Jonathan Klimt 7977ae3910
changed python to python3
Script is written in python3, all distros should contain python3 but python does not always correspond to python3
2020-10-22 01:08:04 +02:00
golang cmake: initial support for CMake build system 2017-04-03 18:14:56 +02:00
HermitCore-Application.cmake cmake: initial support for CMake build system 2017-04-03 18:14:56 +02:00
HermitCore-Configuration.cmake bump version number to 0.2.10 2019-06-01 09:33:58 +02:00
HermitCore-Paths.cmake cmake: initial support for CMake build system 2017-04-03 18:14:56 +02:00
HermitCore-Toolchain-aarch64-bootstrap.cmake aarch64 support (#84) 2018-03-23 04:04:44 -04:00
HermitCore-Toolchain-aarch64.cmake aarch64 support (#84) 2018-03-23 04:04:44 -04:00
HermitCore-Toolchain-x86_64-bootstrap.cmake determine default architecture via uname 2018-04-22 16:47:28 +00:00
HermitCore-Toolchain-x86_64.cmake determine default architecture via uname 2018-04-22 16:47:28 +00:00
HermitCore-Utils.cmake Support for forwarding command line parameters and environment variables 2017-11-07 19:51:57 -05:00
HermitCore.cmake determine default architecture via uname 2018-04-22 16:47:28 +00:00 determine default architecture via uname 2018-04-22 16:47:28 +00:00 changed python to python3 2020-10-22 01:08:04 +02:00

HermitCore CMake build system

HermitCore requires at least CMake version 3.7, which (at the time of introduction) is not yet available on most Linux distributions. We therefore provide a script cmake/ that fetches precompiled binaries from the CMake project and installs them locally in cmake/cmake-3.7*. Only when sourced for the first time it will download CMake, on further runs it detects the existing download and adds it to PATH automatically.

$ . cmake/
-- Downloading CMake
cmake-3.7.2-Linux-x 100%[=================>]  29,26M   837KB/s    in 19s
-- Unpacking CMake
-- Local CMake v3.7.2 installed to cmake/cmake-3.7.2-Linux-x86_64
-- Next time you source this script, no download will be neccessary
$ which cmake

Directory structure

├── golang
│   ├── CMakeDetermineGoCompiler.cmake
│   ├──
│   ├── CMakeGoInformation.cmake
│   └── CMakeTestGoCompiler.cmake
├── HermitCore-Application.cmake
├── HermitCore.cmake
├── HermitCore-Paths.cmake
├── HermitCore-Toolchain-x86_64.cmake
├── HermitCore-Utils.cmake

Additional language support

Currently, HermitCore supports C, C++, Fortran, Go through Cmake. While the former are supported and detected by CMake out-of-the-box, Go support has been added manually for HermitCore.

Adding a new language requires you to provide CMake hints where to find the toolchain and then how to compile and link binaries. The Go support in cmake/golang may serve as an example on how to add a new language.

To finally enable the language it has to be added to CMake's module path in cmake/HermitCore.cmake:

# scripts to detect HermitCore Go compiler

# scripts to detect new language

User applications

You just have to include HermitCore-Application.cmake before the project() command in your CMakeLists.txt in order to build applications for HermitCore. For configuration parameters of the project, please consult the in the root of this repository.