- in a mount, some file suffixes (ie, .js) can be associated with a protocol for the purposes of rewriting symbolnames. These are read-only copies of logged-in server state.
- When your page fetches .js or other rewritten files from that mount, "$lwsgs_user" and so on are rewritten on the fly using chunked transfer encoding
- Eliminates server-side scripting with a few rewritten symbols and
javascript on client side
- 32-bit bitfield for authentication sectoring, mounts can provide a mask on the loggin-in session's associated server-side bitfield that must be set for access.
- No code (just config) required for, eg, private URL namespace that requires login to access.
Integration to HTML
Only three steps are needed to integrate lwsgs in your HTML.
1) lwsgs HTML UI is bundled with the javascript it uses in `lwsgs.js`, so
When the protocol is initialized, it gets per-vhost information from the config, such
as where the sqlite3 databases are to be stored. The admin username and sha-1 of the
admin password are also taken from here.
In the mounts using protocol-generic-sessions, a cookie is maintained against any requests; if no cookie was active on the initial request a new session is
created with no attached user.
So there should always be an active session after any transactions with the server.
In the example html going to the mount /lwsgs loads a login / register page as the default.
The <form> in the login page contains 'next url' hidden inputs that let the html 'program' where the form handler will go after a successful admin login, a successful user login and a failed login.
After a successful login, the sqlite record at the server for the current session is updated to have the logged-in username associated with it.
"auth-mask" defines the autorization sector bits that must be enabled on the session to gain access.
"auth-mask" 0 is the default.
- b0 is set if you are logged in as a user at all.
- b1 is set if you are logged in with the user configured to be admin
- b2 is set if the account has been verified (the account configured for admin is always verified)
lwsgs will can send emails by talking to an SMTP server on localhost:25. That
will usually be sendmail or postfix, you should confirm that works first by
itself using the `mail` application to send on it.
lwsgs has been tested on stock Fedora sendmail and postfix.
Integration with another protocol
lwsgs is designed to provide sessions and accounts in a standalone and generic way.
But it's not useful by itself, there will always be the actual application who wants
to make use of generic-sessions features.
The basic approach is the 'real' protocol handler (usually a plugin itself)
subclasses the generic-sessions plugin and calls through to it by default.
The "real" protocol handler entirely deals with ws-related stuff itself, since
generic-sessions does not use ws. But for
the "real" protocol handler checks if it recognizes the activity (eg, his own
POST form URL) and if not, passes stuff through to the generic-sessions protocol callback to handle it. To simplify matters the real protocol can just pass
through any unhandled messages to generic-sessions.
The "real" protocol can get a pointer to generic-sessions protocol on the