mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 00:00:07 +01:00
parser: add x-auth-token
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 72 additions and 57 deletions
@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ STORE_IN_ROM static const char * const set[] = {
"replay-nonce:", /* ACME */
":protocol", /* defined in mcmanus-httpbis-h2-ws-02 */
"", /* not matchable */
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
/* pos 0064: 17 */ 0x00, 0x02 /* - terminal marker 2 - */,
/* pos 0066: 18 */ 0x6F /* 'o' */, 0x0A, 0x00 /* (to 0x0070 state 19) */,
0x74 /* 't' */, 0xBF, 0x00 /* (to 0x0128 state 110) */,
0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x01, 0x04 /* (to 0x046D state 676) */,
0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x04, 0x04 /* (to 0x0470 state 676) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 0070: 19 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
/* pos 0071: 20 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
/* pos 008b: 27 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
/* pos 008c: 28 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 008d: 29 */ 0x69 /* 'i' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0094 state 30) */,
0x20 /* ' ' */, 0xDB, 0x03 /* (to 0x046B state 675) */,
0x20 /* ' ' */, 0xDE, 0x03 /* (to 0x046E state 675) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 0094: 30 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0095: 31 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
/* pos 0131: 113 */ 0xB1 /* '1' -> */,
/* pos 0132: 114 */ 0xAE /* '.' -> */,
/* pos 0133: 115 */ 0x31 /* '1' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x013A state 116) */,
0x30 /* '0' */, 0x24, 0x03 /* (to 0x045A state 660) */,
0x30 /* '0' */, 0x27, 0x03 /* (to 0x045D state 660) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 013a: 116 */ 0xA0 /* ' ' -> */,
/* pos 013b: 117 */ 0x00, 0x0F /* - terminal marker 15 - */,
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
/* pos 024e: 275 */ 0x00, 0x1E /* - terminal marker 30 - */,
/* pos 0250: 276 */ 0x66 /* 'f' */, 0x0A, 0x00 /* (to 0x025A state 277) */,
0x74 /* 't' */, 0x63, 0x01 /* (to 0x03B6 state 529) */,
0x70 /* 'p' */, 0x1F, 0x02 /* (to 0x0475 state 682) */,
0x70 /* 'p' */, 0x22, 0x02 /* (to 0x0478 state 682) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 025a: 277 */ 0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0261 state 278) */,
0x72 /* 'r' */, 0x53, 0x01 /* (to 0x03B0 state 524) */,
@ -418,7 +418,7 @@
/* pos 0295: 313 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
/* pos 0296: 314 */ 0x00, 0x24 /* - terminal marker 36 - */,
/* pos 0298: 315 */ 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x029F state 316) */,
0x72 /* 'r' */, 0xE6, 0x01 /* (to 0x0481 state 693) */,
0x72 /* 'r' */, 0xE9, 0x01 /* (to 0x0484 state 693) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 029f: 316 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 02a0: 317 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
@ -696,7 +696,7 @@
/* pos 03e8: 576 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 03e9: 577 */ 0x00, 0x43 /* - terminal marker 67 - */,
/* pos 03eb: 578 */ 0x72 /* 'r' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x03F2 state 579) */,
0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x84, 0x00 /* (to 0x0472 state 680) */,
0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x87, 0x00 /* (to 0x0475 state 680) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 03f2: 579 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 03f3: 580 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
@ -772,55 +772,67 @@
/* pos 0445: 648 */ 0x00, 0x4C /* - terminal marker 76 - */,
/* pos 0447: 649 */ 0x00, 0x4D /* - terminal marker 77 - */,
/* pos 0449: 650 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
/* pos 044a: 651 */ 0x72 /* 'r' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0451 state 652) */,
0x66 /* 'f' */, 0x10, 0x00 /* (to 0x045D state 662) */,
/* pos 044a: 651 */ 0x72 /* 'r' */, 0x0A, 0x00 /* (to 0x0454 state 652) */,
0x66 /* 'f' */, 0x13, 0x00 /* (to 0x0460 state 662) */,
0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x3C, 0x00 /* (to 0x048C state 700) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 0451: 652 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0452: 653 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 0453: 654 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
/* pos 0454: 655 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
/* pos 0455: 656 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
/* pos 0456: 657 */ 0xF0 /* 'p' -> */,
/* pos 0457: 658 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 0458: 659 */ 0x00, 0x4E /* - terminal marker 78 - */,
/* pos 045a: 660 */ 0xA0 /* ' ' -> */,
/* pos 045b: 661 */ 0x00, 0x4F /* - terminal marker 79 - */,
/* pos 045d: 662 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 045e: 663 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
/* pos 045f: 664 */ 0xF7 /* 'w' -> */,
/* pos 0460: 665 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 0461: 666 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
/* pos 0462: 667 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
/* pos 0463: 668 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0464: 669 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
/* pos 0465: 670 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
/* pos 0466: 671 */ 0xE6 /* 'f' -> */,
/* pos 0467: 672 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0468: 673 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
/* pos 0469: 674 */ 0x00, 0x50 /* - terminal marker 80 - */,
/* pos 046b: 675 */ 0x00, 0x51 /* - terminal marker 81 - */,
/* pos 046d: 676 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 046e: 677 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
/* pos 046f: 678 */ 0xA0 /* ' ' -> */,
/* pos 0470: 679 */ 0x00, 0x52 /* - terminal marker 82 - */,
/* pos 0472: 680 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 0473: 681 */ 0x00, 0x53 /* - terminal marker 83 - */,
/* pos 0475: 682 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
/* pos 0476: 683 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 0477: 684 */ 0xF9 /* 'y' -> */,
/* pos 0478: 685 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
/* pos 0479: 686 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 047a: 687 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 047b: 688 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 047c: 689 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
/* pos 047d: 690 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 047e: 691 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 047f: 692 */ 0x00, 0x54 /* - terminal marker 84 - */,
/* pos 0481: 693 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0482: 694 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 0483: 695 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0484: 696 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
/* pos 0485: 697 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0486: 698 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
/* pos 0487: 699 */ 0x00, 0x55 /* - terminal marker 85 - */,
/* total size 1161 bytes */
/* pos 0454: 652 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0455: 653 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 0456: 654 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
/* pos 0457: 655 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
/* pos 0458: 656 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
/* pos 0459: 657 */ 0xF0 /* 'p' -> */,
/* pos 045a: 658 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 045b: 659 */ 0x00, 0x4E /* - terminal marker 78 - */,
/* pos 045d: 660 */ 0xA0 /* ' ' -> */,
/* pos 045e: 661 */ 0x00, 0x4F /* - terminal marker 79 - */,
/* pos 0460: 662 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0461: 663 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
/* pos 0462: 664 */ 0xF7 /* 'w' -> */,
/* pos 0463: 665 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 0464: 666 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
/* pos 0465: 667 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
/* pos 0466: 668 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0467: 669 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
/* pos 0468: 670 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
/* pos 0469: 671 */ 0xE6 /* 'f' -> */,
/* pos 046a: 672 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 046b: 673 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
/* pos 046c: 674 */ 0x00, 0x50 /* - terminal marker 80 - */,
/* pos 046e: 675 */ 0x00, 0x51 /* - terminal marker 81 - */,
/* pos 0470: 676 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 0471: 677 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
/* pos 0472: 678 */ 0xA0 /* ' ' -> */,
/* pos 0473: 679 */ 0x00, 0x52 /* - terminal marker 82 - */,
/* pos 0475: 680 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 0476: 681 */ 0x00, 0x53 /* - terminal marker 83 - */,
/* pos 0478: 682 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
/* pos 0479: 683 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 047a: 684 */ 0xF9 /* 'y' -> */,
/* pos 047b: 685 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
/* pos 047c: 686 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 047d: 687 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 047e: 688 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 047f: 689 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
/* pos 0480: 690 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0481: 691 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 0482: 692 */ 0x00, 0x54 /* - terminal marker 84 - */,
/* pos 0484: 693 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0485: 694 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 0486: 695 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0487: 696 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
/* pos 0488: 697 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0489: 698 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
/* pos 048a: 699 */ 0x00, 0x55 /* - terminal marker 85 - */,
/* pos 048c: 700 */ 0xF5 /* 'u' -> */,
/* pos 048d: 701 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 048e: 702 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
/* pos 048f: 703 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
/* pos 0490: 704 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 0491: 705 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0492: 706 */ 0xEB /* 'k' -> */,
/* pos 0493: 707 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0494: 708 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 0495: 709 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 0496: 710 */ 0x00, 0x56 /* - terminal marker 86 - */,
/* total size 1176 bytes */
@ -3860,6 +3860,7 @@ enum lws_token_indexes {
/****** add new things just above ---^ ******/
Add table
Reference in a new issue