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2016-12-14 22:07:35 +00:00
==Phrack Inc.==
Volume 0xc, Issue 0x41, Phile #0x02 of 0x0f
|=------------------------=[ PHRACK PROPHILE ON ]=----------------------=|
|=------------------------=[ The UNIX Terrorist ]=----------------------=|
In this issue of Phrack, we have renewed with publishing the prophile
of an influencial underground character. The UNIX terrorist was already
prophiled two years ago but for some editorial reasons at the time, we
were not able to get his prophile published. Now that the Phrack editorial
staff has less open conflicts with some part of the scene represented by
the_uT, we want to make sure everyone remember his engagement. A lot of
people believed he was an extremist blackhat hacker proning non-disclosure
during his time of activity. That was true. But he was not just this.
I have known the UNIX Terrorist in real life seven years ago. At this time,
during his youth, the_uT was a softer hacker. Dont get me wrong, the_uT
(or whatever he was calling himself before) always had this characteristic
personality that made him an exceptionally creative dude. Later on, after
he started body-building (rumors mention that he followed the advices of
his idol Mike Shifman), he got that impressive shape that certainly
represented better his mind shift towards a more aggressive prophile. The
UNIX terrorist is the result of this evolution from a young skilled hacker
to a disabused philosopher of the underground.
This prophile was realized by The Paper Street Hacker in November 2007
for publication in Phrack Magazine #65 by TCLH. Remember the opinion
reflected in this interview only engages the UNIX Terrorist and does not
represent the opinion of the Phrack editors.
So here it is.
|=---=[ Specifications
Handle: the_uT
AKA: daemon10, yu0, jungjeezy
Handle origin: Africa
Age of your body: 24
Produced in: The Heart of Darkness, USA
Living in: The Paper Street Soap Company, USA
Height & Weight: Excessive" / 250lbs
Urlz: http://web.textfiles.com/ezines/EL8/
Computers: Anything with a network connection and a working ssh
client will do... I'd rather spend my money on clothes
& entertainment... less tech garbage also means my
bedroom doesn't scare the bitches away
Creator of: PROJEKT MAYHEM / Phrack High Council / anti.security.is
Admin of: Most of South Korea/China ...
Member of: NAMBLA (proud sponsors of TOR!) / ANONYMOUS
Projects: M4YH3M
Codez: stealthrm, the first blackhat RM(1) utility, designed
to rm desktop computers silently. Distributed as a
Linux LKM, VFS functions are hijacked so that file
indexing and rm'ing can be smuggled and interleaved
discretely amongst existing file operations.
Additionally, keyboard I/O is monitored to determine
the sysadmin's presence. Sporadic file wiping occurs
either during heavy PLANNED system hard drive use, or
occurs slowly and steadily, with timed delays, while
the console user is absent. The primary purpose is to
avoid the alarming and sickeningly unexpected HDD
"crunching" sound that alerts many would-be "rm -rf /"
victims to their impending doom. File removal is
scheduled according to a proprietary prioritization
algorithm whose factors include criteria such as
inode atimes and VFS type. Files are secure DOD-wiped
in place, but not unlinked, preserving disk statistics.
Active since: 1998
Inactive since: I don't sleep... I metastasize
|=---=[ Favorites
Actors: Assorted government officials, "security experts,"
and "spiritual leaders" ... Scientologists
Films: Apocalypse Now Redux, Happiness, Gummo, Pi, The Big
Lebowski, Bad Boy Bubby, Irreversible
Authors: Bret Easton Ellis, Louis-Ferdinand Celine, Hunter S
Thompson, William S Burroughs, Will Self, Irvine Welsh,
H.L. Mencken, Mark Twain
Articles: "The New Hacking Manifesto" - warez mullah, PHC Phrack
"lyfestylez of the owned and lamest" - r0b1nleech,
~el8 3
Admins: hendy of team-teso, The Digital Ebola[LoU],
Books: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, The Rape of
Nanking, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Novel: Fight Club, 120 Days of Sodom, American Psycho,
Journey to the End of the Night, The Picture of
Dorian Gray, The Jungle, Fear and Loathing in Las
Vegas, Catch 22, A Confederacy of Dunces, The Story
of /b/
Meeting: ADMCon / France (2001)
Project: The Manhattan Project, The Final Solution
Sex: "You're dead if you're homely - my shit's for adults,
over eight years old only"
Drugs: Beta blockers and dissociatives... just about any
substance featured on Erowid or T-Nation... especially
modafinil, ayahuasca, ketamine, dinitrophenol, epic
stanozololz (Winstrofl), nandrolone, Epi-Pens
Music: Revolutionary/violent/mysognist/apocalyptic hip-hop
Ex: Jedi Mind Tricks, Necro, Circle of Tyrants, Non
Phixion, Leak Bros, Immortal Technique, Q-Unique,
Cage, Celph Titled Plastikman
Alcohol: Like my women - 15-18 years old, single (malt) and on
the fucking rocks
Cars: blue dodge viper (vroom vroom!)
Foods: Whey protein hydrolysate, Vitargo CGL, BCAA's,
l-glutamine, Carlson's Fish Oil Liquid Omega-3
I like: Andrei Chikatilo, 2girls1[cup/finger], Puma Swede,
thinspiration, violent sporting (WEC,UFC,Pride),
solving intractable problems with violence,
achieving EPIC LULZ of unprecedented magnitude
I dislike: Fat goths, CISSPs, fat people (in general), women with
a BMI over 18, women whose thighs touch when they stand,
miniature dogs, people who tailgate or drink beer out
of red plastic cups, Basshunter
|=---=[ Your current life in a paragraph
I'll give you a hint... it doesn't involve getting paid to do
computer security research. The only reason I would even
consider using a computer anymore would be to meet women of
loose moral standards on myspace, or to engage in the wholesale
piracy of music and video content, preferrably violent
pornography. Or maybe to get directions to a strip club on
mapquest... or order various scheduled substances from corrupt
Eastern European pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities... In
fact, if you're reading my prophile because you just happened
still to be reading Phrack in 2008 and stumbled upon it, then
I pity you... you fucking closet homosexual.
|=---=[ First contact with computers
Studying the mysteries of gorillas.bas and nibbles.bas,
|=---=[ Youth
I was 300 lbs, bespectacled, and acne-stricken. I used to read
copies of Dr. Dobb's Journal in P.E. Everybody hated me. Then I
underwent an emergency negroplasty and decided to enact my
revenge upon the world by inflicting massive verbal trauma
through a medium where personal interaction is impossible and
everybody feels tougher than they really are. So I installed
BitchX and went on EFNET, and the rest, my friend, is history.
|=---=[ Passions : What makes you tick
I'm distinguished by an acutely defined and unparalleled sense
of schadenfreude. Technology is pretty fun too (or at least it
was for a while), but what really drove me harder and further
was the exciting possibility of using computers to turn the
life of a particular fellow human being into a living hell.
So no, I wasn't that kid that used to hang out at Radio Shack
pulling apart electronic equipment and reassembling it to "see
how it works." Shit like that doesn't make you a "hacker" - it
makes you a wannabe EE undergrad. Driving people over the
precipices of depair and frustration is a great way to
pass one's time, but definitely falls short of the pleasure of
discrediting or humiliating or otherwise defaming and
slandering the ill-earned reputations of the various charlatans
and hypocrites in the scene. Publishing the mail spoolz of
the wicked, archiving the hard drives of the lame, and rm'ing
the weak are all activities I find inspirational. Particularly,
I choose to self-medicate my anomie by proving myself smarter
and stronger than others. This is the sort of thing with which
we'll have to make do until we can one day stalk elk around the
ruins of the Rockefeller Center or strip venison in the empty
carpool lanes of some abandoned superhighway. For further
information about what makes me "tick," please consult Dr. Neal
Krawetz's remarkable and highly academic psychological exegesis,
fully annotated to official APA formatting standards.
|=---=[ Entrance in the underground
It all began on EFNET, some time around 1998 (long before they
had CHANFIX like dalnet!) in lame and lamer channels like #b4b0
and #feed-the-goats. Historical note: Several incredibly
diabolical and motivated individuals from b4b0 would come to
rule the virtual entirety of the Interweb with an iron fist for
the following decade. Yeah, I started hacking shit virtually
exclusively on TCP/IP networks, and started writing exploits
long after techniques like heap overflows and return-into-libc
were published, so fuck you if you have a problem with the fact
that I never scanned shit with toneloc or bruteforced SPRINTNET
|=---=[ Which research have you done or which one gave you the most fun?
Writing any one of several reliable exploits for intelligently
brute-forcing complex remote vulnerabilities, which all made me
feel like a hacker from THE MATRIX. Especially writing a
universal blind exploit for the Wu-FTPD globbing vuln for
versions 2.5.x-2.6.1 (cmdtab power!), and porting the remote
client for CORE-SDI's ingenious crc32 deattack backdoor to more
exotic operating systems such as Solaris and IRIX (possibly the
world's slowest exploit). Also, writing an LKM for dynamically
loadable stack/heap execution protection on Linux.
|=---=[ How started low-level ?
Like most other "underground" groups out there, this one started
from the flawed notion that it would somehow be cool to get a
group of people together with a webpage and domain name and IRC
channel and write a bunch of POC code and publish it to the
public and post on sec lists for attention. It was a stupid
|=---=[ Personal general opinion about the underground
Well, the underground is pretty much dead, but I guess you
mostly have the security researchers out there to thank for that
one. However, as a delicious proof of the old adage "be careful
what you wish for," security professionals have made their own
demand scarce. With vulnerabilities so much harder to find,
it means that random idiots out there aren't likely to find
anything remotely useful by grep'ing for overflows in unsafe C
functions. The first sign that things were about to dry out
occurred during the format bug craze in 2000, which resulted in
the systematic scanning of all varargs style functions that were
incorrectly used - the first time an entire class of
vulnerabilities has been nearly perfectly eradicated in a body
of open source code. Slowly over time, the same thing has
happened to most other memory and integer overflows, and casting
bugs. What happens as a result? 0day becomes a highly valued
commodity. The chance of leakage decreases dramatically because:
1. 0day is much more valuable
2. Few people can find useful vulns, which decreases the amount
of sharing. Additionally, smarter people usually find an
intrinsically higher value in their own work than people that
can't understand the exploits they're using.
3. "When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns" -
Praise be to Allah and the fact that the divine mathematics of
exploit creation are now made sacred by entities like WIPO and
the DMCA. For nearly a decade, security companies relied on FUD
and fearmongering, heralding the imminent spread of global
cyber-warfare and e-terror. A particularly salient example of
this idiocy would be the infamous Aris Threatcon, second in its
contemptibility only to the Homeland Security Advisory meter.
These scare tactics worked for a while, as sec. companies
boosted sales of products such as firewalls, packet filters,
network scanners, and other useless trash by relentlessly
trumpeting the seriousness of various "hacker" threats and by
strategically scaring the public with their own original
(mostly stolen) advisories. Ironically, they ended up scaring
legislators more than the commercial sector, and now people
like Dmitry Skylarov are arrested for publishing their
"astonishing!" findings. Note to security companies: you're
attempting to be both the cause and the cure and we've got
use for neither.
4. 0day auctions: Blackhats finally realize that it's a lot
more lucrative to sell exploit information to shadowy interest
groups. Such sales have the added benefit of preventing
information dissemination, because it works against the
interests of all parties involved. iDEFENSE, the first and
largest name in hacking middlemanry, was forced to purchase
exploits from the underground when they realized they lacked
the technical skills in their meager R&D labs to find any
exploits on their own. But who in their right mind would
consider auctioning off vulns at Argentinian prices to a
whitehat sweatshop that will just pawn their findings off as
their own, and then publish them to Bugtraq - when they can make
the same sale to somebody in the underground for 5-10x the cost
and rest assured that the vuln will stay alive?
Nowadays, it is claimed that the Chinese and even WOMEN are
hacking things. Man, am I ever glad I got a chance to experience
"the scene" before it degenerated completely. And remember, kids,
knowing how to program or wanting really badly to figure out how
things work inside doesn't make you a hacker! Hacking boxes
makes you a "hacker" ! That's right! Write your local
representatives at Wikipedia/urbandictionary/OED and let them
know that hackers are people that gain unauthorized
access/privileges to computerized systems! Linus Torvalds
isn't a hacker! Richard Stallman isn't a hacker! Niels Provos
isn't a hacker! Fat/ugly, maybe! Hackers, no! And what is up with
the use of the term "cracker"? As far as I'm concerned, that term
applies to people that bypass copyright protection mechanisms.
Vladimir Levin? HACKER. phiber optik? HACKER. Kevin Mitnick? OK,
maybe a gay/bad one, but still WAS a "hacker." Hope that's clear.
|=---=[ Memorable Experiences
First box I ever owned (dropstat'd son)
Watching widespread panic and hysteria grip IRC and various
security mailing lists after the publication of ~el8, esp. #2
and #3.
The PHC Music & Film Festival, notably Joost Pol rms freebsd.cn
The multi-homed attack/rm'ing of efnet irc operator "seiki,"
which resulted in PHC primacy and alpha male hegemony over
Preparing the memorable vitriolic speech "Wolves Among Us"
from scratch, in less than 30 minutes... then attempting to
deliver it without inducing fatal hilarity
Becoming the Freddy Krueger of the Internet/IRC
Celebrating Kwanzaa online in #darknet with assorted South
African infosec luminaries
Civil rights champions worldwide cheer when a Polish transsexual
becomes the most recognizable expert on the vanguard of kernel
rootkit (un)detection research
Having my first proposed Phrack prophile rejected by humorless
German staff
The suceessful social engineering of hacker "dvdman" - which
resulted in the retrieval of an explicit masturbatory video of
aforementioned individual
iDEFENSE contributors and their laughably low sell-out prices
are revealed in "fake" Phrack
Vomiting in my mouth (just a little bit) the first time I walked
into the Alexis Park Hotel
The communal rm'ing of w00w0's jobe, which became the only
known time in history where the same individual was rm'ed
concurrently by multiple intruders, who, up until the time
of the attack, had no knowledge of each other's presences
Logging into my computer, relying only on muscle memory to type,
after forgetting the alphabet and being too fucked up to read
the letters on my keyboard
The look of surprise on the Cheshire Catalyst's face after his
password was shouted at him repeatedly, at approximately 80
decibels, while he was entertaining fans
stringz attempts to replicate ~el8, fails, and is shamed offline
securityfocus.com adds thumbnail pictures to its original
columns - I finally find out infosec rockstars such as Don
Parker, Scott Granneman, and Dr. Neal rawetz really look like!
Slackware founder Patrick Volkerding sends an open SOS to the
world after forgetting to brush his teeth nearly results in
fatal halitosis.
Watching the IRC suicide/accidental deaths of rippah/electrosk0t
Marty Roesch reaches midlife crisis; denies own obesity and
the owning of snort.org
|=---=[ Memorable people you have met
The Blue Boar, at the very first Phrack High Council Ethics
The Rain Forest Puppy (sounds like an adorable stuffed animal
from Mattel(C) but dresses in shiny reflective raver clothing)
Captain Crunch (No thanks du0d I don't want you to open up my
chakras with a special "energy massage")
Ofir Arkin, world's leading ICMP fingerprinting technologist
Honey Dew Moore, child hacker prodigy and world's leading
exploit cataloguer
Shok, world's foremost Mormon hacker
Surprisingly, some actual hackers (various members of MoD),
while attending HOPE, the worst con I've ever been to
The Death Vegetable, largest carbon footprint of any netizen
Packet Fairy
|=---=[ Memorable places you have been
spaf's mail spool (although I'd give it back in a heartbeat
for a chance to take a joyride in his electric wheelchair
s1's famous "Studio 31337" HACKING FORT
Rloxley's child porn archive
|=---=[ How started PR0J3KT M4YH3M ?
The idea obviously isn't something entirely new or original.
The earliest known historical precursor to Project Mayhem was
Erostratus, who set fire to the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus,
one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Though his
motives were questionable (he achieved the act merely because
he had no other way of immortalizing his name), the base concept
was there: destroying something beautiful just for the hell of
it. Note: destruction and vandalism out of ignorance and fear
are decidedly less noble in nature. Obviously, there was some
inspiration from the novel, Fight Club. As far as scene-related
influences, there were some early precursors... the venerable
e-zine "CITADEL" and some of the better work of BOW (Brotherhood
of Warez). ~el8 was probably the single biggest source of
creative energy fueling PR0J3KT M4YH3M, and is still
remembered to this day as the greatest, most revolutionary
blackhat publication of all time. But what really kick-started
PR0J3KT M4YH3M was the apparent lack of success of
anti.security.is, a formal anti-disclosure movement constructed
from a lucid and cogent document illustrating why it would be
better for all parties in the infosec community to stop
publishing exploit code. But as the US government is fond of
saying of the Taliban, it soon occurred to many of us that
these whitehats, like their white-turbaned friends in
Afghanistan, "respond only to violence." Enter PR0J3KT M4YH3M,
a spawn off PHC's Fight Club division. All in all, PR0J3KT
M4YH3M had an impressive run, resulting in the ownage of high
profile whitehats including Theo de Raadt, Kevin Mitnick,
and Marty Roesch. IRC servers were conquered and their
operators were vanquished. Prominent "hacker" magazines were
stolen and leaked prematurely. Hard drives were dd'ed,
tar'ed, gzipped', gpg'ed, and shipped off to snu.ac.kr.
Codes of whitehats were backdoored and published
unexpectedly. Violent/offensive/sacrilegious blackhat
ASCII art was created. Heap exploitation tutorials were
rebranded. Hitlists of the whitehat community were
compiled. Info-security professionals were fired. Whitehat
books & movies were leaked. g4yh1tl3r lived, died, and was born
again. And we all had a lot of fun.
|=---=[ Things you are proud of
Closing Captains of Crush #2 (multiple times, with finesse)
Coining several catch phrases which framed the zeitgeist of
the blackhat movement of the early 21st century, including
"w00w00 is p00p00"
Becoming the first "hacker (over 5 ft. tall) on steroids"
Transcending the blood-brain barrier
Reading the last 5 issues of Phrack without learning anything new
Stealthily avoiding all hidden toilet/shower cams at HAL 2001
Becoming the first hacker to write exploit headers in ebonics
Proud author of an exploit that appears bundled with O'Reilly's
"Network Security Assessment" book, after infosec genius Chris
McNab deletes comments/headers and submits it for inclusion
Becoming the first person to rm a box from a cellular device
(while at a nightclub ala "Swordfish")
Coming from a family free of mental retardation/physical birth
Demonstrating to the world repeatedly how stupid it is to be
a whitehat
Triumphing over hackers such as mosthated, missnglnk, gov-boi,
ben-z, ytcracker, kf, and joewee to earn the title of "blackest
man on efnet"
Learning how to krump proficiently after watching only 15
minutes of Rize
Serving for several years as the High Chancellor of *.ac.kr
and *.ac.jp
Ordering the world's only team ~el8 tank top from cafepress.com
World's fastest typer on sub-anaesthetic doses of special k
Successfully masking my bipolar disorder in order to become a
fully integrated and respected member of 'society'
Rotating planes of polarized light counterclockwise around
various enantiomers
|=---=[ Things you are not proud of
Ever having released code to the public
Ever having posted to a security mailing list in which the
intention of my correspondence was less than utter sarcasm,
mockery, or malice
Failed attempt at rm'ing def-con.org while at Defcon, due to
network problems
How underappreciated this prophile will inevitably be
Not also ordering the "Countdown to rm" ~el8 wall clock from
Unknowingly losing an underground ytalk speed typing competition
to a rogue TIOCSTI program
|=---=[ Opinion about security conferences
There are any number of flawed reasons why people attend/speak
at security conferences. If you're looking for recognition or
publicity, you're probably better off committing suicide
on Youtube (see "Budd Dwyer" Wikipedia for ideas).
If you're looking for repulsive female companionship or fellow
loser friends to socialize with "IRL," you'll probably save
some time and airfare by checking your local Craigslist first.
Otherwise, the proof is in the pudding. 10 years ago it would
been inconceivable that there would one day be "security
conferences" in retard 3rd world shitpile countries like Mexico,
Malaysia, and Pakistan. Countries whose only contributions to
the progression of the digital age
have been the vigorous repeated typing of "jajaja" and "kekeke"
and "gf0rce pakistan!!!" in
various IRC channels and online message boards. Apparently,
high tech vocations have taken
over! My suggestion is to stock up on sombreros, Nikes, and
taxi cab medallions now before
they become relics of the past.
|=---=[ Opinion on Phrack Magazine 1985' ? 1995' ? 2005' ? '2007 ?
I've always thought this magazine sucked, but in regards to
the specifics of the question at hand, it's probably gotten
steadily worse over time. OK OK... I'm sure the editorial staff
would like me to say something positive here so here's my best
attempt: "PHRACK MAGAZINE - Hey, at least it's not 2600!"
This will probably be the worst issue yet, but that's fine -
I'm just using this prophile as a mouthpiece for my dogma of
physical anabolism and moral decay.
|=---=[ What you would like to see published in Phrack ?
An article on phones! (Not VOIP!)
Definitely more mail spools... a renewed focus on homemade
improvised explosive devices... maybe even some tutorials on
drug trafficking for newbies
|=---=[ Shoutouts to specific (group of) peoples
Doing (R.I.P.), tr4shc4n m4n, krad, odaymaztr, Funny Bunny,
module of rhino9, g4yh1tl3r, drater, the crazy Turk, Rocky
the virgin hacker Jesus, zilvio, all my Icelandic friends,
sk8, j & r, Hans Reiser (everybody on IRC talks about murder,
but nobody actually goes through with it), everybody on asylum
& its admin, my old friends from #!!ADM and #!hax, the
zoroastrian insomniac prophet & his partner in crime
|=---=[ Flames to specific (group of) peoples
pm/gaius (hey did you know there's a facebook group for
HERT now?!?), hd moore & his ersatzsploit project (we
commend you on your entrepreneurial vision of turning your
look-mom-i-just-got-owned tcpdump logs into exploits with your
own name on them), Richard "Dick Theft" Johnson (1500+ on his
SAT; abject failure at real life), The Condor, THE WAREZ D00D
(your next ten bag of heroin will be cut with ricin), jobe,
Philip Emeagwali (father of the supercomputer/Internet),
slashdot, Valdis Kletnieks (if I can't pronounce your name,
it's time to kill yourself or go back to dragging a plow in
Latvia), "Dr." Neal Krawetz, Stefan Esser (currently being
hunted down by European PROJECT MAYHEM operatives with
instructions to sever the right hand in accordance with holy
e-jihad Shariah), Eric S. Raymond (still piecing back together
his ~ from backups after the brutal desecration of his OSI bazaar
via CVS 0day), Electronic Souls, hack.co.za, xfocus, nsfocus,
Souljah Boy, "Tiger Team", GNU, Jose Nazario, Luigi Auriemma,
tsao[IC], divineint (I'm sure the Singaporian government would
have had you caned by now for trading IRIX/VMS/DGUX/AIX/HPUX/
Windows src code if you weren't already in their employment),
Raven (congratulations on having a vagina... it's not even a
good one, but it's still better than your brain so you should
probably try hooking instead of thinking for a living), Don
"Beetle" Bailey, Ron Dufresne, Gadi Evron, lcamtuf, Ulf
H?rnhammar, jeff moss, pete shipley & other vampire hackers,
jericho, marcus ranum, chesswick & bellovin, lamo,
markoff/shimomura/mitnick, theo, knuth, dijkstra & other
CS theory fags, HACKER CRACKER
|=---=[ Quotes
"WTF SAID I WAS A TRADER?" - The Warez Dude
"eye dont wipe logz" - Kareless KaRL
"I'm proud to say I have committed every sin in the Decalogue." -
Sir Richard Burton
"irc warfare isnt very fun when u can just vanquish your f0ez...
i feel like i go thru life with IDDQD on...walking thru firewalls
like IDSPISPOPD" - the_uT
"I hate to think that all the whitehats in the world are
concerned that phc members are busy hacking their home machines
when people are really playing ninja gaiden and hocking off their
computers to buy $1000 dogs." - gayh1tler
"While you were sleeping we helped ourselves" - Canaan Banana
"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all" - Mike Tyson
"I've got 5 words for you: drugs smuggled in presidential
baggage" - lu1g1
"I guess I'm gonna fade into Bolivian" - Mike Tyson
"I just want to conquer people and their souls" - Mike Tyson
"My power is so discombobulatingly devastating I could feel
his muscle tissues collapse under my force. It's ludicrous
these mortals even attempt to enter my realm." - Mike Tyson
"step in2 my e-z bake oven!" - gayh1tler
"I think my mask of sanity is about to slip." - Patrick Bateman
"its not nice to treat other people's boxes like toys-r-us" -
"With a gun barrel between your teeth, you speak only in
vowels." - Fight Club
"Fuck damnation, man! Fuck redemption! We are God's unwanted
children? So be it!" - Tyler Durden
"Eat your lima beans!" - Pavel "Papa" Sandrak
"A race condition is how fast you can hit the reset button when
you start hearing your hdd whine" - unknown
"We will achieve samadhi while meditating over s1's studio
31337 MOTD" - the_uT
"Like our great leader, this kernel module selects a child and
touches him in a very special way." - warez mullah, THE EMMANUEL
"Cuz if you can take a fucking dick, you can take a joke" -
Immortal Technique
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the
world he doesn't exist" - The Usual Suspects / Baudelaire
"So I'm rapelling down Mt. Vesuvius, and my rope breaks and I
begin to fall and im falling, falling. Ahhhh, I'll never forget
the terror! Then I thought to myself, hey Hansel. Haven't you
been smoking peyote for 6 straight days and couldn't some of
this maybe in your head? " - Zoolander
"Shit! If I'd known it was going to be this kind of party I'd
have stuck my dick in the mashed potatoes!"
WITH IT" - facialabuse.com
"So don't ever talk shit. And remember something nigga, while
you rave and rant - a roach can live for nine days without its
head, but you can't" - Immortal Technique
"d00d thats not a LADY OF THE PEN, thats ___ from CUMFIESTA!" -
"Can somebody please tell me what the fuck A RED MAP is???"
"i did it 4 the lulz" - ANONYMOUS
"we dish out rm's like petri" - the_uT
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered
mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die." - HST UNF UNF
"Behold I am become death, the destroyer of worlds" - Robert
"It is better to find 10 dead babies in 1 trash can than to
find 1 dead baby in 10 trash cans." - Unknown
"WTF SAID I WAS A TRADER?" - The Warez Dude
"For personal reasons, I do not browse the web from my computer.
(I also have not net connection much of the time.) To look
at page I send mail to a demon which runs wget and mails the
page back to me. It is very efficient use of my time, but it
is slow in real time." - Richard Stallman
"and it shows that you are a complete dork. you are disconnected
from reality. how can we take you for serious?" -
mbalmer@openbsd.org in response to Stallman, officially winning
at irony... FOREVERER
"2 FAST 2 FURIOUS 4 U" - the_uT, upon winning an underground irc
speed typing competition
|=---=[ Anything more you want to say
Looking back on my involvement in computers, I am very happy
that the peak of my activity occurred right during the turn
of the 20th century. Hacking was no longer as simple as manual
labor (wardialing etc.) but finding vulnerabilities and writing
exploits and tools was not exactly as tedious and prohibitively
time-consuming as it is currently. To say that I would rather
commit seppuku than adapt to the challenges of a changing world
by auditing code for SQL injection vulnerabilities and
client-side browser exploits is not an exaggeration. On the
upside of things, hardcore pornography is now far better and
more widely and freely available than ever, and productive
programming like UFC can be seen on channels like Spike TV for
free. Every day, more and more youngsters are born who are many
times more likely to contribute articles to socially useful
publications such as Encyclopedia Dramatica instead of 2600.
Spreading terror and wreaking havoc for "epic lulz" have been
established as viable alternatives to contributing to open
source software projects. If you're a kid reading this zine for
the first time because you're interested in becoming a hacker,
fucking forget it. You're better off starting a collection of
poached adult website passwords, or hanging out on 4chan. At
least trash like this has some modicum of entertainment value,
whereas the hacking/security scene had become some kind of
fetid sinkhole for all the worst kinds of recycled academic
masturbation imaginable. In summary, the end is fucking nigh,
and don't tell me I didn't warn you... even though there's
nothing you can do about it.
Good night and good luck,
|=[ EOF ]=|