1) update the logos to svg
2) add svg icon for strict security policy where used
3) define new vhost option flag to enforce sending CSP headers
with the result code
4) add vhost option flag to minimal examples to
enforce sending CSP where applicable
5) Go through all the affecting examples confirming they
still work
6) add LWS_RECOMMENDED_MIN_HEADER_SPACE constant (currently
2048) to clarify when we need a buffer to hold headers...
with CSP the headers have become potentially a lot
If you vhost->options has the flag LWS_SERVER_OPTION_VHOST_UPG_STRICT_HOST_CHECK,
then if the server is sent an upgrade request, the content of the Host: header is
required to match the vhost name + port. The port is set to the well-known values
of 80 and 443 if no :port on the host: value, depending on tls or not on the
minimal-ws-server can now take a -h flag to set this. lejp-conf (eg, lwsws) can now take
a flag strict-host-check on the vhost to enable it as well.