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==Phrack Inc.==
Volume One, Issue Four, Phile #11 of 11
Metal Shop PRIVATE\\\ Phrack World News Issue 3 Part 3 ///_ _ ________
Metal Shop AE \\\ ///| \/ | / ______/
Metal Shop Brewery \\\ Compiled by /// |_||_|etal/ /hop
\\\ /// _________/ /
Present PWN III \\\///\\ Knight Lightning //\\\/// /__________/
--------------- \-^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^-/ Triad
Extasyy Revisited
This is a continuation of the article that appeared in Phrack World News Issue
Number One, about the breakup of Extasyy Elite.
The following are statements were told to Phrack by The Mentor:
1) I am NOT an FBI Agent.
2) The Poltergeist turned in all of Extasyy. I have copies of the statements
he made in Fort Worth to the FBI and to the Fort Worth Police Department to
get me busted. I do not know if he gave them Bit Blitz's information or
3) Yes, I made Bit Blitz return a computer. Bit Blitz promised me a 212
AppleCat in exchange for an Apple //e. Then he failed to deliver the modem
after I gave him the system. This can be verified.
4) Crustaceo Mutoid is in the Racketeers, which Apple Rebel reassembled. Former
Racketeers members who are now regrouped include: Hot Rod, Warezird, and The
The above information should be considered as direct quotes from The Mentor.
The Apple //e referred to is one of the many stolen Apple //es talked about in
the story below.
A little background on Extasyy.
Extasyy hung out on Hack Net BBS and FWSO, a bbs in Colorado. Poltergeist was
always bragging about how he was a master computer thief.
The Mentor wanted to try his luck as well. In his case, a not very wise idea.
He and two others went to a high school computer room in Hayes County, Texas.
The room was separate from the rest of the building and one of the windows was
One of the other two people that went was a student at the school.
It took three car trips to transport all the computers, most of them were kept
in friend's apartments. The Mentor gave many of the computers away to friends
of his, which helped his popularity greatly. He also gave two monitors to
Poltergeist. However he neglected to scratch the serial numbers off them. A
more or less fatal mistake.
Each of the apartment owners were allowed to keep one computer, as well as the
other two accomplices. Gradually the people with the apartments began to hide
or give away some of the computers themselves.
The Mentor finally took all the rest of the computers to a storage warehouse
and then gave away or sold what was left of them.
One month later...
In Fort Worth, Texas, The Poltergeist was busted, mainly for credit card fraud,
but there were many other charges as well. He talked all about Extasyy and its
members and when the police found the Mentor's phone number, Poltergeist talked
some more. Among his confiscated equipment were two monitors. The serial
numbers were checked and this led the police and FBI to the now one month old
computer theft in Hayes County.
Meanwhile, one of the apartment owners was trying to sell off one of his
computers to an ex-girl friend. Unfortunately she knew they were "hot" and
told the police. (Advice here guys don't try to sell "hot" items to ex-girl
Soon after the police took him in and were going to press charges on him as
being the mastermind thief. Until he told them the truth about where he got
the merchandise, implicating The Mentor and the others.
Soon after, the police and FBI had The Mentor, and even though he no longer had
any of the stolen equipment, a warrant and search turned up many other
interesting illegal items. His family being prominent in his town, his dad
wanted him to cooperate fully with the authorities.
Phreaking was basically unheard of by the police in 512 and they wanted to know
how everyone was doing it. The Mentor's response was "Blue Boxing". His town
is now equipped with 2600 Hertz detectors on the phone lines. Too bad for
Southwestern Bell that Mentor lied about blue boxing.
Mentor's dad always had something against The Protestor, if for no other
reason than the fact that he was the one who got Mentor started into phreaking.
The police were interested in the phreak boards, so Mentor's dad suggested they
call Protestor's Shack, where The Mentor was a remote sysop.
About this time Mentor had to use the bathroom, or so he told the police. On
his way to his restroom he stopped in the kitchen and called The Protestor.
He kept it very brief with the one way conversation consisting of roughly these
words, 'Get all the illegal shit off your board now! I'll explain later, just
do it!'
Never the less, they called Protestor's Shack, only to discover that it was
Protestor's Shack went down on February 24, 1986. At first it was thought that
Kleptic Wizard, a former Extasyy member, would take over the board in 314
(St.Louis, MO). However, Protestor later decided that maybe it was time that
the board died. He did add however that he may release his board program as a
ware sometime in the near future. Most likely to be found on Kleptic Palace AE
first. He also does plan to one day return to the pirate/phreak/hack world.
The above information was provided by The Protestor
with some parts by The Mentor
The Radio Station BBS
Where once stood the famous bulletin board "The Broadway Show", now stands The
Radio Station. When Broadway Hacker thought he was moving to Washington D.C. he
took down the Broadway Show and gave the line, 718/615-0580, to another who
would run this new bbs. Since then however Broadway Hacker under the handle
of Program Director is once again running the board, but the remote sysop
Sigmund Fraud is now in total charge. He validates, he hires the subboard
Sysop: Program Director
Remote Sysop: Sigmund Fraud <-- Runs the board
Subboard Sysops:
General: Pirate Pete
Sports/Entertainment: White Lotus
Computer Discussion Forum: Lotus
Pirate/Trading: No one (The Cheetah was fired)
Anarchy: No one (The Merc was fired)
Chemical & Explosives: The Wild Phreak (Gray Mouser was fired)
Advanced Hacking and Phreaking: No one (Iron Soldier was fired)
If you wish to become a subboard sysop, please leave mail or feedback to
Sigmund Fraud.
The Radio Station is where many LOD members and other old elites hang out. Its
also among the first to receive new LOD G-Philes.
The Radio Station receives about 15-20 new posts a day. Their general board is
among the most popular for real world controversial topics.
Program Director has put more time and effort into the debugging and upkeep of
his board than ANY other sysop I've ever known. Some of the nice features on
his board are the message responses which can keep a particular subject going
without interfering with other related subjects.
The Radio Station is a strong supporter of Phrack Newsletter. Give it a call!
718/615-0580 300/1200 Baud
Phoenix Phortress Stings 7 415 Under Siege
-------------------------- ---------------
On March 5, 1986, the following seven phreaks were arrested in what has come to
be known as the first computer crime "sting" operation.
Captain Hacker
Doctor Bob
The Adventurer
The Highwayman
The Punisher
The Warden
Many of them or other members of Phoenix Phortress belonged to these groups:
High Mountain Hackers
Kaos Inc.
Shadow Brotherhood
The Nihilist Order (Based in Fremont and Sunnyvale)
Of the seven, three were 15 years old; two were 16; one was 17; and one, 19.
Their charges include:
Several misdemeanors
Trafficking in stolen long distance service codes
Trafficking in stolen credit card numbers
Possession of stolen property
Possession of dangerous weapons (a martial arts weapon)
Charging mail-order merchandise to stolen credit card numbers
Selling stolen property
Charging calls internationally to telephone service numbers
Conviction would mean forfeiture of their computer equipment.
Other phreak boards mentioned include:
Bank Vault (Mainly for credit card numbers and tips on credit card scams)
Phreakers Phortress (Mainly of course for phreak codes and other information)
After serving search warrants early Wednesday morning on the seven Fremont
residences where the young men live with their parents, police confiscated at
least $12,000 worth of equipment such as computers, modems, monitors, floppy
disks, and manuals, which contained information ranging from how to make a
bomb, to the access codes for the Merrill Lynch and Dean Witter Financial
Services Firm's corporate computers.
The sysop of Phoenix Phortress was The Revenger, who was supposedly Wally
Richards, a 25 year-old Hayward man who "phreaked back east a little" in New
Jersey. He took the phone number under the name of Al Davis. However he was
really Sgt. Daniel Pasquale of the Fremont Police Department.
When he introduced his board to other computer users, he called it the "newest,
coolest, phreak board in town." (Editor's note: The word for today is
Pasquale said he got the idea for the sting operation after a 16-year old
arrested last summer for possession of stolen property "rolled them over
(narced) He told us all about their operation."
Pasquale used a police department Apple //e computer and equipment, with access
codes and information provided by eight corporations, including Wells Fargo
Bank, Sprint, and MCI.
Pasquale said he received more than 2,500 calls from about 130 regular users
around the country. The police started to make their first case three days
after the board went up.
"We had taken the unlisted phone number under the name Al Davis," Pasquale
said. "In six days, these kids had the name on the bulletin board. I would
have needed a search warrant to get that information."
The arrests were made after five months of investigation by Dan Pasquale.
Originally compiled by Maxwell's Demon of The Dange Gang, recompiled by Knight
Lightning. This file contains parts of articles found in the following
** The Mercury News
** The Palo Alto Times-Tribune
** The Daily Review