2016-06-20 17:05:31 +08:00
\hypertarget { group_ _ extensions} { } \section { Extensions}
\label { group_ _ extensions} \index { Extensions@{ Extensions} }
\subsection * { Data Structures}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
struct \hyperlink { structlws_ _ ext_ _ options} { lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ options}
struct \hyperlink { structlws_ _ ext_ _ option_ _ arg} { lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ option\+ \_ \+ arg}
struct \hyperlink { structlws_ _ extension} { lws\+ \_ \+ extension}
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\subsection * { Typedefs}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
typedef int \hyperlink { group_ _ extensions_ gaae7169b2cd346b34fa33d0250db2afd0} { lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ function} (struct lws\+ \_ \+ context $ \ast $ context, const struct \hyperlink { structlws_ _ extension} { lws\+ \_ \+ extension} $ \ast $ ext, struct lws $ \ast $ wsi, enum lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ reasons reason, void $ \ast $ user, void $ \ast $ in, size\+ \_ \+ t len)
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\subsection * { Enumerations}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
enum { \bfseries lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ reasons} \{ \\ *
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ S\+ E\+ R\+ V\+ E\+ R\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ O\+ N\+ T\+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ O\+ N\+ S\+ T\+ R\+ U\+ CT} = 0,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ L\+ I\+ E\+ N\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ O\+ N\+ T\+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ O\+ N\+ S\+ T\+ R\+ U\+ CT} = 1,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ S\+ E\+ R\+ V\+ E\+ R\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ O\+ N\+ T\+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ E\+ S\+ T\+ R\+ U\+ CT} = 2,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ L\+ I\+ E\+ N\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ O\+ N\+ T\+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ E\+ S\+ T\+ R\+ U\+ CT} = 3,
\\ *
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ O\+ N\+ S\+ T\+ R\+ U\+ CT} = 4,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ L\+ I\+ E\+ N\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ O\+ N\+ S\+ T\+ R\+ U\+ CT} = 5,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ H\+ E\+ C\+ K\+ \_ \+ \+ O\+ K\+ \_ \+ \+ T\+ O\+ \_ \+ \+ R\+ E\+ A\+ L\+ L\+ Y\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ L\+ O\+ SE} = 6,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ H\+ E\+ C\+ K\+ \_ \+ \+ O\+ K\+ \_ \+ \+ T\+ O\+ \_ \+ \+ P\+ R\+ O\+ P\+ O\+ S\+ E\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ E\+ N\+ S\+ I\+ ON} = 7,
\\ *
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ E\+ S\+ T\+ R\+ OY} = 8,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ E\+ S\+ T\+ R\+ O\+ Y\+ \_ \+ \+ A\+ N\+ Y\+ \_ \+ \+ W\+ S\+ I\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ L\+ O\+ S\+ I\+ NG} = 9,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ A\+ N\+ Y\+ \_ \+ \+ W\+ S\+ I\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ S\+ T\+ A\+ B\+ L\+ I\+ S\+ H\+ ED} = 10,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ P\+ A\+ C\+ K\+ E\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ R\+ X\+ \_ \+ \+ P\+ R\+ E\+ P\+ A\+ R\+ SE} = 11,
\\ *
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ P\+ A\+ C\+ K\+ E\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ T\+ X\+ \_ \+ \+ P\+ R\+ E\+ S\+ E\+ ND} = 12,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ P\+ A\+ C\+ K\+ E\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ T\+ X\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ O\+ \_ \+ \+ S\+ E\+ ND} = 13,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ H\+ A\+ N\+ D\+ S\+ H\+ A\+ K\+ E\+ \_ \+ \+ R\+ E\+ P\+ L\+ Y\+ \_ \+ \+ TX} = 14,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ F\+ L\+ U\+ S\+ H\+ \_ \+ \+ P\+ E\+ N\+ D\+ I\+ N\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ TX} = 15,
\\ *
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ E\+ N\+ D\+ E\+ D\+ \_ \+ \+ P\+ A\+ Y\+ L\+ O\+ A\+ D\+ \_ \+ \+ RX} = 16,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ A\+ N\+ \_ \+ \+ P\+ R\+ O\+ X\+ Y\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ L\+ I\+ E\+ N\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ O\+ N\+ N\+ E\+ C\+ T\+ I\+ ON} = 17,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ 1\+ HZ} = 18,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ R\+ E\+ Q\+ U\+ E\+ S\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ O\+ N\+ \_ \+ \+ W\+ R\+ I\+ T\+ E\+ A\+ B\+ LE} = 19,
\\ *
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ I\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ W\+ R\+ I\+ T\+ E\+ A\+ B\+ LE} = 20,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ P\+ A\+ Y\+ L\+ O\+ A\+ D\+ \_ \+ \+ TX} = 21,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ P\+ A\+ Y\+ L\+ O\+ A\+ D\+ \_ \+ \+ RX} = 22,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ O\+ P\+ T\+ I\+ O\+ N\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ E\+ F\+ A\+ U\+ LT} = 23,
\\ *
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ O\+ P\+ T\+ I\+ O\+ N\+ \_ \+ \+ S\+ ET} = 24,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ O\+ P\+ T\+ I\+ O\+ N\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ O\+ N\+ F\+ I\+ RM} = 25,
{ \bfseries L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ C\+ B\+ \_ \+ \+ N\+ A\+ M\+ E\+ D\+ \_ \+ \+ O\+ P\+ T\+ I\+ O\+ N\+ \_ \+ \+ S\+ ET} = 26
\} \hypertarget { group_ _ extensions_ gae9993815eee72c6070300a0ae2f022d7} { } \label { group_ _ extensions_ gae9993815eee72c6070300a0ae2f022d7}
enum \hyperlink { group_ _ extensions_ gacc9f55936dc165257a2e1f7d47bce89e} { lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ options\+ \_ \+ types} \{ \hyperlink { group_ _ extensions_ ggacc9f55936dc165257a2e1f7d47bce89eaabcf56c456c1ff6e81dc82586a16f14c} { E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ N\+ O\+ NE} ,
\hyperlink { group_ _ extensions_ ggacc9f55936dc165257a2e1f7d47bce89ea1c86adf924c8786a12bee9687094673e} { E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ EC} ,
\hyperlink { group_ _ extensions_ ggacc9f55936dc165257a2e1f7d47bce89ea5265abe3e1c3f64412f2affe7bffd880} { E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ O\+ P\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ EC}
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\subsection * { Functions}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ V\+ I\+ S\+ I\+ B\+ LE L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ E\+ RN int \hyperlink { group_ _ extensions_ gae0e24e1768f83a7fb07896ce975704b9} { lws\+ \_ \+ set\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ option} (struct lws $ \ast $ wsi, const char $ \ast $ ext\+ \_ \+ name, const char $ \ast $ opt\+ \_ \+ name, const char $ \ast $ opt\+ \_ \+ val)
L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ V\+ I\+ S\+ I\+ B\+ LE L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ E\+ RN int L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ W\+ A\+ R\+ N\+ \_ \+ \+ U\+ N\+ U\+ S\+ E\+ D\+ \_ \+ \+ R\+ E\+ S\+ U\+ LT \hyperlink { group_ _ extensions_ ga6fb3e2c3dfb9d64dc87026a4e99c128b} { lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ parse\+ \_ \+ options} (const struct \hyperlink { structlws_ _ extension} { lws\+ \_ \+ extension} $ \ast $ ext, struct lws $ \ast $ wsi, void $ \ast $ ext\+ \_ \+ user, const struct \hyperlink { structlws_ _ ext_ _ options} { lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ options} $ \ast $ opts, const char $ \ast $ o, int len)
L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ E\+ RN int \hyperlink { group_ _ extensions_ ga4cdbe42d872e21a448a947714d6c607e} { lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ pm\+ \_ \+ deflate} (struct lws\+ \_ \+ context $ \ast $ context, const struct \hyperlink { structlws_ _ extension} { lws\+ \_ \+ extension} $ \ast $ ext, struct lws $ \ast $ wsi, enum lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ reasons reason, void $ \ast $ user, void $ \ast $ in, size\+ \_ \+ t len)
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\subsection { Detailed Description}
\subsubsection * { Extension releated functions}
Ws defines optional extensions, lws provides the ability to implement these in user code if so desired.
We provide one extensions permessage-\/ deflate.
\subsection { Typedef Documentation}
\index { Extensions@{ Extensions} !lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ function@{ lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ function} }
\index { lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ function@{ lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ function} !Extensions@{ Extensions} }
\subsubsection [{\texorpdfstring{lws\+\_\+extension\+\_\+callback\+\_\+function}{lws\_extension\_callback\_function}}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} typedef int lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ function(struct lws\+ \_ \+ context $ \ast $ context, const struct { \bf lws\+ \_ \+ extension} $ \ast $ ext, struct lws $ \ast $ wsi, enum lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ reasons reason, void $ \ast $ user, void $ \ast $ in, size\+ \_ \+ t len)} \hypertarget { group_ _ extensions_ gaae7169b2cd346b34fa33d0250db2afd0} { } \label { group_ _ extensions_ gaae7169b2cd346b34fa33d0250db2afd0}
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ \hyperlink { libwebsockets_ 8h} { lib/libwebsockets.\+ h} $ > $ }
typedef \hyperlink { group_ _ extensions_ gaae7169b2cd346b34fa33d0250db2afd0} { lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ function()} -\/ Hooks to allow extensions to operate
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
{ \em context} & Websockets context \\
{ \em ext} & This extension \\
{ \em wsi} & Opaque websocket instance pointer \\
{ \em reason} & The reason for the call \\
{ \em user} & Pointer to ptr to per-\/ session user data allocated by library \\
{ \em in} & Pointer used for some callback reasons \\
{ \em len} & Length set for some callback reasons \begin { DoxyVerb} Each extension that is active on a particular connection receives
callbacks during the connection lifetime to allow the extension to
operate on websocket data and manage itself.
Libwebsockets takes care of allocating and freeing "user" memory for
each active extension on each connection. That is what is pointed to
by the user parameter.
LWS_ EXT_ CB_ CONSTRUCT: called when the server has decided to
select this extension from the list provided by the client,
just before the server will send back the handshake accepting
the connection with this extension active. This gives the
extension a chance to initialize its connection context found
in user.
but called when client is instantiating this extension. Some
extensions will work the same on client and server side and then
you can just merge handlers for both CONSTRUCTS.
LWS_ EXT_ CB_ DESTROY: called when the connection the extension was
being used on is about to be closed and deallocated. It's the
last chance for the extension to deallocate anything it has
allocated in the user data (pointed to by user) before the
user data is deleted. This same callback is used whether you
are in client or server instantiation context.
LWS_ EXT_ CB_ PACKET_ RX_ PREPARSE: when this extension was active on
a connection, and a packet of data arrived at the connection,
it is passed to this callback to give the extension a chance to
change the data, eg, decompress it. user is pointing to the
extension's private connection context data, in is pointing
to an lws_ tokens struct, it consists of a char * pointer called
token, and an int called token_ len. At entry, these are
set to point to the received buffer and set to the content
length. If the extension will grow the content, it should use
a new buffer allocated in its private user context data and
set the pointed-to lws_ tokens members to point to its buffer.
LWS_ EXT_ CB_ PACKET_ TX_ PRESEND: this works the same way as
LWS_ EXT_ CB_ PACKET_ RX_ PREPARSE above, except it gives the
extension a chance to change websocket data just before it will
be sent out. Using the same lws_ token pointer scheme in in,
the extension can change the buffer and the length to be
transmitted how it likes. Again if it wants to grow the
buffer safely, it should copy the data into its own buffer and
set the lws_ tokens token pointer to it.
LWS_ EXT_ CB_ ARGS_ VALIDATE:\end { DoxyVerb}
\end { DoxyParams}
\subsection { Enumeration Type Documentation}
\index { Extensions@{ Extensions} !lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ options\+ \_ \+ types@{ lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ options\+ \_ \+ types} }
\index { lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ options\+ \_ \+ types@{ lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ options\+ \_ \+ types} !Extensions@{ Extensions} }
\subsubsection [{\texorpdfstring{lws\+\_\+ext\+\_\+options\+\_\+types}{lws\_ext\_options\_types}}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} enum { \bf lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ options\+ \_ \+ types} } \hypertarget { group_ _ extensions_ gacc9f55936dc165257a2e1f7d47bce89e} { } \label { group_ _ extensions_ gacc9f55936dc165257a2e1f7d47bce89e}
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ \hyperlink { libwebsockets_ 8h} { lib/libwebsockets.\+ h} $ > $ }
enum lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ options\+ \_ \+ types \begin { Desc}
\item [Enumerator] \par
\begin { description}
\index { E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ N\+ O\+ NE@{ E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ N\+ O\+ NE} !Extensions@{ Extensions} } \index { Extensions@{ Extensions} !E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ N\+ O\+ NE@{ E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ N\+ O\+ NE} } \item [{ \em
E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ N\+ O\+ NE\hypertarget { group_ _ extensions_ ggacc9f55936dc165257a2e1f7d47bce89eaabcf56c456c1ff6e81dc82586a16f14c} { } \label { group_ _ extensions_ ggacc9f55936dc165257a2e1f7d47bce89eaabcf56c456c1ff6e81dc82586a16f14c}
} ]does not take an argument \index { E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ EC@{ E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ EC} !Extensions@{ Extensions} } \index { Extensions@{ Extensions} !E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ EC@{ E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ EC} } \item [{ \em
E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ EC\hypertarget { group_ _ extensions_ ggacc9f55936dc165257a2e1f7d47bce89ea1c86adf924c8786a12bee9687094673e} { } \label { group_ _ extensions_ ggacc9f55936dc165257a2e1f7d47bce89ea1c86adf924c8786a12bee9687094673e}
} ]requires a decimal argument \index { E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ O\+ P\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ EC@{ E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ O\+ P\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ EC} !Extensions@{ Extensions} } \index { Extensions@{ Extensions} !E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ O\+ P\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ EC@{ E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ O\+ P\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ EC} } \item [{ \em
E\+ X\+ T\+ A\+ R\+ G\+ \_ \+ \+ O\+ P\+ T\+ \_ \+ \+ D\+ EC\hypertarget { group_ _ extensions_ ggacc9f55936dc165257a2e1f7d47bce89ea5265abe3e1c3f64412f2affe7bffd880} { } \label { group_ _ extensions_ ggacc9f55936dc165257a2e1f7d47bce89ea5265abe3e1c3f64412f2affe7bffd880}
} ]may have an optional decimal argument \end { description}
\end { Desc}
\begin { DoxyCode}
2016-07-11 07:28:23 +08:00
995 \{
996 \hyperlink { group_ _ extensions_ ggacc9f55936dc165257a2e1f7d47bce89eaabcf56c456c1ff6e81dc82586a16f14c} { EXTARG\_ NONE} ,
997 \hyperlink { group_ _ extensions_ ggacc9f55936dc165257a2e1f7d47bce89ea1c86adf924c8786a12bee9687094673e} { EXTARG\_ DEC} ,
998 \hyperlink { group_ _ extensions_ ggacc9f55936dc165257a2e1f7d47bce89ea5265abe3e1c3f64412f2affe7bffd880} { EXTARG\_ OPT\_ DEC}
1000 \textcolor { comment} { /* Add new things just above here ---^ }
1001 \textcolor { comment} { * This is part of the ABI, don't needlessly break compatibility */}
1002 \} ;
2016-06-20 17:05:31 +08:00
\end { DoxyCode}
\subsection { Function Documentation}
\index { Extensions@{ Extensions} !lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ parse\+ \_ \+ options@{ lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ parse\+ \_ \+ options} }
\index { lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ parse\+ \_ \+ options@{ lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ parse\+ \_ \+ options} !Extensions@{ Extensions} }
\subsubsection [{\texorpdfstring{lws\+\_\+ext\+\_\+parse\+\_\+options(const struct lws\+\_\+extension $\ast$ext, struct lws $\ast$wsi, void $\ast$ext\+\_\+user, const struct lws\+\_\+ext\+\_\+options $\ast$opts, const char $\ast$o, int len)}{lws\_ext\_parse\_options(const struct lws\_extension *ext, struct lws *wsi, void *ext\_user, const struct lws\_ext\_options *opts, const char *o, int len)}}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ V\+ I\+ S\+ I\+ B\+ LE L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ E\+ RN int L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ W\+ A\+ R\+ N\+ \_ \+ \+ U\+ N\+ U\+ S\+ E\+ D\+ \_ \+ \+ R\+ E\+ S\+ U\+ LT lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ parse\+ \_ \+ options (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{const struct {\bf lws\+\_\+extension} $\ast$}] { ext, }
\item [{struct lws $\ast$}] { wsi, }
\item [{void $\ast$}] { ext\+ \_ \+ user, }
\item [{const struct {\bf lws\+\_\+ext\+\_\+options} $\ast$}] { opts, }
\item [{const char $\ast$}] { o, }
\item [{int}] { len}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} \hypertarget { group_ _ extensions_ ga6fb3e2c3dfb9d64dc87026a4e99c128b} { } \label { group_ _ extensions_ ga6fb3e2c3dfb9d64dc87026a4e99c128b}
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ \hyperlink { libwebsockets_ 8h} { lib/libwebsockets.\+ h} $ > $ }
\hyperlink { group_ _ extensions_ ga6fb3e2c3dfb9d64dc87026a4e99c128b} { lws\+ \_ \+ ext\+ \_ \+ parse\+ \_ \+ options()} -\/ deal with parsing negotiated extension options
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
{ \em ext} & related extension struct \\
{ \em wsi} & websocket connection \\
{ \em ext\+ \_ \+ user} & per-\/ connection extension private data \\
{ \em opts} & list of supported options \\
{ \em o} & option string to parse \\
{ \em len} & length \\
\end { DoxyParams}
\index { Extensions@{ Extensions} !lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ pm\+ \_ \+ deflate@{ lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ pm\+ \_ \+ deflate} }
\index { lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ pm\+ \_ \+ deflate@{ lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ pm\+ \_ \+ deflate} !Extensions@{ Extensions} }
\subsubsection [{\texorpdfstring{lws\+\_\+extension\+\_\+callback\+\_\+pm\+\_\+deflate(struct lws\+\_\+context $\ast$context, const struct lws\+\_\+extension $\ast$ext, struct lws $\ast$wsi, enum lws\+\_\+extension\+\_\+callback\+\_\+reasons reason, void $\ast$user, void $\ast$in, size\+\_\+t len)}{lws\_extension\_callback\_pm\_deflate(struct lws\_context *context, const struct lws\_extension *ext, struct lws *wsi, enum lws\_extension\_callback\_reasons reason, void *user, void *in, size\_t len)}}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ E\+ RN int lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ pm\+ \_ \+ deflate (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{struct lws\+\_\+context $\ast$}] { context, }
\item [{const struct {\bf lws\+\_\+extension} $\ast$}] { ext, }
\item [{struct lws $\ast$}] { wsi, }
\item [{enum lws\+\_\+extension\+\_\+callback\+\_\+reasons}] { reason, }
\item [{void $\ast$}] { user, }
\item [{void $\ast$}] { in, }
\item [{size\+\_\+t}] { len}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} \hypertarget { group_ _ extensions_ ga4cdbe42d872e21a448a947714d6c607e} { } \label { group_ _ extensions_ ga4cdbe42d872e21a448a947714d6c607e}
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ \hyperlink { libwebsockets_ 8h} { lib/libwebsockets.\+ h} $ > $ }
\hyperlink { group_ _ extensions_ ga4cdbe42d872e21a448a947714d6c607e} { lws\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ callback\+ \_ \+ pm\+ \_ \+ deflate()} -\/ extension for R\+ F\+ C7692
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
{ \em context} & lws context \\
{ \em ext} & related \hyperlink { structlws_ _ extension} { lws\+ \_ \+ extension} struct \\
{ \em wsi} & websocket connection \\
{ \em reason} & incoming callback reason \\
{ \em user} & per-\/ connection extension private data \\
{ \em in} & pointer parameter \\
{ \em len} & length parameter\\
\end { DoxyParams}
Built-\/ in callback implementing R\+ F\+ C7692 permessage-\/ deflate \index { Extensions@{ Extensions} !lws\+ \_ \+ set\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ option@{ lws\+ \_ \+ set\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ option} }
\index { lws\+ \_ \+ set\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ option@{ lws\+ \_ \+ set\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ option} !Extensions@{ Extensions} }
\subsubsection [{\texorpdfstring{lws\+\_\+set\+\_\+extension\+\_\+option(struct lws $\ast$wsi, const char $\ast$ext\+\_\+name, const char $\ast$opt\+\_\+name, const char $\ast$opt\+\_\+val)}{lws\_set\_extension\_option(struct lws *wsi, const char *ext\_name, const char *opt\_name, const char *opt\_val)}}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ V\+ I\+ S\+ I\+ B\+ LE L\+ W\+ S\+ \_ \+ \+ E\+ X\+ T\+ E\+ RN int lws\+ \_ \+ set\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ option (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{struct lws $\ast$}] { wsi, }
\item [{const char $\ast$}] { ext\+ \_ \+ name, }
\item [{const char $\ast$}] { opt\+ \_ \+ name, }
\item [{const char $\ast$}] { opt\+ \_ \+ val}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} \hypertarget { group_ _ extensions_ gae0e24e1768f83a7fb07896ce975704b9} { } \label { group_ _ extensions_ gae0e24e1768f83a7fb07896ce975704b9}
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ \hyperlink { libwebsockets_ 8h} { lib/libwebsockets.\+ h} $ > $ }
\hyperlink { group_ _ extensions_ gae0e24e1768f83a7fb07896ce975704b9} { lws\+ \_ \+ set\+ \_ \+ extension\+ \_ \+ option()} \+ : set extension option if possible
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
{ \em wsi} & websocket connection \\
{ \em ext\+ \_ \+ name} & name of ext, like \char `\" { } permessage-\/ deflate\char `\" { } \\
{ \em opt\+ \_ \+ name} & name of option, like \char `\" { } rx\+ \_ \+ buf\+ \_ \+ size\char `\" { } \\
{ \em opt\+ \_ \+ val} & value to set option to \\
\end { DoxyParams}