# # Birdwatcher Configuration # [server] # Restrict access to certain IPs. Leave empty to allow from all. allow_from = [] # All modules: # status # protocols # protocols_bgp # symbols # symbols_tables # symbols_protocols # routes_protocol # routes_table # routes_count_protocol # routes_count_table # route_net # routes_filtered # routes_prefixed # modules_enabled = ["status", "protocols_bgp", "routes_protocol", "routes_peer"] [status] # # Where to get the reconfigure timestamp from: # Available sources: bird, config_regex, config_modified # reconfig_timestamp_source = "bird" reconfig_timestamp_match = "# Created: (.*)" # Remove fields e.g. last_reboot filter_fields = [] [ratelimit] enabled = true requests_per_minute = 10 [bird] listen = "" config = "/etc/bird.conf" birdc = "birdc" [bird6] listen = "" config = "/etc/bird6.conf" birdc = "birdc6"