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==Phrack Magazine==
Volume Four, Issue Forty-Three, File 22 of 27
{Acronyms Part II}
D Data
D Default supervision
D Digits
D Dispach
D Hotel/motel equipment from trouble report (TSPS only)
D-CTL D channel controller (IDEC)
D/A Digital to analog
D1PK DS-1 interface pack (SCM-10S NTI)
D1PK DS-1 interface pack (SCM-10S MUX NTI)
DA Digital data off-net extention INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
DA Directory assistance
DAC Digital to analog converter
DAC Dispatch Administration Center
DACC Directort assistance call completion
DACK Direct memory access acknowledge
DACOM Data communictions corp. of korea (ROK)
DACS Digital access cross-connect system
DACS Digital accessed and cross-connected system
DACS Directory assistance charging system
DACTVTD Deactivated
DAEDR Delimitation
DAIS Distributed automatic intercept system
DAML Digital added main line (pair gain)
DAMT Direct access mechanize testing
DAP Display administration process
DAP Document application profile
DARC Division alarm recording center
DART Distribution area rehabilitation
DARU Distributed automatic intercept system audio response unit
DAS Data auxiliary set
DAS Directory assistance system
DAS Distributor and scanner
DAS-WDT Distributor and scanner-watch dog timer
DAS/C Directory assistance system/computer
DASD Direct access storage device
DASS2 Digital access signaling system 2 (BT)
DAU Digital access unit
DAV Data above voice
DAY Delete an assembly
DB DSSDS 1.5 mb/s access line INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
DB Decibel
DBA Data base administrator
DBAC Data base administration center
DBAS Data base administration system
DBCS Data bank control system
DBL Data base load
DBM Database manager
DBMS Data base management system
DBOS Data bank organization system
DBS Duplex bus selector
DBSS Data bank security system
DC Device cinfirmation (C/I channel code)
DC Dial code
DC Direct current
DCC Data collection computer
DCC Data country code (ISO 7498)
DCC Destination code cancellation
DCC Destination code cancellation control
DCC Digroup core controller
DCCS Discontiguous shared segments
DCD Data collection device
DCE Data circuit terminal equipment
DCE Data circuit-terminating equipment
DCE Data communications equipment
DCE Digital carrier equipment
DCG Default cell group
DCH D channel handler
DCH D-channel handling bit
DCH Discharge
DCHOOS D-channel is out of service.
DCL Data clock (i.e. IOM2)
DCL Dec control language
DCLU Digital carrier line uint
DCLU Digital carrier line unit
DCM Digital carrier module
DCME Digital circuit multiplexing equipment
DCMS Distributed call measurement system
DCMU Digital concentrator measurement unit
DCN List disconnected and changed numbers
DCP D channel processor
DCP Duplex central processor
DCPR Detailed contuing property record (pics/dcpr)
DCPSK Differential coherent phase-shift keying
DCS Data communications subsystem
DCS Digital crosconnect system
DCS Digital cross-connect system
DCS Direct current signaling
DCSO Display compleated service order (lmos command)
DCT Digital carrier trunk
DCTB Dct bank
DCTEXT DCT extended
DCTN Defense commercial telecommunications network
DCTS Dimension custom telephone service
DCTUCOM Directly connected test unit common board
DCTUPORT Directly connected test unit port circuit
DCn Device control n
DD Data downstream (i.e. IOM2)
DD Delay dial
DD Disk drives
DD Due date
DD Total switching control center (SCC) and field work time.
DDC Direct department calling
DDCMP Daily display conversation mode and printer
DDD Direct distance dialing
DDGT Digital data group terminal
DDI Direct dialing-in (i.251 A)
DDN Defense data network
DDOV Digital data over voice
DDS DDS loopback test (SARTS command)
DDS Dataphone digital service
DDS Digital data service
DDS Digital data system
DDS Digital data system (the network) dataphone digital
DDS Digital dataphone service
DDS Display the DS table
DDX Digital data exchange
DDX Distributed data exchange
DEAC Deactivation (C/I channel code)
DEACT Deactivate
DEC Digital equipment corporation
DECT Digital european cellular phone
DEL Delete
DEN Digital equipment number
DERP Defective equipment replacement program
DES Data encryption standard
DES Destination
DEST Destinations
DET Detatch MSG. (i.451)
DEV Deviation
DEV Device
DEW Distant early warning (line)
DF Distributing frame
DF Distribution frame
DF HSSDS 1.5 mb/s hub to hub INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
DFC Disk file controller
DFI Digital facility interface
DFI Digital facility interface.
DFI Digital family interface
DFIH Digital facility interface circuit pair
DFMS Digital facility management system
DFTAC Distributing frame test access circuit
DG HSSDS 1.5 mb/s hub to earth station INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
DGCT Diagnostic control table
DGN Diagnose
DGN Memory failure in CS/PS diagnostic program - 1AESS mem diag
DH Digital service INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
DI Deactivation indication (C/I channel code)
DI Direct-in dial INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
DI Unk division?
DIA Document interchange architecture
DIAG Diagnostic
DIC Digital concentrator
DIC Digital interface controller
DID DI downstream
DID Direct inward dialing
DIF Digital frame interface
DIF Digital interface
DIF Digital interface frame
DIFF Difference
DILEP Digital line engineering program
DIM Data in the middle
DIP Dedicated inside plant COSMOS command
DIP Dip creation option
DIP Document interchange protocol (lower sublayer of OSI layer 6)
DIP Dual in-line package
DIR Direction
DIR Directory
DIR Standard dip report
DIS Disconnect
DIS Display
DISA Direct inward system access
DISABL Disable
DISC Disconnect (LAP-D command)
DISD Direct inward subscriber access
DIST Distribute point board
DIU Deactivate indication
DIU Digital interface unit
DIU Digroup interface unit (DACS)
DIV (Ger) Digital exchange
DIVF (Ger) Div for long distance service
DIVO (Ger) Div for local service
DJ Digit trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
DK Data link INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
DL Dial
DL Dictation line INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
DL1PE DLI 1 parity error
DL5MDA Someone who collects each ISDN abbrevation crossing his way
DLAB Divisor latch access bit
DLC Data link control
DLC Data link controller assignment for clusters
DLC Digital loop carrier
DLCI Data link connection identifier (i.440: SAPI+TEI)
DLCU Digital line carrier unit
DLE Data link escape (ascii control)
DLI Data link interface
DLI0I Data link 0 interrupt
DLI1I Data link 1 interrupt
DLISW DLI switch error
DLL Dial long lines
DLM Data link module
DLN Direct link node
DLNORSP Init response not received from data link.
DLOPE Dual link interface (DLI) 0 parity error
DLP Data level point
DLS Digital line section
DLS Digital link service
DLTHA Display trouble history all (LMOS command)
DLTU Digital line trunk unit
DLTU Digital line/trunk unit
DLU-PG Digital line unit-pair gain
DLUC Digital line unit control
DLYR Delayed readiness
DM Delta modulation
DM Disconnected mode (LAP-D response)
DMA Direct memory access
DMB Digital multipoint bridge
DMERT Duplex multiple environment real time
DMI Digital multiplexed interface
DML Data manipulation logic
DMQ Deferred maintenance queue
DMS Data management system
DMS Digital multiplex system (i.e. DMS 10, DMS 100)
DMS Digital multiplexed system
DMU Data manipulation unit
DN Directory number
DN Directory numbers
DN Distribution network panel
DN Down
DN Mail distribution frame - COSMOS defult
DNC Dynamic network controller
DNH Directory Number Hunting
DNHR Dynamic non hierarchical routing
DNHR Dynamic nonhierarchical routing
DNI Digital network interconnecting
DNIC Data network identification code
DNIC Data network identification code (ISO 7498)
DNR Detaled number record
DNR Dialed number recorder
DNX Dynamic network X-connect
DO Direct-out dial INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
DOC Dynamic overload control
DOC Dynamic overload controls messages.
DOCS Display operator console system
DOD (USA) Dept. of defense
DOJ Department of justice
DOM Data on master group
DOTS Digital office timing supply
DOV Data over voice
DP Demarcation point
DP Dial pulse
DP Digital data-2 4 kb/s INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
DPA Different premises address
DPA Dispatch
DPA Distributed power architecture
DPAC Dedicated plant assignment card
DPAC Dedicated plant assignment center
DPC Destination point code (SSY)
DPCM Differential PCM
DPE Data path extender
DPGS Digital pair gain systems
DPIDB Directly connected peripheral interface data bus
DPLL Digital phase locked loop
DPN Dip purge number
DPN-PH Data packet network-packet handler
DPNSS Digital private network signaling system (BT)
DPP Discounted payback period
DPP Distributed processing peripheral
DPR Dip report and removal
DPSK Differential phase shift keying
DPSK Differential phased-shift keying
DPT Data parameter testing
DPT Department name
DPU Digital patch unit
DQ Digital data-4 8 kb/s INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
DQR Design quota system report
DQS Design quota system
DR Data ready
DR Data receive
DR Deactivate request (C/I channel code)
DR Deactivation request
DR Digital data-9.6 kb/s INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
DRAM Digital record announcement machine
DRAM Dynamic ram
DRCS Dynamically redefinable character sets
DRHR Division of revenue hourly
DRMU Digital remote measurement unit
DRTLRT Dial repe tie lindal repeatie t
DRU DACS remote unit
DS Data set
DS Digital carrier span
DS Digital signal
DS Direct signal
DS-0 Digital signal 0 (one channel at 64 kb/s)
DS-0A Digital signal at a subrate level on DS-0 for one customer
DS-0B Digital signals at a subrate level on DS-0 facility for one
or more CU
DS-1 Digital signal level one
DS0 Digital signal zer0
DSBAM Double-sideband amplitude module
DSBLD Disabled (default).
DSC Digital cross-connection systems
DSC Digital subscriber controller AM79C3A
DSCT Digital service copper transport
DSDC Direct service dial capability
DSI Digital speech interpolation
DSIG Direct signaling
DSK Disk
DSL Digital subscriber line
DSL Digital suscriber line
DSLG digital subscriber line group (DSLG)
DSLINIT DSL initialization.
DSM Digital switching module
DSMX (Ger) Digital signal multiplexer
DSN Defense switched network/automatic voice network
DSN Digital signal (level) n
DSNE Double shelf network equipment frame
DSNOFC DSN/AUTOVON office totals
DSP Digital signal processing
DSP Digital signal processing or digital signal processor
DSP Digital signal processor
DSP Domain specific part (ISO 7498)
DSR Data set ready
DSR Display results
DSR Dynamic service register
DSRTP Digital service remote test port
DSS Data station selector
DST Destination of order response
DSU Data service unit
DSU Data servicing unit
DSU Digital service unit
DSU2 Diditalservice unit
DSX Digital cross-connect
DSX Digital signal cross-connect
DT DI-group terminal
DT Data through (C/I channel code in test mode)
DT Data transmit
DT Detect dial tone
DT Due time
DT1 Data form class 1
DTAC Digital access connector
DTAC Digital test access connector
DTAC Digital test access connector (links SMAS and SLC-96)
DTAM Document transfer access and manipulation
DTAS Digital test access system
DTAU Digital test access unit
DTC Data test center
DTC Di-group terminal controller
DTC Digital telephone controller (ARCOFI + IBC + ICC)
DTC Digital trunk controller
DTE Data terminal equipment
DTE Print current date
DTF Dial tone first (pay phone)
DTG Direct trunk group
DTIF Digital transmission interface frame
DTM Data test module
DTM Digital trunk module
DTMF Dual-tone multifrequency
DTR Data terminal ready
DTRK Digital Trunks
DTRK Digital trunks (line and trunk)
DTU Di-group terminal unit
DTU Digital test unit
DU Data upstream (i.e. IOM2)
DU Deactivation request upstream (C/I channel code)
DUIH Direct user interface handler
DUP Data user part
DUP Duplicate
DUR Duration
DUV Data under voice
DVA Design verified and assigned
DVX Digital voice exchange
DW Digital data-56 kb/s INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
DX Duplex
DY Digital service (under 1 mb/s) INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
DYRECT Sides dynamic real time communication tester (in sitest)
E E (receive) signal lead (moreover Ear part of E&M)
E Equipment direction
E Remote trunk arrangement position subsystem (rta/pss) from troubl
E&M Receive & transmit/ear & mouth signaling
E-COM Electronic computer originated mail
E1 Equipment system
E800 Enhanced 800 Service
E911 Enhanced 911
EA Equal access end office
EA Expedited data acknowledgement (SS7: in SCCP)
EA Extended adress
EA Switched acess INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
EAAT Equal access alternative technologies
EADAS Engineering and administration data acquisition system
EADAS/NM EADAS/network management
EAEO Equial access end office
EAI Emergency action interface
EAP Equal access plan
EARN European academic research network
EAS Extended announcement system
EAS Extended area service
EASD Equal access service date
EB Enfia ii end office trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
EBAC Equipmentc billing accuracy control
EBCDIC Extended binary coded decimal interexchange code
EBSP EBS prefix translations
EBSP Enhanced business services prefix translations
EC ESS entity and control group number
EC Echo canceller
EC Enfia ii tandem trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
EC Environment code
EC European community
EC Exchange carriers
ECAP Electronic customer access program
ECC Enter cable change
ECCS Economic c (hundred) call seconds
ECD Equipment configuration database
ECDMAN Equipment configuration database manager
ECF Enhanced connectivity facility
ECL Emitter coupled logic
ECMA European computer manufactueres association
ECPT Electronic coin public telephone
ECR Exchange carrier relations
ECS Electronic crosconnect system
ECS Equipment class of service
ED Enter date
EDAC Electromechanical digital adapter circuit
EDD Envelope delay distortion
EDI Electronic data interchange
EDP Electronic data processing
EDSC Electronic directory customer counts (ISDN BRCS)
EDSX Electronic digital signal x-connect
EDZ Facility emergency assignment list
EE Combined access INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
EE Initials of supervisor reviewing this ticket.
EEC Electronic equipment cabinet
EECT End-to-end call trace
EEDP Expanded electronic tandem switching dialing plan
EEE Electronic equipment enclosures
EEHO Either end hop off
EEI Equipment-to-equipment interface
EEPROM Electrically erasable programmable read only memory
EF Entrance facility-voice grade INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
EFCTS Electronic custom telephone service
EFRAP Exchange feeder route analysis program
EG Type #2 telegraph INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
EIA Electronic industries association
EIS Expanded inband signaling
EISS Economic impact study system
EIU Extended interface unit
EIn Error indication n (C/I channel code)
EKTS Electonic key telephone service
EKTS Electronic key telephone sets
EL Emergency reporting line INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
ELA Entity load analysis
ELDS Exchange line data service
ELECL Electrical
ELEMNTS Elements
ELI Electrical line interface
EM Emergency reporting center trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
EM Encription module
EM End of medium (ASCII control)
EMC Electromagnetic capability
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EME Electromagnetic emission
EMI Electromagnetic interference
EML Expected measured loss
EMM Expandable mos memory
EMS Electromagnetic susceptibility
EMS Expanded memory specification
EMSCC Electromechanical switching control center
EMV EMC (german)
EN Entity
EN Entity number
EN Exchange network acess facility INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
ENABL Enable
ENFIA Exchange network facility for interstate access
ENHMT Enhancement
ENQ Enquiry
ENTDT Entered date and/or time
EO End office
EOC Embedded operation channel
EOE Electronic order exchange
EOM End of message
EOS Extended operating system
EOTT End office toll trunking
EP Entrance facility-program grade INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
EP Expedited data (SS7: in SCCP)
EPIC Extended PIC
EPL Electronic switching system program language
EPROM Erasable programmable read-only memory
EPSCS Enhanced private switched communication service
EQ Equalizer
EQ Equipment only-(network only) assignment INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
EQPT Equipment
ER Enhancement request
ER Error register
ER Exception report
ERAR Error return address register
ERC Error control (IOS)
EREP Environmental recording editing and printing
ERF Emergency restoration facility
ERL Echo return loss
ERP Effective radiated power
ERPMP Exception report pumper
ERR Error
ERRS Errors
ERTS Error rate test set
ERTS Error rate test sets
ERU Error return address update
ES Extension service-voice grade INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
ESAC Electronic systems assistance center
ESAP Emergency Stand-Alone prefix
ESAP Emergency stand-alone prefix
ESB Emergency service bureau
ESC Enhanced speech circuit
ESC Escape (ASCII control)
ESC Three way calling USOC
ESCC2 Extended high level serial communication controller
ESD Electrostatic discharge
ESD Extened super framing
ESF Extended super frame
ESF Speed calling USOC
ESFF Extended superframe format
ESL Emergency stand-alone
ESL Essental service
ESL Speed calling 8 code USOC
ESM Call forwarding USOC
ESM Economic study module
ESMTC Electronic system maintance
ESN Electronic serial number (Cell)
ESN Electronic switched network
ESN Emergency service number
ESP Enhanced service procider
ESP Enhanced service providers
ESP Essential service protection
ESP Print entire summary table
ESS Electronic switching system
ESSX Electronic switching systen exchange
EST Established
ESTAB Establish
ESX Call waiting USOC
ET Entrance facility-telegraph grade INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
ET Exchange termination
ETAS Emergency technical assistance
ETB End of transmission block
ETC Estimated trunk ccs value
ETF Electronic toll fraud
ETL Equipment test list
ETN Electronic tandem network
ETRI Electronics and telecommunications research institute (ROK)
ETS Electronic tandem switching
ETS Electronic translation systems
ETSACI Electronic tandem switching adminstration channel interface
ETSSP ETS status panel
ETX End of text
EU End user
EU Extension service-telegrasph grade INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
EUPOT End user-point of termination
EV Enhanced emergency reporting trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
EV Expected value
EVB Busy call forward USOC
EVC Bust call forward extended USOC
EVD Delayed call forward USOC
EVD Delayed call forwarding
EVST (Ger) End exchange
EW Off network MTS/WATS equivalent service INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
EWSD (Ger) Electronic dialing system (digital)
EX Exercise
EXD ECS crossloading option
EXD Extra digit
EXD Extra digit (MDII)
EXP Extra pulse
EXP Extra pulse (MDII)
EXT Extension
EXTC Expenditure type code
F Facility direction
F Fault (indicator)
F Office or base unit from trouble report.
F1 Facility system
FA Frame aligner
FA Fuse alarm
FAA Facility accepted (SS7 in ISUP)
FAC Facility
FAC Facility Assiment Center
FACD Facility changed msg.
FACS Facilities assignment and control system
FADS Dorce administration
FANALM Fan alarm
FAP Facilities analysis plan
FAR Facility request (SS7: in ISUP)
FAR Federal acquisition regulation
FAS Frame alignment signal
FAST First application system test
FAT File allocation table
FAX Faximile
FC Feature control
FC Frame control
FC From cable
FC/EC Function code and environment code
FCA Final closure abandon (MDII)
FCAP Facility capacity
FCC Federal communications commission
FCC Forward command channel
FCC Frame control center
FCD Frame comtinuity date
FCG False cross or ground
FCS File control systemction
FCS Frame check sequence
FD Private line-data INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
FDD Frame due date
FDDI Fiber distributed data interface (x3t9.5)
FDI Feeder/distribution interfaces
FDM Frequency division multiplex
FDM Frequency-division multiplexing
FDMA FDM access
FDP Field development program
FDT Frame due time
FDX Full duplex
FDY Set fiscal day for LAC
FEA Custom calling feature/PIC
FEA Customer feature
FEAT Feature
FEAT Features
FEBE Far end block error (IOM2 monitor message)
FEC Forward error correction
FECC Front end communication computer
FED Far end data
FELP Far end loop process
FEMF Foreign electro-motive force
FEPS Facility and equipment planning system
FEV Far end voice
FF Check appropriate space where trouble is located
FF Form feed
FG Group-supergroup spectrum INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
FGA Feature group A
FGB Feature group B
FGC Feature group C
FGD Feature group D
FGE Feature group E
FGK Feature group K (ISDN Q.931)
FIB Forward indication bit (SS7)
FID Field indentifiers
FIFO First in
FIFO First in first out (storage)
FIL Filter
FIN Facility information msg.
FIOC Frame input/output controller
FIP Facility interface processor
FIPS Federal information processing standards
FISU Fill in signal unit (SS7)
FITL Fiber in the loop
FJ Frame jump (C/I channel code)
FKP False key pulse
FKP False key pulse (MDII)
FL Fault locate
FL Fault location
FLA Flag
FLD Field
FLEXCOM Fiber optic communication
FLR Frame layout report
FLT Flat
FM Frequency modulation
FM01 DCT alarm activated or retired - 1AESS
FM02 Possible failure of entire bank not just frame - 1A
FM03 Error rate of specified digroup - 1AESS
FM04 Digroup out of frame more than indicated - 1AESS
FM05 Operation or release of the loop terminal relay-1AESS
FM06 Result of digroup circuit diagnostics -1AESS
FM07 Carrier group alarm status of specific group - 1AESS
FM08 Carrier group alarm count for digroup - 1AESS
FM09 Hourly report of carrier group alarms - 1AESS
FM10 Public switched digital capacity failure - 1AESS
FM11 PUC counts of carrier group errors - 1AESS
FMAC Facility maintance administration center
FMAC Facility maintenance and control
FMC Force management center
FMM Finite message machine
FN Feature number
FN File name
FNBE Far and near end block error (IOM2 monitor message)
FNPA Foreign numbering plan area
FOA First office application
FOC Fiber optic communications
FON Fiber optics network
FOR Frame order report
FORPOT Foreign potential.
FOS Frame operations summary
FOS-ALC Fiber optic systems maintance - Alcatel
FOS-ROCK Fiber optic system maintance - Rockwell
FOT Forward transfer (SS7: in ISUP)
FP Functional protocol
FPC Foundation peripheral controller
FPC Frequency comparison pilots
FPS Fast packet switching
FR Fire dispatch INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
FR Fixed resistance
FR Flat rate
FRAC Frame aligner circuit
FRC Forced request configuration
FREQ Frequency
FRJ Facility rejected msg. (SS7 in ISUP)
FRMR Frame reject (LAP-D response)
FRPS Field reliability performance studies
FRQ Facility request message
FRS Flexible route selection
FS File separator
FS/SYM Function Schematic/Symbol Numbers (1AESS Test access)
FSA False start abandon
FSA False start abandon on incoming trunk
FSC Frame synchronization clock (i.e. IOM2)
FSK Frequency shift keying
FSN Forward sequence number
FT Foreign exchange trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
FT Frame time
FTA Frame transfer analysis
FTC Frame transfer completion
FTE Frame transfer establishment
FTG Final trunk group
FTL Frame transfer lets
FTP File transfer protocol
FTR Frame transfer reprint
FTS Federal telecommunications system
FTW Frame transfer withdrawal
FUNCS Functions
FV Voice grade facility INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
FW Wideband channel INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
FWD Forward
FWM Frame work management
FWS Frame work station
FX Foreign exchange
FX Foreign exchange INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
FXO Foreign exchange circuit office direction
FXS Foreign exchange circuit station direction
G Spare box. use for special studies.
GAP (Ec) group of analysis and provision (for ONP)
GB Great britain
GBS Group bridging service
GC Group card
GCE Gated Oscillator Error
GCI General circuit interface (IOM/u(k0)-interface)
GCON Generic conditions
GCP Generate Control pulse
GCR General configuration register
GCS Group control system
GDSUCOM Global DSU common
GDSUCOM Global digital service unit common
GDX Gated diode crosspoint
GDXACC Gated diode crosspoint access
GDXC Gated diode crosspoint compensator
GDXCON Gated diode crosspoint control circuit
GEISCO General electric information services company
GFR General facility report
GG Getails of reported trouble.
GH Gain hit
GHZ Gigahertz
GID Group ID
GKCCR Generated key collection and compression routine
GLA Generate lists for assignment
GND Ground
GNS Gainslope
GNS Gainslope test (SARTS command)
GOC General order control (TIRKS)
GOS Grade of service
GP Group processor
GPA Gas pressure alarm
GPIB General purpose interface bus
GPPC General purpose power controller
GPS Global positioning system
GR General requirments (BellCoRe)
GRA GRS acknowledgement
GRASP Generic access package
GRD Ground fault.
GRD Ground.
GRID Line unit grid.
GRP Group
GRP MOD Group modulator
GRS Circuit group reset (SS7: in ISUP)
GS Ground start (on-hook normal)
GS Group separator
GSA General services administration
GSAT General telephone and electronics satellite corporation
GST Ground start signaling
GSZ Group size
GTC General telephone company
GTE General telephone electronics
GTEI Global tei
GTS Gamma transfer service
GTT Global title transmission
GWY Gateway
Ger German
H Hold state (in EOC)
H Hours
H Trouble ticket number. subparagraph 5.6.4.
H&D High and dry (trunk test)
H- High-
H-RAP Hardware reliability assurance program
HAC Hands-free add-on circuit (for speakerphone)
HBS Hunt group blocks of spares
HC High capacity 1.544 mb/ps-service code for LATA access
HC Hunt count
HCDS High capacity digital service
HCDS High-capacity digital services
HCFE High-capacity front end
HCSDS High-capacity satellite digital service
HCTDS High-capacity terrestrial digital service
HD High capacity 3.152 mb/ps-service code for LATA access
HDB3 High-density bipolar 3 (cept PRI)
HDFI HSM digital facilities interface
HDLC High level DLC
HDLC High-level data link control
HDSL High bit-rate digital subscriber line
HDTV High definition television (soon to be the new buzz word!!)
HDW Hardware
HDX Half duplex
HE High capacity 6.312 mb/ps-service code for LATA access
HEAP Home energy assistance program
HEHO High end hop off
HF High capacity 6.312-service code for LATA access
HF Hunt-from telephone number
HFCC High capacity facility control center
HFR Hardwara failure rate
HG High capacity 274.176 mb/s-service code for LATA access
HGBAF Hardware group blocking acknowledgment failure
HGR Hunt group report
HGS Hunt group summary
HGUAF Hardware group unblocking acknowledgment failure
HH History header
HH Record of repair activity.
HI High
HI High impedance (C/I channel code)
HI Highway interrupt
HIC Hybrid integrated circuit
HIM Host interface module
HIS Hunting ISH
HK Hook
HL IT Siemens semiconductors (hl)
HLC Highest lead factor group count
HLDG Holding
HLLAPI High level language application program interface
HLSC High-level service circuits
HM1 Intercom plus USOC
HMCL Host message class assignment
HMP Intercom plus
HNPA Home numbering plan area
HNS Hospitality network service
HOBIC Hotel billing information center
HOBIS Hotel billing information system
HOLD Call hold (i.253 b)
HP Hewlett-packard
HP Non-DDS digital data 2.4 kb/s INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
HPO High performance option
HQ Non-DDS digital data 4.8 kb/s INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
HR Hour
HR Non-DDS digital data 9.6 kb/s INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
HRS Hours prefix
HS High capacity subrate-service code for LATA access
HSCC High level serial communication controller sab82520
HSCX Extended hscc sab82525
HSM Host switching module
HSSDS High-speed switched digital service
HT Horizontal tabulator
HT Hunt-to telephone number
HTI Highway transfer interrupt
HU High usage
HU High-usage trunk
HUNT Hunting
HUTG High usage trunk group
HW High and wet.
HW High-and-wet
HW Non-DDS digital data 56 kb/s INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
HW Pcm highway
HZ Hertz
I Cable and pair or associated equipment
I Information (LAP-D command)
I Installation
I Invalid
I&I Investment and inventory
I&M Customer services installation and maintenance
I&M Installation & maintenance
I- Information (numbered i-frames)
I/O Ineffective other
I/O Input/output devices
I/O Tnput/output
I0 Feature removed
I1 Added feature
IA Immediate action
IA Ineffective attempts
IAA Ineffective attempt analysis.
IAAN Immediatel action report
IAC0 DLI 0 access error
IAC1 DLI 1 access error
IACS Intergrated access cross-connected system
IAD Incomplete address detected (incoming)
IAM Initial address msg. (SS7: in ISUP)
IB Instruction buffer
IBC ISDN burst transceiver circuit
IBN Integrated business network
IBROFC ISDN BRCS and Analog Office totals
IC Incoming call (x.25)
IC Independent carrier
IC Installation centers
IC Inter-LATA carrier
IC Inter-exchange carrier
IC Interexchange carriers
IC/MC Installation and maintence centers
ICA Incoming advance
ICA Incoming advance (MDII)
ICAN Individual circuit analysis
ICAO International civil aviation organization
ICC ISDN communications controller
ICC Interstate commerce commission
ICCU Inmate call control unit
ICD Interactive call distribution
ICL Intra-RSM communication link
ICLID Individual calling line id
ICM Integrated call management
ICN Interconnecting network
ICOM (taiwan) integrated communication
ICOT Intercity and outstate trunk
ICP Intercept
ICPOT Interexchange carrier-point of termination
ICSC Inter-LATA customer service center
ICSC Interexchange carrier service center
ICSC Interexchange customer service center
ICUG International closed user groups
ICUP Individual circuit usage and peg count
ICUR Individual circuit usage recorder
ID Idle control code
IDA (gb) interated digital access (b64+b8+d8)
IDC Information distribution companies
IDCI Interim defined central office interface
IDCU Integrated digital carrier unit
IDCU Integrated digital carrier unit .
IDCU Integrated digital carrier unit i.e. AT&T Series 5 RT FP 303G
IDDD International direct distance dialing
IDEC ISDN d-channel exchange controller
IDF Intermediate distributing frame
IDI Initial domain identifier (ISO 7498)
IDLC Integrated digital loop carrier
IDLC Intergrated digital loop carrier
IDP Individual dialing plan
IDPC Integrated data protocol controller
IDS Internal directory system
IDVC Integrated data/voice channel
IEC ISDN echo cancellation circuit
IEC Interexchange carrier
IEC International electrotechnical comission
IEC-P (old name of iec-q3)
IEC-Q1 Iec for 2b1q peb2091
IEC-Q2 Iec-q specially for lt and NT1 (without microprocessor)
IEC-Q3 Iec-q with parallel processor interface (i.e. for daml)
IEC-T Iec for 4b3t peb2090
IEEE Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
IEPC ISDN exchange power controller
IF Intermediate frequency
IFAC Integrated digital carrier unit facility
IFRB International frecuency registration board
IFRPS Intercity facility relief planning system
IFS (switzerland) integrated telecom service
IGS Idenitfy graphic subrepertoire (teletex)
IIN Integrated information network
IJR Input a jeopardy reason
ILC ISDN link controller
ILINE IDCU line counts.
IM Input mux
IM Interface module
IMA Additional ineffective machine attempts
IMAS Integrated mass announcement system
IMC IOS mailbox control
IMCAT Input message catalog
IMCF Interoffice multiple call forwarding
IMD Intermodulation distortion
IMM Input message manual
IMMU IOS memory management unit
IMP Impedance
IMP Impules per minute
IMP Interpersonal messaging protocol (x.420: p2)
IMS Interprocessor message switch
IMT Inter-machine trunk
IMTS Improved mobile telephone service
IMU Input measured ccs usage data
IN Intelligent network
IN/1 Intelligent network/1
INA Intergrated network access
INAP Intelligent network access point
INC Incoming trunk groups
INC International calling
INC International carrier
INC SEL Incoming selector
INCAS-A Integrated network cost analysis - access
INCAS-LT Integrated network cost analysis - local and toll
INCAS-S Integrated network cost analysis - shared
INCAS/E Integrated network cost analysis system
INCAS/I Integrated network cost analysis system - embedded
INCIS Integrated network cost information system
INCP Incomplete
IND Individual
INF Information
INF Information (SS7: in ISUP)
INIT Allocation table initalization
INL Inter node link
INN Inter node network
INQ Complete circuit inquiry
INR Information request (SS7: in ISUP)
INS (japan) information network system (b64+b16+d8)
INT Interrupt (i.e. C/I channel code)
INTCCTRL International code control (NTI)
INTCHG Interexchange
INTEGRIS Integrated results information service
INTELSAT International telecommunications satellite consortium
INTR Interrupt
INW INWATS [code 258(8000-8299)]
INWATS Inward wide area telecommunications system
INWATS Inward wide area telephone service
INWBLKD INWATS returned blocked
INWBLKD Inward wide area telecommunications service (INWATS) returned
INWBUSY INWATS all lines busy
INWCCBL INWATS code control blocked
INWDBOV INWATS data base overload
INWDBTO INWATS data base timeout
INWDSBL INWATS direct signaling blocked
INWNNPA INWATS nonpurchased numbering plan area (NPA)
INWNOXL INWATS returned no translation
INWONPA INWATS invalid originating numbering plan area (ONPA)
INWOVLD INWATS returned overload
INWUNEQ INWATS returned unequipped
INWVLIN INWATS vacant line number
IO Inward operator
IOAU Input/output access unit (univac)
IOC Independent operating company
IOC Input/output controler (shelf)
IOC Integrated optical circuit
IOC International overseas center
IOCC International overseas completion center
IOCP Input/output configuration process
IOCS Input/output control system
IODB IDCU on-demand B-channel
IOI Secondary input/output interface pack(s)
IOM ISDN-oriented modular (architecture and interfaces)
IOM2 Extended iom
IOMI Input/output microprocessor interface
IOP Input-output processor
IOP Input/output Processor
IOP Input/output driver
IOP Input/output processor
IOS ISDN operational software
IOS Input/output supervisor (IBM)
IOS Inventory order system
IOSF Input/output shelf assignment
IOT Inter-office trunk
IOT Interoffice test command (SARTS command)
IOT Interoffice testing
IOTC International originating toll center
IP Information provider
IP Inprogress
IP Intermediate point
IP Internet protocol
IPAC ISDN pc adapter circuit
IPACS Interactive planning & control system
IPAT ISDN primary access transceiver
IPB Sipb
IPBC IOM2 PBC (old name for EPIC)
IPC Inter-process communication
IPC Interprocess communication
IPCS IOS process control system
IPCS Installation product costing system
IPCS Interactive problem control system
IPIB Intelligent personal computer interface board
IPIDB IDCU peripheral interface data bus
IPL Initial program load
IPL Interoffice private line signaling
IPL Interoffice private line signaling test (SARTS command)
IPLAN Integrated planning and analysis system
IPLS InterLATA private line services
IPM Impulse per minute
IPM Impulses per minute
IPM Interruptions per minute
IPP IOS protocol part
IPP Integrated planning process
IPPC Interdepartmental project planning committee
IPR Installation performance results system
IPS Installation performance results
IPS Integrated Provisioning System
IPS Integrated provisions system
IPX Integrated packet exchange
IQS Instant request system
IR Incoming register
IRBR Integrated resource billing report system
IRC International record carrier
IRIS Industry relations information system
IRLF Incoming register link frame
IRM Information resource management
IRMC Incoming register marker connector
IRO Industry relations operations
IROR Internal rate of return
IRP Integrated revenue planning
IRPC ISDN remote power control psb2120
IRR Internal rate of return system
IRRS Interactive request and retrieval system
IRS Industrial revenue summary
IRT IDCU remote digital terminal
IRU Integrated recovery utility (sperry)
IS Interrupt set
IS/SADQ Interstate special access demand quantification
ISA Indicate status application
ISAC-P ISDN subscriber access controller
ISAC-S ISDN subscriber access controller
ISAM Indexed sequential access method
ISC Intelligent serial controller
ISC International switching center
ISC Planintercompany services coordination plan
ISC/TE Information systems center for technical education
ISCAR Information systems costs analysis reports
ISCOM SWBT intercompany service coordination (ISC) order monitor
ISCP Integrated service control point
ISCP/MSAP ISCP/multi-service application platform
ISCP/SPOCK ISCP/service provisioning and on-line creation tool kit software
ISDN Integrated services digital network
ISF Inquire on a single facility
ISG Isolated system grounding
ISH Complete circuit inquiry short
ISI Industry support layout
ISIS Interstate settlements information system
ISLM Integrated services line module
ISLU Integrated services line unit
ISLUCC Integrated services line unit common controller
ISLUCD Integrated services line unit common data
ISLUHLSC Integrated services line unit high level service circuit
ISLUMAN Integrated services line unit metallic access network
ISLURG Integrated services line unit ringing generator
ISM ISDN switching module
ISM Interactive synchronous mode
ISMP Industry specific measurement plan
ISMS Integrated service management system
ISMTL Information systems management training
ISN Information systems network
ISN Integrated systems network
ISNET Interim solution network (Kansas city only)
ISO Information systems organization
ISO International organization for standardization
ISOFC ISDN office totals
ISOPDB Information systems organization planning data base
ISOSS Intercompany service order switching system
ISP Intermediate service part
ISPBX Integrated systems PBX
ISPC International signaling point code (SS7)
ISPF Interactive system productivity facility
ISPI ISDN packet interface
ISRP Information systems rules panel
ISS Integrated switching system
ISS Issue
ISSANRC Interstate special access non-recurring
ISSC Interfunction special service coordination
ISSCO Intertoll
ISSN Integrated special services network
ISSN Intergrated specal services network
ISSS ISDN supporting system
ISTA Interrupt status register
ISUP ISDN user part
ISUP ISDN user part (SS7: q.76x)
ISUP Integrated services user part
IT Inactivity test (SS7: in SCCP)
IT Intertandem tie trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26
ITAC ISDN terminal adaptor circuit
ITC Independent telephone company
ITC Interdepartmental training center at dallas-texas for
ITD Intertoll dial
ITEA Interoffice trunks engineering and administration
ITF Integrated test facility
ITG Intergrated traffic generator
ITIMS Integrated transportation information management system
ITIMS/IE Itims/information expert
ITM Cable pair item number
ITNA Improves thrid number acceptance
ITNO Item number
ITS Institute of telecommunication science
ITS Integrated test system
ITS Interactive training system
ITSE Incoming trunk service evaluation
ITSO Incoming trunk service observation
ITSTC Information technology steering committee (cen
ITT Idle trunk test
ITU International telecommunication union
ITU International telecommunications union
ITVSE Intermediary transport vendor service center
ITW Instructional technology workshop
IU Network/port interface unit
IUP Installed user program (IBM)
IVD Integrated voice data
IVP Installation verification procedures
IVP Installation verification program
IVTS International video teleconferencing service
IWF Interworking facility (gateway)
IWU Interworking unit (gateway)
IX Interactive executive
IXC Or icinterexchange carrier
IXM Interexchange mileage
IZ Interzone