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==Phrack Magazine==
Volume Seven, Issue Forty-Eight, File 8 of 18
.::::: :::::. .::::. .::::: ::::::
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Written by Boss Hogg
Greets: Voyager/Splatter/Mr.Hyde/Misfit/Darkseed/][avok/Paradyne
Ethereal Gloom/Surgat/GOL/Carnage/Kamakize/Seeker/Stravis
+ all others with weird thoughts and ideas.
The craft.
Although its called a Craft Access Terminal, the craft hardly
represents a standard computer terminal. It is in actually a lineman's
handset with a built in terminal and 1200 baud modem. The unit looks
like a handset on steroids measuring 12.5" in length. The ones in our
particular area were bright yellow and looks like a rejected Sesame
Street prop. We have reports that they also made them in a blue color as
well though we have yet to see one in use in our area.
The unit features a 4 line x 16 character LCD display, and a
joystick with a plunger on the top. You will find a diagram of the unit
with descriptions in brackets.
These units are possibly being phased out in a few areas and
have been found at telco auctions as well as from surplus stores. They
could be replacing these yellow units with the blue units (Which have
the same basic descriptions yet are newer. The crafts we have found were
severely worn). We have also heard they were being replaced with a
Access-2 terminal (rumored to represent a HP-95lx palmtop; Fold open,
larger LCD screen).
This is essentially the entire uncopywritten manual to the
terminal. The unit can be somewhat confusing at first due to a somewhat
weird menu layout.
Also, to avoid confusion:
- The page numbers are located at the bottom of the pages. You may wish
to add pagefeeds and space out the page numbers to the bottom of the
page if you want to print it out and stick it in your phreakers binder
or whatever.... The line is meant for the top of each page... As there
is a line at the top in the real manual.
----Here begins the Craft Access Terminal Instruction Manual----
Craft Access Terminal
Instruction Manual
Table of Contents
Features : 2
Using the pointer : 4
Battery Pack : 6
Connecting to a working pair : 8
Making a telephone call : 9
Calling a computer : 12
Working with a computer : 15
Getting help : 15
Making or canceling a
selection on a screen : 17
Reading stored information : 19
Filling in information : 20
Taking care of your terminal : 25
Getting Started
Two battery packs, a charger and a short charger adaptor cord
should be in the box with the Craft Access Terminal. Before
using the Craft Access Terminal, insert a battery pack. The
battery pack must be charged before use. For directions on how
to charge and insert the battery pack, look at the section of
the instructions called "The Craft Access Terminal's Battery
Pack." This section begins on page 6.
Craft Access Terminal Features
Receiver - Works like any ordinary telephone receiver.
[points to ear-piece]
Transmitter - Works like an ordinary telephone transmitter.
[points to mouthpiece]
Craft Access Terminal - Identification Number
[points to sticker underneath the TRANSMITTER]
Phone Jack - A modular telephone cord can be plugged in here.
[located on bottom of the handset]
Recharger Jack - The plug on the recharger cord is inserted into
the jack.
[located on bottom of the handset]
Connecting Cord - Connects to a working pair to get dial tone for
making a call to either a telephone or a computer.
[extends from bottom of handset]
Screen - A liquid crystal display shows information
or instructions.
[on top-front of handset. c'mon- you cant miss it!]
Mode Switch
Three positions:
Talk -make a phone call
Monitor -listen for conversation
Data -make a computer call
Moving the switch to monitor will disconnect a call.
[This switch is located on the right-top side, when the ]
[LCD screen is facing you ]
Pointer - Used to mark and select actions on the screen and to
indicate where you want to enter information.
[Joystick located under Screen]
Rechargeable Battery Pack - Provides power for the terminal. The
pack must be recharged every day.
[This is accessed by removing a cover held in place by a normal ]
[phillips screw. The compartment is located under the pointer. ]
[NOTE: Although there is a 9-volt battery snap, the thing only ]
[uses 4 1.2volt nicads... 4 AA batteries work fine... For those ]
[whose sets didn't come with battery packs ]
Alpha Numeric Keypad - Used to enter letters and numbers on the
[Uhh- A normal Touch Tone pad... Cant miss it ]
Using the pointer
The pointer allows you to make choices from a
screen, show where you want to fill in information,
B BACK read information that is temporarily stored for you
A in the Craft Access Terminal, and get an
H C < ^ > N S explanation about a screen.
E K < .-. > E E
L S < `-' > X N Remember that you must push the pointer to
P P < V > T D make a choice.
E REVIEW The pointer can be moved along the right side,
along the left side, to the top center and bottom
center position.
= joystick direction
.-. = Joystick
1. If you want to select from two or more choices on the
screen, move the Pointer along the right side until
the arrow (>) appears next to the line you want to
select and then press the Pointer.
2. If you want additional information about one of the
choices on the screen, move the Pointer along the
left side until the question mark (?) appears next to
the line where you need HELP and then press the
3. If you want to go BACK one screen, move the Pointer
to the top center position and then press the
4. If you want to REVIEW information stored in your
Craft Access Terminal, move the Pointer to the bottom
center position and then press the Pointer.
The Craft Access Terminal's Battery Pack
You must charge the terminals battery pack at least once every
day. It may take up to twelve hours for a full charge if the
battery pack has run down completely. Also, before the first
use, each battery pack should be charged for 24 hours.
To do this, insert the plug at the other end of the cord
attached to the charger into the socket at the transmitter end
of the Craft Access Terminal. Plug the charger at the end of
the cord into an electrical outlet. The red light on the
charger should be lit if it is charging properly. However, the
light will not go out if the battery is fully charged. It is
advisable to keep the extra battery pack charged so you can
use it if the battery pack in the terminal you're using runs
down. To charge the spare battery pack, plug the charger
adapter cord, (the short cord included with the charger) into
the pack. Plug the other end of the adapter cord into the
charger, and plug the charger into an electrical outlet.
The charger should only be used indoors and only for charging
Craft Access Terminal.
In the battery pack runs out of power while you are using the
terminal, the pack can be removed and the charged pack can be
inserted. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Open the Battery Pack Compartment
Loosen the screw to open the battery cover. Do not hold
down battery compartment cover while loosening the
2. Remove the Battery Pack
Lift out battery pack. Unsnap the battery pack from the
3. Insert the Battery Pack
Snap the charged battery pack into the connector.
Slide the battery pack into the Craft Access Terminal.
Close the battery cover. Don't forget to tighten
the screw.
How Long Will the Craft Access Terminal Stay Charged?
At normal temperatures, the Craft Access Terminal will
operate for approximately 12 hours after being charged.
The Craft Access Terminal can be used in warm or cold
temperatures. You should keep in mind however, that the
battery pack will be drained faster in cold weather. At -20
degrees Fahrenheit, it may last only 8-10 hours.
The battery pack in the Craft Access Terminal should no be
charged at temperatures less than 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
Battery Pack Life
The battery pack can be charged many times, providing a
working life of about 5 years. The four digit number stamped
on the end of the battery is its date of manufacture.
Connecting to a Working Pair
Monitor the Line
Before connecting to a pair, set the switch at the Monitor
(center) position.
Connect Cord and Clips
Attach cord clips to tip and ring. If you hear a conversation,
select another pair. You should hear dial tone when connected
to an available working pair.
* Connect at a standard terminal point whenever possible to avoid
puncturing the insulation; holes made in insulation by clips
can lead to later corrosion problems
Alternately, dial tone can also be obtained by inserting a
modular cord as shown on page 2. Do not insert line cord to
modular jack and connect to tip and ring at the same time. It
will not work.
Move back to monitor to increase or decrease volume. To
increase the volume, move the Pointer along the right side
until the arrow (>) in next to "increase volume" and then
press the Pointer.
To decrease the volume, point to the third line, and press.
If you want to use the terminal to listen for noise on the
line, point to the second line and press. This puts the
terminal in the "quiet" mode so that very low levels of noise
can be detected.
Notice that the top line on this screen can't be selected. To
indicate this, the first space on the line contains a bar.
You can now make an ordinary telephone call be moving the
switch to Talk (see Making a Telephone Call) or call a
computer by moving the switch to Data (see Calling a
Making a Telephone Call
Move the switch from Monitor to Talk Position
Monitor the line to be sure it isn't in use. If no one is
talking on the line, move the switch from Monitor to Talk.
Telephone Number Entry and Correction
If the line is good, you will hear a dial tone. You can enter
the number you want to call through the keypad. If a number is
already filled in, you can call that number, or, if you want
to call a different number, erase the number that is on the
screen by pressing * on the Touch-tone pad, and enter another
* If the (*) is entered as the first character, it will not
erase unless another (*) us entered.
The small flashing bar is called the cursor. The cursor will
appear where a number must be entered.
As each digit to the telephone number is filled in, it will
appear where the cursor was, and the cursor will move one
space to the right. Enter a pound (#) between digits to
indicate a 2-second pause in dialing where required (to wait
for a second dial tone behind a PBX number, for example). For
a longer pause, press pound (#) several times.
When the correct phone number is shown, move the Pointer to the
right side (anywhere along the right side will do) and press.
If you need to rotary dial, select the last line with the
Pointer before you press. The Craft Access Terminal will dial
the number. You can re-dial by moving the Pointer to the right
side and pressing again.
The Craft Access Terminal will save the telephone number and it
will appear the next time the switch is moved to the Talk
You can listen as the Craft Access Terminal dials the number.
If you hear a busy signal after dialing is completed, or if no
one answers the call, disconnect by moving the switch to the
Monitor position.
Call in Progress and Volume Control
When dialing is completed, this screen appears. Use the
Pointer the increase or decrease the volume of the receiver,
or to mute the trans mitter to listen only.
The volume level is indicated by the number of filled spaces on
the increase volume line. One filled space for minimum volume,
four for maximum.
Moving the switch to the Monitor position will end the phone
call, and this screen will appear.
Be sure to move the switch to the Monitor position after
disconnecting. This will conserve battery power as the
terminal drains the least amount of power in the monitor mode.
If you are accidentally disconnected, move the switch to the
Monitor position and start again.
Calling the Craft Access System Computer
Move the Switch from Monitor to Data Position.
Monitor the line to be sure it isn't in use. If no one is
talking on the line, move the switch from Monitor to Data.
Telephone Number Entry and Correction
You can enter the number you want to call through the keypad.
If a number is already filled in, you can call that number,
or, if you want to call a different number, erase the number
on screen by pressing the asterisk (*) on the Touch-tone pad,
and fill in another number.
The cursor will appear where a number must be entered.
Fill in the computer's telephone number if it isn't already
shown. Put a pound (#) between digits to indicate a 2-second
pause in dialing where required (to wait for a second dial
tone behind a PBX number, for example). For a longer pause,
press pound (#) several times.
When the correct phone number is shown, move the Pointer to
the right side (anywhere along the right side will do)and
press. The Craft Access Terminal will dial the number. You
can re-dial by moving the Pointer to the right side and
pressing again.
Indications that the Call is Successful
If the call to the Craft Access System computer is successful,
you will hear a tone on the line. When the Craft Access
Terminal detects that tone, the tone will stop and a screen
like this will appear.
In some cases the call may not be successful. If you retry a
few times and still have difficulty, try connecting your cord
to another working pair.
Password Entry
Before you send or receive any computer information, you may
need to fill in a numeric password to identify yourself and a
number to identify your terminal. Your password can be used
only with your Craft Access Terminal. Fill in your password
on the keypad. If you make a mistake press the asterisk (*)
to erase the password and start over. The cursor will return
to the place where the password must be filled in.
The Terminal Identification number is located below the
transmitter (see page 2).
When the correct numbers are filled in, move the Pointer to
the right side (anywhere along the right side will do) and
press. The Craft Access Terminal will send your password to
the computer.
See "Working with the Craft Access System Computer" for further
instructions about what to do next.
If your call to a computer is accidentally dis connected, move
the switch to the Monitor position and repeat from the first
step to re-dial.
If you want to disconnect, move the switch to Monitor and this
screen will appear.
Working with the Craft Access System Computer
Each line on a screen is either:
- information
- a space in which information can be filled in
- a choice that can be selected
This screen is an example. Information can be read on the first
line, a number is to be entered on the second line, and you
can make a choice between the last two lines. Lines that don't
contain selectable choices begin with a bar (I). Those that
are selectable choices begin with a blank space.
Getting Help
To get help about the third line of this screen, move the
Pointer along the left side until a question mark appears
beside the third line. When the question mark is beside the
line, press the Pointer. The help that appears de scribes what
will happen if you select choice 1.
To get help about the second line of this screen, a line in
which information can be filled in, move the Pointer along the
left side until a question mark (?) appears in the space where
information is to be filled in and then press.
This is an example of an explanation. A bar (I) appears to the
left of every line and there is a page number in the top right
corner of the screen. This page is numbered 1/2, indicating
that it is the first page of two pages of information. the
second page will be numbered 2/2.
To read the next page of Help, move the Pointer to the right
side (anywhere along the right side will do) and press.
If you want to re-read pages, point to REVIEW (move the Pointer
to the bottom center position and press) to go back one page
at a time.
When you are ready to go back to the screen where you
originally requested help, point to BACK (move the Pointer to
the top center and press).
Making or Canceling a Selection on a Screen
Making a Selection
When a screen that contains selectable choices is shown, move
the Pointer along the right side until the arrow (>) is
beside the choice you want. Then press the Pointer to make
the selection.
Some choices make requests of a computer that may take a while.
If so, a "request in progress" message such as this will
Canceling a Selection
If at this point you realize that you've made a wrong choice,
point to BACK (move the Pointer to the top center and press).
The screen on which you made the choice will be shown and you
can make a different choice.
Some requests cannot be canceled. In this case, only "request
in progress" is displayed.
Reading Information Stored in the Craft Access Terminal
Some of the information sent to you from the computer may be
stored in the Craft Access Terminal in case you need it again
later, even if your terminal is disconnected as long as its
battery pack is charged. If you want to see stored
information, move the switch to either Monitor or Voice and
point to REVIEW (move the Pointer to the bottom center and
A list containing the major categories of information currently
stored in your Craft Access Terminal will appear on the
screen. To select a category, move the Pointer along the right
side until the arrow (>) is beside the category that you want
to select and then press the Pointer.
Sometimes an item that you have selected leads to another list.
Make a selection from this list in the same way you did on the
previous list. To quit reading, point to BACK (move the
Pointer to the top center and press). To reread pages of
stored information, point to REVIEW (move the Pointer to the
bottom center position) and then press the Pointer.
Filling in Information on the Craft Access Terminal
If a screen contains a space where a number can be filled in,
the cursor will be blinking at the space. If there is already
a number in the space you may want to change it. If you decide
to use the number that is already shown, point to NEXT (move
the Pointer to any position on the right side and press).
If you want to change the number, press the asterisk (*) to
erase the wrong number, then fill in the number you want.
When the desired number is shown, point to NEXT (move the
Pointer to any position on the right side and press).
Sometimes you may need to return to a screen to correct an
When you point to BACK (move the Pointer to the top center and
press), the cursor will appear at the beginning of the first
place where information was filled in.
Press the asterisk (*) on the keypad to erase the entered
number or make a correction by typing over the incorrect
number with the correct number.
If there are several spaces to be filled in on one screen, move
the Pointer along the right side of the control to point to
each location where you can enter information. Don't press the
Pointer until you have filled in all the required information.
If a space where information can be filled in is preceded with
an asterisk (*), the information is optional and the space may
be left without an entry.
After you have filled in all of the information you need, point
to NEXT (move the Pointer to any position on the right side
and press).
Display of the asterisk is actually controlled by the Craft
Access System computer. Keep in mind that this can change.
Sometimes the Craft Access System will allow you to enter the
letters and punctuation marks to fill in the information that
is needed. Whenever this is the case, this screen is
Entering Alphabetical and Numeric Characters
Letters, numbers and punctuation marks are entered from the
keypad. All characters you enter appear on the screen.
Each key is used to enter four different characters as labeled
on the key; except for the [#] key. The [SP] on the [#] key is
used to enter a space between two words.
Two easy methods can be used to enter characters:
- Method 1: Press and hold down the key with the desired
character. Look at the display while holding down the key.
You will see each character labeled on that key appear one
after the other. When the desired character appears, release
the key and that character will remain on the screen, and the
cursor will advance to the next position.
- Method 2: There is no need to continuously watch the screen
with this method. Instead of holding down the key you rapidly
tap the key a number of times equal to the position of the
desired character on that key.
For example, tap the [6] key three times to enter [N]; tap
the [3] key three times to enter [E]; tap the [9] key twice
to enter [w] and tap the [#] key twice to enter a space.
A blinking dark block on the screen indicates you have entered
you last character.
Erasing a Character, an Entire Line or more.
If you want to erase a character, push the pointer to the left
and press once. Holding the pointer down it will continue to
erase characters one at a time until it is released.
Sending Your Message to the Computer
When you are through entering the message, move the pointer to
the right and press it to send your message. The cursor should
stop blinking to indicate that your message has been sent.
Taking Care of Your Terminal
1. To avoid damaging the Craft Access Terminal
- Don't drop the terminal. During the work day, the Craft
Access Terminal should be in the cab of your vehicle or
clipped to your tool belt when not in use
- Don't unnecessarily expose the terminal to dust, sand,
water, or salt air.
2. Problems Caused by Extreme Temperatures
The Craft Access Terminal can be damaged by extreme Heat.
Cold is less likely to damage the terminal. However, the
screen won't work properly at temperatures less than -20
degrees Fahrenheit. If you must use your terminal in colder
temperatures, you can use it for about 20 minutes in the
cold, then place it somewhere warm for 15 to 30 minutes and
then use it in the cold again.
3. Problems Caused by Water, Condensation, and High Humidity.
Don't expose the terminal to water; especially avoid dropping
the terminal in water. If it does get wet, dry it immediately.
The Craft Access Terminal will work in rain or snow, but
should be wiped dry whenever possible.
4. How to store the Craft Access Terminal and spare batteries.
When not in use, the Craft Access Terminal or spare battery
pack should be connected to the charger.
5. Under some abnormal conditions, the terminal may lock itself
into an incorrect state. To "reset" the terminal, simply
insert the battery charger plug into the charge jack, then
remove. CAUTION: This will erase any stored information.
For Quick Reference:
: -To quit reading stored information :
: -To go back to a screen you saw :
: previously :
: .----------------------------'
: BACK :
.-----------------------. : : .---------------------------.
: b : : O : : :
: -To get a O : `--------' :O n S -to select a choice :
: explanation of H c : : :
: selectable E k O : :O e E -to read new page of :
: items L s : (JOYSTICK) : help or new page of :
: P p O : :O x N stored information :
: -To erase a a : : :
: character or c O : .--------. :O t D -to send mail :
: line e : : O : `---------------------------'
: : : REVIEW :
: (ALPHA-ENTRY) : : `-------------------------.
: (MODE ONLY) : : :
`-----------------------' : :
: -To read information stored in :
: the Craft Access Terminal :
: :
: -To read previous page of help :
: or store information :
: :
FCC Regulations for Telephone Equipment
(you know all this crap)
Few last notes:
The real Craft handsets do not have a power switch, they just
sit on all of the time. So we could also add a power switch to
The Craft handset uses a 1200 baud modem, but seems to be
incompatible with standard modems...