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"What's the score?"
██ ██ ██ ██ █████ HTP5
██ ██ ██ ▄▄ ▄▄
Back in January we decided to upstage Anonymous (again) and have a little fun
with MIT. After their circa 2000 deface on mit.edu, we decided to up the ante.
In doing so, we knew we had to make it very clear that it was an anti-Anonymous
deface (A mirror of it can be found here: straylig.ht/files/mit/mit.html). Thus
why it made reference to Sabu, grand wizard of LulzSec, and "DOWN WITH
ANONYMOUS." Despite all this, some of the cluebags in the media apparently
thought that by "DOWN WITH ANONYMOUS," we meant "we b down wit da lol anonimuss
leejun y0!" Additionally, almost everybody missed the fact that it was a troll
deface, which just proves that it will be a few decades before we reach October
1st, 1993.
MIT's reaction was particularly lulzy. They did a better job of reporting the
facts than all the media outlets, but they couldn't decide whether the e-mail
got intercepted or not. First, there was this from
"Unlike previous attacks, which temporarily disabled some services, this attack
had the potential to be much more severe. A more calculated hacker could have
intercepted email messages intended for anyone at the MIT.edu domain, including
all alumni who use alum.mit.edu email addresses."
After having a day to do a better post-mortem, MIT started freaking out. They
published this: http://tech.mit.edu/V132/N63/hack.html. From that link:
"Unlike previous attacks, which temporarily disabled some services, this attack
had the potential to be much more severe. Email was specifically affected. Mail
is normally received by one of nine different MIT servers; however today, mail
that was sent between 11:58 a.m. and 1:05 p.m. was directed to a machine at
KAIST, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, meaning the
attackers had complete control of emails successfully sent during that time."
We don't know the percentage either, but we know 5.1 GB of uncompressed e-mail
when we see it :P. So who owned the domain? Well :
Domain Name: MIT.EDU
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
Administrative Contact:
I got owned
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT Room W92-167, 77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
(617) 324-1337
Technical Contact:
DESTROYED, MA 02139-4307
(617) 253-1337
Name Servers:
Domain record activated: 23-May-1985
Domain record last updated: 22-Jan-2013
Domain expires: 31-Jul-2013
Here's the cherry on top:
From: "CloudFlare Support" <support@cloudflare.com>
Subject: [CloudFlare Support] Pending request: Why is cloudflare staff
modifying my dns records? (ticket #12053)
Date: Wed, January 23, 2013 4:48 pm
To: "Fuckmit" <fuckmit@tormail.org>
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
[CloudFlare Support] Pending request: Why is cloudflare staff modifying my dns
records? (ticket #12053)
This is an email to remind you that your request (#12053) is pending and awaits
your feedback.
Please click the link below to review and update your request:
Justin, Jan 22 11:48 am (PST)
We have reason to believe you are not the actual owner of the mit.edu domain.
We have been in contact with the actual owner this morning.
As such we have taken steps to secure the account, and the domain has already
been returned to the actual owner.
Fuckmit, Jan 22 11:45 am (PST)
Two questions:
Why is cloudflare staff modifying my dns records without authorization?
Why is cloudflare staff repeatedly regenerating my API key every time they
decide to modify my dns records without authorization?
This email is a service from CloudFlare Support
You have reason to believe a user named 'Fuckmit' is not the legitimate owner
of mit.edu? Excellent deduction, Justin.
Soon after, we decided to troll Gizmodo and the rest of the media into
preserving our access. The 'browser exploit' on MIT's NOC
( http://gizmodo.com/5978039/hackers-incoherently-deface-entire-mit-website )
never existed. We'd never show our full hand at once, we'd just lose access.
MIT certainly believed us though, despite their own reassurances otherwise. For
confirmation, they contacted the root registrar for EDU domains (EDUCAUSE)
after finally asserting that we got access to their EDUCAUSE account.
EDUCAUSE then made the fatal mistake of overlooking our complete access into
the EDU TLD. Though, we can't say we expect much from a registrar running ASPX
on their backend.
Now, just in case you don't believe us, we have entrusted the login credentials
of nearly every EDU domain to hackers worldwide (active as we speak) within the
MIT section of this zine. So, let's see what happens first, mass exploitation
or whitehat response? ;) We are not ones for defacing, actually, and we're
going to leave that up to the Internet Justice League (AKA Anonymous) if they
can even get to it on time. And we figure they'll manifest some statement
about how its morally justifiable to deface *.edu. We frankly don't care.
By the end of today (5/6), EDU operation should return to normal.
Moreover, we particularly enjoyed the fact that the first nameserver for
root-servers.org is an EDU domain. This effectively gave us control over
root-servers.org. However, ICANN is responsible for the root zones file.
ICANN was already compromised by that time, though, joined by several of the
major RIR's (RIPE, LACNIC, etc.) along with bgp+shell access and 13,000+
backbone AS's (some of which persists to this day) & the InterNIC. Surprisingly,
they used passwordless private keys stored on their servers to ssh into the
internal Juniper routers as superusers: only 3 networks away and not even phys
sep. Nothing proxychains can't handle. They probably should've checked their
netscreens before it was too late. :P
None of this access was ever used, but we did get to see some pretty funny
shit. In the backbone of SourceForge (Savvis), for example, we ran into some
old SunOS Sparc boxes with 1900+ day uptime. They had passwordless private key
auth, and the kernels were fairly ancient (and in the absence of all file
transfer utils, `whois` coupled with a few pipes worked great to transfer tgz's
served from port 43 - no file editing required). As it turns out, we were not
the first ones there. On their Phoenix, AZ stats server, some random hacker was
kicking back in /var/tmp/.access_logx/ with a psyBNC connected to Undernet. On
SourceForge's backbone -- LOL? We don't think he fully realized what he had
breached. Or maybe he just really needed a psyBNC server. Either way, he'll
probably have to end up getting a new psyBNC after today. On Github or
Enjoy the MIT emails/EDUCAUSE login data, included in this segment of
~ http://mirror.hack-the-planet.tv/HTP-5/MIT-EDUCAUSE/mit.zip
|- 2.6GB | Zip compressed MIT emails
~ http://mirror.hack-the-planet.tv/HTP-5/MIT-EDUCAUSE/EDUDOMAINS.rpt
|- 28MB | EDUCAUSE database: extracted domain credentials
~ http://mirror.hack-the-planet.tv/HTP-5/MIT-EDUCAUSE/EDUCAUSE-MISCDBS.zip
|- 12MB | EDUCAUSE misc. databases extracted from 6.4GB MSSQL tape backup
~ http://mirror.hack-the-planet.tv/HTP-5/MIT-EDUCAUSE/eduhashindex.txt
|- 143K | EDUCAUSE domain passwords, allow account/DNS modification.
| | For use with /HTP-5/MIT-EDUCAUSE/EDUDOMAINS.rpt