This adds the option to have lws do its own dns resolution on
the event loop, without blocking. Existing implementations get
the name resolution done by the libc, which is blocking. In
the case you are opening client connections but need to carefully
manage latency, another connection opening and doing the name
resolution becomes a big problem.
Currently it supports
- ipv4 / A records
- ipv6 / AAAA records
- ipv4-over-ipv6 ::ffff: A record promotion for ipv6
- only one server supported over UDP :53
- nameserver discovery on linux, windows, freertos
It also has some nice advantages
- lws-style paranoid response parsing
- random unique tid generation to increase difficulty of poisoning
- it's really integrated with the lws event loop, it does not spawn
threads or use the libc resolver, and of course no blocking at all
- platform-specific server address capturing (from /etc/resolv.conf
on linux, windows apis on windows)
- it has LRU caching
- piggybacking (multiple requests before the first completes go on
a list on the first request, not spawn multiple requests)
- observes TTL in cache
- TTL and timeout use lws_sul timers on the event loop
- ipv6 pieces only built if cmake LWS_IPV6 enabled
With SMP as soon as we add the new sockfd to the fds table, in the
case we load-balanced the fd on to a different pt, service on it
becomes live immediately and concurrently. This can lead to the
unexpected situation that while we think we're still initing the
new wsi from our thread, it can have lived out its whole life
concurrently from another service thread.
Add a volatile flag to inform the owning pt that if it wants to
service the wsi during this init window, it must wait and retry
next time around the event loop.