouble is
encapsulated plant and pair is not fixed
0407 Pair Transferred - No Defective Pair Left: Applies when service is
restored by transferring the customer's service to a different cable pair
(usually for record purposes) and no defective pair is involved (i.e.,
pair left off cable transfer, telephone number assigned on wrong pair).
0410 Cable Other: Applies when the trouble is fixed in the cable facility not
listed elsewhere
0411 Sheath: Applies when damaged cable sheath or turnplate must be repaired
to clear a trouble report
0412 Cut Cable: Applies when a cable has been cut or damaged and must be
repaired to clear trouble reports
0413 Wet Cable: Applies when a cable has gotten wet and must be dried and/or
cutaround to clear trouble reports
0416 Conductor: Applies when trouble is located in cable conductors, such as
defective insulation, etc.
0420 Closure/Splice Case: Applies when trouble is located in cable closures
and splice cases
0421 Temporary Closure: Applies to trouble located in temporary type closures
0423 Encapsulated: Applies to a trouble located within an encapsulated splice
or closure. Includes troubles resulting from a defect in material,
workmanship during construction, or maintenance activities of an
encapsulated splice
0426 Ready Access Splice Case: Applies to trouble found in a ready access
type splice case
0430 Terminal - Other: Applies to trouble found in a terminal not otherwise
0431 Ready Access Terminal, All: Applies to trouble found in ready access
type terminals in aerial or buried plant
0433 Fixed Count Terminal, All: Applies when trouble is located in fixed
count terminal in aerial or buried plant
0436 Cross Box, RAI/SAI: Applies when trouble is located in a serving area
interface or FX box
0440 Wire/Dual Plant - Other: Applies when trouble is located in wire or dual
wire plant not elsewhere listed
0442 Open/Rural Wire: Applies when trouble is located in wire for
distribution, i.e., open wire, c-rural wire, and d-underground wire
0470 Pair Gain System: Applies when trouble is located in the Remote Terminal
of the pair gain system
0471 Repeater Failure: Applies when trouble is located in the repeater of a
Pair Gain System
0472 Battery Failure: Applies when trouble is located in the battery of a
Pair Gain System
0473 Common Circuit Pack: Applies when trouble is located in the common
circuit pack of a Pair Gain System
0474 Channel Unit Exchange: Applies when trouble is located in the channel
unit (exchange type)
0475 Channel Unit Special: Applies when trouble is located in the channel
unit (special type)
0476 Routing: Applies when trouble is with the routing
0477 Rectifier Failure: Applies when trouble is caused by rectifier failure
0478 Wiring: Applies when trouble is caused by the wiring
0470 Commercial Power Failure: Applies when trouble is caused because of
commercial power failure
0480 Cable Miscellaneous/Other
0481 Pole/Guy/Anchor/Trench: Applies when a trouble is the result of a pole,
guy, anchor, route signs, or trench associated with outside plant
0483 Fiber Optics - All: Applies when a trouble is the result of conditions
associated with fiber optics
Disposition Code 05XX - Central Office
0511 Common Equipment
0512 Linkage/Network/Grid
0513 Line Equipment
0514 Billing Equipment
0515 Trunk
0516 Public Service Trunk
0520 Translations - Other
0521 Generic Work Error
0522 Generic Program Error
0523 Parameter - Work Error
0524 Parameter - Document Error
0525 Line - Work Error
0526 Line - Document Error
0527 Network - Work Error
0528 Network - Document Error
0530 Intercept or Disconnect Document Error
0531 MDF Cross-Connection Missing
0532 MDF Cross-Connection Broken
0533 MDF Cross-Connection Work Error
0534 MDF Cross-Connection Document Error
0535 Other Cross-Connection Work Error
0536 Other Cross-Connection Document Error
0537 Billing Cross-Connection Work Error
0538 Billing Cross-Connection Document Error
0539 Intercept or Disconnect Work Error
0540 Other Frame
0541 Defective or operated protector
0542 Missing Protection Device
0543 Reversing Device
0544 Terminal - Wire Clipping
0545 Terminal Connection
0546 Test Cord
0550 Other Power
0551 DC Power Equipment
0552 AC Power Equipment
0553 Ringer Plant
0554 Standby Emergency Power
0560 Miscellaneous Equipment - Other
0561 Radio System
0562 Line Testing Equipment
0563 Concentrator
0564 Range Extender - Applies when a report is the result of a defective
range extender
0565 Carrier System
0566 Automatic Message Accounting Recording Center
0580 Pair Gain System/RSS Other
0583 Common Circuit Pack
0584 Channel Unit Exchange
0585 Channel Unit Special
0586 Carrier Unit Replaced (AML/SLC-1)
0587 Power
0588 Wiring
Disposition 06XX - Customer Action
0600 Customer Action: Applies when a trouble report results from customer
error or misuse of features in connection with custom calling service
Disposition 07XX - Test OK
0701 MC Retest Ok
0708 SCC Test Ok
0711 Test OK (Maintenance Center Use Only)
0715 Customer Cancel Original (CSB Use Only)
0717 Lead Test Ok
0720 Link Retest Ok
0730 Test OK TAN (Technician Use)
0747 Test OK (Front End Closeout)
0750 CSB Retest OK
Disposition Code 08XX - Found OK - In
0800 Found OK - In
Disposition Code 09XX - Found Ok - Out
0901 Found OK - Out, Non-Cable: Applies when trouble condition is determined
to be FOK between the serving terminal and the customer's side of the
protector/network interface
0910 Found Ok - Out, Cable: Applies when trouble condition is determined to
be FOK between the serving terminal and the field side of the central
Disposition Code 10XX - Referred Out
1001 Referred Out: Applies when trouble reports are referred to other
Maintenance Centers, agencies or departments not normally involved in
the trouble clearing effort
Disposition Code 12XX - Customer Provided Equipment
120X Voice Messaging Service
1201 Voice Messaging Service 0 All
121X Maintenance Contract (Inline/Inline Plus)
1210 Cord: Customer has maintenance contract and a defective mounting cord was
1211 Loaner Set Provided: Applies to those customers with an inline+
agreement, in which a loaner set is provided, or when the customer
chooses to buy the replacement set
1212 Inline Only - Set Trouble: Applies to customer with a maintenance
agreement for IW only and the trouble is located in the set/equipment.
This code includes, but is not limited to receiver off hook, unplugged
sets, defective sets
1213 Non-Standard IW (Customer Repair): Applies when the customer has an
agreement for standard IW maintenance; however, the trouble is located
in non-standard IW and the customer will repair. NO CHARGE
1214 Inside Wire: Applies to customers with an IW maintenance agreement and
the technician repairs the IW. NO CHARGE
1215 Non-Standard IW (Telco Replaced): Applies when the customer has a
maintenance contract for standard IW maintenance; however, the trouble is
located in non-standard IW and the technician will repair. PREMISES
1217 No Access - Field Use: Applies on second no access, no trouble is found
at the customer premise
1218 Inline/Inline Plus - Telco Fix Exceptions: Wire repair due to acts of
God, such as floods, earthquake, riot, gross negligence, willful
damage/vandalism. Also wire that does not meet SWBT installation practice
technical standards, or is not in satisfactory condition
1219 Inline/Inline Plus - Customer Fix - Exceptions (See 1218 for exceptions)
122X CPE - Other (No Maintenance Contract)
1220 Radio Suppresser (Inline Customer): Applies when a radio suppresser is
placed to resolve the trouble
1221 Calling Party Hold: Applies when the trouble condition is a result of
calling party hold. NO CHARGE
1222 Set/Equipment: Applies when then trouble condition is determined by the
technician to be caused by the customer telephone set/equipment. No
1223 CPE (IW/CPE) No Dispatch: Applies when trouble is tested, but is
determined to be in CPE via conversation with the customer and/or related tests. No repair dispatch is made. NO CHARGE
1225 Receiver Off Hook: Applies when trouble is tested when cannot be located
in Telco facilities and the trouble report or service condition can be
attributed to a receiver off hook. MSC WILL APPLT
1226 Set Unplugged: Applies when trouble is tested which cannot be located in
Telco facilities and the trouble report or service difficulty can be
attributed to unplugged CPE. MSG WILL APPLY
1227 Public Extension (SEMI): Applies when trouble is tested which cannot be
located in TELCO facilities and the trouble report or service condition
can be attributed to semi-public extension. Semi-public extension is
defined as a CPE instrument used as an extension on Telco provided coin
1228 Private Coin Service: Applies when trouble is tested which cannot be
located in Telco facilities and the trouble report or service condition
can be attributed to private coin service. Private coin service is
defined as a coin instrument and associated wire provided by a non-Telco
1229 Cable Facilities (Not Telco Maintained): Applies when trouble is tested
which cannot be located in Telco facilities and the trouble report or
service condition can be attributed to CPE cable facility. MSC WILL APPLY
123X Intexchange Carrier
1231 Intexchange Carrier: Applies when trouble is tested which cannot be
located in Telco facilities or equipment and the services are provided
by an IC
124X Unauthorized CPE/Usage/Tariff Violation
1241 Dispatched trouble reports involving CPE that were installed under
Contract I/M services, and are within the warranty time period, should
be closed to disposition code 12410 Contract I/M services, CPE. The
disposition code 122X should not be used under these circumstances. NO
1242 Dispatched trouble reports involving inside wire within the warranty time
period of the Contract I/M Services contract between SWT/SWBT should be
closed to the appropriate disposition code 121X. Inside wire troubles
reported by Non-Inline and Non-Contract I/M Services customers should
continue to be closed to the appropriate disposition code 126X and
normal charges should apply.
Disposition 12XX - Customer Provided Equipment
126X Time Sensitive Work/Isolation/No Maintenance Contract
1261 Inside Wire - Telco Repair: Applies when trouble is tested which cannot
be located in Telco facilities and a trouble report or service condition
is attributed to the IW. The technician repairs the IW for an ADDITIONAL
CHARGE to the customer. (Time Sensitive - Repair Rates).
1262 Inside Wire - SNI Not Available Cust Fix (Non-Inline): Applies when
trouble is tested which cannot be located in Telco Facilities and the
trouble report is isolated to the customer's side of the protector. The
technician installs a Network Interface but does not repair the trouble
1263 Inside Wire - SNI Available - Cust Fix (Non-Inline): Applies when trouble
is tested which cannot be located in Telco facilities and a trouble
report or service condition is in attributed to the CPE. A Network
Interface is in place and the customer does the repair
1264 No Authorization/Customer Repair: Applies when trouble is tested which
cannot be located in Telco facilities and a trouble repor or service
condition can be attributed to CPIW. Premise access is obtained and
customer/customer's agent is unable to authorize repair charge.
1265 Military Facility: Applies when trouble is isolated to I/W maintained by
military maintenance personnel.
1266 NA for Non-Inline (Field Use)
1267 CPE - No Access Subscriber Follow-up (MC USE ONLY): Applies when trouble
cannot be located in Telco facilities and a trouble report or service
condition is attributed to the CPE. The technician does not have access
to the customer's premise, but a network interface is present.
1268 Warranty: Applies when trouble is tested which cannot be located in
Telco facilities but repair work is performed by the technician within
30 days of previous IW repair performed by Telco. (Proof of warranty is
the customer's responsibility). A SERVICE CHARGE IS NOT APPLICABLE
127X Administrative Reports - Do Not Bill
1275 Predictor/Scan/CPR: Applies when a trouble condition is detected by SCAN/
PREDICTOR or Calling Party Report, a dispatch is made and no work is
performed. The trouble condition is attributed to the CPE. (A SERVICE
128X CSB Use Only
1281 Front End Close Out (Customer Service Bureau Only): Apples when a
trouble report is determined to be caused by the CSB. The CSB will close
out this report with this disposition code.
Disposition Code 129X MOOSA (Maintenance Center Use Only)
1291 MOOSA Error Corrections
Disposition Code 13XX
1301 Other Departments - Telco
1302 Non Telco
1303 Wrong Number Reported
1325 Service Order Worked - Link
1326 Service Order Cancel/Delay
1327 Service Order Changes
Disposition Code 20XX - Air Pressure
2010 Transducer
2011 Contactor
2012 Pressure Plug
2013 Air Flow Sensor
2014 Pipe
2015 Manifold or Tubing
2016 Dryers
2017 Air Bottles
2018 Fittings
Disposition Code 30XX - Cable Location
3010 Patrols and Inspections
3011 Facility Located
3012 No Facilities In Area