/* Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* Hashtable for XRay */ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "xray_priv.h" #if defined(XRAY) struct XRayHashTableEntry { void* data; uint32_t key; }; struct XRayHashTable { int capacity; int count; struct XRayHashTableEntry* array; }; XRAY_NO_INSTRUMENT void XRayHashTableGrow(struct XRayHashTable* table); XRAY_NO_INSTRUMENT uint32_t XRayHashTableHashKey(uint32_t key); XRAY_NO_INSTRUMENT void XRayHashTableInit(struct XRayHashTable* table, int32_t capacity); #define HASH_HISTO 1024 int g_hash_histo[HASH_HISTO]; /* Hashes a 32bit key into a 32bit value. */ uint32_t XRayHashTableHashKey(uint32_t x) { uint32_t y = x * 7919; uint32_t z; size_t c; uint8_t* s = (uint8_t*)&y; /* based on djb2 hash function */ uint32_t h = 5381; for (c = 0; c < sizeof(y); ++c) { z = s[c]; h = ((h << 5) + h) + z; } return h; } int XRayHashTableGetCapacity(struct XRayHashTable* table) { return table->capacity; } int XRayHashTableGetCount(struct XRayHashTable* table) { return table->count; } /* Looks up key in hashtable and returns blind data. */ void* XRayHashTableLookup(struct XRayHashTable* table, uint32_t key) { uint32_t h = XRayHashTableHashKey(key); uint32_t m = table->capacity - 1; uint32_t j = h & m; uint32_t i; int z = 1; for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) { /* An empty entry means the {key, data} isn't in the table. */ if (NULL == table->array[j].data) { ++g_hash_histo[0]; return NULL; } /* Search for address */ if (table->array[j].key == key) { if (z >= HASH_HISTO) z = HASH_HISTO - 1; ++g_hash_histo[z]; return table->array[j].data; } j = (j + 1) & m; ++z; } /* Table was full, and there wasn't a match. */ return NULL; } /* Inserts key & data into hash table. No duplicates. */ void* XRayHashTableInsert(struct XRayHashTable* table, void* data, uint32_t key) { uint32_t h = XRayHashTableHashKey(key); uint32_t m = table->capacity - 1; uint32_t j = h & m; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) { /* Take the first empty entry. */ /* (the key,data isn't already in the table) */ if (NULL == table->array[j].data) { void* ret; float ratio; table->array[j].data = data; table->array[j].key = key; ++table->count; ret = data; ratio = (float)table->count / (float)table->capacity; /* Double the capacity of the symtable if we've hit the ratio. */ if (ratio > XRAY_SYMBOL_TABLE_MAX_RATIO) XRayHashTableGrow(table); return ret; } /* If the key is already present, return the data in the table. */ if (table->array[j].key == key) { return table->array[j].data; } j = (j + 1) & m; } /* Table was full */ return NULL; } void* XRayHashTableAtIndex(struct XRayHashTable* table, int i) { if ((i < 0) || (i >= table->capacity)) return NULL; return table->array[i].data; } /* Grows the hash table by doubling its capacity, */ /* then re-inserts all the elements into the new table. */ void XRayHashTableGrow(struct XRayHashTable* table) { struct XRayHashTableEntry* old_array = table->array; int old_capacity = table->capacity; int new_capacity = old_capacity * 2; int i; printf("XRay: Growing a hash table...\n"); XRayHashTableInit(table, new_capacity); for (i = 0; i < old_capacity; ++i) { void* data = old_array[i].data; if (NULL != data) { uint32_t key = old_array[i].key; XRayHashTableInsert(table, data, key); } } XRayFree(old_array); } void XRayHashTableInit(struct XRayHashTable* table, int32_t capacity) { size_t bytes; if (0 != (capacity & (capacity - 1))) { printf("Xray: Hash table capacity should be a power of 2!\n"); /* Round capacity up to next power of 2 */ /* see http://aggregate.org/MAGIC/ */ capacity--; capacity |= capacity >> 1; capacity |= capacity >> 2; capacity |= capacity >> 4; capacity |= capacity >> 8; capacity |= capacity >> 16; capacity++; } bytes = sizeof(table->array[0]) * capacity; table->capacity = capacity; table->count = 0; table->array = (struct XRayHashTableEntry*)XRayMalloc(bytes); } /* Creates & inializes hash table. */ struct XRayHashTable* XRayHashTableCreate(int capacity) { struct XRayHashTable* table; table = (struct XRayHashTable*)XRayMalloc(sizeof(*table)); XRayHashTableInit(table, capacity); memset(&g_hash_histo[0], 0, sizeof(g_hash_histo[0]) * HASH_HISTO); return table; } /* Prints hash table performance to file; for debugging. */ void XRayHashTableHisto(FILE* f) { int i; for (i = 0; i < HASH_HISTO; ++i) { if (0 != g_hash_histo[i]) fprintf(f, "hash_iterations[%d] = %d\n", i, g_hash_histo[i]); } } /* Frees hash table. */ /* Note: Does not free what the hash table entries point to. */ void XRayHashTableFree(struct XRayHashTable* table) { XRayFree(table->array); table->capacity = 0; table->count = 0; table->array = NULL; XRayFree(table); } #endif /* XRAY */