Add EXPECT_MORE flag to indicate that running out of input is not (yet)
indicating the end of the document. The caller should remove this flag
when it identifies that it does not have the chunk with the end of the
document: the last chunk may be zero length.
Track line numbers so the caller can infer CR, absorb CRLF -> CR.
Also add COLON_NONTERM needed for ipv6 literal addresses.
This introduces a fixed precision signed 32.32 fractional type that can
work on devices without an FPU.
The integer part works as an int32_t, the fractional part represents the
fractional proportion expressed as part of 100M, so 8 fractional decimal
digit precision which is more than enough for many applications.
Add and Sub are reasonably fast as they are scaled on to a combined
uint64_t, Multiply is a little slower as it takes four uint64_t multiplies
that are summed, and divide is expensive but accurate, done bitwise taking
up to 32 iterations involving uint64_t div and mod.
Although many of the examples must be run from the example directory as
cwd, everyone getting started probably wants to try the examples, cmake
knows how to do it, so let's enable it by default.