
71 lines
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package main
// Birdwatcher Configuration
import (
type Config struct {
Server endpoints.ServerConfig
Ratelimit bird.RateLimitConfig
Status bird.StatusConfig
Bird bird.BirdConfig
Bird6 bird.BirdConfig
Parser bird.ParserConfig
Cache bird.CacheConfig
Housekeeping HousekeepingConfig
// Try to load configfiles as specified in the files
// list. For example:
// ./etc/birdwatcher/birdwatcher.conf
// /etc/birdwatcher/birdwatcher.conf
// ./etc/birdwatcher/birdwatcher.local.conf
func LoadConfigs(configFiles []string) (*Config, error) {
config := &Config{}
hasConfig := false
var confError error
for _, filename := range configFiles {
tmp := &Config{}
_, err := toml.DecodeFile(filename, tmp)
if err != nil {
} else {
log.Println("Using config file:", filename)
hasConfig = true
// Merge configs
if err := mergo.Merge(config, tmp); err != nil {
return nil, err
if !hasConfig {
confError = fmt.Errorf("Could not load any config file")
return config, confError
func ConfigOptions(filename string) []string {
return []string{
strings.Join([]string{"/", filename}, ""),
strings.Join([]string{"./", filename}, ""),
strings.Replace(filename, ".conf", ".local.conf", 1),