\subsubsection[{\texorpdfstring{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+ssl\+\_\+connection\+\_\+flags}{lws\_client\_connect\_ssl\_connection\_flags}}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}enum {\bf lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+ssl\+\_\+connection\+\_\+flags}}\hypertarget{group__client_ga96f3dbad54b2853969cfa933d66871ce}{}\label{group__client_ga96f3dbad54b2853969cfa933d66871ce}
enum lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+ssl\+\_\+connection\+\_\+flags -\/ flags that may be used with struct \hyperlink{structlws__client__connect__info}{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+info} ssl\+\_\+connection member to control if and how S\+SL checks apply to the client connection being created
\hyperlink{group__client_ga4af0a20108a95e8b6d94dd4d80055ff3}{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect()} -\/ Connect to another websocket server \begin{DoxyRefDesc}{Deprecated}
\item[\hyperlink{deprecated__deprecated000002}{Deprecated}]D\+E\+P\+R\+E\+C\+A\+T\+ED use lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+via\+\_\+info \end{DoxyRefDesc}
{\em clients}& Websocket context \\
{\em address}& Remote server address, eg, \char`\"{}myserver.\+com\char`\"{}\\
{\em port}& Port to connect to on the remote server, eg, 80 \\
{\em protocol}& Comma-\/separated list of protocols being asked for from the server, or just one. The server will pick the one it likes best. If you don\textquotesingle{}t want to specify a protocol, which is legal, use N\+U\+LL here. \\
{\em ietf\+\_\+version\+\_\+or\+\_\+minus\+\_\+one}& -\/1 to ask to connect using the default, latest protocol supported, or the specific protocol ordinal\\
This function creates a connection to a remote server \index{Client@{Client}!lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+extended@{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+extended}}
\hyperlink{group__client_gac6a8558b4410961a880241c2ac1271e2}{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+extended()} -\/ Connect to another websocket server \begin{DoxyRefDesc}{Deprecated}
\item[\hyperlink{deprecated__deprecated000003}{Deprecated}]D\+E\+P\+R\+E\+C\+A\+T\+ED use lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+via\+\_\+info \end{DoxyRefDesc}
{\em clients}& Websocket context \\
{\em address}& Remote server address, eg, \char`\"{}myserver.\+com\char`\"{}\\
{\em port}& Port to connect to on the remote server, eg, 80 \\
{\em protocol}& Comma-\/separated list of protocols being asked for from the server, or just one. The server will pick the one it likes best. \\
{\em ietf\+\_\+version\+\_\+or\+\_\+minus\+\_\+one}& -\/1 to ask to connect using the default, latest protocol supported, or the specific protocol ordinal \\
{\em userdata}& Pre-\/allocated user data \begin{DoxyVerb} This function creates a connection to a remote server\end{DoxyVerb}
\hyperlink{group__client_ga0c966136905f467816307cfba6deb5fd}{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+via\+\_\+info()} -\/ Connect to another websocket server
{\em ccinfo}& pointer to \hyperlink{structlws__client__connect__info}{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+info} struct \begin{DoxyVerb} This function creates a connection to a remote server using the
\hyperlink{group__client_ga4f44b8230e6732816ca5cd8d1aaaf340}{lws\+\_\+init\+\_\+vhost\+\_\+client\+\_\+ssl()} -\/ also enable client S\+SL on an existing vhost
{\em info}& client ssl related info \\
{\em vhost}& which vhost to initialize client ssl operations on\\
You only need to call this if you plan on using S\+SL client connections on the vhost. For non-\/\+S\+SL client connections, it\textquotesingle{}s not necessary to call this.
The following members of info are used during the call \begin{DoxyVerb} - options must have LWS_SERVER_OPTION_DO_SSL_GLOBAL_INIT set,
otherwise the call does nothing
- provided_client_ssl_ctx must be NULL to get a generated client
ssl context, otherwise you can pass a prepared one in by setting it
- ssl_cipher_list may be NULL or set to the client valid cipher list
- ssl_ca_filepath may be NULL or client cert filepath
- ssl_cert_filepath may be NULL or client cert filepath
- ssl_private_key_filepath may be NULL or client cert private key
You must create your vhost explicitly if you want to use this, so you have a pointer to the vhost. Create the context first with the option flag L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+S\+E\+R\+V\+E\+R\+\_\+\+O\+P\+T\+I\+O\+N\+\_\+\+E\+X\+P\+L\+I\+C\+I\+T\+\_\+\+V\+H\+O\+S\+TS and then call \hyperlink{group__context-and-vhost_ga0c54c667ccd9b8b3dddcd123ca72f87c}{lws\+\_\+create\+\_\+vhost()} with the same info struct.