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+# lws release policy
+## Master branch
+Master branch is the default and all new work happens there. It's unstable and
+subject to history rewrites, patches moving about and being squashed etc. In
+terms of it working, it is subject to passing CI tests including a battery of
+runtime tests, so if it is passing CI as it usually is then it's probably in
+usable shape.
+If you have patches (you are a hero) they should be targeted at master.
+To follow such a branch, `git pull` is the wrong tool... the starting point
+of what you currently have may no longer exist remotely due to rearranging the
+patches there. Instead use a flow like this:
+ $ git fetch https://libwebsockets.org/repo/libwebsockets +master:m && git reset --hard m
+This fetches current remote master into local branch `m`, and then forces your
+local checkout to exactly match `m`. This replaces your checked-out tree
+including any of your local changes, so stash those first, or use stgit or so
+to pop them before updating your basis against lws master.
+## Stable branches
+Master is very useful for coordinating development, and integrating WIP,
+but for distros or integration into large user projects some stability is often
+more desirable than the latest development work.
+Periodically, when master seems in good shape and various new developments seem
+to be working, it's copied out into a versioned stable branch, like `v3.0-stable`.
+The initial copy is tagged with, eg, `v3.0.0`.
+(At that time, master's logical version is set to "...99", eg, `v3.0.99` so
+version comparisons show that version of master is "later" than any other
+v3.0 version, which will never reach 99 point releases itself, but "earlier"
+than, eg, v3.1.)
+## Backport policy
+Work continues on master, and as part of that usually bugs are reported and / or
+fixes found that may apply not just to current master, but the version of master
+that was copied to form the last -stable branch.
+In that case, the patch may be backported to the last stable branch to also fix
+the bug there. In the case of refactors or major internal improvements, these
+typically do not get backported.
+This applies only to fixes and public API-neutral internal changes to lws... if
+new features were backported or API changes allowed, then there would be
+multiple apis under the same version name and library soname, which is
+When new stable releases are made, the soname is bumped reflecting the API is
+different than that of previous versions.
+If there is something you need in a later lws version that is not backported,
+you need to either backport it yourself (remember that lws is LGPL and you must
+provide your changes when you distribute the binary) or use a later lws version.
+Using a more recent version of lws is almost always the correct way.
+## Stable point releases
+Periodically fix patches pile up on the -stable branch and are tagged out as
+"point releases". So if the original stable release was "v3.0.0", the point
+release may be "v3.0.1".
+## Critical fixes
+Sometimes a bug is found and fixed that had been hiding for a few versions.
+If the bug has some security dimension or is otherwise important, we may
+backport it to a few recent releases, not just the last one. This is pretty
+uncommon though.
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