Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets.git synced 2025-03-09 00:00:04 +01:00

Added comma after if-none-match...

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Canaday 2014-06-30 05:54:16 -04:00
parent 4220327520
commit f3b6f25e6a
2 changed files with 105 additions and 110 deletions

View file

@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
0x0D /* '.' */, 0xA5, 0x00 /* (to 0x00BA state 77) */,
0x61 /* 'a' */, 0xDC, 0x00 /* (to 0x00F4 state 127) */,
0x69 /* 'i' */, 0x0F, 0x01 /* (to 0x012A state 161) */,
0x64 /* 'd' */, 0x8E, 0x01 /* (to 0x01AC state 270) */,
0x72 /* 'r' */, 0x91, 0x01 /* (to 0x01B2 state 275) */,
0x64 /* 'd' */, 0x8E, 0x01 /* (to 0x01AC state 263) */,
0x72 /* 'r' */, 0x91, 0x01 /* (to 0x01B2 state 268) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 0025: 1 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0026: 2 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 0027: 3 */ 0xA0 /* ' ' -> */,
/* pos 0028: 4 */ 0x00, 0x00 /* - terminal marker 0 - */,
/* pos 002a: 5 */ 0x6F /* 'o' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0031 state 6) */,
0x72 /* 'r' */, 0x3D, 0x01 /* (to 0x016A state 216) */,
0x72 /* 'r' */, 0x3D, 0x01 /* (to 0x016A state 209) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 0031: 6 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
/* pos 0032: 7 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
@ -30,13 +30,13 @@
/* pos 003f: 13 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 0040: 14 */ 0x00, 0x02 /* - terminal marker 2 - */,
/* pos 0042: 15 */ 0x6F /* 'o' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0049 state 16) */,
0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x2C, 0x01 /* (to 0x0171 state 222) */,
0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x2C, 0x01 /* (to 0x0171 state 215) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 0049: 16 */ 0x6E /* 'n' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0050 state 17) */,
0x6F /* 'o' */, 0x41, 0x01 /* (to 0x018D state 248) */,
0x6F /* 'o' */, 0x41, 0x01 /* (to 0x018D state 241) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 0050: 17 */ 0x6E /* 'n' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0057 state 18) */,
0x74 /* 't' */, 0x40, 0x01 /* (to 0x0193 state 253) */,
0x74 /* 't' */, 0x40, 0x01 /* (to 0x0193 state 246) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 0057: 18 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0058: 19 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
/* pos 00f1: 125 */ 0xA0 /* ' ' -> */,
/* pos 00f2: 126 */ 0x00, 0x11 /* - terminal marker 17 - */,
/* pos 00f4: 127 */ 0x63 /* 'c' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x00FB state 128) */,
0x75 /* 'u' */, 0x88, 0x00 /* (to 0x017F state 235) */,
0x75 /* 'u' */, 0x88, 0x00 /* (to 0x017F state 228) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 00fb: 128 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
/* pos 00fc: 129 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 0104: 131 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 0105: 132 */ 0x3A /* ':' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x010C state 133) */,
0x2D /* '-' */, 0x57, 0x00 /* (to 0x015F state 206) */,
0x2D /* '-' */, 0x47, 0x00 /* (to 0x014F state 190) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 010c: 133 */ 0x00, 0x12 /* - terminal marker 18 - */,
/* pos 010e: 134 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
@ -228,107 +228,102 @@
/* pos 014a: 186 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
/* pos 014b: 187 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
/* pos 014c: 188 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 014d: 189 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 014e: 190 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
/* pos 014f: 191 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
/* pos 0150: 192 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0151: 193 */ 0xF0 /* 'p' -> */,
/* pos 0152: 194 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 0153: 195 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
/* pos 0154: 196 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0155: 197 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 0156: 198 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
/* pos 0157: 199 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0158: 200 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
/* pos 0159: 201 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
/* pos 015a: 202 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 015b: 203 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
/* pos 015c: 204 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 015d: 205 */ 0x00, 0x15 /* - terminal marker 21 - */,
/* pos 015f: 206 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
/* pos 0160: 207 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 0161: 208 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 0162: 209 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
/* pos 0163: 210 */ 0xF5 /* 'u' -> */,
/* pos 0164: 211 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 0165: 212 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
/* pos 0166: 213 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0167: 214 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 0168: 215 */ 0x00, 0x16 /* - terminal marker 22 - */,
/* pos 016a: 216 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 016b: 217 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
/* pos 016c: 218 */ 0xED /* 'm' -> */,
/* pos 016d: 219 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 016e: 220 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 016f: 221 */ 0x00, 0x17 /* - terminal marker 23 - */,
/* pos 0171: 222 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
/* pos 0172: 223 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
/* pos 0173: 224 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0174: 225 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
/* pos 0175: 226 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
/* pos 0176: 227 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0177: 228 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 0178: 229 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 0179: 230 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
/* pos 017a: 231 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 017b: 232 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
/* pos 017c: 233 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 017d: 234 */ 0x00, 0x18 /* - terminal marker 24 - */,
/* pos 017f: 235 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 0180: 236 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
/* pos 0181: 237 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0182: 238 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
/* pos 0183: 239 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
/* pos 0184: 240 */ 0xFA /* 'z' -> */,
/* pos 0185: 241 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 0186: 242 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 0187: 243 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
/* pos 0188: 244 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0189: 245 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 018a: 246 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 018b: 247 */ 0x00, 0x19 /* - terminal marker 25 - */,
/* pos 018d: 248 */ 0xEB /* 'k' -> */,
/* pos 018e: 249 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
/* pos 018f: 250 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0190: 251 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 0191: 252 */ 0x00, 0x1A /* - terminal marker 26 - */,
/* pos 0193: 253 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0194: 254 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 0195: 255 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 0196: 256 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
/* pos 0197: 257 */ 0x6C /* 'l' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x019E state 258) */,
0x74 /* 't' */, 0x0C, 0x00 /* (to 0x01A6 state 265) */,
/* pos 014d: 189 */ 0x00, 0x15 /* - terminal marker 21 - */,
/* pos 014f: 190 */ 0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0156 state 191) */,
0x6C /* 'l' */, 0x0E, 0x00 /* (to 0x0160 state 200) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 019e: 258 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 019f: 259 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 01a0: 260 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
/* pos 01a1: 261 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 01a2: 262 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
/* pos 01a3: 263 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 01a4: 264 */ 0x00, 0x1B /* - terminal marker 27 - */,
/* pos 01a6: 265 */ 0xF9 /* 'y' -> */,
/* pos 01a7: 266 */ 0xF0 /* 'p' -> */,
/* pos 01a8: 267 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 01a9: 268 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 01aa: 269 */ 0x00, 0x1C /* - terminal marker 28 - */,
/* pos 01ac: 270 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 01ad: 271 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 01ae: 272 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 01af: 273 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 01b0: 274 */ 0x00, 0x1D /* - terminal marker 29 - */,
/* pos 01b2: 275 */ 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x01B9 state 276) */,
0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x0A, 0x00 /* (to 0x01BF state 281) */,
/* pos 0156: 191 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 0157: 192 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
/* pos 0158: 193 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0159: 194 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
/* pos 015a: 195 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
/* pos 015b: 196 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 015c: 197 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
/* pos 015d: 198 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 015e: 199 */ 0x00, 0x16 /* - terminal marker 22 - */,
/* pos 0160: 200 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 0161: 201 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 0162: 202 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
/* pos 0163: 203 */ 0xF5 /* 'u' -> */,
/* pos 0164: 204 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 0165: 205 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
/* pos 0166: 206 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0167: 207 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 0168: 208 */ 0x00, 0x17 /* - terminal marker 23 - */,
/* pos 016a: 209 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 016b: 210 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
/* pos 016c: 211 */ 0xED /* 'm' -> */,
/* pos 016d: 212 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 016e: 213 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 016f: 214 */ 0x00, 0x18 /* - terminal marker 24 - */,
/* pos 0171: 215 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
/* pos 0172: 216 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
/* pos 0173: 217 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0174: 218 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
/* pos 0175: 219 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
/* pos 0176: 220 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0177: 221 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 0178: 222 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 0179: 223 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
/* pos 017a: 224 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 017b: 225 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
/* pos 017c: 226 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 017d: 227 */ 0x00, 0x19 /* - terminal marker 25 - */,
/* pos 017f: 228 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 0180: 229 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
/* pos 0181: 230 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0182: 231 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
/* pos 0183: 232 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
/* pos 0184: 233 */ 0xFA /* 'z' -> */,
/* pos 0185: 234 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 0186: 235 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 0187: 236 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
/* pos 0188: 237 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
/* pos 0189: 238 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 018a: 239 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 018b: 240 */ 0x00, 0x1A /* - terminal marker 26 - */,
/* pos 018d: 241 */ 0xEB /* 'k' -> */,
/* pos 018e: 242 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
/* pos 018f: 243 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0190: 244 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 0191: 245 */ 0x00, 0x1B /* - terminal marker 27 - */,
/* pos 0193: 246 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 0194: 247 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 0195: 248 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 0196: 249 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
/* pos 0197: 250 */ 0x6C /* 'l' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x019E state 251) */,
0x74 /* 't' */, 0x0C, 0x00 /* (to 0x01A6 state 258) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 01b9: 276 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 01ba: 277 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
/* pos 01bb: 278 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 01bc: 279 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 01bd: 280 */ 0x00, 0x1E /* - terminal marker 30 - */,
/* pos 01bf: 281 */ 0xE6 /* 'f' -> */,
/* pos 01c0: 282 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 01c1: 283 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
/* pos 01c2: 284 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 01c3: 285 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
/* pos 01c4: 286 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 01c5: 287 */ 0x00, 0x1F /* - terminal marker 31 - */,
/* pos 019e: 251 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 019f: 252 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 01a0: 253 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
/* pos 01a1: 254 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 01a2: 255 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
/* pos 01a3: 256 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 01a4: 257 */ 0x00, 0x1C /* - terminal marker 28 - */,
/* pos 01a6: 258 */ 0xF9 /* 'y' -> */,
/* pos 01a7: 259 */ 0xF0 /* 'p' -> */,
/* pos 01a8: 260 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 01a9: 261 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 01aa: 262 */ 0x00, 0x1D /* - terminal marker 29 - */,
/* pos 01ac: 263 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
/* pos 01ad: 264 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
/* pos 01ae: 265 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 01af: 266 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 01b0: 267 */ 0x00, 0x1E /* - terminal marker 30 - */,
/* pos 01b2: 268 */ 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x01B9 state 269) */,
0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x0A, 0x00 /* (to 0x01BF state 274) */,
0x08, /* fail */
/* pos 01b9: 269 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
/* pos 01ba: 270 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
/* pos 01bb: 271 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 01bc: 272 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 01bd: 273 */ 0x00, 0x1F /* - terminal marker 31 - */,
/* pos 01bf: 274 */ 0xE6 /* 'f' -> */,
/* pos 01c0: 275 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 01c1: 276 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
/* pos 01c2: 277 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
/* pos 01c3: 278 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
/* pos 01c4: 279 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
/* pos 01c5: 280 */ 0x00, 0x20 /* - terminal marker 32 - */,
/* total size 455 bytes */

View file

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ const char *set[] = {