Until now LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED has served the same for
client and server connections. This introduces a new
LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_CLOSE which is sent on established
ws client connections, insread of LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED.
LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED continues to be sent when server
ws connections close.
This allows you to set a 404 handler URL on a vhost.
The necessary user code looks like...
info.error_document_404 = "/404.html";
... at vhost-creation time.
In the existing lws_return_http_status() api, if it sees
the vhost has an "error_document_404" path set and that
we are trying to report a 404, it changes the action
instead to a redirect to the error_document_404 path.
The redirect target is returned using 404 status code.
If the redirect target doesn't exist, then it falls back
to just reporting the simple canned 404.