This is the same as the minimal http server, with one difference...
if you connect to localhost:7681 with something that doesn't send
recognizable http, then the connection will be switched to a
raw-skt role and bind to a protocol that echoes anything sent back
to the sender.
## build
$ cmake . && make
## usage
Commandline option|Meaning
-d <loglevel>|Debug verbosity in decimal, eg, -d15
-s|Configure the server for tls / https and `LWS_SERVER_OPTION_ALLOW_NON_SSL_ON_SSL_PORT`
-h|(needs -s) Configure the vhost also for `LWS_SERVER_OPTION_ALLOW_HTTP_ON_HTTPS_LISTENER`, allowing http service on tls port (caution... it's insecure then)
-u|(needs -s) Configure the vhost also for `LWS_SERVER_OPTION_REDIRECT_HTTP_TO_HTTPS`, so the server issues a redirect to https to clients that attempt to connect to a server configured for tls with http.