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802.11 VLANs
Johnny Cache
Last modified: 09/07/05
1) Foreword
Abstract: The goal of this paper is to introduce the reader to association
redirection and how it could to used to implement something analogous to VLANs
found in wired media into a typical IEEE 802.11 environment. What makes this
technique interesting is that it can be accomplished without breaking the IEEE
802.11 standard on the client side, and requires only minor changes made to the
Access Point (AP). No modifications are made to the 802.11 MAC. It is the
author's hope that after reading this paper the reader will not only
understand the specific technique outlined below, but will consider protocol
quirks with a new perspective in the future.
2) Background
The IEEE 802.11 specification defines a hierarchy of three states a client can
be in. When a client wishes to connect to an Access Point (AP) he progresses
from state 1 to 2 to 3. The client progresses initially from state 1 to state 2
by successfully authenticating (this authentication stage happens even when
there is no security enabled). Similarly the client progresses from state 2 to
3 by associating. Once a client as associated he enters state 3 and can
transmit data using the AP.
Unlike ethernet, 802.3, or other link layer headers, 802.11 headers contain at
least 3 addresses: source, destination, and Basic Service Set ID (BSSID). The
BSSID can be best thought of as a through field. Packets destined for the APs
interface have both destination and BSSID set to the same value. A packet
destined to a different host on the same WLAN however would have the BSSID set
to the AP and the destination set to the host.
The state transition diagram in the standard dictates that if a client receives
an association response with a different BSSID than the BSSID that it was
associating with, then the client should associate to the new BSSID. The
technique of sending an association response with a different BSSID in the
header is known as association redirection. While the motivation for this
idiosyncrasy is unclear, it can be leveraged to dynamically create what has
been described as a personal virtual bridged LAN (PVLAN).
3) Introduction
The most compelling reason to virtualize APs has been security. There are
currently two possible techniques for doing this, though only one has been
deployed in the wild. The most prevalent has been implemented by Colubris in
their virtual access point technology.
The other technique, public access point (PAP) and personal virtual bridged
LANs (PVLANs), which is described in this paper, has been documented in U.S.
patent no. 20040141617.
3.1) The state of the art
The Colubris virtual access point technology is a single physical device that
implements an entirely independent 802.11 MAC protocol layer (including a
unique BSSID) for each virtual AP. The only thing shared between the individual
virtual APs is the hardware they are running on. The device goes so far as to
implement virtual Management Information Bases (MIBs) for each virtual AP. The
Colubris solution fits well into a heavily managed static environment where the
users and the groups they belong to are well defined. Deploying it requires
that each user knows which SSID to associate with a priori, along with any
required authentication credentials. The virtual access point is capable of
mapping virtual access points into 802.1q VLANs.
The public AP solution fits well into less managed networks. Public AP
utilizes the technique outlined in this paper. The Public AP broadcasts a
single beacon for a Public Access Point (PAP). When a client attempts to
associate, the PAP redirects him to a dynamically generated VBSSID, placing him
on his own PVLAN. This is well suited to a typical hotspot scenario where there
is no implicit trust between users, and the number of clients is not known
beforehand. This technique could also be used in conjunction with traditional
802.1q VLANs, however its strength lies in the lower burden of administrative
requirements. This technique is designed to work well when deployed in the
common hot spot scenario where the administrators have little other network
infrastructure and the only thing upstream is a best effort common carrier
4) PVLANs and virtual BSSIDs
PVLANs are called Personal Bridged VLANs because the VLAN is created
dynamically for the client. The client essentially owns the VLAN since he
controls its creation and its lifetime. In the most common scenario there
would only be a single client per PVLAN.
An access point that implements the PAP concept intentionally re-directs
associating clients to their own dynamically generated BSSID (Virtual BSSID or
In the example below the AP is broadcasting a public BSSID of 00:11:22:33:44:55
and is redirecting the client to his own VBSSID 00:22:22:22:22:22.
5) The Experiment
The experiment conducted was not a full-blown implementation of a PAP. The
experiment was designed to test a wide variety of chipsets, cards, and drivers
for compatibility with the standard and susceptibility to association
re-direction. To this end all the cards were subjected to every reasonable
intrepretation of the standard.
The experiment was conducted by making some simple changes to the host-ap
driver on Linux. Host-ap can operate in Access Point mode as well as in client
mode. All the modifications were made in Access Point mode. Host-ap's
client-side performance is unrelated to the changes made for the experiment.
The experiment was conducted in two phases. First, host-ap was modified to
mangle all management frames by modifying the source, BSSID, source and BSSID
(at the same time). The results of this are reflected in table one.
After this was complete, host-ap was modified to return authentication replies
un-mangled. This was due to the amount of cards that simply ignored mangled
authentication replys. These results are cataloged in table two.
5.1) The Results
The responses in table one varied all the way from never leaving stage 1 to
successful redirection. The most interesting cases are the drivers that
successfully made it to stage 3. There are three cases of this. The cases
marked ORIGINALBSSID are what was initially expected from many devices, that
they would simply ignore the redirect request and continue to transmit on the
PAP BSSID. The REDIRECTREASSOC case is a successful redirection with a small
twist. The card transmits all data to VBSSID, however it periodically sends
out reassociation requests to the PAP BSSID.
The SCHIZO case is the other case that made it into stage 3. In this case the
card is listening on the PAP BSSID and then proceeds to transmit on the VBSSID.
The device seems to ignore any data transmitted to it on the VBSSID.
As mentioned previously in table two, the possibilty of ignoring authentication
reply's has been eliminated by not mangling fields until the association
request. This opened up the possibilty for some interesting responses.
The Apple airport extreme card responded with a flood of deauthentication
packets to the null BSSID with a destination of the AP (DEAUTHFLOOD). The
Atheros card is the only other card that sent a deauth, though it had a much
more measured response, sending a single de-auth to the original BSSID
The other new response in table 2 is the DUALBSSID behavior. These cards seem
to alternate intentionally between both BSSIDS on every other transmitted
packet. It is unknown whether they continue to do this for the entire
connection or if this is some sort of intentional behavior and they will choose
whichever BSSID they receive data on first.
The experiment provided some very surprising results. Originaly it was
suspected that many cards would simply never enter stage 3, or alternately just
use the original BSSID they set out to. Quite a few cards can be convinced to
go into dual BSSID behavior and might be susceptible to association
redirection. Two drivers for the hermes chipset were successfuly redirected.
6) Future Work
Clearly modifying client side drivers for better standards compliance is one
area work could be done. More interesting questions are how does one handle key
management on the AP in this situation? Clearly any PSK solutions don't really
apply in this scenario. How much deviation from the spec needs to happen for
WPA 802.1x authentication to successfully be deployed? One interesting area of
research is the concept of a stealthy rogue AP.
By using association redirection clients could be the victim of stealthy (from
the perspective of the network admin) association hijacking from a rogue AP. An
adversary could just set up shop with a modified host-ap driver on a Linux box
that didn't transmit beacons. Rather it would wait for a client to attempt an
association request with the legitimate access point and try to win a race
condition to see who could send an association reply first. Alternately the
adversary could simply de-authenticate the user and then be poised to win the
Another interesting question is the whether or not a PAP could withstand a DOS
attack attempting to create an overwhelming amount of VBSSIDs. It is the
authors opinion that a suitable algorithm could be found to make the resources
required for the attack too costly for most. By dynamically expiring PVLANs and
VBSSIDs as a function of time and traffic the PAP could burden the attacker
with keeping track of all his VBSSIDs as well, instead of just creating as many
as he can and forgetting about them.
7) Conclusion
It is unlikely that this technique could be successfully be deployed to create
PVLAN's in a general scenario due to varied behavior from the vendors.
However, it does appear that a determined attacker could encode the data
generated from this experiment into a modified host-ap driver so that he could
stealthily redirect traffic to himself. This would give the attacker a slight
advantage over typical ARP poisioning attacks since he doesn't need to generate
any suspicous ARP activity. It also has an advantage over simple rogue access
points, as it requires no beacons which can easily be detected.
8) Bibliography
Volpano, Dennis. United States Patent Application 200403141617 July 22, 2003
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Information technology - Telecommunications and information
exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific
Requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical
Layer (PHY) Specifications, IEEE Std. 802.11-1999, 1999. (pg 376)
Aboba, Bernard.
Virtual Access Points (IEEE document IEEE 802.11-03/154r1) May 22, 2003
http://www.drizzle.com/ aboba/IEEE/11-03-154r1-I-Virtual-Access-Points.doc
Colubris Networks. Virtual Access Point Technology Multiple WLAN Services
accessed Aug 09, 2005.