Introduce a rewritten picojpeg that is able to operate statefully and
rasterize into an internal line ringbuffer, emitting a line of pixels
at a time to the caller. This is the JPEG equivalent of the lws
PNG decoder.
JPEG is based around 8- or 16- line height MCU blocks, depending on
the chroma coding, mandating a corresponding internal line buffer
Example total heap requirement for various kinds of 600px width jpeg
Grayscale: 6.5KB
RGB 4:4:4: 16.4KB
RGB 4:2:2v: 16.4KB
RGB 4:4:2h: 31KB
RGB 4:4:0: 31KB
No other allocations occur during decode.
Stateful stream parsing means decode can be paused for lack of input
at any time and resumed seamlessly when more input becomes available.